It didn't take long for Judy and Nick to reach Bailey's since it was only ten minutes from Judy's apartment. Upon arriving they noticed how busy the place was and the bouncer out front.

"This is a cop bar?" Judy asked with a frown if not disgusting grin.

"Realize that some of the cops who go here prefer it a bit wild when they go out," Nick responded with a shrug of the shoulders. They got in line and pulled out their IDs in anticipation of being checked once they reached the bouncer. When they reached the massive rhino he eyed both of them before giving a snort.

"You two kitties should move along. This establishment isn't for the likes of you."

Nick was about to retort as Judy stood baffled before a certain officer showed up behind the rhino.

"James, these are Officer Hopps and Wilde," Wolford explained to the bouncer throwing a reassuring smile towards the duo. The Rhino's eyes went wide and his demeanor immediately changed to one of professionalism.

"My apologies Ma'am, Sir. Please enjoy your time here at Bailey's."

Fox and Rabbit entered with hesitation but nodded to the bouncer before following Wolford inside. The first thing that hit Judy was the intense music blaring in the place pumping out some sort of electronic music. For Nick it was the smell of cigars and alcohol. Wolford led them towards the back of the place where the bar ended up. There Clawhouser, Delgato, Grizzoli and a few others Nick couldn't quite remember the names of were huddled. Each with a drink in hand or a dart as a few were trying to beat Delgato's amazing aim.

"Well, well, well, look who actually showed up." Grizzoli chuckled as he saw the three approaching.

"O…M…GOODNESS! You actually came!" Clawhouser was even more overjoyed than he was at the precinct. Of which Judy nor Nick thought was possible.

"Nick my boy you got the workaholic to show up!" Delgato had turned to see the commotion before throwing blind still hitting the ring outside of bullseye which caused a few groans. Nick chuckled before looking to Judy who was clearly outside of her comfort zone.

"Hey guys, yes I'm here but can't promise that I'll stay long." Judy raised a stool's height before hopping up with Nick following suit on the stool next to her. The bartender walked over with a grand smile.

"Welcome to Bailey's!" The arctic fox had a decent accent of which Judy couldn't quite place. "What will you be having lassie?" Judy went to answer but realized she had no idea what she wanted. The artic fox smiled before pulling a menu out from thin air handing it over to her.

"Take your time looking it over there's no rush. I make all drinks in front of you so you see what goes into it." The accent made it difficult at times to pick out the words but Judy nodded. He then turned to Nick.

"You know what you want their lad?"

Nick nodded before speaking. "I'll take a Baileys Shiver."

The arctic fox's face lit up as he threw some Baileys and ice in a blender. The mixture done he poured the contents into a tall short glass and handed it to Nick. "Good choice their lad, a mammal after me own heart." Both foxes smiled at each other before Nick thanked him.

"Thank you…"



"Pleasure to meet you Nick."

"Likewise my friend." The new friends turned to Judy who looked completely lost staring at the menu.

"Lassie, I have a drink that I am pretty sure you will love. I promise if you don't we can try a few others free of charge." Judy looked up at the bartender before glancing at Nick who nodded.

"Ummm…okay…I guess." She was really cautious of drinking any alcohol and didn't know much in the way of the social lubricant. Alex drafted up some sort of frozen concoction that included carrots and something called vodka. Serving the drink to Judy he smiled before throwing some sugar around the side of the glass.

"Take it easy with that one. It will sneak up and bite you if you're not careful." Judy cocked her head to one side not understanding earning a laugh from Alex. "Let me know if you need anything else lassie."

Turning to Nick he nodded before walking off to attend to other customers waving cash and empty glasses. Nick downed his drink a little faster than he probably should have but what could he say, it was delicious. Nick noticed the other officers looking at Judy who had knocked back her drink already completely empty.

"Whoa carrots, did you not hear the fox? That's going to hit you hard."

"Oh I'll be fine Nick. If I can take down a rhino what can a …." She grabbed at him for balance as her world started spinning slowly. "Oh…okay that's what he meant." Nick chuckled and helped her down from the stool before letting her go. She immediately headed across the room towards the DJ.

"So have you made it official yet?" Nick turned to Clawhouser with a confused look on his face. "The relationship you dummy!"

Nick sighed before answering. "I don't know what you're talking about big guy." As he responded the music changed from an electronic song to some sort of remix of the song Lights by Ellie Gouldfuring.

Clawhouser looked as if he was about to retort but stopped when his eyes went big. Nick was about to question the cheetah for his sudden change but was stopped by a tug on his tail. Turning around he found a beautiful bunny with purple eyes standing there. No words were spoken she simply grabbed his paw and quickly walked over to the dance floor. Nick was not a dancer in any form and he could tell Judy wasn't quite either but simply moved to the beat of a song. He was stiff to begin with but eventually started to relax and open up as the song went on.

