Day Seven: (22nd): Weddings/Proposals

AN: Thank you, everybody, who took the time to read my fanfiction for Lapidot Week 2016. It was a neat little project for me to delve in and I enjoyed getting to flex my creative muscles. All good things must come to an end and so must this story. I'm very sorry this chapter is so late, that is due to a combination of college happening and me constantly reworking how I wanted this chapter to go in my head. The end result, however, I think is some of the cutest, fluffiest lapidot content if I do say so myself! Or maybe it'll look like I was trying too hard. Either way, I did try! Also apparently there are more lapidot weeks coming up here relatively soon so expect to revisit this universe sometime in the near(ish) future, but for now here is the conclusion to Lapidot week 2016, Weddings and proposals. I hope you enjoy!

~A few weeks after the events of chapter 6~

A pair of deep blue eyes scanned the area around them.

The familiar beach area in front of the temple brought forth so many memories.

Well only a few but they mostly involved attacking everybody, but today was a different day.

These were good memories.

Happy memories.

And everyone was there.

Well, 'everyone' is a strong word.

But everyone Lapis cared about was there.

And everyone Peridot cared about was there too.

Lapis looked around at the scene played out in front of her. There were a few dozen rows of white chairs strewn out in neat rows on either side of a red carpet. The chairs were mostly empty.

But Lapis looked forward, a platform with nothing on it aside from a white wedding arch decorated with all sorts of different colored leaves- greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns.

Lapis then locked her eyes on one particular figure that lay ahead of her.

It was a lovely green gem looking the oddest combination of nervous, excited and happy the blue gem thinks she had ever seen. Peridot was decked out in a full-on, green tuxedo complimented by her very familiar red bow tie from her alien plushie.

Peridot's expression was surprisingly unreadable but she was clearly trying to keep herself together.

The blue gem couldn't help but smile at her through a thin veil as the classic 'wedding march' started playing in the background, prompting Lapis to begin walking down the aisle.

~A few weeks prior to the wedding, directly after the events of Chapter six~

"So you're saying you can go even faster than that?" Peridot asked her eyes turned into swirls at the dizzying speeds Lapis had been going to get them both to the barn after their encounter in the field.

"Yes. I did fly all the way back to homeworld by myself without any kind of assistance. And I made that trip all the way from Earth in about nine months." Lapis stated very neutrally.

"You're smart. You do the math." She added, finally taking off Peridot's visor and handing it down to the green gem whose eyes finally returned to normal, two differently colored orbs looking up to meet Lapis'.

Peridot gladly accepted the visor in question, applying quickly back to her face and feeling a sense of relief pass over her body now that her own personal feng shui had been returned. Peridot's eyes darted from side-to-side from behind her visor and Peridot did the math of Lapis' journey in her head. Peridot's eyes widened almost instantaneously as she reaches up and grabbed Lapis' shoulders and pulled her down to meet her revelation more intently.

"Lapis that would put your top speed many times past the speed of light- there are ships in Homeworld's various fleets that aren't even capable of that kind of speed!" Peridot's face was broadened in a massive smile as her nerdy enthusiasm rang out as she shook her roommate with this dramatic revelation.

"Huh. Never actually done the numbers before. Thanks, Peridot." Lapis uttered with genuine sincerity pulling the green gem into a quick embrace.

The green gem moved her head out to the left of Lapis' body and looked inside of the barn, more importantly at the pile of peridot sitting on the floor of the barn.

Peridot noticeably gulped.

"So do you want to watch Camp Pining Hearts. I know it's season five bu-"

"There's…something I need to ask you first."

Peridot interrupted the blue gem letting go of her before very professionally walking into the barn, leaving the blue gem to follow her.

"Sure." Lapis said her features still evident of the emotional strain she has been in just the past couple of days.

Peridot stopped in front of her 'Wow! Thanks!' morp where her peridot was before deciding to turn around to Lapis.

"Okay! I'm going to make something really quickly but you're not allowed to see it before it's done. It must be a surprise!" Peridot's voice echoing in the closed environment of the barn.

Lapis gave the green gem a confused look before nodding and summoning her water wings covering her eyes hastily with them.

Peridot gives a thumbs up.


Peridot started looking around the first floor of the barn.

"Now where did I leave that gemstone holster?"

"I can still hear you." Lapis snarked.

"Close your ears as well then! The element of surprise must not be taken from this next moment!"

Lapis raised her hands to where her ears, perceivably, were. The next few moments Lapis simply observed Peridot as she dug around the first floor of their barn looking for a…

Gemstone holster?

Whatever it was Peridot looks really nervous looking for it.

Lapis noted Peridot was visibly sweating, and when she was actively grabbing onto items or pull on the various materials they had lying around for making morps her body was fidgeting.

Lapis was curious what her lovely little green gem had up her sleeve.

A loud crash is heard past Lapis' rudimentary sound deafening maneuver.

Lapis elected to keep her ears plugging, noting the next thing that crossed her blurred line-of-sight which was Peridot holding something in between her closed hands.

Lapis noted her mouth move forming words, but even her enthusiastic cries were deafened to unrecognizable sounds.

Peridot then walked to her 'Wow! Thanks' morp and she picked up a green gemstone off of the ground next to it.

"Wait. What is that?"

Lapis thought looking down at the stones on the ground.

"They all kind of look like Peridot's gem. Same color, anyway."

Lapis' features squinted in Peridot's direction focusing on the backside of her petite form as she hunched over the table her morp was placed on, looking intently over whatever she was working on.

