New Year's Day 2011
"Mm-mm," Sophie mumbles as she suggestively kisses Sian shoulder. Sian's red party dress taunts Sophie like a bull at the sight of a waving red cape. Sophie's hopeful that her 'matador' willingly accepts the shameless advance that she's kindled. And those feelings came back again, the ones from the night before...
New Year's Eve 2010
The ones that started on Sophie's lips, descended to the pit of her stomach and made parts of her flutter and twitch. Moisten.
The night before was glorious.
Her heart ached for that closeness again.
Her body pleaded to be touched once again.
Her mind craved the escape that swept her away from the mess called her family.
With Sian, Sophie could feel everything she never imagined.
She heard the throb of her own heartbeat in her neck and in her temples which, for once, matched what Sophie could never express sufficiently in words.
The breaths from each of Sian's nostrils on her face.
The tropical humidity of Sian's mouth on her neck, in her ear.
There was no difference between a moment and a lifetime as Sophie traced her fingers across the diagonal border that contrasted Sian's white bra from her milky skin.
Static shocks sprung from every inch of her when Sophie touched the bump that formed there.
She felt like exploding from the inside, when she put her lips to it.
The softness of Sian skin in places that used to be covered by clothes but were now uncovered; their undergarments lost in the bed and on the floor.
Sian's mouth always tasted sweet but Sophie discovered parts of Sian's body that were also sprinkled gently with just the right amount of salt.
Sian was satisfying; both savory and sweet.
Sian's hands on her face, holding onto her waist, caressing her back.
Forehead's touching, breathing into each other's open mouths.
The downiness of Sian's wisps of hair against her hip, against her inner thigh.
And when their other lips touched and puckered on each other,
Her heart raced and she lost her breath all at the same time.
She thought she'd never breathe again.
It made her whisper things in Sian's ear that she didn't have words for.
Their legs intertwined, naked and warm with just the right amount of pleasurable friction.
The aroma they both made under the sheets.
Sian never looked more beautiful than when Sophie opened her eyes and saw Sian's tightly closed, biting her bottom lip.
It was too much for Sophie to bear.
So this is what the hype is about?
This is what she took a vow of celibacy against?
For God? For Christianity?
Doing this now - what she was doing with Sian - Sophie whispered God's name more now than she ever had.
This was heaven, her cloud, and she loved the angel she was with.