A.N: Guess, who's revising everything she's ever written? That's right, me! This was fun to rewrite, there's a big differences compared to the original, so maybe read this?

I hope you enjoy this because honestly, if it wasn't for my readers, I wouldn't continue this. Also, the song used is Everything Stays by Rebecca Sugar.

Also, I know I'm the absolute worse, it's been quite a while, hasn't it?

"Goodbye, Jiji-sama! I'll see you later." A young girl, no older than ten years old, said as she began to make her way towards the door.

Just as she was about to open the extravagant door, a voice called out to her saying, "Ah, before you go Naru-chan, I have something to give you." The young red head turned around and walked to the elderly man.

"Oooh, what is it?" Her eyes glittered with anticipation.

"Seeing as you have finally made it past Level 5 of your sealing, I have a small gift for you." The man paused and chuckled at the way her smile got wider. "I thought you deserved a gift, so here is a gift to you. However you must close your eyes and keep them closed until I have told you to open them. Understand?" She nodded eagerly and snapped her eyes closed quickly. The Sandaime grabbed a thin gold necklace with a single sapphire hanging on the edge of it and put it around her neck and clasped it. She shivered momentarily at how cold it was.

"I deem it time to open your eyes." Naruto giggled as she heard the old tongue and opened her eyes and her gaze flew to the necklace which she believed to be gorgeous. Her eyes water slightly and her eyes meets the Hokages' own.

"I hope you like it. I saw it and immediately thought of you. The sapphire reminded me of your eyes." She tried to reply but found herself too astounded to say a sentence, let alone a word.

"Like would be an understatement... I love it. Thank you, so much. " She said, finishing it off in the old tongue.

"I am pleased that you like. Now scurry along. I have yet to finish my paperwork and you my dear have to go and get some sleep." Naruto nods her head and walks to the door before turning back and giving him a hug. She runs out rapidly after that. Hiruzen chuckles.

Naruto leaves the tower, grin plastered on her face. She runs to her apartment like any ninja would. It is on her way when she finds a ninja that she knew all too well.

"Hmm. What do I have here? Hello gaki! Is that a new necklace of yours? I bet it is." The silver haired shinobi comes forward to her and touches the necklace gently. Naruto tries to control her breathing and reaches for the kunai she has in her pouch when he grabs both of her hands with one. He pushes her back to the tree that just so happened to conveniently planted there.

"Leave me alone, Mizuki!" Naruto spit out.

"Now why would I?" Also, trying to stop me were you? You could never." Mizuki's hand snatches the necklace off her neck, breaking the clasp and leaving the chain in two pieces. He admires it for a second before he throws it behind him, knowing a large river was behind him. He groans when he feel the telltale sign of being kicked in his lower regions.

He lets go of her immediately and she pulls her fist back and punches him in the throat and he stumbles back, clearly caught off guard. Naruto then kicks him in the chest and Mizuki retaliates by throwing kunai at her. She charges forward and dodges the poorly thrown kunai and attacks with a flurry of punches and kicks. In the end, she ends up putting a stun seal on him and pins him onto the tree with a note of: I tried to harm a poor girl.

Looking off to the side she sees the river and curses her luck when she sees the waterfall. It was probably too late to find it but damn it if she didn't try.

A body lay in the water, barely grasping onto life. A young male to be specific. He was bloody and beat, and his eyes were gone, eye sockets lay empty.

His body lay halfway in the water and the other on a rough rock, large enough to withstand the water's current.

As fate would have it, his name was Shisui... It was a rather ironic, truly and honestly.

He lay there, his last string connecting him to life about to snap, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

I'm surprised I'm still alive, but I can my life slipping quickly away from me. I know I won't be here much longer in this world. I feel accomplished for the first time ever. My only regret is that I couldn't help Itachi stop that damned old war hawk, Danzo. To think that I could have stopped him.

Shisui chuckled lightly, but soon found himself to regret that decision when his chest began to spasm and his pain worsened. It was a while before everything stopped and he was back to normal. Well, as normal as one about to die could be.

It was time, he decided to himself silently.

"Goodbye..." Shisui declared as he closed his eyes. He can feel himself slip when he feels something extremely cold touch against his bare stomach. He reaches out to feel it with his hands and it's not a weapon like he first suspected. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It's a necklace. An expensive one at that.

He faintly wondered why something so obviously expensive would be tossed aside in a river but as quick as the thought came, it left just as quickly. As did the necklace, that slipped out from under his grip.

"Jiji-sama is going to be disappointed to know that I lost it. Oh, I really, really hope I find it."

Suspect: Female, young; somewhere in the age range of 8-12.

Objective: Find something lost that was most likely given to her by her 'Jiji-sama.'

Conclusion: Not a threat.

He lets out a breath that he didn't know was holding in. Her hears her footsteps stop abruptly and the small gasp she lets out clues him into the fact that she's seen him.