Peridot was hunched over her morp's table setting and on the table along with the morp are two items:

A very pristine looking peridot crystal Peridot had acquired from her adventure with Steven.

And a very simple looking ring base with only one slot allotted for gemstone placement.

"Okay. Let's see if I can do this."

Peridot took a quick glance behind her, beads of sweat undercutting from the covered portion of her face. Lapis looked at Peridot with a very Lapis expression.

Seemingly bored and with a distinct curiosity lighting up her blue eyes.

Peridot started blushing to go along with her clammy, shaky exterior.

Peridot took in a deep breathe.

"Let's do this."

In Peridot's right hand she held an appropriately sized piece of peridot for the ring while her left hand was currently being used to make the base of the ring float in the air.

Peridot moved her left hand over slightly, meeting it with the peridot she, herself, was holding.

Peridot very gently opened up the fingers of her left hand; this, in turn, caused the tiny metal rims of the ring to expand oh so slightly.

Peridot then very carefully inserted the aforementioned Peridot into the ring's allotted space and as carefully as she opened up the metal rims of the ring she closed them, creating a homemade peridot ring.

Peridot stared down at the ring in her hands and her mind began racing much faster than the outside world could process.

The hundreds of years as a kindergarten technician weren't wasted after all.

Although this was infinitely more stressful than anything Peridot had been through in all of those hundreds of years.

But Peridot had put a lot of thought into this move.

She didn't quite understand the reasoning behind this human tradition.

But she did understand there was an important emotional implication to this action and the subsequent question she was going to ask Lapis Lazuli.

Peridot had doubts in her mind about the move while she was going to collect the necessary components with Steven.

But after the events of the past several hours…

Peridot was certain about the move she was about to make.

Peridot was absolutely certain to every logical degree, and every illogical one alongside it.

Peridot loved Lapis Lazuli, deeply.


Peridot yelled so boisterously that even Lapis with her covered ears could easily hear the green gem clear as day.

Lapis took her hands off her ears and looked down and Peridot, blurrily, due to her water wings.

"Peridot, are you okay?" Lapis said staring at Peridot's blurry form in front of her.

"Yes, Lapis. You may now remove you water wings because I am ready to take ACTION!"

Lapis removed her water wings.

Lapis looked down to see Peridot down on one knee, her left hand resting on her raised knee and her right hand clutching something in its enclosed grasp.

Peridot raised the enclosed hand towards Lapis, slowly opening it up and with great precision lifting the hidden ring up with her middle finger and thumb.

"Lapis Lazuli…."

Peridot looked down before snapping her head back up quickly.


The intensely loud question came out of the small green gem's mouth. Her eyes brimming to the widest possible points possible as stars as she looked up and Lapis Lazuli expectantly.

Lapis responded in the only way anyone could react being in her exact same situation.


~The wedding~

Peridot gazed down the aisle, basking deeply in the figure which approached her.

Peridot began smiling in nervous excitement.

The beautiful blue gem before her was slowly approaching her in tune to the music. Although initially objecting to the idea, Lapis was dressed in a dress which wasn't melded to her body. It was a lovely elegant white, and after that fact, it was pretty much like her usual attire. A crop-topped middle, separating the tight fitting top portion and the loose flowing, knee-length skirt. She was wearing a thin veil, holding a bouquet of fall-colored leaves and barefoot to her desire.

Beside her, she was being walked down the aisle by none other than Greg Universe, Steven's father, dressed in his tuxedo from his adventures in empire city a few months ago.

Greg was tearing up as he walked Lapis down the aisle which was weird considering Peridot's major interaction with him was pushing him off of a roof and Lapis' was breaking his leg and sinking his boat.

But hey, weddings are beautiful so cut him some slack.

Lapis had always held an entrancing beauty to her, but Peridot's nervous front finally broke and she couldn't help but smile as this especially beautiful blue gem approached her.

"It sure took a lot of explaining to get here, though. For both of us."

~The Barn a few weeks prior~

Peridot fell flat on her face, the ring still held delicately in her hand for safe keeping.

Lapis knelt down to Peridot, eyeing the collapsed green gem.


Lapis eyed the ring in question before delicately grabbing it from her hand and scanning it Peridot reacted immediately to not having the ring in her hand.

"W-w-w-wait! Lapis!"

"What's this ring for?"

"It's for uhh. It's a human tradition known as 'Marriage'. Peridot responded coolly.

Lapis just continued staring at the ring with curiosity.

"And what is that exactly?"

"From my research into the subject, it's a tradition in which two humans initiate into a commitment with one another due to the high amount of love they feel for each other."

Lapis shifted her gaze over to Peridot, who had a noticeable chill run up her spine from the eye contact.

"They also seem to promise themselves to each other forever, which seems silly coming from a human standpoint since they are so fragile and live relatively short lives compared to gems, and although this is slight logical fallacy on the part of humans- I think a commitment of this caliber would be ideal for gems."

Peridot had explained all of that with a very straight, matter-of-fact demeanor only to start blushing to towards the end and looking away nervously.

"And more specifically us."

Lapis' eyes started shimmering, nothing lighting up the barn but the moonlight dripping through the various holes in the structure.

"So what do you do when you're 'married'." Lapis continued probing Peridot for info.

"From what I could gather from various forms of media we would simply do what we've been doing for a while now, along with some of the other stuff which just started a few hours ago-"

Peridot paused, her blush deepening. Lapis face started to heat up as well.

"-But we just do it for the rest of our lives, which I stated before being gems could literally go on forever."

