First off, apologies for the misleading update, because this is not a story update. The story is over. What were you expecting? An epilogue?

Oh… you were?

In that case, I can tell you that there is one coming, but it is still a very slow work in progress and I can't guarantee any specific time that I will upload it… but it IS in the making, I CAN guarantee that ;)

This update is just the replies to the reviews as promised, and to be fair to the few guest reviewers, as I didn't want to leave them out, I decided to do it like this rather than through PM's, but if you would like to continue any sort of conversation I would ask we do it through the PM system :) Anyway, terribly sorry for taking my time with these replies. Wasn't entirely my fault as I'm currently battling a cold that can't decide whether it wants to be a head cold or chest cold… I mean just make up your f*cking mind! Urgh…

But whatever… to the reviews!

Replies to Reviews


The time really does fly by! Originally I had hoped to get this story finished a lot sooner, but alas, that wasn't the case… tis quite shocking how many words an action sequence takes up! Nevertheless, I'm really glad you enjoyed it all the way, and also glad to hear you've been following right from the start, so thank you, and thanks for your review :)

Zootopian Fulf

I'm actually surprised your favourite out of all the squad is Wolford, considering he has the least 'screentime' out of all of them, but I get it, because looking back I think I gave him some of the best one-liners ;) As for Roan being your favourite villain, I'm glad to hear that, as it shows I wrote him in right. Thanks for your continued reviews and many compliments- as with anyone, I enjoy getting them! I do hope I didn't cause you too much trouble with the latter few cliffhangers, but overall I'm just glad you enjoyed reading :)


Thanks for leaving me a review! And I'm glad you think this is one of the better stories out there, and I'm happy you enjoyed reading it :) I am however a little curious to know what you thought the odd moments were, so I might make them better, or at least, less… odd ;)


Thanks for your review and your lovely compliment, and I'm glad you loved my story and was on the edge of your seat… as long as you never fell off it! ;) As I've said, I am working on an epilogue, but there's plenty of other fics out there that do go into Nick and Judy's life together that I don't think the fandom will miss my own version. Not saying I won't ever write again, because while I'm not sure I'd have the time, I would certainly like to.


I'm thrilled the fight between the three foxes was mentioned as somebody's favourite. I think it might be my own favourite too because it's the part of the story that gives Nick time to shine in a fight on his own, even if he had some exterior help. Anyway, I'm glad you loved the story, and that you was on the edge of your seat the whole time… that was always my goal ;)

Prince Maggie

Unfortunately yes… this fic was always going to come to an end someday, but I am thrilled you loved it all the way through. I'm actually quite surprised that it was my story that made you a WildeHopps fan, considering their relationship is more of a side story to all of the action and perils and there are a lot more fics out there where their relationship is the focus of those stories. Nevertheless, I am happy for that! And I am especially happy you love Fang and Catherine, and I'm assuming their relationship too, which is my personal little 'Frostmeyer' ship. I'm especially glad you like Catherine, considering she is the only protagonist OC in the whole story, even though I could argue I turned the canon characters into my own ;) But anyway… before I get into a real ramble, thanks for your review. I did spend a lot of time working on this story, and that's on research as well as writing, so it's certainly nice to know all that hard work paid off, thanks so much :)

Mustard Lady

Little late to the party, huh? I'm just kidding! :D Thanks for your review and I'm glad you're liking the start, and I can assure you, it will get ugly.

Martybraze - Guest

It would be difficult for Roan to get his revenge if he's in maximum security prison. I hadn't necessarily thought of bringing him back if I did make another story… but like I said, I have so many ideas and I'm not sure I'll have the want or time to write them, although I am working on the epilogue for this story at least. And while I appreciate the dramatics and the compliments, I think you'll survive without my story… you could always read it again? XD Nevertheless I'm so glad you've enjoyed it, and thanks for your review :)

Anonymus - Guest

Thanks for the compliments and your review! I'll admit that 'Roaracoaster' pun made me laugh more than it should have XD You're not wrong that I did overuse the cliffhangers… sorry about that. But, a long wait after a cliffhanger makes the next chapter all that more exciting, right? ;) Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed reading and am certainly glad to know the ending resolved everything nicely, even though any other outlying questions should get answered in the epilogue I'm currently writing.


