OOPS LOOK AT ME GO! ANOTHER STORY WHEN MY OTHER THREE NEED TO BE UPDATED! WILL I EVER LEARN? I love this one so much though, will likely update it a lot faster then my others.
Anyway this may go up in rating due to gore. Based On fallout games but no knowledge is needed to read this.
Dipper Pines, aged 18, sat at his desk typing away on his computer, wiping his forehead to remove sweat as the house was impossibly hot. His mom was cooking downstairs and it was a warm summer day, plus he was upstairs making it almost unbearable. He chose to stay up here however, his father had wanted to go hunting but Dipper passed, he wanted to finish his homework so Mabel went instead. He leaned back and looked out the window with a sigh. He felt on edge, a feeling in the back of his brain told him something was wrong...but that feeling had been there for a while and most adults prided him on that fact. They said it would make him great at catching spies. Spies….his science teacher had been taken away for reportedly being a spy, likely a student didn't like their mark and made a false report. Nobody knows what happened to him but Dipper knew he wouldn't be coming back. War made people think funny, not trust anyone…
Dipper frowned, looking outside and seeing his neighbours playing frisbee one wouldn't think there was a war going on. They were lucky, most families were digging for scraps and water. They had his dad's military career to thank for the fact they were living comfortable. The war had made life go down the gutter, that much was obvious. Precious resources gone and now the world powers were in a desperate struggle for what remained. While he was thankful they were living as they were, he couldn't help but feel it wa only temporary.
He tapped his pen against his chin before getting up, he couldn't work with an empty stomach and that meatloaf smelled really good. So he went to the stairs and slid down the banister, nearly face planting but managing to land on his feet.
"Dipper, could you set the table please?" Mother called out from the kitchen. "Mabel and your father should be home soon!" She had to speak over the Tv that had been left on the news network. Dipper made a mental note to turn it off once he did what his mom had asked.
"Sure mom!" He carefully balanced the plates and utensils as he started to place them down in an orderly fashion. He was just about to get the cups when there was a knock at the door.
"Dipper could you get that?" he nodded and went to the door, slowly peeking it open with a frown.
"Morning! Vault-tec calling!" ohh great, it was one of these guys. Dipper internally groaned, he never liked vault-tec to begin with. Preying on the people's fear of a nuclear war. He had run the calculations himself and the chances of it happening were a lot less than what they advertised. The underground bunkers were over priced and may very well prove useless in the end.
'We're not interested bud-"
"Mason is that vault tec?" His mom walked over, brushing her hands off on her gown and gesturing Dipper to walk away from the door. He backed up and crossed his arms as his mom started to fill out the paperwork needed for entry. Great, there goes the money for a new computer. Rolling his eyes he went back to placing the cups, his mother entering the dining room a few minutes later. "Look….it's peace of mind, it's worth it in the end right?" Dipper looked over at her, standing straight. He had outgrew her a while ago, her and Mabel, much to his twins disappointment. He had grown to an impressive height of 6'2, not quite beating his Dad's 6'4. Who knew, he may still have a growth spurt left in him. Now if only he wasn't so..noodle like.
He sat down and turned to look at the TV. He was unimpressed. They had invented robots, plasma rifles, computers for the wrist even! And yet the television was still limited to black and white. In some ways it was like the US never really left the 1950s. He looked at his mom's clothing and back to the tv. Definitely stuck in the 50s. It had been this way for nearly a hundred years, he doubted it would change anytime soon.
"Onto the weather. Bright sunny skies are predicted for the following week, perfect time for that picnic you've been putting off-" Dipper started to tune out, waiting for Mabel and Dad to get home so they could start eating. What was taking them so long?
"Mason? Could you turn the television up please?" He went over and turned the dial up, getting ready to take a seat again when one of the words spoken caught his attention.
"And in other news….wait...hold on...We're..we're just reaching contact with our fellow stations..we have confirmed, yes confirmed, reports of..nuclear detonation in New York and Pennsylvania...oh god"
There was the sound of a shattering plate as Mom dropped her plate in surprise and covering her mouth in surprise as Dipper stood still in stunned silence before moving, nearly falling. "W-We gotta find Dad and Mabel!" He grabbed her hand and started towards the door, outside was a mess. Neighbours screaming and running as military airships and helicopters flew overhead. Ground soldiers were ordering people around.
"MABEL! DA-' Dipper was nearly knocked over by someone running by.
"Mason we gotta meet them at the vault!" His mom tugged on his arm. "That's where they would go!"
"W-what if they come here to look for us first?" Dipper looked around, grinding his teeth to keep calm in the panic.
"We can't find them if we're dead!" Dipper knew she was right but he wasn't ready to give up.
"Okay then you go!' He slightly pushed his mom ahead. "GO! I'LL MEET YOU THERE!"
"MASON PINES Y-" She was cut off as Dipper ran against the crowd.
"MABEL! DAD!" He cupped his hands around his mouth as he ran, he stopped at the back, no one else was ahead of him..that meant either they were still out in the woods...or at the vault. He felt his legs shake as he had to choose. Mom was right...can't find them if you're dead. He turned and sprinted back, ducking and dodging to get to the vault entrance. Around him were people trying to repack their broken suitcases. Up ahead was a heavily guarded fence gate. People were being turned back...or...shot if they tried to run by. He tried to ignore it but the screams were loud enough he could have sworn they were right beside.
A man in uniform holding a checklist looked at Dipper, obviously very annoyed at all the people not on the list trying to get in.
It took him a second to stutter it out, almost saying his nickname instead. "M-mason Pines…"
The man grabbed his arm and pulled him in before letting go and turning back to the crowd. Dipper tumbled over to the crowd on the platform. He was so shocked that it took him a moment to register the bone crushing hug his mom had on him. This was really happening.
The platform started to lower itself and that was enough to get Dipper looking around. "DAD! MABEL!" He looked down. "Mom where are they?!" Her choked out was his answer. He looked around, hoping that maybe she had missed them. "M-maybe..maybe there's another entrance…" it was the only thing he could tell himself as the ground shook and the world above turned to hell.
Once the platform reached the bottom the air had gone cool, likely the result of multiple air conditioners. People in blue jumpsuits and doctor coats came to gesture them down the white hallways but most people, Pines included, were in too much shock to follow.
"Everyone down the hallway please, don't worry...we will explain everything to you about your new home. Vault 111, a better future for you"
It felt like he was on auto pilot when he started walking. Around the bend was the identification process. He was giving a blue suit with yellow lines and words 'Vault 111' stitched on the back and a curtain to change behind. He waited for his mom before a doctor walked up to him.
"Follow me please. We're almost done the initial process."
His mother spoke up quietly. "How...how long will we be down here?"
"We'll be going over that in orientation. For now we need to do a quick medical check up."
He stopped them once they reached a room with what appeared to be giant pods.
"Step inside the decontamination pod. It's just there to clean you up and get you ready for the pressure before we head deeper in."
He hugged his mom closer, not wanting to leave her side already, if even for a few more moments. She obviously felt the same as she hugged back as the others got into their pods.
"It won't take long...right?" Dipper didn't trust this at all, not one bit, but what choice did he have?"
"It will only take a few seconds."
And she after one more tight squeeze, mother and son went into opposing pods and watched as the lid came down, sealing it shut. A calm robotic voice spoke to him.
"Resident secure….occupants vitals...normal...procedure complete"
Why wasn't it opening?
"In 5…"
Why was the window starting to get frost on it?
He couldn't move.
Vision gone dark.