Lapis' eyes were diamond-shaped stars at this point. She looked back down at the ring.

"So how was I supposed to react whenever you presented me with this ring?"

"WELL! Once I presented the ring, you were supposed to light up with excitement."

"and?" Lapis asked expectantly.

"Then we I asked my proposal you were meant to say yes and allow me to put the ring on one of your fingers. Though I didn't consider you might be confused-"

Peridot felt her hand get pulled up and Lapis place the ring back in her hand. Peridot looked down at the ring in her hand then back up at Lapis who was looking as bored as she possibly could and looking off in the distance, Peridot was confused but then her eyes sparkled in excitement upon realization of what Lapis was doing.

"L-Lapis." Peridot said confidently like she'd practiced this before.

"Yes, Peridot?"

Lapis turned to meet Peridot eyes with her own. Peridot's confidence suddenly flew away.

"I just did this! Get a grip, Peridot!" she thought to herself.

"Lapis, would you marry me?" Peridot asked, somehow still nervous, as she presented her peridot ring to the lovely blue figure before her.

Lapis face went from her neutral, bored-looking face to unbelievably excited and happy in no time flat.

"Yes! Of course Peridot!" Lapis responded with so much enthusiasm, almost matching Peridot's day-to-day levels.

Peridot was star struck. Lapis face quickly returned to just a small sincere smile as she gestured her head towards her two outstretched hands, turning Peridot's attention to them.

Ten delicate blue fingers outstretch before Peridot, she looked carefully examining which one she want to attach her ring on. Peridot looked at them all but then settled on the second finger from the left.

It was only a coincidence that is just happened to be the left, ring finger where the ring traditionally belonged.

Peridot gently slipped the ring on Lapis' finger. And it went on with great ease if not a little tight.

"It is okay?"

"It's a little tight, honestly."

"OH! I can fix that! Just one moment."

Peridot held Lapis' left hand in her right hand and raised her left hand and formed a circle with her thumb and pointer finger. She then slowly expanded the circle she made with her fingers and the ring incrementally expanded to the perfect size to slip on and off of Lapis' finger at will.


Lapis looked down at Peridot big goofy grin.


Lapis then quickly scooped up Peridot and without any warning placed a delicate, tender kiss of the green gem's lips. The green gem responded in kind.

The kiss broke.

"Now you need to help me with something."

Peridot eyed her curiously.

"What's that?"

"I need to find some Earth lapis lazuli so I can give you a ring, don't I?"

"I!...hadn't thought of that, but it sounds appropriate."

Lapis summoned her water wings and started taking to the skies.

"So why do you need me?"

Well, other than your wonderful company and helping me find it-"

Lapis pulled off Peridot's visor and placed it on her on her face, the stone on the ring glimmering in the moonlight.

"I need your visor because I want us to be married as soon as possible!"

Peridot's expression sunk slightly in the anxiety of another top speed Lapis flight. Her heterochromatic eyes shrinking at the thought.

Before she could protest they zoomed off in one direction, Peridot screaming in the distance.

~The wedding, weeks later~

The wedding hymn continued to play off in the distance. Peridot took, this time, to look to her left and right.

On her right, directly next to her stood Amethyst, who was wearing a purple suit and had her hair stylized in a fashionable ponytail, similarly to Greg's. Amethyst had her eyes closed, but opened them when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She looked to see it was Peridot, who was looking happy but nervous.

Amethyst nudged Peridot in the side with her elbow, smiling.

"Don't look so nervous, Peri. You'll pass out before she gets here."

Amethyst laughed very lightly, closing her eyes again waiting for this thing to start.

Peridot looked over to her left, and with a considerable amount of space between them stood none other than Steven Universe, but unlike Peridot and Amethyst he wasn't dressed in a suit, but instead was wearing dress akin to what Lapis normally did, replacing the diamond design usually tied to it with a star instead. Steven noticed Peridot looking at him and didn't say anything but elected to give a wink and the gun, stars seemingly being produced by said wink.

Peridot let out a deep breath and with the encouragement from both Steven and Amethyst, her features relaxed from their nervous state and instead were replaced by excitement and happiness and Lapis continued to walk down the aisle.

"I wasn't sure about this whole ceremony at first, but I'm glad Steven convinced us."

~Back at the barn, a few days after Peridot's marriage proposal.~

Steven and Amethyst are going to visit the barn mates, unaware of anything that has transpired here for the past few days.

"She had a whole bunch of peridot. I'm really curious what she did with it all. They've probably made something so cool!"

Steven said clenching both of his hands into fists in front of his body, restraining his excitement.

"Yeah. They probably found a bunch of neat junk since I was here. Maybe I can borrow some to add to one of my piles!"

Amethyst said, smiling excitedly.

They approached the time just as they had before, but with far more enthusiasm about the adventures ahead of them than they had before- at least more than Amethyst had before.

When they were within sight of the barn they noted Peridot and Lapis were in their truck bed balcony with a discernable new TV, considering the last one got rained out.

Steven noted, however, that they weren't sitting side by side as they had been the last time they visited the barn mates in the countryside, instead, Peridot was nested comfortably in Lapis lap with Lapis wrapping her arms around the green gem, resting her chin on top of Peridot's hair scrunching it down.

"It's a color war, Paulette. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" the TV sounded off familiarly.

"Paulette just doesn't get it." Lapis stated.

"Paulette's inferior ability to understand the camps hierarchy is to blame." Peridot added.

Lapis leaned down and kissed Peridot's hair.

"I guess it might."