I'm glad you loved it, and thanks for your review :) but as for a sequel I'll have to wait and see myself. Even if I write again it might not necessarily be a sequel to this.


Well… I couldn't not have a rewarding romantic ending after all that bloody carnage, could I? ;) I'm happy you liked it either way, and I am working on an epilogue… though it isn't a few years down the road, in keeping with the story timeline, it's more like, a few days down the road ;)

Fox in the hen house

Think I'll reply the exact way you reviewed, just to make it easier on both of us ;)

First, I am absolutely thrilled you enjoyed my story from start to finish, really I am :)

Second, I'm actually kinda glad you said this story stands well on its own, because I did sort of plan Zootopia: THE RAID to be a one-off and not a series, but I did leave it open ended enough if I did want to do a sequel. Then again, I'm not sure if I was to write again it would be a sequel anyway. I'm glad to hear you'd like to read it again, though I would suggest waiting until I've gone back and reedited the entire story, because then it may hopefully be an even better read ;)

Third… Honestly, I'm happy you liked each of the characters equally, as I did try my best to give them each their own personality and their own 'screentime'.

Fourth… To your favourite bad guy, I can't blame you for not making a definitive decision there either! Although, personally, seen as you mentioned them, I think the Fox twins are likely my favourites anyway, even though they probably had the most gruesome deaths out of all the villains. However, compared to the other bad guys in the story, Max and Maisie are the completely genuine psychopaths, but that's only because of the unexplained back stories I made for each of them, though didn't include it in the narrative because it couldn't fit in anywhere.

And fifth… I am trilled the church fight scene is still your favourite, because thinking back, I think that one was still the hardest to write out of all of them, considering there are five major characters I had to include in it!

Anyway, thanks so much for you continued reviews, and again I am just happy you enjoyed the ride :D


I'm thrilled that this has been one of your favourite stories to follow, and especially that you knew what sort of thing to expect considering you had seen the film I originally based this fic on… glad I didn't disappoint! ;) I'm also glad that 'Dirty Harry' reference went down well. I was toying whether or not to leave it in, but it fit so well with the scene I just had to XD

But yes! The twist with the inhaler I was hoping no-one could predict. I just wanted an idea that was both odd and original for that moment, and the fact that the Nighthowler serum in the inhaler is very different to the gas played a big part in that. I'm not entirely sure how or what, but I am planning to explain sort of what it is in the epilogue… so at least that is still to come.

I'm happy Bogo got a vote for favourite good guy… especially after his merciless takedown on Roan and getting rid of the explosives ;)

I'm a little surprised Madelyn you picked as your favourite villain, because I never on-purposely meant to build up her character so much. Originally she wasn't going to be in the story after Nick arrested her in Chapter 1, but obviously you know I changed that. That being said, it's funny you say she matched up so well with Judy, because, even though I didn't originally plan it, I tried to make it seem that Madelyn was basically Judy if Judy was evil, in the same way that Roan is Nick if Nick was evil… not sure how that came across but that's sort of how I intended for it to play out.

Anyway, thanks for your reviews, and I'm glad you've liked my story. Can't say for sure I will put anything else out there, but eh… we'll see ;)


I'm really glad you liked my story, and thank you for reading it. For you to say it's up there with your all-time favourite fanfictions really means a lot, seriously, thank you :)

And there we have it :) I did only go back to reply to the reviews I've had since the final chapter, so don't take it personally if I didn't reply to yours. If any of you still fancy leaving me a review now, I'll give a reply by PM… otherwise, you probably won't hear from me until I've written up that epilogue! I, I… I really need to get going on that. Though I'll admit, I'm just hoping someone out there would like to give me that 200th review… anybody? Yes? Please!? I'm just sitting there on 199 eagerly waiting for it! Or, is this just payback for all those cliffhangers I left you all on? If so, then… touché! XD

Anyway, whatever happens, I find myself saying thank you once again. Seriously, thanks for reading, for following, favouriting, and especially to those who reviewed too! It's always nice to hear and always brings a smile to my face to see my reader's thoughts on the story, and just to know you've all enjoyed it. I did have a blast writing this fic, and pretty much choreographing those fight scenes too. If you have any questions about the story or the characters, ask away! But if not, then… I guess I'll see you all when I've written that epilogue!


Or, just call me Sleepy ;)