"Guys guys…shhhh. Look!" Clawhouser got the other officers' attention and pointed towards Nick and Judy who were dancing out to another song and getting quite close to each other. As he pointed Judy hip checked Nick causing him to retaliate by taking her paws in his and spinning her around. The two continued to dance for at least another two songs before coming back to the group to catch a breath. No one said anything but simply smiled.

Nick smiled at the group before trying to grab Judy's drink from her as she chugged it down without hesitation. Stopping her half way, she swatted at him.

"Hey that's mine!"

"Easy carrots, you're going to not be able to even walk straight."

She mumbled something about stubbornness and what not before looking to return to the dance floor and nearly fell over. It hit her fast and she could barely walk straight. Nick's paw was already out to catch her.

"Hey, let's get you home alright?"

"Woah you weren't kidding…ya home sure."

Nick waved to the group as he headed for the door.

"It's been fun guys but I think it's time for us to head out."

The others waved and a few moved to head out themselves as Nick and Judy walked out the door. Thankful it was dark outside the Nick didn't need to shield his eyes from any annoying light source. The bar shared a large open area for seating with other restaurants nearby. Stopping at one of the many tables, Judy stopped for a moment before they got to the street to wave down a taxi.

"Hold on…I need a minute."

By now a few of the other officers had walked out of the bar still talking rather loud and Judy held down her ears as the alcohol was already wreaking havoc on her body. Nick was eyeing a black SUV parked nearby failing to notice Judy lose her balance and fall on him. Knocked on the pavement Nick laughed as he turned to see Judy half asleep half-awake trying to realize what just happened. As he did, the black SUV had started to move from its spot rolling up on the bar as if it was a private taxi. Judy looked up at Nick with a big smile and gave him a kiss catching the attention of the other officers outside.

"That's right boys! Pay up! I said by the end of the night!"

"But they already left the bar, it doesn't count!"

Judy paid no mind to the bantering of the betting happening there in front of them. The same as the officers paid no mind to the black SUV that had lowered its windows and a barrel came out.

They say there is no shame in trying, only shame in never doing so. The scene that unfolded before them was one of sheer chaos and grief. Despite the futile attempt, Nick kept his paws on the chest trying to stop the bleeding from one of the many holes. The officer was trying to say something to Nick while gasping for breath knowing himself that his time was quickly coming to an end. Nick leaned in closer to hear him all the while keeping pressure on his chest as the blood flowed over his paws.

"Keep…her close…always." Wolford managed a smile towards Nick before his relentless breathing battle slowed to a shudder and his body went still. Sirens could be heard in the distance as Nick felt two paws around his mid-section pulling him away.

"Nooooooooooooooo! We can't leave him! LET ME GO!" Nick swiped at whoever was pulling him away but they ignored the hit and continued pulling him. Never let them see that they get to you. The Nick they had all come to know and love was no longer there. He was broken, he had given in to the emotions inside him and for the first time since a child, he cried openly. In doing so, Nick gave up fighting whoever was pulling him away from Wolford.

Delgato let the limp fox go once he was away from the scene and moved to intercept the first responders arriving. Directing them to the two officers you could see no tears on his face, nothing but conviction. He was a hardened law enforcement officer who had seen plenty of deaths…rarely his own friends though he would admit. He glanced back at Nick seeing a certain grey bunny who had walked over to him and was sitting next to him.

Loss of life isn't something that neither Nick nor Judy were unfamiliar with. Both had lost family members in the past but this was different. They had lost a co-worker, a colleague, a friend. Most important they lost two police officers who would now only be remembered by a star and name on a wall. Judy was caught between utter sadness and uncontrollable rage. She was saddened for the loss of her fellow officers and madden with rage at the animals who ended them and at herself.

As for Nick…well Nick was an emotional wreck. If he barely took his apartment being destroyed in fear of Judy's life. Then how would he respond to this? In the matter of two weeks he had been shot, killed, brought back to life, that life torn apart and now two friends killed before him, one of which died in his arms.

Judy had already cried her tears, run dry of any further ones the only evidence she had cried was the damp fur and wet shirt that now clung to her chest. Nick's sobbing had gone quiet as the occasional sniff was heard here and there. Judy moved to rest her head on Nick's shoulder. If he even noticed, he didn't show any acknowledgement. Nick looked up in time to see them loading Wolford's body in the back of the ambulance. Taking a deep breath, he stood up and turned to offer a paw to Judy. She took it willingly, standing up but leaning on Nick for her still intoxicated state just in time to see Chief Bogo walk on scene.

"Status report."

The chief barely finished his statement before a flash of massive heat hit them and what happened next, none could have predicted.

Authors Note:

I apologize for my absence and this taking two weeks not one. I will say my editor had it within a week but their life is as busy as mine thus I have failed you all. I hope to not make a repeat but I can not promise anything due to mid terms coming up soon. Anyways reviews are always welcomed!