"Uchiha-san, what can I do to help? I have the barest knowledge of iryo-ninjutsu but I can help where it's the worst. I can also call some medics; all I need to do is flare my chakra and they'd be here immediately." Her voice was calm in the beginning but he can hear the panic and sense of urgency enter her tone.

It's also rather curious that it's her chakra flare that will send out medics. He suspects that she is high up in the social pyramid to guarantee that much coverage. A heiress perhaps?

He can only think of the Hyuuga and the Yamanaka heiress but the young girl in front of him show no sign of either based on her chakra.

"Ah, I thank you for your kindness and your offer, but I know there isn't much that could be done. Perhaps, you'd be kind enough to accompany me during my last moments?" His voice is as calm as he can make it, but there's a scratchy quality to it that he knows is due to the blood that's sure to be filling his lungs.

"Yes. Yes, of course." Her voice is frantic and he can feel the way her chakra sizzles beneath her skin, as if it had a mind of its own. He also feels when she pulls him completely out of the water and lays him on her lap on what he assumes is the grassy lands that this area is known for.

"If you don't mind me prodding about, may I inquire to the... fate of your eyes, Uchiha-san?" He can hear the way hesitancy laces throughout her voice and knows that she wouldn't poke further if he disagreed, but he wouldn't.

"I don't mind, so I'll tell you. The first eye that was taken from me was taken by my superior, a man whom I knew not to trust but kept too close to him. As for my other eye, I gave it to my best friend, a cousin of mine. He knows what to do with it better than I could have." It's a long answer and it pains him to speak for so long and he's not surprised when he's get himself into a coughing fit.

Almost immediately, she pulls him off of her and now he can feel the tell-tale signs of someone healing him. He wants to protest, but the words can't come out. It's different than what he's usually used to, and it's not just because it's not the precise technique he's become acclimated to. It's... purer in a sense.

"Please, don't give up. Please." Her words are a litany and it surprises him.

After all, why would a complete stranger care if he was dying? Care enough to try to save him even when it's very, clearly obvious that he won't make it?

It's like a switch flips inside of him because now.. Now, there is no more pain to be felt. He's sure that his wounds are still the same, but he doesn't feel the pain from any which one.

It's amazing and euphoric and... it's dangerous.

It leaves him feeling on top of the world and that is dangerous because he has fatal wounds and it's all just a trick.

"What... What did you do to me?" It doesn't hurt to speak. Relief spreads throughout him, even more than before.

"I turned off your pain receptors to the best of my abilities. It could've killed you, but I decided to take the chance. You only have around five more minutes before you... before you die. I've done all I can." He can sense the truth and finality in her voice and he reaches out with right arm.

Her soft but calloused hands take his own and bring it to her cheek. Her skin is soft and he feels the warmth that radiates from it. It felt nice. He knew that this was a stark contrast between them. His skin was cold to the touch and hers was as warm as could be. A reminder of his impending death. Still...

"Thank you for this, so very much." He can feel the slight hitch in her breathing pattern as his hand remains on her cheek.

"You're welcome, Uchiha-san." He pulls away from her and it's then that she takes him into her lap once again.

"Shisui." He says abruptly.


"It's my given name, Shisui."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Uchiha Shisui. I just wish it was under better circumstances." He lets out a bitter chuckle and nods his head in agreement.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto." His breath hitches because she is not only a heiress, but she's also the jinchuruki to the Kyuubi no Kitsune.

"The feeling is reciprocated, Naruto-chan. If I may, can you describe yourself to me?" She nods but he doesn't know that and then she begins.

"Of course, Shisui-kun. My hair is crimson and it reaches my knees but it's usually done up into two high twin-buns, like right now. There are tags that attached to the both of them and they are to protect myself when I physically can not. I have blue eyes, Jiji-sama, ah, Hokage-sama, compares my eyes to sapphires. So I suppose they are more similar to the color of sapphires. On both of my cheeks, are three whisker like birthmarks."

She pauses and begins again, "Your name, Shisui, is ironic. Is it not?"

Shisui only nods and chuckles.

"Yes, I believe so. Death water. It does fit though." Her hands move from his chest to his head and then she begins to card her fingers through his sweaty and, most probably, blood-soaked hair. Again, the notion feels nice.

It's silent before he says something once again.

"Naruto, if you could do me a few more favors..?" Her hands stop and he assumes she's looking down at him.

"Anything..." Her voice is airy and he wonders if there are tears gathering at the corner of her eyes.

"Before I.. Before I go, could you take all my possessions? They can't fall in the wrong hands and I feel that you would take care of them, better than anyone I know. Search my body and take everything. My scrolls, my weapons, everything. You have to promise that you will. Please." His voice is desperate as he pleads to the young girl holding him.

"Yes. I promise. No one will take it and I shall keep it out of everyone's hands, even if it be my own."

"Thank you. For all of this. For taking my pain away, for staying, and accompanying me during... this." He knows that his voice wavers, but he's not sure he really cares.

"Of course. Of course. You're so very welcome, Shisui. I just wish I could have done more." Her voice cracks with the last word and her breathing is all the more erratic and he's sure that salt in the air.

