Long time no see everybody. I know its been a while but what can I say? Work and life just got in the way. But now, at last I give you, The Final Chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ben 10 Omniverse or any of its characters.

Four Armed Bride

Chapter 15

After a quick clean up, the party was back in full swing. Everyone was either dancing, eating or talking about everything that just occurred.

"This has been one heck of a party." Ben said as he danced with Looma.

"Indeed," the princess nodded. "I still can't believe the Countess's staff were able to fix my dress."

When everyone was making their way back on the ship, Madora told Looma to change back into her lovely dress. Upton hearing it was damaged in during the fight with the pirates, the Countess instantly summoned several of her servants and ordered them to repair the dress. After seeing the damage done to it, Ben and Looma were very sceptical that it could be saved. But to their shock, before the party started again, they returned with the dress full repaired and good as new.

"Gotta say," Ben looked her up and down. Not a tare or burn mark in sight, dress or stockings. "They really know their stuff. You'd never guess it was blasted in a fire fight."

Ben then spotted Rontur the preparer dancing with a female Gimlinopithecus wearing a silver dress that highlighted her shapely figure. "Wow, you really took on that many pirates all by yourself?" She asked in amazement.

"Of course," Rontur said. "You see, the kitchen is my castle and you don't break into the King's castle, unless your looking for a fight. Well, those pirates found one."

"Oh your so brave, and handsome." She looked him up and down, he said changed out of his chefs clothes and was now wearing a suit.

"Thank you, in the kitchen its all work, but when its time to party," the preparing held his jacket, "I suit up!" She pulled him closer and he wrapped his arms around her. Rontur noticed Ben looking at him, the Preparer smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"That dudes got serious game," Ben admitted.

"What was that Ben?" Looma asked.

"Nothing," Ben said quickly.

The music stopped and the sound of a glass being tapped made everyone turn to Countess Madora. "Esteemed guests, I realise that this ball has had some unforeseen complications."

"Space pirates attack and nearly crashing, yeah complications." Ben whispered to Looma making her giggle.

"But we were not deterred," she went on, "and thanks to the brave actions of one engaged couple, we were saved." A spotlight shined down on Ben and Looma. "So please, a round of applause for Ben Tennyson of Earth and Princess Looma of the House of the Red Wind!"

The entire ball room cheered and clapped for the two. Ben and Looma looked around the room before looking at each other and smiling. Holding hands, they waved to the crowd.

"Now then, if everyone can please clear the dance floor," she looked into the crowd. "we're going to need the room."

Someone walked through the crowd, it appeared to be a robot of humanoid shape. "I'm ready."

Ben recognised the voice, "Azmuth?"

The robot turned around and its chest opened, revealing the Galvan inside. "You were expecting someone else?"

"Wow, that looks like the suit from the first time we met went on a diet." Ben observed. "Why did you bring a robot suit?"

"Bio-suit," Azmuth corrected. "And how else did you think I was going to dance with a woman several times my size?"

"Huh, hadn't thought of that." Ben admitted.

The first thinker and the Countess stepped into the middle of the dance floor. "I've been looking forward to this since we arrived." She smiled.

"I've noticed." He said dryly before the suit closed up. He took her hand and placed his other hand on her hip.

The music played softly as the two of them danced to it.

"They move well together." Looma observed.

"As long as those metal feet don't step on her toes." Ben joked.

They music stopped and so did they. Then the lights came on the dance floor and the music changed to from slow and soft to fast and what Ben thought sounded like swing music. Azmuth and Madora began dancing fast, keeping pace with the music. Azmuth took her hand and began spinning her around him, faster and faster until she was like a blur. The in one swift motion he grabbed he by the hips and threw her into the air, almost to the ceiling. Azmuth noticed one of his suits fingers wasn't bending with the rest on the right hand. He opened a panel on the right arm and fired a small laser from the tip of his left index finger. When it stopped, the finger was working properly, the panel closed and he held out his arms and caught her as she fell. He spun Madora around his body and over his shoulders before dipping her as the music reached its climax.

The crowd began to clap and cheer for the pair who took a bow. All but Ben who was slack jawed at what he'd just seen.

"That was amazing!" Madora said.

