A/N~ Ok so where I live the cable company stopped showing Lost Girl for whatever reason after Kenzi sacrificed herself. I thought the series had ended on that note which sucked. So I had dreamed this up in response to that but had never really gotten around to writing it. Especially when I discovered the series had actually continued and apparently in some variation had brought the inimitable Kenzi-ness back. Glad everyone has been enjoying it and I must admit I am sad to see it end but I thought this would be a good place for the story to come to a close. Hope you enjoy my maybe surprise ending? ~A


Kenzi, Bo, and Dyson are in the woods, near the same area where Dyson called Kenzi back from the dead. As Dyson is setting up a little makeshift campsite with two tents, and a campfire. Kenzi explains to Bo what she hadn't been able to explain to her before. "I think you have been searching for your other half this whole time. The one fae or maybe human who can control your succubus, she just didn't know it."

"So you were more like the bumble bee in the birds and the bees, going from one flower, to the other, to the other." Kenzi explained with a smile of pride at her own explanation.

Bo gives her friend a sour look and tells her, "If you start trying to give me the sex talk, I will bash you over the head with a sleeping bag."

"You've been trying to find the one who can finally sate your hunger for chi, you just didn't know it." Kenzi continued blithely as if the succubus hadn't just threatened her with camping equipment. "We're here to make sure that you don't hurt anyone while we're performing the ritual to summon her heart."

"This is a slightly modified version of the one I did for Kenzi. Since we don't know if your mate is still here or in the here after," Dyson explains.

"We're kind of expanding the search parameters," Kenzi added helpfully.

Bo agrees although a little uncomfortable that the ritual involves the sex and blood things.

They perform the ritual that Dyson performed to summon Kenzi from the other side, with a few changes here and there to make room for the unknown.. The succubus is moving sensuously, arousing herself her eyes begin glowing bright blue and she continues until her eyes are like ice.

Her expression becoming a little wild as her eyes begin to jump around the clearing looking for a viable source of chi and for a split second she looks as if she is going to come after the mated pair. Kenzi protects them with a shield.

Then at the climax, Hale suddenly appears and falls upon Bo pinning her to the ground and he begins singing and whistling and purring all at once as he begins to make love to her. His singing is feeding her chi as well as his lovemaking is, even more so perhaps. Kenzi places a shield over the pair and its unclear if she does it or they do but the shield itself becomes fogged up.

"Ok, so that wasn't awkward, at all." Kenzi admits sarcastically to her wolf as they walk back to the campsite and crawl into their tent together.


Lauren is in her new lab working, when Vex comes in carrying of all things, a picnic basket. Lauren has to admit the incongruous sight of the now blue haired Mesmer with the basket is very distracting and the delicious smells of the food are making her very empty stomach growl.

She admits, "You probably could normally distract me from my work very easily with just the food, but I just got this job and I really want to make sure the new Morrigan know I'm worth the effort it took to get me away from the Ashe and the light fae."

Vex advises her, "Trust me sweet cheeks the new boss isn't going to have your guts for garters if you stop and eat. Especially since you did just basically save her life. Besides everyone in the place knows you're human and that you can't live simply on your science and research. I'm surprised you haven't been getting a bunch of tributes from the dark fae already"

Lauren laughs and says, "Bite your tongue, and tributes, what tributes?"

"Tributes, you know?" at her continued blank stare, the Mesmer asked. "The light fae never left you any tributes, gifts of gratitude, plants, food, their first born, a loyal servant or two, nothing?" At her continued blank stare, he pulled out his cell phone, made a call, and as soon as whoever he was calling picked up began yelling into it in a language she didn't recognize.

You didn't have to be a language professor to know from the tone though that someone was being cussed out, royally. There were even a few times that Vex pulled the phone away from his ear and glared at it as if he had been personally offended, before he continued with even more unintelligible vitriol.

Then he hung up and made another phone call, this time he spoke in English, a little more heavily accented then normal and Lauren figured that was probably something that happened when the Mesmer was upset or angry, which he clearly was right now.

"Oi why haven't you lot sent Dr. Lewis any tribute. I mean she only saved the entire fae world here from the Theris flu?" Whatever answer the dark fae received was not one he wanted to hear. "Oh they did, did they and you actually listened to what a pack of lying light fae said. What kind of an idiot dark fae are they letting on the Council these days? You really want to embarrass our Morrigan this way?" Whatever the answer was Vex looked satisfied and said, "Good," before he hung up the cell phone in a decisive manner.

"Thank you for defending me Vex but I really don't need any tribute," Lauren said gently to soothe the still agitated Mesmer.

"Course you do. You totally deserve that and so much more. Don't tell our girl on the throne but as much as we all owe you, you deserve to be on the throne right now." he said defensively to the doctor.