"You've done more than enough; more than I ever expected. Just one more request, tenshi-chan. Sing me a song, any will do." Her hands begin to card through his hair again and he feels the tear drop that falls onto his cheek.

"Of course. Of course."

"Let's go in the garden

You'll find something waiting

Right there where you left it

Lying upside down

When you finally find it

You'll see how it's faded

The underside is lighter

When you turn it around

Everything stays

Right where you left it

Everything stays

But it still changes

Ever so slightly

Daily and nightly

In little ways

When everything stays."

Her voice is soft and low as she sings the song and it's beautiful. It makes the transition all the more easier. It's soothing in a way that makes him want to fall asleep.

"Shisui, are you still here with me? Shisui...?" He smiles and tilts his head and he reaches for her cheek once again and her hands guide his hand once again and he caresses her gently. He can feel the way her hands quiver and the way her cheek is moist with what he knows is the source of salt in the air.

"Thank you, for everything, Uzumaki Naruto."

"Of course. Of course, Uchiha Shisui."

He can feel the moment that Life decides to take away part of itself from him and it's not painful, like he though it'd be.

His hand slips from Naruto's cheek. He can hear her frantic voice but he can't put together the words she's saying but he can feel the way her chakra envelopes him in a warm embrace.

However, it's too late and he slips away, with a litany on his lips.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, for not doing more. I could have. I could have, but would you have appreciated it?" Naruto looked down at his (dead) body and felt a sob make its way past her barriers.

It was loud and heart-wrenchingly painful. It was a plea for forgiveness. It was mourning. It was... depressing.

My heart hurts... and for what? It bleeds for a dead boy; someone who knew his fate. Someone who accepted it. It hurts, like hell. Uchiha Shisui... I will never forget you.

Naruto looks up at the sky and she sees a shooting star. She lets out a laugh and wipes away her tears with her right hand.

"I am sorry, for everything I did not do when I should have." Naruto sighs, choking back the sob that threatens to pour out again.

She gently moves his body from her lap onto the soft land and begins to search his body. It's a long process. He has scrolls everywhere on him; in his pockets, his pouches, and in ink.

He was a fuinjutsu user, like herself. Nowhere near her level, but passable.

She unwraps his tanto from his body, grabs his pouches, and puts the rest of his weapons off to the side in a pile near the plethora of scrolls he had on his body.

Deciding it'd be best to seal this into her own body, she calculates what seal would be the best to use that's already on her body. It's not long before she decides to dedicate a seal, specifically, just for Shisui's belongings.

It's with a shaky breath that she takes out a brush and begins her work.

Smooth lines are made as her paintbrush follows the delicate movements of her hand.

It's slow going because Naruto wants this piece to be absolutely impeccable.

So, it's with steady hands and glowing eyes, that she finishes her design.

It's glorious, in a way she never thought something to be.

The seal matrix is a design of one large swirl with ravens surrounding it; their wings spread out so that they barely touch another's wing.

It's beautiful and... not at all what she had planned.

For this seal, if she read her kanji correctly, was made to contain a body. To preserve them and to keep them in top shape. To rid of all injuries.

Perhaps this was what she had intended for the seal to be all along, her mind has never failed her when it comes to her creations. It's her heart that falters, where her mind does not.

Her work is astounding and it's all for Shisui, the teenager who managed to worm his way into her heart in under an hour and now he was gone.

She would honor him in a way he deserved.

Her eyes flicker over to Shisui and her heart clenches because he looks like he's sleeping. He was smiling, something small yet so fucking bright and it's unfair because he's dead.

His skin is pale under the moonlight, so it hides the blue tint she's sure he'll have. If she touches him, his body is sure to be colder than the river he was in only an hour ago. Besides, his chest remains unmoving, a sign of death.

She hesitates as she reaches out to grab his body; she knows what to expect but she doesn't want to accept it.

So with steady hands and shaky breaths, she reaches out and pulls him onto her lap once more. It's just as she suspects, but she does her best to ignore his fatality signs.

Naruto does her best to calm her breathing but it's for naught.

Her chakra gathers into her hands and her hands glow (a bright, bright orange) and suddenly, he's gone.

Her eyes open and it's only his belongings that remain. She knows that logically, he still exists but that doesn't stop her heart from pounding faster than it had the right to.

Naruto can feel him and he's inside of her now; safe from unwanted company, even if it's only from herself.

Looking over his personal objects, she decides to seal them away in her wrist. It's a quick and easy thing to do, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

She's taken everything that Shisui and she wonders if he still has family. The it hits her.

Shisui is- was an Uchiha. He was from the most famous clan in Konoha and she needed to leave this area immediately. Before, someone can find her and before they can suspect that she has Shisui.

Naruto makes quick work of the blood that's stained the area and tries to rid of any evidence; anything that can give her away.

His blood is everywhere and she's sure that it's forever stained her hands; never to leave. There's tears running down her cheeks but she ignores it because that's what she does best; push aside emotions so that work can be done.

Once she is sure the area is clean, she runs.