"Admittedly it was, enjoyable." Azmuth said as he brought her to her feet.

"Well then, I look forward to our next dance." Madora smiled and with that they both left the dance floor.

As Azmuth passed, Ben snapped out of it. "I get it," he walked with him. "You programmed the suit to do all those moves while you just sat in there and relaxed.

The chest of the suit opened up. "Admittedly the thought had crossed my mind as I built this suit. But no. What you just saw, that was all me."

"But how could, you can't," Ben tried to wrap his mind around it.

"Don't worry Ben Tennyson. I'm sure you could learn to dance that well." Azmuth assured him before adding, "in a thousand years or two." Ben stopped as Azmuth walked away and felt the wicked burn the hero just received.

Ben turned back and looked at Looma, taking a deep breath he approached her and took her hand. "I think its time we finished our talk."

Looma nodded and the two of them slipped away from the party. A few minutes later they were both sitting atop the ship, watching the three suns set.

"So, which of us should go first?" Ben asked.

"I will," Looma sighed. "It was wrong of me to expect you to just leave Earth and move to Khoros with me, at least with out discussing it with you first. As for seducing you with my body," he cheeks turned pink. "I wanted to stand out from the other women, so I researched what human males are attracted to and-"

"Wait," Ben cut her off. "What other women?"

"You're the universes greatest hero Ben." Looma pointed out. "I know you've, as they say, been around the galaxy a few times. Saving lives and entire worlds must truly woo women."

"Woo women? Who talks like that?" Ben thought to himself. But then he realised what she meant. "Wait you think I-"

"You don't have to pretend for me Ben," the princess cut him off. "Its why I tried seducing you," she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "So the idea of being with only one woman wouldn't put you off."

This explained a lot and Ben now understood why she did all of it. But he knew he had to set the record straight, even if it was embarrassing.

"Looma I've never," Ben paused as the princess looked at him. "Never," he took a deep breath. "I've never, been with a woman before."

"What?" Looma blinked.

"I've never been with a woman." Ben repeated.

"Never?" The princess gasped, no longer holding her legs. "But your, you've saved the universe, you name is legendary throughout galaxies." Ben just looked at her. "Not even once?"

"Nope," he shrugged.

The princess blinked in complete surprise, "wow." She then looking away, "I had no idea."

"Well its not something you broadcast." Ben looked out at the sunset, feeling embarrassed that he admitted he was a virgin.

They both sat there in silence for a few minutes and just watched the suns set.

"We've got no idea how to do this, do we?" Looma broke the silence.

"Not a clue." Ben said. "Who would have ever thought saving the day was the least complicated part of it?" He looked and Looma and then down at one of her hands. "But," he placed his hand on hers, "I'd like to work on it."

At these words Looma looked at Ben in surprise, but then she held his and smiled. "I would like that two." Ben returned the smile and they both looked on as the sunset ended. "Its beautiful."

"You know," Ben began as it became dark. "Sometimes you've gotta stop and enjoy the- Brrr." Ben shivered suddenly felt very cold.

"Are alright Ben?" Looma asked.

"Is it just me, or did it suddenly get seriously cold out here?" Ben asked rubbing his arms for warmth.

"Hmm, it would seem that this planets temperatures drops significantly after the three suns set." Looma rationalised. Tetramands tough and durable skin meant the cold didn't bother her, but it was clear that it unpleasant for Ben.

"Maybe I should go Heatblast to beat the cold." Ben thought to himself. But before he could even reach for the Omnitrix, the Princess lifted him off the ground and placed him in her lap. "Ah Looma," he stopped as Looma wrapped her arms around him and pulled him against her body.

"Allow me to share my heat with you," the Princess pulled him closer and his head into her cleavage.

Ben's face instantly turned red, "I feel warmer already."

The two of them sat there together for a few minutes more and as much as he enjoyed being in Loomas embrace, he knew he'd have to get out of the cold. Looma agreed and carried him inside, Ben would have protested, but decided to enjoy his position for a few more seconds.

Later Ben was walking down the hall when he spotted his Grandfather speaking with Azmuth. "Hey Ben," Max smiled.

"Hey," Ben smiled. "Whats up?"

