Cannibal of Zero
Fallout New Vegas and Familiar of Zero belong to their respective owners
The songs the courier will be singing is After the Fall and Trust Me from the Devil's Carnival, all rights go to the creators of the musical.
Hey everyone, it's me. I decided to do a Fallout/FOZ crossover, and since this is me, my character is going to be messed up, if the title didn't tell ya already.
I'm going to go with this as long as I have the inspiration, so updates will come and go; my other stories will be a bit up and down with updates as life is getting busy in my life at the moment.
The summoning chant will be different from the original, in order to fit the character.
This first chapter shall be mostly world building, although our "friend" here, whose name is Salem Thorn, shall make it the FOZ universe in this chapter
Without further a do enjoy
Chapter 1: Bloodied Chains
3rd person POV
The Courier, the lunatic of the Mojave, the butcher of the Legion, the Scourge of the NCR and the Ghoul of Vegas; this man had appeared from somewhere near the small town of Goodsprings, saving the town from Powder Gangers. He then proceeded to kill everyone left alive in town. He staggered into Nipton, killing everyone in the town, singing to himself the entire time "Let us piss from the vine, Let us claw in the mud, Let us swing with both fists, As we writhe in the blood. Let us walk on stained glass, Sinners one, sinners all. It's always prettiest after the fall." He was a terrifying figure, freakishly tall at seven feet tall, but he has a skeletal visage, with sunken eyes and sharpened teeth. He was seen in Primm, helping the NCR clear out the Powder Gangers, only to kill the troopers when they arrived at the prison. He traveled to Nipton, and watched in wonder at the wickedness of the Legion, in his eyes, it was art. But he couldn't let the Legion have all the fun, so he strung them up on their own crosses and set them ablaze laughing and singing "How many kisses do you need? One for your tummy One for your cheek One for the devil inside . . .Of . . . me" finding that he liked the leader of the Legion's forces the town, or rather his hat, he cut his head off, hat and all, that was his first trophy, a skull wearing a wolf head. Wearing a macabre mix of grisly trophies and combat armor, he marched into Boulder City, hearing that some Great Khans had information about the name that shot him. He stopped the conflict alright; he shot, stabbed and ate his way through the NCR troopers to get to his goal. Finally, he made it to new Vegas, which he promptly took over, cleansing it of NCR presence, and striking a bargain with the families (minus the Tops, everyone, and everything was killed when he found Benny, adding his suit and gun to his trophies): for Gomorrah, after he wins the battle for Hoover Dam, they get first picks for new stock of… "Employees". For Ultra Luxe, which he brought over to cannibalism, they shall spread their operations to all over the Mojave, bringing luxury to all who can afford it. When the battle of Hoover Dam arrived, the Courier happily charged into battle, claiming many more trophies. There, he met the Legate Lanius in battle, eventually toppling the Monster of East. The ghoul of Vegas, named himself Salem Thorn, his first name was named after the horror that took place at the village, and his last name was chosen because he will always be a pain the side of the NCR and whoever enters his domain. After his naming, General Oliver, leader of the NCR's attack on the Dam, demanded that the Ghoul of Vegas leave the Mojave forever, never to return. To which, Salem laughed saying "you can't kill evil, my dear, poor general, you can't kill me" then he proceeded to massacre every single ranger, saving General Oliver for last; making him his battle standard; well, what was left of him. Only his upper torso was left, it made a most gruesome flag.
Now, Salem Thorn rules all of the Mojave, an empire more brutal than the Legion ever was, but his citizens were safer than ever before. His enemies were kept alive, no unnecessary deaths on the battle field; he forced them to fight on the front lines, as cannon fodder. He himself is hardly seen now, leaving Yes Man, the one being that he respects in charge of the day to day affairs, while he leads the troops on raids of the remnants of Legion and NCR outposts.
That was 50 years ago, due to his actions at Big Mt. his cybernetics have kept him young and strong, still able to keep his promise to General Oliver, that he is the Mojave's face of evil, so will be here for a long, long time. His reign is long and fruitful, at least to those who earned his favor, his enemies were dispatched in a brutal manner, seeing as fighting was almost non-existent.
Now, our brutal warlord is travelling back to Goodsprings, to reflect, to plan, and to sleep. Salem skipped around the ruined town, humming and laughing, his skull helmet rattling and shaking, when someone asked him why he still had the skull helmet, he replied with "so I'm always smiling, of course". He continued on his journey, he heard a voice, not that this was uncommon, he always heard them, every day or so, he would hear the voices of Benny, Caesar, people who had crossed his path, now they are having dirt naps. But this one was different, it was a little girl's voice, this one was new. When he concentrated, he could just make out the words. "My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe, my wrathful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call, I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my rage and appear!"
