Chapter 16- You Drive Me Crazy

Harley squealed as she bounced, twirled, and spun around the room she was in. Today was her official wedding day! Though technically the Joker and Harley were already married in the eyes of her, Joker, and the criminal underworld, they were not legally married in the eyes of the law. But that was about to change.

The Joker had gotten Penguin to get a legally binding marriage contract, which the Penguin had dropped by earlier that day. The Joker then ordered his seamstress to bring Harley her wedding dress and get her ready while he himself got ready and had the boys go book a church with a certified clergic. And Harley could barely contain the hurricane that she was.

She squealed again as she caught sight of her reflection. She was in her wedding dress. It was short and puffy. It perfectly concealing her quickly expanding belly. This caused her to pause.

She was five months pregnant and she knew she was larger than she should be for her to be carrying just one child. Did that mean she was carrying twins? She needed to have her Puddin go kidnap her an OB/GYN and steal an ultrasound machine so they can check on their little bundles of laughter.

A knock on the door sounded causing Harley to snap back to the present. A henchman opened the door and peeked inside. "Boss says it time to take her to the church for the weddin'." That line caused the hurricane that was Harley Quinn to become active again.

She ran out of the room squealing and flipping as the seamstress, her assistant, and the henchman chased after her worriedly. They knew that if anything happened to Harley or his child(ren) she was carrying then they forfeited their life to the Joker.

She quickly made her way to the gurage, expecting her Puddin to be there waiting for her. But he wasn't. Butch, one of the more loyal henchmen and Joker's unofficial right hand man, was waiting for her. He opened the door to the back seat of a beautiful black and red tank of a car that had become her go to car when she left the premises. The Joker had insisted she use it, banning her from any other vehicle.

"Where's my Puddin?" Harley asked with a pout.

"He is waiting for you at the church, Miss Harley." Butch told her calmly.

"Well, why is he there? Why ain't he here? What? He got another woman there? He needed a whore to fuck before he got hitched? One last hurrah? Well, you know what! You can tell him that he can marry that whore he's got his dick in! Tell him that if he wants me then he's gotta come get me himself!" She screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks messing up her perfect makeup. "I ain't movin till my Puddin come ta get me!" She childishly plopped down on the garage floor and stuck her tongue out at Butch who had pulled out his phone and was calling someone, most likely the Joker.

"She's refusing to come with me." Butch told the Joker, Harley humphed and turned her nose up at him. "She wants you, Boss."

"Tell 'im what I told cha!" Harley yelled loud enough that she knew the Joker had heard her.

"She said 'You can marry the whore that you had your dick in'." Butch said after a second, the Joker having obvious ordered him to explain what she had meant. Butch suddenly pulled the phone away from him enough to alert Harley that the words he was about to speak were for her and not the Joker. "Boss says he'd gladly marry you if you would get your, uh, ass in the car and let me drive you to him." Harley giggled.

"Ya want me, then ya gotta come get me!" Harley called loud enough for the Joker. A second later the phone was thrown towards her, she easily caught it and placed it against her ear. "Puddin!" She squealed.

"Harley get that perfectly round ass in that car or so help me I will cancel this wedding!" The Joker growled.

"But Puddin!" Harley whined.

"Don't you 'But Puddin' me! I will not be stood up at the alter! Get your ass here so that I can marry you!" The Joker ordered.

"Okay, Puddin." Harley said hopping up and climbed into the back of the car. Butch quickly shut the door behind her before getting into the driver's seat and pulled out of the garage. "On my way now."

"Good." The Joker purred.

"Love ya Puddin." Harley told him.

"Back at ya, babydoll, even if I don't know why, you drive me crazy!" The Joker told her before hanging up.