

Shout out to Void

"Hey, Tuck," Danny said opening the front door and letting his friend inside, "What's up?"

"Are the news true?" Tucker asked sitting down in the living room, "Or is it fake?"

"It's all true! It happened in front of many people" Danny said sighing and sitting down in front of Tucker, "It's over"

"Dude... I can't believe you guys broke up?" Tucker said while he shook his head at him, "You guys are the power couple of the planet!"

"Where!" Danny corrected and looking away in annoyance, "It's over! Sam had it with me and broke up with me! She never realised how much I tried to get what she wanted!"

"I know," Tucker said sighing too, "I know… you did everything you could and no one can blame you…"

Danny sighs and nodded his head as a response. Danny and Sam were the power couple of the world, the perfect couple without any flaws... Love makes you blind and that was so true. Love made him blind from Sam's flaws, he didn't see how selfish she truly was, how jealous she could be, or how cruel she could be at times. It took him awhile to notice but when he did... He didn't like it one bit, he couldn't believe how the true Samantha Manson was.

"I'll never find love," Danny said sadly looking at the table, "Any girl who wants to be with me….. is for fame and fame alone…"

"Danny" Tucker sat up and place a hand on his shoulder, "You'll find someone"

"I seriously doubt it! Even if I find a girl who doesn't want to be with me for frame….. frame itself will push her away" Danny said moving Tucker's hand and getting up, "Either way... It doesn't matter"

"Stop thinking about this... Let's get a burger at Nasty Burger" Tucker said smiling at him

"That would be a good idea…. The break up is still fresh on my mind" Danny said going towards the door, "It was nasty…."

"How bad was it?" He asked following him

"Didn't you watch it? At least twenty people filmed it! Sam broke up with me in public" Danny said with a surprised look on his face, he already knew the entire planet saw the videos and replayed it over and over again.

"I only saw the headlines! I don't watch it" Tucker said shaking his hand, "You can never trust those shows"

"It was terrible," Danny said getting the remote and turning the tv on, "No surprise! My breakup is still a headline"

"It seriously can't be that bad..." Tucker said looking at the tv


"And welcome back! Danny Phantom and Sam Manson break up!" Vivian said while she moved some papers

"The two were caught in the park and what assumed was a date, Sam started to argue with Danny and the two called it splits!" Marcus said as he turned to his co-anchor, "I'm still in shock about this breakup, Vivian!"

"The entire world is, Marcus," Vivian said and shaking her head, "Danny Phantom is currently the most eligible bachelor on the planet! Surely every girl on earth is seeking to be with him"

"The question is…. who will be this lucky girl to snatch his heart," Marcus asked

"I don't know but whoever it is she going to be a lucky girl," Vivian said smiling at him

"I believe the break up was a bit rash don't you think?" he asked

"Let's let our views decided on this," Vivian said before a video of Danny and Sam showed on screen.

"We're being followed again! DAMMIT DANNY!" Sam shouted pushing him back and was soon surrounded by people, and most importantly their cell phones and filming the argument, "YOU SAID YOU WOULD HANDLE IT! FUCK!"

"Calm down!" Danny shouted and backing away, "What do you think I was doing for the past two hours!"

"Do you love me?! Because a true boyfriend would make his girlfriend happy! WHY DON'T YOU TAKE NOTES!" Sam shouted and pushed him again

"How could you say such a thing…." Danny said glaring at her, "Ever since we started dating! I've been trying to get us some alone time! I've been trying none stop and you're still unhappy! Why can't you accept that I can't change anything! This is a part of my life and there nothing I can do no matter how much I want it!"

"I hate you!" Sam shouted as she pushed Danny while she continued to scream at him, "YOU FUCKING MORON!"

"You know what?!" Danny shouted back moving her hand away, "You can go to hell! You've never supported me! You always blame me for everything!"

"You don't even try to stop the press and your fans!" Sam shouted back

"I can't stop them! Don't you think I've tried!" Danny shouted and walking away from her, "I've tried countless of times!"

"Get out of here!" Sam shouted

"With pleasure!" Danny shouted and flying off

"I can't believe Sam did such a thing…" Vivian mumbled while she shook her head, "You could clearly tell by Danny's words and actions are true"

"She'll regret this one day," Marcus said

"Indeed she will….. we'll be back after these messages," Vivian said

End of video

"Holy shit…" Tucker mumbled while Danny closed the video, "That was something…."

"Yup," Danny said shaking his head

"Ugh! I need that burger now!" Tucker said while Danny turns the tv off

"Sounds good to me," Danny said putting the remote down. The two walked down the stairs and saw Jazz going through the mail, "Hey Jazz"

"Hey, there little bro" Jazz said flipping through the mail, "Where are you going?"

"Nasty burger," Danny said putting his hands in his pockets, "Want to come?"