"The Plumbers are here and repairs to the Nebula are almost complete." Max said. "Of course some guests have had enough excitement and will be escorted home on the Plumbers ships."

"I guess a space pirate attack didn't help with the whole promote peace between planets thing." Ben scratched the back of his head.

"On the contrary," Azmuth corrected him. "This attack, annoying as it was, did display the dangers that are lurking out there in the universe."

"And all of use working together to stop Kork and take back the ship showed how we all need to be willing to work together to face those dangers." Max said.

"And I bet my saving the ship and everyone on it didn't hurt." Ben smirked. "I mean, that was definitely one of my top ten most epic saves."

"I'm sure it was," Azmuth said dryly. "Now you'll excuse me," he started to leave on his hover pad.

"Hey Azmuth," Ben called and the Galvan stopped. "I just wanted to say thanks. That advice you gave me really helped."

"Of course it did," the First Thinker replied. "But there are many challenges up ahead, and the Ultimate Function I gave you won't be able to help you."

"I know." Ben then smiled and tapped his chest, "but something tell me its all worth it."

"Very then, until next time Tennysons." As Azmuth left, a small smile formed on his face.

"What was that about?" Max asked.

Ben turned to his grandfather and smiled. "Azmuth just gave me some advice when I needed it."

"Regarding a certain princess I take it?" Max asked with a know smile.

"Yep," Ben nodded. "So now what?"

"Well the Nebula will take off and head back to it original destination. Once there, the guests who are still here will be escorted home by the Countess's transports." Max explained.

Ben raised an eyebrow, "But all the transports were trashed when the pirates attacked."

"Her other transports." Max said simply. "What? You didn't think the Nebula was her only ship did you?"

The young hero blinked, "Man, it must be good to be rich."

Later, Ben entered the room, kicked his shoes off and took off his jacket and tie, "It'll feel good to be out of this monkey suit.

"I thought you looked quite handsome." Ben turned to see Looma exit the bathroom wearing her bathrobe.

"Hey Looma," Ben smiled before holding up a platter. "Complements of Rontur the Preparer." He lifted the lid revealing what looked like two very fancy and colourful ice cream sundaes.

"Oh those look delicious," Looma eyed the deserts. They both sat on the bed and dug in. "Rontur truly is a master chef."

"Yeah," Ben's eyes looked away.

"Something wrong?" Looma asked.

Ben looked at her, "ah,"


Ben was in the kitchen as Rontur placed the finishing touches on the deserts. "And finished!" He placed them both on the tray and put the lid over them. "My little way of saying, thank you for saving us from a very painful death."

"No thanks necessary," Ben waved it off. "That being said, I'll happily accept the deserts." With that he took the tray. "By the way," he smirked, "I saw you dancing with that lady Shocksquatch."

"Ah yes," Rontur grinned. "I met her during the whole, ship crashing into the planet thing. Turns out shes a big fan of fine dining."

"Score one for the Preparer," Ben raised his hand and Rontur hi fived him. "Never too scared to flirt I take it?"

"That would be a waste," Rontur shrugged. "You see when I start feel scared, I stop feeling scared I and feel awesome instead. True story. Speaking of awesome you'd better get that back to the princess before it starts to melt." He advised "As for me, I need to get back to preparing a very special dinner for me and my new friend. Its gonna be legen- wait for it… dary. Legendary!" He opened a cabinet.

"Wow, the personality resemblance is crazy." Ben thought to himself. Then spoke out loud. "Anyway, thanks again for the- Whoa!" Ben stopped as the Preparer took out a large heavy duty blaster that he held with four arms. Rontur noticed Ben looking at him with wide eyes. "Ah, whats with the firepower?"

"One of my ingredients got loose." He said, sounding a little embarrassed. He heard something rattle and he spun around aiming the blaster.

"O,k," Ben began backing away. "Good luck with that." He passed through the doors and they closed after him. "Man, what kind of ingredient needs a blaster that size?"

Suddenly blaster fire could be heard from inside the kitchen. "GET BACK HERE!" Rontur shouted. "PREPARE TO BE LIGHTLY SEASONSED!"

Bens eyes widened and he quickly left the area.

