Well, this is a big risk I am taking. I don't actually care about the haters but I would be more than happy to read positive reviews, and constructive criticism, I hope. Well... Have fun and if you don't like it then leave. Thank you! :)



Chapter 1




It has been an hour since Hinata finished her bath; however, she still hasn't decide what to wear on her first day at her new school. She's already at her sophomore year at senior high school but her father decided to transfer her to the school where her cousin Neji is. She insisted not to but her father is kinda overprotective like her cousin slash older brother Neji, they were both so adamant on getting her transfered to another school because of boys and their so-called, "liberated attitude."

Three knocks were heard and Hinata was sure it was no other than her cousin.

"Lady Hinata? You should come down for breakfast. You wouldn't want to be late on your first day, won't you?"

Hinata sighed when she heard her cousin from the other side of the door. "Coming, Neji-niisan! And please, I told you Hinata is just fine."

There was a few seconds of silence before her cousin spoke again. "We'll be waiting for you downstairs."

He didn't wait for her reply as she heard his footsteps fluttering away from her room. Hinata sighed again and decided to put on her new lavender dress with long sleeves.

'This will be a good year for me.'

She completed her attire with a violet headband and white shoes with lavender decorations. She went downstairs as soon as she's finished and she was greeted by her father, her sister and her cousin.

"You look really good, sis! No doubt you'll be swarmed with admirers as well as stalkers again!" Her little sister, Hanabi, giggled which earned her a glare from their father.

"Hanabi, she will not be swarmed by stalkers. And, Neji, you better guard Hinata. If you see some guy who tries to flirt with her, go for the kill. I give you my permission."

"Father!" Hinata's eyes widened.

"Yes, uncle. Will do."

Hinata and Hanabi both shook their heads by their father and cousin's overprotectiveness. It is actually nice that they both care for them a lot but sometimes they tend to go overboard. Hanabi herself can protect herself just fine, sometimes she just over do it. On the other hand, Hinata is too kind to tell people off, and that is why Hiashi and Neji made it a mission to protect the remaining women in their lives.

"Let's go, Lady Hinata. We'll be on our way, Uncle, Hanabi."

Hiashi nodded and then looked at Hanabi. "Finish your breakfast, Hana, so I can drop you off to school to."

"Yes, daddy!" Hanabi replied cheerfully as she waves her hand good bye to her older sister and cousin.

Neji's car stopped at Konoha High's parking lot. He looked over to his cousin slash sister and observed that she's nervous.

"Are you ready, Lady Hinata?"

Hinata smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am, Neji-nii. And please, call me Hinata. We talked about this."

Neji gave his rare smile. "Let's go."

The two slipped off the car and walked towards the main building. Hinata was looking around. Konoha High looks prestigious. She has a feeling this will be the best high school she will ever have. Although it's a bit loud in the lobby, it just guaranteed that the students are having fun.


"Hey, Hyuuga!"

Hinata and Neji both stopped walking and turned around. Four guys walked towards them. One blonde who looks really hyperactive, one with brown hair, two black-haired; the other one with a pineapple-style ponytail and the other looking mysterious with his coat and glasses.

"Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino. This is my cousin, Hinata Hyuuga. Lady Hinata, these are some of my friends."

Hinata bowed and then smiled politely. "Hello, nice to meet you."

"Lady?" The four guys said in unison, curiosity in their faces.

"Neji-nii, please." Hinata turned to her cousin's friends and smiles. "Just Hinata."

"Are you sure we can call you just Hinata? Neji might jyuken us to Suna High." The blonde whose name is Naruto joked. His friends laughed and Hinata couldn't help but laugh too. Neji, on the otherhand is not quite amused.

"Very funny. I'm taking Hina to her class, you can all scoot for all I care."

"Oh, c'mon, Neji! Let's all accompany Hinata!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Naruto is right." Shikamaru agreed.

Kiba popped his knuckles and grins. "We should all go so no one will think of messing with Hinata."

"I agree." Shino nodded.


Neji finally agreed and they all walked Hinata to her first class. The five guys actually does have an aura which says "back off" with them. It's kind of intimidating especially when they are together.

"So has anyone seen Sasuke?"

"Uhm... Who's Sasuke?" Hinata asked Naruto.

"Oh, he's my bastard bestfriend."

"Language, Naruto." Shino reminded.

"Whatever." Naruto looked over inside Hinata's room. "Looks like you'll be in a tough class, Hinata-chan. Good luck!"

Hinata blushed when Naruto gently patted her back. "Th-thanks." She meekly smiles.

"Will you be okay here?" Neji turned to Hinata.

"Of course, Neji-nii."

"Alright, if you need me, just text, okay?"

"I will. You should all go, you might be late on your classes."

"Later, Hinata!" Kiba waved as Hinata returned it. Shino, Shikamaru and Neji nodded at her while Naruto held a thumb up and smiled at her. As soon as they boys are gone, Hinata heaved a huge sigh and entered the room. She walked over to the back and sat down on the last chair next to the window.

At P.E., Hinata wasn't allowed to participate yet so she was seated at the bleachers while she watch her classmates play different kinds of sports. She was alone in the bleachers until a red-headed girl approached her. Hinata couldn't and wouldn't deny it, she is breath-taking. Her long red hair complimented her beautiful face perfectly.

"Hello, you are the new student right?"

Hinata looked up at the red-haired and smiled. "Yes, I'm Hinata Hyuuga."

"Erza Scarlet. Welcome to Konoha High."

"Thank you."

"Erza! Aren't you going to play volleyball anymore?" Hinata looked behind Erza and saw a blue-haired girl.

"In a moment! Come here, Levy! And call Mira, Lisanna and Evergreen."

A few seconds later some girls arrived along with the girl named Levy.

"Hi! I believe you are Hinata?" The long white-haired woman said. "I'm Mirajane Strauss, you can call me Mira."

"Hello! I'm Lisanna." The short white-haired interjected.

"I'm Evergreen." The woman with glasses seems to be sizing her up but smiled nonetheless.

"And I'm Levy, welcome to Konoha High!" The cute girl with sea-blue hair cheered.

"Thank you, I'm Hinata Hyuuga."

"Wow, you are so pretty!" Mira squealed, but Hinata couldn't help but think they are all prettier than her.

"Uhm... Thank you.." She shyly replied.

"She's a shy one. Erza, I believe this is the job for you!" Lisanna chuckled.

"Right! Do you play Volleyball?" Erza scrutinized her.

"Uhm... A little?"

"You should definitely try out for our team! We're all pretty and we need another pretty face to seduce the Soccer team-Ouch! Levy!"

"Ever, we're not trying to seduce the Soccer team! We're trying to get championship! Again!" Levy giggled.

"We can make you a good player! And then we can crush all the other teams! With brains, beauty and power!" Erza proudly said.

Hinata giggled at the girls' banters. They are all so beautiful and funny. She loved to play Volleyball when she was at Middleschool.

"Will you join us?" Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Levy and Evergreen asked in unison."

"Uhm... Sure?"