"Sure… OH MY GOSH!" Jazz shouted dropping the mail and quickly opening the one she held in her hand, "I CAN'T BELEIVE IT!"

"What?!" Danny asked looking at Tucker, "What is it?!"

"I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO YALE" Jazz shouted and jumping around like there was no tomorrow, "YES!"

"CONGRATS, JAZZ!" Danny shouted and hugging her, "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!"

"Your dream is coming true!" Tucker shouted and hugging her after Danny parted from his sister, "This is fantastic!"

"Where's mom and dad?" Jazz asked

"They're out! But they're going to be so happy when they get home" Dany said

"I still can't believe it!" Jazz shouted

"We defiantly have to celebrate now!" Danny said with a big smile on his face and actually forgetting about his breakup. Jazz jump some more and shouted in excitement, she quickly went inside to put her letter down before meeting with her brother again.

"Let's go!" Tucker shouted. All three of them smiled at each other and started to leave Fenton works when they noticed Ember flying in the sky, Danny frowned and glared at her.

"What the hell is she planning?!" Danny asked going ghost

"Danny doesn't worry," Tucker said

"No way! I need to let go of some built up anger!" Danny said quickly shooting into the air and striking Ember, "HEY! How's it going?!"

"DAMMIT!" Ember shouted taking her guitar, "Why can't you leave me alone!"

"Whenever I leave you alone you cause trouble, Ember!" Danny said clinching his fist at her

"I'll be back!" Jazz said quickly going back into the house and getting a special gadget. Ember growled and fired with her guitar, Danny quickly dodge her attacked and fired his ghostly wail.

"Not this again!" Ember shouted placing a barrier and blocking his attack, "Don't you think I've learned a few tricks from your attacks?!"

"Then I'll have to come up with new ones!" Danny said and firing a plasma ball at her

"Bring it on, Dipstick!" Ember shouted quickly flying towards him and pushing him towards the ground, Ember felt Danny struggle and trying to free himself. Ember held down tighter and the two fell to the ground, she slammed Danny on the ground and punched him.

"AH!" Danny raised his hands and fired his plasma ray. Ember raised her arms and flew in the air, she stumbled on the ground and fell back.

"I got it!" Jazz shouted carrying the Maddie Modulator

"Why do you have the modulator?" Tucker asked watching the two fight

"It's Ember!" Jazz said raising a brow

"Good point…" Tucker said thinking back to all of Ember's attack which involved brainwashing. Ember punched him in the face and fired her guitar, Danny dodges her attack and flew closer to Tucker and Jazz.

"Why don't you fall in love with your friend there!" Ember shouted and pointing to Tucker, "Then you'll get out of my way!"

"Not this again!" Danny frowned and saw Ember's switch her guitar from attack to a love spell, he quickly looked back and saw Jazz had the modulator. Danny eyes widen and got an idea! Jazz, Sam, and his mother had told him about the device and how it helped during his fishing trip.

"WHY DON'T YOU GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Ember shouted and firing her love spell

"Jazz! Throw me the Maddie Modulator!" Danny shouted with his arms stretch out, Jazz quickly took the modulator off of her back and threw it. Danny quickly caught it and put it on his back, he activated the modulator just in time to backfire Ember's love spell.

"What?!" Ember shouted seeing her own spell return towards her, "NO!"

Ember's eyes widen and quickly raised her arms, she was suddenly struck by her own attack, she flew back in the air and hit against the wall. Ember grunted and lowered her arms, she looked

"Take that!" Jazz shouted and grinning at her

"Fuck!" Ember held her stomach and glared at the two, she

"This isn't over, Dipstick!" Ember shouted before a whirlwind of fire surrounded her

"Dam!" Tucker said looking at him, "She looked pissed! You better be careful, Danny"

"I know, Tucker," Danny said while he turned back human, "I don't think she'll do anything for at least a day….. hopefully…."

Ember's realm

"Dammit!" Ember shouted kicking some books on the ground and putting her guitar down, "You'll pay for this, Dipstick!"

"Okay... I need to do something…" Ember sat down on her sofa, she took some music sheets and tried to think of a song. She taps her pencil on her lip for a bit, she smiled and wrote some words down.

"Freaking moron!" Ember said while she wrote down her new song, "What the hell did he do to me?! I'm going to rip his head off next time! Stupid jackass... But he does have a cute smile... And he's body looks amazing…."

"What the hell?!" Ember shook her head and wanted to gag! She had no idea where those thoughts came from?! Ember growled and simply concentrated with her new song, she needed to clear her head and figure out what the Dipstick had done to her.

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Continue Reading for Love spell


For Mr McLain (I guess we can call it a sequel) I'll go more into details during the eight years and Danny's relationship with Ember, and also during the World tour. It's going to be called Mr McLain: Eights years and feel free to suggest any titles or what you want to know more about in Mr McLain.