(Present Time)

"Lets just say he was having some trouble with his ingredients." Ben said simply before having another bite. "Anyway, before that I was talking to Azmuth and my Grandpa. The Nebula should be repaired soon and we'll be able leave the planet. Some of the guests left with the plumbers and some are waiting for people they called for pick up."

"I must say, the Intergalactic Royal Ball did not go as I thought it would." Looma said.

"Yeah, I really did not expect the ship to be attacked by bad guys." Ben nodded. "Then again, I get attacked by villains so often, I probably should have seen this coming."

"Regardless," Looma began. "Kork is beaten and the day is saved. "Thanks to you."

"Thanks to us," Ben smiled at Looma and she smiled back. Ben noticed the both of the Sundaes were nearly eaten. "Wow they didn't last long," he thought to himself, but then had an idea. Scooping up some, he held up his spoon to Looma, "to us."

The Princess blinked as she realised what he was doing. With a smile she held up a spoon full of ice cream, "to us." They gently tapped their spoons together in a small toast before finishing what was left of their sundaes.

"Well we've still got time until the ship takes off," Ben said as Looma took the tray before standing up and walking over to a desk. "But I think we've done everything the Nebula offers and taken care of everything else."

"Actually," Looma put the tray down, "there is one last thing." Looma stepped forward and held out an envelope.

Ben raised an eyebrow before standing up and walking over. "Whats this?"

"You remember our private card game?" She asked as she handed it to him.

"How could I forget." Ben blushed a little at the memory before opening the envelope and found two cards inside.

"While we were kissing I opened my eyes and managed to tilt up my cards with my foot," Looma explained. "Nine of Diamonds and the Queen of Clubs."

Ben looked at his cards, "Ten of hearts, and the Queen of hearts." Ben then realised. "I would have won." Then his eyes widened, "That means," he looked at Looma who smiled as she let her bathrobe fall to the floor, revealing black and gold lingerie with garter belt and stockings she was wearing underneath.

"I know I said you don't get to see anything until out wedding night but," she reached behind her back. "I'd say you've earned it." With that she unclipped her bra and slipped it off, giving Ben full view of her exposed breasts.

Ben dropped the cards and his jaw nearly hit the floor. He could have sworn he could hear an angelic chorus being played. He stood there staring and unable to speak, mesmerised by the sight before him. Looma stepped forward, reached out with both upper arms and picked Ben up off the ground so they were at eye level. "I thought since," he struggle to speak the words, "you're a princess it wouldn't be-"

"Its like you said beloved," the princess smiled before her lower arms reached out and in one swift motion, removed his pants and then she tossed him back onto the bed. "We're here to have fun," she got onto the bed and crawled on her hands on knees until she was on top of him, "not to be proper."

Ben looked at the Princess above him and his face was almost as red has hers. "Looma, are you sure-" he was cut off when Looma leaned in and kissed him. It lasted for a few seconds before she pulled away.

"I am," Looma nodded. "It may not be our wedding night, nor this our bed chamber. But," the princess's cheeks turned pink, "I want to be with you Ben Tennyson."

Bens blush lessened from her hearing her words and he looked into her eyes. "I, wanna be with you two Looma," he smiled and they both leaned into a kiss. His hands moved along the princess's body, exploring her shapely form. Looma moaned into the kiss as her tongue wrestled with Ben's. They kept at it for a few minutes before breaking away to breath. "Even you kisses are strong."

"Don't worry beloved. I promise I'll be gentle," Looma assured him, before adding, "ish."

"Ish?" Ben's eyes widened. "What do mean," he paused for a moment and looked at Looma who just smiled at him. "You know what? Its worth it." With that he pulled her into another kiss.

They didn't leave their room until the Nebula had left the planet and it was time for them to head home. During those following hours, one of the Nebulas guests could have sword he'd heard someone yell, "OW!"


The following day Rook arrived at Ben's house to pick him up for patrol. He rang the doorbell and a few seconds later Ben opened the door. "Sup partner?"

"Good morning Ben," Rook said. "I am here to pick you up for patrol."

"Cool, we can grab breakfast on the way." Ben stepped out and closed the door behind him.

"You did not eat your breakfast yet?" The Revonnahgander raised an eyebrow. "It was my understanding was that humans believed it to be the most important meal of the day."