Peridot and Lapis' head moved in unison looking down seeing Steven and Amethyst.

Peridot gasped.

"Lapis! Fly us down! We have to tell them the news!"

Lapis' water wings were already out and Lapis already had a firm grip around Peridot' s torso as she flew them both down to the entrance of the barn to meet their guests.

"You guys looked so cute up there! When did this happen?" Steven asked squishing his face in excitement.

"Yeah, you guys are almost as bad as Ruby and Sapphire."

Lapis looked down at Peridot who she was still holding as Peridot looked up.

Peridot then broke the brief silence.

"It happened when we got married a few days ago!"

Steven and Amethyst's jaws dropped collectively.

"YOU GUYS DID WHAAAAT?!" Amethyst was the first to sound off.

Steven was still agape but unable to say anything.

"YES! We've even done the earth ritual of exchanging earth gemstones to enforce the strength of our commitment!"

Steven looked at Lapis' left hand and noticed a ring with a particularly glittering Peridot in it. Steven then looked down at Peridot's right hand and noticed a blue gemstone with golden specks attached to a ring on her finger.

"YOU GUYS HAD A WEDDING AND DIDN"T INVITE ANYONE?!" Steven finally spoke up in a little more than a yell.

Peridot's and Lapis' eyebrows furrowed at Steven's question.

"Do you know what he's talking about, Peri."

"No. Not quite. My research was brief, however, so maybe I skimmed over some details."

"Guys a wedding it absolutely essentially for a marriage! You can't be married and not have a wedding!"

Peridot and Lapis looked at each other then back at Steven.

"Then we must hurry!" Peridot threw her arms in the air. "Steven, Amethyst- what is the first step for this wedding ritual?"

Steven went to give a sincere answer, but Amethyst quickly slid in front of Steven.

"The first step to ANY wedding is, of course, picking out your maid of honor and best man- or in the case of this wedding, Maids of honor."

"Who should we choose to do that?" Lapis' headed tilted with the question.

"Simple! You just choose your second favorite person since you're already marrying your first favorite." Amethyst replied coolly with a wide grin plastered on her face.

The blue and green duo simply stared at Amethyst for a moment. Then very suddenly, Peridot broke out of Lapis' grasp and quickly ran up to Amethyst grabbing her right hand and excitedly moving it up and down.

"Amethyst! You can be mine! You'd be the best Maid of honor." Peridot stated factually.

"Aw shucks, Peri, I wouldn't say the best but if you're saying it then it's fine." Amethyst stuck her tongue out coyly.

While Peri was celebrating with her new Maid of Honor, Steven moved over towards Lapis.

"Hey, Lapis?"

"Yes, Steven?" Lapis said looking down at the child.

"I'll be your maid of honor." Steven said with a wink and a gun.

Lapis snorts and laughs for a few moments.

"Thanks, Steven. I was just about to ask you." Lapis replied evenly.

Peridot and Amethyst run up to Steven and Lapis.

"So what's next, Steven?"

"Oh! Ummmmmm"

Steven rested his hand underneath his chin, thinking.

Steven snaps

"We need to tell the other gems! They'll want to help with this as well."

"Yeah. Garnet will probably freak out when we tell her." Amethyst snarked, her eyes closed and hands behind her head.

Peridot looked excitedly towards Lapis who was looking particularly drained.

"Uhh, you guys go ahead. We'll catch up with you." Peridot threw out.

"Okay! We'll see you back at the temple!"

Steven ran off with Amethyst following behind him walking without a care in the world.

When they were a reasonable distance away, Peridot looked to Lapis.

"Are you okay? We don't have to go over there now if you'd rather not." Peridot said genuinely.

"I'll be okay, Peridot." Lapis responded weakly. "If it means making this marriage official then it'll be worth it."

"Alright! Weddings away!" Peridot said running off towards the warp bad. Lapis giggled, summoning her wings and following Peridot.

~The Wedding~

Lapis was about halfway up the aisle when she looked to her left.

Beyond the rows of chairs, there was Pearl who was currently dressed up in her 'waiter' attire with only one significant addition and that being a headset connected to nothing and no one but something Pearl simply decided to wear.

Playing the part up well.

Pearl was the one responsible for setting this all up.

Lapis looked ahead of her, and other than Peridot, Steven, and Amethyst and there was Garnet, dressed up in her suit

Peridot and Steven were right. The gems aren't bad people.

Lapis just needed a little time and something special to warm up to them.

~The temple, a couple of weeks before the wedding~

The warp pad sounds off and in its light appears Steven, Amethyst, Peridot and Lapis. Amethyst immediately heads to the couch while Steven heads for the Temple door.

"OOOH OOH! Lapis, you have to check out Steven's bathroom. It's where I first stayed after the gem captured me."

Peridot said pulling Lapis towards Steven's bathroom.

"Okay. Okay." Lapis responded letting herself get dragged

Meanwhile, Steven started banging on the temple door.

"GARNET! PEARL! We have big news."

The door to the house opens up, giving off its distinct creak.

"Steven. Why are Peridot and Lapis in your bathroom?"

Steven turns around to see the two gems in question he was looking for, Pearl staring down the hallway where Steven's bathroom is located with a bit of concern while Garnet settles herself down on the couch next to Amethyst who was already starting to snore.

"Oh! You guys!"

Steven runs to the middle of the living room.

"I have the MOST amazing news to share with you all!"

"Does it have anything to do with why Lapis and Peridot are playing with the toilet in your bathroom?"

Off in the distance, the sound of water being manipulated could be heard in the distance.