"Sides Doc, "Vex replied looking decidedly vulnerable, "I have to admit you are more than the tasty treat, you are the entire smorgasbord of delights but I also wouldn't mind a friend. Being dark fae means you don't have a great many friends left. They keep seeming to die around me, I think their's a warning in there too by the way, but I would very much like for you to be my friend, Dr. Lewis.

She studies him for a moment and sees the sincerity in his eyes. "Ok, but I do have a couple of conditions."

His expression becomes suspicious as he encourages "Go on."

"One you've got to call me Lauren especially if we're going to be friends. Frankly Doc just reminds me of a cartoon from when I was younger. Dr. Lewis is what my patients call me and I'd really rather avoid you being one of my patients again, especially if we are going to be friends."

"Done," said Vex with a relieved expression.

"Two and I can't believe I'm saying this. Make sure I don't overdo it, while I'm here when you and…the Morrigan." She paused and he knew she was struggling with the title but he waited patiently, "When the two of you came to see me that night I nearly couldn't take care of you because I had run myself to the bone taking care of all the light fae, by myself." She held up her hand to forestall his instant response as she added, "I need to get help here, I just don't know who to trust yet. I also seem to need a keeper, someone to help keep me safe from myself." she said with a helpless, if honest shrug.

"It would be my honor dear…Lauren." Vex said with a deep sweeping bow and a charming grin.

"Good," Lauren said with a relieved smile, "Now let's eat, I'm starved."


For the next two days, Kenzi and Dyson kept trying to convince Bo and Hale to come out of the bubble shield to hike, go swimming, go and eat, watch the sunset, enjoy nature with them. Instead the pair wanted to screw like bunnies. When they finally do come out, Kenzi told them baldly, "You two look like hell and you reek." She kept glancing over at her mate who honestly looked a little green and she could only imagine how bad it must be for Dyson, considering his sensitive nose.

The former Goth grabbed her bestie by the elbow and practically dragged her down to the small beach like area on the nearby lake. Where she had already set a towel and some bathing supplies on a nearby rock. She basically then shoves her still naked friend into the water.

Dyson does the same for Hale a little further down the beach. Bo looks over longingly at the Siren and Kenzi says, "Ack, enough of that," as she dumps a quarter of the bottle of biodegradable body wash onto the succubus.

Both pairs start to talk about the "mating". Switches between Bo and Hale being given the explanation, "Sirens and succubi way back when, were supposed to be mated pairs. Both types of fae became so rare that they sadly often didn't find a mate."

Dyson picked up the explanation, "Both were supposed to be seducers using their gifts to help maintain the bond between the pair, so that they could use their powers to help others. When they couldn't find their true mate though they couldn't do that. Which was complicated by the fact that the fae court considered them…."

"Trophy wives and husbands for the fae nobility and were often not given the choice of who they mated. Thus fewer births, thus sirens and succubi were becoming even more rare than before." Kenzi concluded.

"Then why didn't it kick in before?" Hale asked curiously. "When we first met?" the siren said as he helped his mate out of the lake as he had finished quickly to be closer to his mate.

"My guess," Kenzi theorized, "Is that it did, at least it tried, but the signals got crossed. Bo felt it but thought it was for Dyson. Hale felt it but thought it was for me, and the rest as they say is history." The Phoenix suggests that the pair head home and make love until the bond settles," Bo looks at the Siren and says suggestively, "That may take a while."

Hale gives the brunette a smile and said, "Have mercy." The friends gather up the camping supplies, and put most in the trunk of Kenzi's old beater. They exchange hugs and agree to meet in a couple of weeks for dinner and drinks at the Dahl, before Bo and Hale drive away.

Kenzi turns to her mate and says, "So now can we work on our den?"

"There's no rush," Dyson says as he hands her a helmet.

"I know, but I want it perfect when we start rebuilding Pack Thornwood." She was expecting it but it was still rather comical when she saw him freeze mid-motion while slinging his leg over the motorbike.

His eyes flew to her flat tummy and she told him reassuringly, "No not yet, silly wolf. Told you I want the den to be perfect first before we bring our cubs into the world. Or chicks… or both. Think Trick will find out for us which it would be, or should we ask the Librarian?"

The werewolf pulled her across his leg onto the gas tank of his bike as he said lovingly, "Cubs, chicks, babies, I don't care what they are as long as they're ours. Your's and mine, ours." He said punctuating each word with a kiss to her lips and face. "So yes definitely we need to fix up the den and maybe even expand it some. There were a few entrances to other areas that can be cleaned out and shored up. We might even be able to set something up for an indoor garden for food."

He continued to chatter away with plans as she climbed on the back of the bike and simply smiled huge and contented. This was what his mother had promised, this was her life now, and it was wonderful.