Hey fanfiction friends! I have decided to write one more fanfiction before I start my senior year of college. I have found that writing fanfictions get me in the zone to do schoolwork. When you think about it fanfictions are a lot like writing essays for school! The only difference is it is about characters and stories that you are passionate about! This fanfiction is loosely inspired by the very talented alexia-neo's comic A Thousand Winds That Blow, please check it out on Tumblr if you get a chance! I also have not decided how long this particular fanfiction will be, so please feel free to comment and review with any suggestions in that regard. Now, without further hesitation here is my fanfiction simply titled A Thousand Winds
"I am so sorry, the tumor is inoperable and growing at a rapid rate….you have a few months," the doctor spoke in a tone that seemed completely drained of emotion. She was a professional and had done this job for many years, and throughout those years she had learned that the best way to keep from getting too attached to patients it was just best to shield your emotions behind a thick wall.
Stan Pines slumped back into his chair, he felt like all the energy was draining out of him. He felt like the world around him was crumbling, but he couldn't show it. Pines men didn't show emotion, no matter what. He managed to bring himself to his feet as he straightened up his coat and headed for the door, not even acknowledging the doctor as she called to him. He continued walking at a slightly brisk pace, ignoring everyone and just focusing on getting to the exit as soon as possible.
Once he got outside, and at a comfortable distance away from the doctor's office he stopped. He took a deep breath as the cool mid-autumn wind blew through the trees, causing the multi-color leaves to appear as if they were dancing. Even though Halloween was still a few weeks away many houses already had their decorations up giving the town a festive look (Halloween was the town's favorite holiday after all). Stan walked at a slow pace, actually taking in the sights and sounds for probably the first time in his life. A million thoughts were running through his mind, making every step seem a thousand pounds heavier than they were. What would he be remembered for? What would his lasting legacy be in this town? To be fair he had been hailed a hero after Bill's defeat, but even in the few months that had passed since that day his fame had been somewhat fleeting. When he and Ford arrived back from their trip a few weeks ago most of the town had been friendly enough welcoming them back, but at this point it seemed as though the people of Gravity Falls had forgotten pretty much everything Stan had done. He wasn't entirely shocked. It was well known that the people of Gravity Falls were not the brightest bulbs in the box, but even still Stan had secretly hoped he could ride on his fame a bit longer. His father had often preached to both Stan and Ford the importance of leaving a legacy, and in that moment it truly broke Stan's heart to think that he may die without a legacy, but that certainly wasn't the only thing on his mind. In fact, the truth was the main thing he worried about were two young teens in California.
He made up his mind before he reached the shack that the best thing to do was to not tell anyone. Stan had always been a talented liar, and these final few months he planned to put his talent to good use. He walked into the old shack, and gave Melody a small grunt of acknowledgement as he headed for the sitting room. Soos was out giving a tour, and Ford was giving a guest lecture at the local Community College, so Stan had some time to himself before he had to truly put on an act. He slumped into his familiar old chair, and honestly for the first time in months he truly frowned. He picked up a photo of himself, Ford, and the twins from the day they had bought the Stan-0-War II, right before the kids left to go back home. They had kept in touch almost constantly during their travels, sending the kids postcards and gifts from their various travels. It was the least they could do, after all both he and Ford knew all too well that without those kids they both would have gone to their graves hating each other. Stan let a small smile come over him as a few tears fell from his face, at least he could die knowing he had his brother back.
At that moment Ford walked through the door, and Stan had to quickly wipe his tears as he laid back in his chair trying to look relaxed. "Hello Stanley!" Ford said as he headed into the living room. "I tell you Stanley, if recounting our tales of fighting sea monsters in the artic won't excite those young scholars then I fear for the future of education," he said as he laid his briefcase on the table taking a seat. Stan grunted a reply, and as Ford looked over at him he noticed the redness still lingering in his eyes.
"Stanley, is everything alright?" Ford said heading over to his brother, he noticed the picture on the counter and smiled. "Ah I think I know what's going on," Ford started and Stan got very nervous. Ford had always been as observant as Sherlock Holmes, could he have somehow figured things out?
"You miss the children don't you Stanley?" Ford asked. Stan was so relieved he exhaled a breath of relief. "Yeah, I guess you could say I miss having the knuckleheads messing everything up around here, the place is too clean without them here you know?" He said with a smile.
"Well don't be too sad Stanley, in just a few short months the kids will be here for Christmas, and you know that their parents have already asked us to take them in next summer! Honestly sometimes I wonder if those two spend enough time with those kids, but it will be great to have them here nonetheless!" Ford said with a big smile. Stan's heart began to sink, he didn't know if he would be here for Christmas, and he was positive he would be gone by summer, but he didn't dare tell Ford that.
"Yeah…those parents should really spend more time with their kids, but they do bring life to the place," Stan said. As he was talking the phone began to ring, Melody answered it and called into the living room, "Stan it's for you, they said it was the doc-". Before she could get the word out Stan swooped in like the flash and took the phone from her and carried it out the room. Melody and Ford exchanged odd glances at each other, but they both knew Stan enough to know if he wanted a conversation to be private it was going to be private no matter what.
"Listen to me doc, you already said that there is nothing you can do so why don't you actually be useful and leave me alone to die! Unless you come up with some kind of miracle cure I don't want to you to dial this number until I am six feet under!" Stan slammed the phone down. I mean the doctor had basically delivered his death sentence this afternoon and she still dared try call and talk to him and his family. It was not happening on his watch.
"What was that about Stanley?" Ford asked as Stan came back into the living room. "It was one of those darn election messages…..I can't stand those things!" Stan said grumpily. Ford knew better than to argue, so he just headed into the kitchen to prepare some dinner.
A little later that night Ford opened a bottle of wine "Care for a glass Stanley?" Ford asked pouring the liquid. Stan normally wasn't one to turn down a drink, but if avoiding it would give him even a few more weeks he was willing to try. He wanted to make it to Christmas, he had to see those kids….one last time.
"No thanks nerd, don't you know the stuff'll kill ya?" Ford was shocked, Stanley had never shown any care about those things. "Stanley is everything alright? You have been acting quite odd tonight," Ford said putting a six fingered hand on Stan's shoulder.
"Yeah…gosh does every conversation have to turn into twenty questions with you?" Stan said as he turned and headed upstairs. Before he could make it however the phone rang. Before the first ring ended Stan had the phone picked up. "I thought I told you not to call this number ever again!" Stan practically screamed, what he would find to be a grave mistake. "G…Grunkle Stan?" a scared little voice answered on the other line.