"Lapis, I don't think you understand what's been done in that toilet."

Lapis only laughed in response.

"Lapis, you better not."

A huge splash noise, along with a loud Peridot-esque shriek could be heard. A large flow of water coming out of the open doorway of the bathroom.

Steven coughs, bringing the attention back on him.

"Weirdly enough, yes! My news has everything to do with what's happening in my bathroom right now."

Lapis walks out of Steven's bathroom with a grumpy, wet Peridot holding her hand. Her hair dropping at the points from being soaked.

"Lapis and Peridot are getting married!"

The room went dead silent.

Pearl's eyes had taken over her entire face.

Garnet had removed her shades and each of her three eyes was open about as wide as they could manage.

The silence was broken by Amethyst's seemingly sleeping form raising her arm up and pointing at Garnet.

"That's the face I was talking about!"

Amethyst he proceeded to laugh as the two previously unaware gems' expressions starting normalizing out. Prompting Peridot to talk.

"It just seemed like the most logical thing to do. Considering our living arrangement and how close we've grown and how much we've grown together."

Lapis' grip on Peridot's hand tightened.

Steven laughed.

"Yeah and we thought we could all work together and give them a really great wedding since this is such a huge moment in their lives!" Steven suggested.

Peridot's grin was wide and proud.

Lapis wore a small but sincere smile.

Pearl had her hands clasped together in front of her face, tears staining the corners of her eyes. Garnet's expression had softened considerably from it's usually stoic, cold exterior with a small smile and relaxed eyes.

"We'd be happy to!" Pearl said, holding back a lump in her throat.

"Anything we can do to help." Garnet followed-up.

"Alright! Perfect!" Steven clapped his hands together. "So Pearl, you like organizing things so you can be the wedding planner."

"Well, alright. I've never tried but I'll do my best." Pearl nodded in determination.

"And Garnet. I think you might have something really special to share on the subject matter so I think you'd make a great minister for the wedding."

Garnet moved one of her hands in front of her eyes, forming a new visor.

"You can count on me."

"Alright! I think we're on the right track. Peridot, Lapis- are you ready to get married?"

"Yes, Steven!" both said in unison with big, toothy grins.

~Back at the wedding~

Lapis had finally reached her destination at the stage. She handed off her bouquet of leaves off to Steven who was more than happy to take them.

Lapis then turned towards Peridot, a sense of chill ran all the way up Peridot eventually ending at her hair and causing the points of her hair to fray vigorously that the edges. Peridot then put out her hands and suddenly the part of the platform she was right underneath shook, causing her tiny body to quake a little. Peridot then raised her hands up slowly and a small circular section of the platform began to rise bring Peridot up closer to Lapis' level. The platform raised about a foot off of the ground before a distinctive could be heard. Peridot let her hands relax and other than a bit of shaking, the platform Peridot was standing strong.

Pearl could be seen in the background, pumping a fist to herself, mouthing out the word yes.

Peridot then stared directly into Lapis thinly veiled eyes, and with a gentle, precise motion she grabbed the edges of said veil and lifted it up over Lapis' surprisingly, neatly coifed hair. Peridot for a second couldn't help but get lost in the beauty that stood before her. Peridot couldn't even think for a second that her trip to Earth would have led to this.

Then Lapis suddenly started reaching for Peridot's visor.

Grabbing it at each edge, Lapis removed Peridot's visor and quickly passed it back to Steven who took it upon himself to wear it to see what it felt like. Steven's face was a little too round for it, but the visor stayed on well enough.

Peridot's face was a little heated. She rarely was seen without her visor.

Of course, it started happening now a lot more with Lapis around.

"If I can't have a veil then neither can you, okay?" Lapis whispered.

Peridot's nerves were kicked up again, beads of sweat now falling from her uncovered face. Her two, differently-colored eyes looking back at Lapis' matching set before nodding once with her mouth clenched tightly together.

Peridot and Lapis maintained eye-contact for what felt like an eternity before Garnet coughed, bringing the attention on to her.

Garnet opened a book and readied herself to speak.

~About a week before the wedding, back at the barn, sunset~

The warp pad sounds off in the countryside. There stands Peridot and next her a stack of boxes which appeared to have Steven's legs.

"Haha! The trip to this fabled Empire City was a rousing success!" Peridot said holding a completely green tux in her arms; next to her is Steven who appeared to be holding several boxes worth of various commodities. The stack was about three times the size he was.

"Yeah, definitely."

The duo began walking.

"Why did Lapis decide to not come?"

"She said she had something to do. She wasn't very specific. I just kind of accepted it."

"I hope the measurements are alright for her dress. It's usually better to have the person there."

Peridot pointed towards Steven.

"No fears, Steven. My system of measurement was absolutely flawless!"

Peridot let out a couple of nye he hehe's while a light blushing came over her face.

They made it to the entrance of the barn. Steven put the stack of boxes right inside the entrance of the barn before turning to Peridot.

"Alright. Pearl said she needed my help setting stuff up over at the temple for the ceremony. Then she wants to come over here and set up some things for the reception. Is that okay with you guys?"

Peridot clenched one of her hands into a fist and lifted it to the sky.

"That will be more than adequate, Steven! I will be glad when we participate in these festivities and Lapis and I make out commitment as true as possible to your human customs."

Peridot threw out both of her hands with an open palm facing up, the tuxedo now hanging from a single finger. Peridot's face was shaped with a cocky smile.