"When its my Moms healthy cooking," Ben shuddered. "I'll pass and go for something actually edible and a whole lot tastier."

"Very well." Rook nodded. "Oh yes, I wanted to say well done for saving the Nebula and everyone on it."

"Its what I do." Ben raised his left hand for a high five, but Rook noticed a bandage poking out of his sleeve.

"Is that a bandage?" He asked and Ben pulled up his sleeve to show the bandage covered most of his forearm. "Are you alright?"

"Oh this? Its nothing." Ben waved it off.

"Did you receive that injury during the battle on the Nebula?" Rook asked.

"The battle?" Ben thought for a second and smiled. "Sure, that's how I hurt my arm." He took a step forward and winched, "And bruised a couple of ribs,

"Are you sure you well enough to go on patrol?" Rook asked.

"Relax Rook, I've had worse." He assured him. "I already used Swampfire to heal up. Now I'm just a little sore."

"Very well," Rook nodded. "Then let us begin our patrol." With that they both got into the Proto-TRUK and drove off.

"And then the music speeds up and he and the Countess and dancing fast like pros." Ben laughed, "can you believe it?"

"Yes," Rook said without taking his eyes off the road. "In addition to being the smartest being in three, arguably five galaxies, Azmuth is also one of the galaxies most skilled dancers."

"What?" Ben blinked in shock.

"It is very common knowledge," he added.

"Since when?" Ben asked.

"I believe it was roughly around two thousand years ago." Rook said simply.

Ben didn't know how to respond to that. "I guess Azmuth is full of surprises." He thought to himself. Then he smiled, "guess we're more alike than I thought."

"So, you once again have access to your transformations ultimate forms?" The Revonnahgander asked.

"Oh yeah," Ben nodded. "Whatever that element was, it gave me the power to go Ultimate again!" He looked at the Omnitrix, "I'd almost forgotten how much I missed it."

"Luckily for you and everyone on the Nebula, you got it back when you did." Rook said.

"Not so lucky for Kork and his loser pirates," Ben pointed out. "Man you should have seen the look on his face when I broke his hook," he chuckled, "Looked like he was about to wet himself."

"That is disgusting." Rook said.

"Man," Ben sat back and looked at the road ahead. "The last few days have been crazy. Even by my standards."

"Indeed." Rook nodded. "Speaking of which, Magister Tennyson informed me that you no longer wish to end your engagement to the princess. Is that true?"

"Yeah its true," Ben nodded. "Something happened up on ship Rook. I mean besides the whole space pirate attack and nearly crashing into a planet thing. While we were up there Looma and I had a big fight. With words not fists," he clarified. He thought for a moment and added, "but she did literally throw me out of the room."

"I see," the Revonnahgander said.

"We both said bad things, but after it was over, it forced us to get real I guess." Ben looked out the window. "When it was all out in the open, we were able to work it out. When the Intergalactic Royal Ball was over she had to head back to Khoros, but we can contact each other anytime and we'll work out when we can see each other again."

"Does that mean you intend to marry her in three years?" Rook asked.

"I think it does," he said simply. "I know its not gonna be easy, but I think we can make things work." Ben said with a small smile, before talking out his phone. "And like you said, we've got three years to figure it out."

"It would seem that everything is working out quite well for you," the Revonnahgander said.

"Sometimes Rook, the universe presents something so amazing to you that you have to grab it." Ben said looking at his phone. "And I did, with both hands."

Rook raised an eyebrow, "another expression?"

Ben looked at the picture of Looma posing while wearing the same black and gold lingerie from their very special night on the Nebula. He then turned to the Revonnahgander with a sly smirk on his face. "Not this time."

Thus ends my Four Armed Bride, I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. This was my first Ben 10 story and there will be more to come as well as stories about other shows. Oh and as for Azmuth and Madoras dancing, if you want a visual, watch the dance scene in The Mask with Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz. As for the results of the poll on my profile, the results are 1st place Starfire. 2nd place is a three way tie between Supergirl, Batman and The Flash. 3rd place is a five way tie between Green Lantern, Blue Beetle, Darkside, Aquaman and Wonder Woman.