Toothless didn't like the new rules.
Said dragon currently sat behind the haddock residence with a rope tied to a tree around his neck.
Unfortunately Stoick had walked into the kitchen one too many times to see Toothless lying on his back, purring, surrounded by half devoured fish.
The chief had finally kicked the rebellious dragon out. Of course Hiccup still came to visit with water, fish and stories of studying with Fishlegs or hanging out with Snotlout or sparring with Astrid.
Occasionally his dragon rider would untie him and they would soar through the clouds, Hiccup laughing and petting him and telling him what a good friend he was.
Those were the time Toothless enjoyed the most, being with his loyal dragon rider.
But of course Hiccup would eventually retire to bed and leave the dragon to the cold, lonely night.
He longed to be with his dragon rider, curled around Hiccup as he slept, warm and safe.
The dragon plopped onto his tailbone. It was once again one of those long nights. He had heard the door open earlier and glass shattering but the dragon had dismissed it to be his clumsy dragon rider breaking something.
So with a sigh toothless dropped onto his stomach crossed his paws and rested his head against the appendages. His green eyes drooped and just before sleep had him in its depths he heard it.
A single pained desperate whimper coming from his dragon rider's house.
Stoick placed a large hand onto the small face in front of him. He stroked the smooth skin beneath his thumb with a contented sigh.
He knew who was beneath him. It wasn't his wife. Valka had died years ago. But he could let his drunken and desperate mind believe that the small trembling form beneath him was her.
Hiccup had her soft skin, her silky auburn hair and large beautiful emerald eyes. And even though it was Hiccup and he knew it. He couldn't stop himself, he needed to feel Valka, he needed her soft touch and delicate features.
The hand that resided on Hiccup's hip moved up and under his shirt traveling up his bare side and riding the green material up.
"Please dad, stop" Hiccup looked up at him with watery green eyes.
Stoick ignored the plea and wrapped his arms around Hiccup's small waist and pulled the much smaller form against him.
He buried his head into the crook of Hiccup's small neck and started trailing kisses along the flawless skin.
Hiccup pushed against the much larger chest with a whimper as his fathers kisses got sloppier and rougher.
Finally with one more push his father's large arms unwound from around his slender waist and Hiccup toppled to the ground with a few tears running down his round cheeks.
His father dropped to his knees in front of him and tried to resume his kissing but Hiccup planted his small and delicate hands on Stoick's shoulders to keep the lust driven man at bay.
"You know it's me dad, please just stop" Hiccup pleaded, his bottom lip trembling slightly.
Stoick froze. Valka's beautiful, smiling face melted away, and there in front of him sat his son, rosy, tear stained cheeks, trembling lip, large fear filled eyes. For a moment his face was blank and then it crumpled in anger. Stoick fisted his red hair.
"Why can't you just let me have this!" Stoick Yelled.
He just wanted one thing, just one thing and Hiccup had to ruin it, tear it away from him like everything. A part of him the rational, reasonable and caring part knew that he was just looking for something to blame, to vent his anger through. And that something, whether he regretted it or not was always Hiccup.
Hiccup didn't see the hit coming but one moment he was staring into his father's boiling gaze and the next he was sprawled on his side, vision blurring and pain throbbing in his temple.
Hiccup gasped as a large boot clad foot slammed into his stomach. All his oxygen abandoned him and he could almost feel his already flat stomach concave.
He could hear his father above him, cursing and spitting obscenities like usual, "Selfish," "Worthless," "Nothing."
Words he had heard since he was old enough to hear them and even then each one still felt like a knife twisting right into his stomach. The words hurt more than the beatings and Hiccup would take a hundred beatings if he never had to hear his father call him them again.
Stoick didn't stop kicking and punching till a bloodied lump lay at his feet.
He panted staring down at the barely conscious boy sprawled on the floor in front of him. He dropped to his knees still panting. Hiccup was panting too but it sounded more like broken wheezing.
Stoick stared at his son for a moment. Hiccup lay on his side, a thin arm slung over his stomach from futilely trying to protect it from the harsh kicks. His auburn hair fell over his heavily lidded green eyes and tears poured down his bruised and blood stained pale face.
Stoick could feel tears welling in his eyes. Vikings don't cry. But seeing the state of his son, the state he had put him in, there was nothing else to do. He placed a large hand over Hiccup's cheek, running his thumb along the soft, marred skin. And the tears fell.
Stoick heard the door breaking and swinging open, he could hear the crooning from the dragon behind him and the soft patter of said dragons feet padding along the wooden floor.
But he sat beside his son and stroked his bloody, purple cheek waiting for those green eyes to open.
A black mass of dragonhead swam into his vision. Toothless nudged his snout against Hiccup's head but the boy remained motionless, his head flopping back limply to the ground.
And that's when the dragon's eyes landed on him, not the green eyes he wanted. Toothless' lips pulled back into a snarl he didn't know the dragon was even capable of. The dragon leaped onto him, his teeth snapping out as he dug his large feet into Stoick's shoulders. The crooning was mad now.
Stoick could see purple starting to glow from between the dragon's teeth. He closed his eyes. He deserved it. The dragon growled and he could feel the heat emanating from the plasma blast that would burn him into oblivion.
"Stop" The voice was barely audible, a shaky and broken whisper.
But both Stoick and Toothless heard it. Both of their heads snapped to the side to see Hiccup with half lidded eyes, trying fruitlessly to reach out to his dragon.
Toothless immediately jumped off of him and bounded to his rider. He nuzzled against Hiccup's temple, crooning contently. He pulled Hiccup's limp body to him and curled around the boy who seemed to once again be comatose.
Stoick sat up. He could feel a headache piercing through his mind from the alcohol. Toothless' eyes snapped back up to him before his gaze fell back on Hiccup and softened. The dragon dropped to his stomach and pulled Hiccup onto his back, thin legs and arms dangling over the edges of the black beast. With one more heated glare directed at Stoick he walked out of the broken door, carrying the broken boy, no doubt straight to Gobber.
Once the dragon left Stoick let out a large breath and slumped onto the wooden floor. For a moment he just stared up at the ceiling.
Finally his head turned to the side and his eyes landed on his split and bloody knuckles. He stared at the blood that dripped off of his hand and onto the floor, swirling into the spilled whiskey, drawing patterns of shame.