"Okay! Say hi to Lapis for me!" Steven said before jumping off into the distance. Peridot watched him until he became invisible in the horizon then turned around to her home.

"She's probably upstairs."

Peridot grabbed a nearby garbage can lid and hopped on top of it, unsteadily lifting her form into the air until she was able to jump to the ledge of the second floor leaving the trash can lid hitting the ground with a 'tang'.

When Peridot had finally lifted herself onto the loft of the barn, she was more than a little surprised at what was the first thing in her line-of-sight.

There before her was Lapis Lazuli, dancing with a water clone version of Peridot.

The size, the shape, the masterful details were enough to match the original!

Lapis being the lead in the duo of dancers eventually reached a point in time where she dipped water-dot, and after elected to hold said pose for a great few moments. Lapis opened her eyes and looked deeply into water Peridot's eyes.

"I hope I can do this well with the original."

"Yes! I agree!"

Lapis' head snapped up to meet Peridot, a big, goofy grin is spread across the green gems face.

"I just hope I will be able to keep up with you, Lapis!"

Lapis' water clone Peridot dissipated in her hands and feel to the ground to become nothing more than a puddle of water. Lapis immediately threw up her hands and covered her face in embarrassment.

"You weren't supposed to see me. I thought I'd hear you come in but I must have been so focused that I wasn't listening."

"I was at my usual decibel level." Peridot said before letting her smile fade and having a more serious face.

"Why were you practicing dancing with a water clone of me, Lapis?"

"I'm just really worried." Lapis replied stoically, deciding to sit on the ground and pull her legs closer to her body.

Peridot immediately went as fast as her stubby legs could carry her and knelt down with Lapis, taking one of her pale blue hands into her green ones.

"Lapis, what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that…." Lapis bit her lip for a moment deciding whether she wanted to continue talking, looking at Peridot and seeing there was nowhere for her turn and hide when it came to saying what she needed to say, she spoke up again.

"I'm worried that when we dance at this 'reception' after this 'wedding' and I let myself relax too much that we'll fuse and-"

Lapis brought both her empty hand and the one Peridot was cupping to her head, her facial features tensing up.

"I just don't think I'm ready to fuse again. With anyone."

Peridot looked down at Lapis, her expression serious and unchanging.

"And I didn't know how to tell you because I didn't want to hurt you, so I figured I would do this instead. If I practiced enough then maybe I could get through this wedding without anything happening."

Lapis looked up at Peridot. Lapis had single tear building up in her right eye, Peridot's expression still had changed. A green hand then came into Lapis' field of vision and with a gentle stroke took the tear right from Lapis' eye. Lapis watched Peridot's face change. From a serious attentive face to a pair of sad eyes coupled with a small, genuine smile.

"Lapis. I understand. I would never expect you to fuse unless you were absolutely ready."

Peridot bit her lip on the knowledge that she may not even be able to fuse being an era-2 peridot.

"But, I must elect a different method for you!" Peridot said standing up, holding down a hand to help Lapis up.

"Why would you train with a duplicate when you can train with the original!"

"But Peridot what if-"

Lapis was cut off by a green finger on her lips.

"You can say no right now and if you do say yes to trying then you can say no any time while we are dancing if you are uncomfortable and don't want to do it anymore."

Lapis looked up at Peridot and her outstretched hand.

Lapis smiled, taking the hand gladly and using it to help herself up.

"So how do we begin?"

Lapis responded by slipping an arm around Peridot's body and pulling Peridot towards her.

~Back at the wedding (AN- Sorry for the writing whiplash, from here on there are no more flashbacks. I was trying out something I thought was cool in terms of writing and I hope you all did as well)

"Dearly beloved,"

Garnet stated simply, everyone's eyes looked up towards her. Besides the people on the stage, there was Greg, Connie and her parents, Pearl on the outskirts, Peridot's alien plushie and weirdly enough Sadie and Lars.

"We've come here today to celebrate the binding two beings in the thralls of something far stronger than any force on Earth or Homeworld."

Garnet swaths a hand in front of her visor causing it to disappear and letting her earnest emotions pour into her speech,

"And that's love."

"Love. A force which sways us all in some way or form. Whether it is the love shared between friends."

Sadie and Lars are showed.

"Or the love shared between family."

Greg and the Maheswarans are showed.

"Or in the case of today's ceremony, the love shared between two strangers who have found a special connection and a sense of belonging to each other that they want to spend the rest of their lives together in the rich harmony of understanding, communication, and love."

The audience, albeit small, was being moved to tears.

Except for Lars, he was asleep, but the fact that he was even there was more than enough coming from him.

"And in the case of this human tradition, I can think of no better participants for it and for each other than Peridot and Lapis Lazuli. Two gems who have not only been learning to love Earth but have been learning to love each other more and more with each passing day they have here on their new home planet."

Garnet closed the book she had in her hands for no reason other than to close it dramatically when she was done with her speech.

"Now. Do you two have any special vows you'd like to say or should we get this party rolling?"

Garnet asked , returning her visor, but not before shedding a tear, thinking about what she was doing.

Peridot and Lapis looked at each other.

"After you." Lapis put forward.

Peridot squeaked with excitement as she reached her right hand into her green blazer and pulled out a massive rolled up piece of paper which comically unfurled out, bouncing down the stairs of the platform eventually reaching the red carpet stationed on the sandy beach.


Peridot started with one big huff but was met by a delicate blue hand on her shoulder.

"I'll read all of it later, but maybe summarize it for everyone else."

Peridot quickly rolled up her comically long list and stuffed back into her blazer. She grabbed up Lapis' hands and stared her directly in the eyes.

