Hey…. so it may have been like two years since I wrote the first chp? Please don't kill me. I was very uninspired for a while and dealing with a chronic illness (which I think I seriously underestimated the effects of before it got to me ((and also having an undiagnosed illness is seriously frightening.)) ). I have had zero creativity or drive, but in a sudden spurt of inspiration, I finished chp. 2 which had been sitting on my computer for a very long time. Finally.
This was the authors note I first wrote up for this chp 2 years ago:
I really need to start by saying something. I've read fan-fics for years, and in a ton of them, the author has some sort of "Hey I like reviews! Give me some love" and I kinda skimmed over it, cause I just wanted to read their stories. But wow, this is my first work, and I've never felt so validated. Your reviews mean so much, even if it's just a "cool story" (though I do like hearing specifics cause.. idk?), the fact that you spent the time to comment is astounding. You guys make my day.
Also…. Introducing: Asbjørn Orso- OC, mob boss kind of maybe.
Yes, this is Harry/Shikamaru and I have a pairing for Ibiki, but you'll have to wait and see that. No Harry will not be nin, but don't for a second think that he won't be helping as much as possible. It's against his nature to ignore problems. This is a very dialogue driven chapter, hope you don't mind that too much!
Severus and Harry appeared with a gust of wind in a musty alley. The air swirled around Harry's cloak, making it flap with significantly less grace than Severus' did. Harry looked around for a brief second before realizing that they were in a narrow opening between two shops on Diagon Alley.
His attention lapsed for a second, and he realised that Snape had started down the alley before turning back to drag Harry with him.
"How did you forget your shoes? Walking around in bandaged feet. You're an idiot, boy. You need more protection. You have to be more aware of your surroundings, especially where you are going. I can't always be watching out for you. If all things go well, I won't be watching after you. You have to learn to take precautions. Like wearing shoes. Idiot boy." Snape was muttering under his breath, ranting, not only to prove his point but to help Harry focus on the present. His hand was wrapped around Harry's wrist, pulling him behind the fluttering cloak and hiding the boy from view. Curious eyes on the street were fended off by Severus' dark muttering and even darker glare.
Harry hardly recognised this part of the alley. It was official in the way that Gringotts was. Except here, it was every building, not one out-of-place, overbearing bank. They stopped outside of a building with towering spirals, menacing in a kind of open way. It was an architectural mess of contradictions.
Snape continued blocking Harry from the world, only allowing to catch glimpses of the surrounding world. They seemed to be pacing towards the building at an alarming speed. As they get closer, Harry noticed that while they seemed to be heading to the building, but not the front door. He could see the massively ornate thing every once-in-awhile around Snape's cloak, but it wasn't directly in front of them.
They came to a stop suddenly, Harry falling full-bodied onto Snape's legs. The man helped Harry right himself with a stiff grip on his bicep. He finally got a look at what they had been heading too. Leaning against the ridiculous building was a lean-to made of scrap wood. The opening that they were standing in front of was oddly cast in deep shadows. Even though the sun was seemingly shining into the opening, nothing could be seen past the first foot of sheltered space.
"Hold your breath and step through the shadow, Harry. Calmly, with me." As one unit, Harry and Snape took a step into the darkness.
Dumbledore stared at Kingsley and the four Aurors that had accompanied him, with a grin. "Welcome! What may I do for you on this fine summer day?"
Kingsley stared at him with unimpressed eyes. "You know why we're here. Where's the child?"
"Oh, I'm certain he's around somewhere! I'll send out a summons-"
Kingsley cut him off. "How about I just send two of my men to the Gryffindor dorms and the others to the great hall."
Dumbledore smiled briefly after taking a closer look at the Aurors that flanked Kingsley. "Of course! He should be in one of those places. If not, then continue a search of the school?"
The Aurors nodded and swept out of the office.
"What's really going on here?" Kingsley demanded. "And don't even try to sell any of that 'nothing' bullshit. I've been around you enough. I know that stupid twinkle in your eye."
Albus sighed. "It's a good thing you brought along Aurors that did not attend Hogwarts in their youth. We will have plenty of time to talk."
Harry's grip on Severus' hand tightened with the sudden clamorous noise of clanging pots and people yelling. White water vapour filled the room from numerous boiling pots all lined up against a wall. The space was much larger than it had looked from the outside. A kitchen, Harry realised.
Snape bellowed out "ORSO, COME TO GREET ME."
The majority of the bustling bodies didn't even look up at Snape's proclamation. Harry as well, was oblivious to Snape. His mind was lost to the world around him. Twisting carefully but quickly out of Snape's grasp, he slithered between the bodies of two workers and disappeared in a burst of steam.
Severus' eyes widened and he started to lunge for the boy. Right as he shifted his weight, a heavy hand clasped his shoulder.
