Kara POV

It's 7:30am and I'm getting ready for work when I hear the post come. I went over picked it up and flicked through. Bills, bills and more bills followed by a letter I never thought I would receive. I fiddled with the letter for a few minutes until I slipped it into my pocket and set off for work.

Later on at work i pulled out the letter again. I blankly stared at it for a good 10 minutes until Alex ripped it out of my hands. I didn't really attempt to get it back. The thought of the letter just made me shiver. Alex just looked puzzled, stating the obvious that the letter wasn't for me but it had my address. All I could do was sigh, she couldn't know my past. There was a reason that I didn't tell her.

She handed me the letter back and asked me why I had a letter addressed to 'Marley Rose'. That was when I told her that I used that name in high school for some reasons. She seemed kind of understanding and told me to open it. The thing was I never ignored my sister as she was always my role model growing up. When I opened the letter it came as no surprise that it was McKinley inviting me to the 5 year reunion. I handed the letter to my sister for her to read.

Barry POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I was late for work again. Having superspeed hasn't affected my timing one bit. I'm still always late. I rushed around getting read, walked into a couple of doors and finally put my shoes on, picked up the post and sped out. I arrived in my lab a few moments later and flicked through the post. Most of it was junk mail but one letter stood out to me. In the top corner was the Dalton logo. I wondered why they would be sending me mail so I slit open the top and pulled out the letter. I opened it up and in big letters it states 'Sebastian Smythe; Dalton Warblers Reunion in Central City'. My whole body became tense and chills went straight up my spine. I lost my grip on the letter and it went floating to the ground, only to be picked up by Joe, my adoptive father.

He was puzzled when he saw the opened letter. He stared at me with a concerned look and asked who Sebastian Smythe was. All the memories came flooding back. The high school years, the bitchiness, the enemies I made but most of all, the amazing friends. I told him that when I moved to Ohio, after all the bullying, for my final few years of school my uncle helped me set up a new identity. Not because I was ashamed but that I needed a break from everything. Joe just smiled and told me to say no more. He slowly walked over and gave me a hug which I willingly accepted.

I asked him if I should go but all he said is that it was my decision. He's no help whatsoever but he's the closest thing I've to my dad all my life.

Sorry that its short I just wanted to get a kind of base to the story. Oliver and the Arrow crew will be introduced next chapter and maybe some of the New Directions. Reviews mean quicker updates, hope you enjoyed reading!