"Lapis. I would be telling an untruth if I said I wasn't the slightest bit intrigued whenever you first arrived in Garnet's arms to the barn. I wanted to prove to myself that I had changed by being your friend, but more than that I wanted to prove to you that I had changed by, as Steven put it once, showing you 'my sweet'. Everything was really rough at first but then things started changing. We started getting closer."

Peridot pulled Lapis' hands towards her torso.

"And the closer we got the room I started to realize how much you meant to me."

Tears started welling in the eyes of Peridot's recipient.

"You weren't just someone I was stuck on Earth with anymore. You weren't just a friend of mine anymore. You became my home. You made me feel safe. You made me feel welcome. And you made living on this planet far more worthwhile than it would've been without you. So in light of all of this, I, the great and well-worded Peridot, vow to you Lapis Lazuli that I can be everything to you that you are and have been to me."

Tears were streaming down Lapis' face, a rare thing for Lapis.

Even rarer since they were happy tears.

"I hope that one day that I can be your home too." Peridot finished.

Garnet rubbed underneath her visor really quickly.

"Lapis, anything you want to say?"

"Peridot, I've never had someone care about me so genuinely, so purely and so selflessly. I hope one day I can love you a fraction as powerfully as you love me."

Lapis' was short and succinct, but it still had Peridot bawling like a baby by the end of it.

"Now, if you two would like to present each other with the rings you made-"

Garnet fiddles with her visor.


Lapis turns towards Steven and Steven slips his hand behind his body real quick and in a flash produces Peridot's lapis lazuli ring.

Peridot turns towards Amethyst who was currently fiddling with her ponytail, she pulls something straight down from behind her body and her hair fell wildly around her body and she produced the ring to Peridot who eyed Amethyst with a 'seriously' face.

"Hey. Helped me remember where it was." Amethyst shrugged before putting the ring in Peridot's hand and turning her around and pushing her into Lapis.

Peridot glanced at Lapis, a little embarrassed being shoved this close in front of all of these people.

Lapis rolled her eyes and grabbed Peridot's right hand, and put the lapis lazuli ring on Peridot's right ring finger- slipping it on with great ease.

Lapis then displayed her left hand expectantly. Peridot gulped quickly before shakily going to put the ring on Lapis' finger and sliding it on, albeit with far less ease than Lapis had.

Lapis and Peridot eyes met after exchanging rings, a small sparkle of happiness easily visible when looking into each other's eyes.

"Then by the power vested in me by myself, I now pronounce these two gems as married. Peridot, Lapis, you may kiss the bride."

All eyes were suddenly on the blue and green duo. Fron the tear-stained eyes of Steven, Greg and Pearl, Connie, and Sadie, to the respect glances of Connie Parents to the cocky one-eyed gaze from Amethyst, to the enigmatic stare of Garnet and the Alien plushie.

Lars was still asleep, but he was there so whatever.

Peridot's nerves were worked right up. Unable to move properly despite how much she really wanted to with all of this attention placed on her to perform.

Was she going to do it right?

Was Peridot going to mess something up and cause them to have to repeat the ceremony?

A thousand questions beat through Peridot's little head, which made the next thing that happened all the better for the surprise.

Whilst Peridot was distracted, Lapis had pulled up the green gems head and, before Peridot could even process, planted her pale blue lips on Peridot's neon green pair.

Peridot reciprocated the force but Peridot was not able to do it nearly quick enough, so she and Lapis were sent barreling over the edge of Peridot's small platform in a heat of passion.

The fall, although startling for Peridot, was not enough to warrant breaking up what was happening now, so she never broke contact with Lapis and decided to take the brunt of the fall.

Peridot was built tough, after all.

A loud thud rang out, causing the audience to gasp.

Peridot and Lapis had yet to still break contact, to the point where garnet had to intervene and picking each of them up in one of her hands.

"Save it for after the reception you two, we've got kids in the audience."

Garnet started at what would be perceivably the fourth wall before putting Lapis and Peridot down.

Garnet stepped forward on the stage.

"All right everyone, thank you for coming. We'll be doing the reception and Peridot and Lapis barn for anyone who wants to join- if not- bye."

Garnet jumped off towards the house very suddenly.

And the mix of people started going their various directions.

Sadie elbowed Lars and the both of them got up. Sadie thanked Steven for inviting them and they walked off back towards town.

Connie's parents hugged their daughter before deciding to make their exit. They entrusted Greg/Steven to get her back home safely.

Connie, Steven, Pearl and Amethyst started walking towards the beach house, Steven stopped to look back at the newlyweds.

"Are you guys getting back home on your own?"

"Naturally, Steven! Being purposefully late is 'cool'."

Peridot air quoted the word cool.

"At least that's what Amethyst says."

"Haha, alright. I assume you're going to need this then, Lapis!"

Steven threw Peridot's visor towards Lapis who still could only half-heartedly try and catch it.

It flew over her hand, landing in the sand behind them.

Peridot picked it up and dusted it off, before promptly handing it over to Lapis who's eyes widened in surprise.

"You're not afraid?"

"Oh, absolutely terrified! But we are married now and I think that implicates a certain amount of trust is required to keep the commitment strong. So-"

Peridot lifted her arms in the air expectantly, ready to be picked up as per usual.

Lapis did just that, carrying Peridot bridal style. The irony is not lost on this situation.

Lapis summoned her water wings, and with a beat of her wings was propelled into the air and zooming off in the direction of the barn.