Before our sadistic warlord could even wonder what that meant, a green portal opened up, pulling him in, and blackness overtook him.
Louise POV
My name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, third daughter of the esteemed Vallière family, and I had failed, again. This time however, my honor and family name was on the line. It was the Springtime Summoning Ritual, and I am the last student, so naturally everyone was looking at me, and I was failing.
Gathering all of my rage, all my shame, and my hate for the mocking students behind me; I screamed out my chant:
"My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe, my wrathful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call, I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my rage and appear!"
The students muttered amongst themselves
"What kind of chant was that?"
"Zero's going to fail again"
But all of their mocking and questions was silenced by a humongous BOOM!
A wave of dust, smoke and the stench of blood and offal filled the room.
"Oh Founder!"
"What the hell Zero!?"
Some of the students puked, others passed out, and some even ran from the room.
In all the chaos, no one noticed that I was smiling, I had done it! I wasn't a zero!
I couldn't hold it in anymore, and laughed, harder than I had in years.
When I stopped laughing, I could hear laughter, not mine, nor was it anyone I had ever heard before, it sounded, deep, rich and strong, but it sounded old, like it had seen and done horrible things.
I barely heard Mr. Colbert order Tabitha to clear the smoke, I was staring at the horrific being in front of me: freakishly tall, a skull on his head, many severed hands, a entire upper human torso (skeleton, thank the Founder) on his back. Strange armor, black as night, and it was covered in scars and dried blood a bloody sack hung over his back, filled with meat of some kind, the question was quickly answered by the man pulling a limb that vaguely resembled a human arm (super mutant) and munched down with relish.
The man then marched forward, singing to himself in a strange language, he stopped right in front of me, clacked his heels together and saluted me a mockery of a soldier's salute. He laughed, throwing his arms in the air, a large, jagged knife in hand, and began to sing again in whatever commoner language he dares stain a nobles ears with.
Mr. Colbert, seeing the problem waving his staff to cast a translation spell, but paused as he saw his eyes, well, the one eye that remained, the other was long gone, the other was dark, and full of a dark mirth, one that only the depraved madmen could ever have in their eyes, this was the eye of a psychopath. Then he casted the spell.
Salem POV
When I can see again my first thought was "that's it, I'm in Hell" everything was so damn nice, green trees, strange fuzzy creatures, and a giant lizard with wings "ok, that's awesome!" I said to myself, and then I started to sing to myself again: "Let us piss from the vine, Let us claw in the mud, Let us swing with both fists, As we writhe in the blood. Let us walk on stained glass, Sinners one, sinners all. It's always prettiest after the fall." I stopped when I saw the little girl in front of me, she was looking at me like the poor general Oliver did, full of self importance and pride. Deciding to indulge the pipsqueak's pride, I saluted to her, mockingly of course. Seeing no reaction I frowned in annoyance, these people are more deadpanned then those Brotherhood of Steel blokes; at least they had the decency to fight you, or look you in the eye when you ended their little lives. I saw a old geezer wave some kind of stick in the air, and suddenly I could understand them! "Ok, what the bleeding Hell was that" I asked the children-wait, children!? The kids and the geezer looked alarmed at my language, "what, oh, you're not Puritans are ya? Ah, never mind"
Finally, someone spoke up, the old guy actually, "you were summoned to be Ms. Vallière's familiar. I looked at him confused "what the heck's a familiar ya pompous windbag? It had better not be a slave, because I HATE slavers, the last ones I ran into, I impaled on spikes burned em alive"
Everyone looked at me shocked, "what? Ya never heard of a joke before? Jeez tough crowd" I mutter, normally I would've killed em all by now, but, I believe in a good first impression, and I don't kill kids, I'm evil, not a monster.
Anyways, the pink haired pipsqueak and the old geezer was having a good old argument, something involving me, but I was too busy looking at a dark skinned beauty, her red hair caught my eye, that and her large…eyes, right, defiantly that. Then I heard the little girl in front of me yell at me to kneel, again normally they'd all be dead by now, but killing kids seemed like something a raider would do, chem crazed weirdos. I did as she asked and kneeled, then, she kissed me on the bleeding lips! I was about to carve her up like a thanksgiving gecko, but a blinding, burning pain roared through my hand; it reminded me of the one time I shot with a laser rifle, just worse somehow. "ah shi…" was all I could manage before I collapsed on the ground.
There we go ladies, gentlemen, and others, that was the first chapter in a series that'll be getting started soon.
Any love, hate, feedback or anything in between is always accepted happily, and as always, stay awesome, stay classy and have a lovely day.