"SEVERUS! My old friend! What brings you here today?" A large man had strode up to Snape with a large grin on his face.
"I need to make a bargain. You still owe me a favour."
Orso's lips fell into a grim line, a thick eyebrow quirked up into the air. That was never a good start to a conversation, especially from Snape. Last time he had asked for a favour, Orso and his crew had wound up sneaking into a half-destroyed cottage to confirm a few deaths. That had not been a happy day.
"Name your favor, and I'll name my price."
The Auror stared blankly at the suit of armour that was pointing him in one direction.
"But I just looked that way, you great pile of junk metal! No one is there!" he screamed. His partner sighed, gazing down the hallway.
"No, actually I don't think we did. Look." the hallway had completely transformed without the two noticing it. Or perhaps it had moved.
"This is worse than manoeuvring through the goddamn department of misuse of muggle artefacts storage room. I hate this place."
The woman stared at him with an emotionless gaze, "hundreds of kids can walk through here without getting lost every day. Are you really going to give up?"
The man stopped ranting, fire lighting up his eyes.
"No way! I am not letting some stupid building beat me!"
Harry stared into the pot of steaming water. The bubbles burst, each bringing a new vision of the future. His gaze never strayed while bodies skimmed past him, twirling in an intricate dance that only the most efficient of teams can perform. A woman hurried by, lifting a pan over his head and casting a shadow on his water.
He saw it then. That was what he needed.
He quickly twirled away from the pot and started towards Severus.
Peeking through the steam, Harry locked eyes with Snape. He began to violently wave at the door behind Harry, his eyes lighting up in panic. Instead of taking his cue, Harry approached the pair in the middle of negotiations.
"I told you, Severus, that's the price." Orso sternly gazed at Snape with cold eyes, "You're asking a lot of us."
Suddenly there was a small tug on his sleeve. Green emotionless eyes gazed at him from his waist. Orso cocked an eyebrow at the small boy.
"Hello, sir. Would you perhaps be willing to consider an alternate payment?" the entire room stilled, even the steam seemed to stop tracing its way through the air. Eyes peeked out from around the room to gaze upon the audacious yet polite voice.
"And what form would this payment take?"
"About the future."
"The future?"
Severus suddenly realized what the boy was suggesting and from the scepticism in Orso's voice, he wasn't buying it. It was time for him to step in.
"The boy's a seer."
Orso turned to him with a dead gaze. "I realize that. I'm not so thick as to think that he is of little ability. You're with him after all."
"A seer sees the future, and in doing so cements it in place. Since the seer is not permitted to remember their vision once they have it, their usefulness and skillfulness lies in what they are able to communicate while seeing their limited slice of the future, yes?"
The mercenary raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, but willing to listen to what Snape had to say.
"The boy has the ability to see paths, not cementing the future, and can see the context of a situation. He's able to manipulate the present to get the best result."
By this time, both of Asbjørn's eyebrows were high on his face. "So what you're saying is that his information is never going to work against me. You know that there is a reason I don't work with seers normally. It always comes back to bite you in the ass."
Harry interrupted, "I see everything. And I remember everything. I wouldn't give you information that would hurt you. I'll swear to it."
"That won't be necessary. Never offer to bind yourself to someone you don't know, child." Orso's tone had taken a warm tone, before returning to his more natural steely tone, "Now let's talk terms. What type of information do you have?"
Harry took a fortifying breath. "Something that will impact both your personal life and your business. It will secure your place in the world with the least bloodshed and the most gain for those you love."
"And you can see what happens in the future that stems from you telling me about this?"
"Yes. It's rather beneficial."
The older man nods slowly. "And how likely is it that this future happens without your interference?"
"Not likely. Not impossible, but not likely."
"Ok. for the knowledge, I offer you safe passage to the Hidden Nation, and on the outskirts of the city of Konohagakure as well. You will tell me the information in private. Do you agree?"
Harry's brief soft smile told Snape what his answer would be.
Kingsley sank further down into the lush chair, his brain spinning from all of the information thrust upon him. "You truly think there is such a conspiracy?" he asked, shell-shocked.
"It's the only reason they would be so interested in the boy's fate. The prophecy is ambiguous enough that they think they can use him to profit. Their greed is always their motivating force."
Kingsley nodded and gulped, resigned to the fact that these were the people he worked for.
Dumbledore gazed upon the man with a sort of pity. He truly hadn't known that his employers were up to no good. The poor man would have to re-evaluate many things before he was able to return to his regular life if he chose to at all.
"Sit here for as long as you would like. The House-elves will supply you with tea. When you wish to gather the other Aurors and leave, just ask a portrait and they shall communicate with Hogwarts to allow your subordinates to find their way back to here."