~Back at the Barn~

Lapis lands softly in front of the entrance of the barn, letting Peridot down gently and passing down to her, her visor. Lapis' hair which was neatly coifed during the wedding is now a familiar messy, bedhead.

"Are you ready, Lapis?"

Lapis breathed in deeply and exhaled.

"I hope so."

The blue and green pair walk into their Barn and it looked completely different than it had up to that point.

Mostly cleaner.

The first floor was completely organized and all of Peridot and Lapis' morps were put on the top floor. All of these adjustments made the barn look quite empty, other than that the next biggest thing different was the center floor of the barn was covered in the stage lighting Greg used back in his young, rocker days. It wasn't lit, yet.

"And now that Peridot and Lapis have decided to join us, they can grace us with the first dance of the night."

Garnet announced over a microphone

Everyone turn their eyes towards Peridot and Lapis, who slowly approached the center stage.

Peridot and Lapis grabbed each other's hands and stood arm's length from each other. Garnet looked towards Pearl and gave her a thumbs up, at which point Pearl tapped her foot down on a pedal which perfectly synced up with the start of the song.

The song which played was something which eerily resembled "Genghis Khan" in both style and

(AN: Lauren Zuke's fanart of Lapidot "Genghis Khan" got to me, sorry.)

The dance Peridot and Lapis performed to it looked like it was well choreographed. Something that Lapis and Peridot had practiced consistently for hours and hours- even in spite of all of this they were still happier than could be and even though they were incredibly in sync for the duration of the song-

Their gems never started glowing once.

The song came to an end, and it ended with Lapis dipping Peridot, seeing as how that was much easier than the other way around.

Everyone, granted that was five people, all clapped as vigorously as possible and filled the barn with applause.

Lapis lifted Peridot up and spun her around, and with a surprising amount of agility and grace Peridot continued in one fluid motion to finish off with a bow.

"Yes, our dancing ability is one that would make even Homeworld quake in their boots!"

The next song played and the rest of the people at the reception took to the dance floor and began to have a good time, seemingly ignoring Peridot's boasts.

Lapis took her exit from the event in question.

"Peridot, I'm going to get some fresh air. You can stay and have fun for a little while."

"Do you need anything?"

Lapis smiled wearily at Peridot.

"I need you to have fun with everybody tonight. I just need a little break."

Lapis gave Peridot a quick kiss before turning to leave.

Peridot stopped Lapis in her tracks for a brief moment, hugging her tightly around her torso.

"I just wanted to say- Wow! Thanks! For dancing with me."

Lapis pet Peridot's hair.

"Well, we are married now."

They stared at each other with star eyes for a brief moment before Peridot let go and let Lapis fly off to their truck bed balcony.

Peridot then ran back into the small crowd of friends who were all dancing and joined them. Peridot pulled out a signature move she called "The Peri-bot". It was literally just the robot but everybody loved it.

~A few hours later~

The night continued on liked that for a while until eventually, the festivities came to an end and the reception guests decided to take their leave.

"Thank you all for coming!" Peridot waved off her guests. Garnet was carrying a sleeping Amethyst. Steven was carrying a tired Connie and Pearl was walking confidently in the middle of the two pairs.

Peridot smiled widely.

Today had been a good day.

Peridot looked up and behind her, seeing Lapis lying down in their truck bed balcony.

"Hey, Lapis!"

Lapis eyes opened and she looked over the edge of the balcony.

"Yes, Peridot?"

"Everyone left, so I just wanted to let you know that you can come down whenever you want."

"I don't know. I'm feeling more like flying. Do you want to go flying?"

Peridot looked visibly distressed.

"Just for fun. Not trying to get anywhere so I won't go too fast." Lapis assured her green gem wife.

"Those terms sound agreeable!"

Peridot announced loudly to no one specifically.

And just like that Peridot was scooped up by Lapis and before they knew it they were in the sky. Peridot and Lapis worked together in order to maneuver Peridot is such a way so she could ride on Lapis' back.

"Flying from up here is much better." Peridot said, taking in the wonderful view of the secluded night time sky of the countryside.

"It's nice to fly around for fun. I like taking in the sights."

Lapis said before looking back at Peridot slightly mischievously.

"Do you know what's even better though?"

"No. What." Peridot said, still very distracted by all of the sights all around her.

"The tricks." Lapis said starting to spiral like a drill, taking Peridot by surprise as she desperately clung on for dear life. Lapis laughing the entire way and eventually deciding to introduce Peridot to the loop de loop. Peridot being completely unprepared for this, had her grip slip and started falling from Lapis. Peridot let out an adorable little shriek which stopped as quickly as it began when Lapis caught peridot by the arms.

Peridot was a little more than surprised and looked up at her blue gem wife . Lapis couldn't hold in her laughter anymore after seeing Peridot's surprised face. She let out a snort.

And Peridot, seeing Lapis so happy started laughing her distinctive nyeh heh heh's.

The two gems then entered into a large gathering of clouds and were completely invisible.

The only thing that could be seen from the inside the cloud cover was a bright light and suddenly the two distinct laughs seemed to meld into one.


"Nyeh hehehehehe."

Was all that was heard from within the cloud.

The cloud cover would eventually end, however and out of it a very large figure appeared. This figure was perfectly silhouetted by the moonlight, any distinct features it has completely covered by shadows in the thick of the night.

"This isn't so bad when you do it with someone you love." Said the singular airborne figure, seemingly to herself.

The featureless shadow continued to fly in the night time air, the only thing visible on it was a large, white, toothy grin.