She timidly pulled back the white curtain separating her from the massive throng of humanity. She and her newboyfriend, WWE superstar Finn Balor, had just arrived at the Westfield Knox shopping mall in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. If she and Finn had been together longer, and she had become accustomed to the expectations of a WWE superstar,sheprobably would have stayed back at the talent hotel to relax or possibly get a gelmanicure at the spa. Since that was presentlynot the case, Finn insisted she accompany him to this appearance.

"I wan you to know what yer gettin' into when you took me." Finn softly said in that come hither Irish accentbetween kisses early that morning. He was freshly showered too and her mid section developed a dauntingcase of butterflies the second he opened those beautiful, red lips.

"So how many people are going to be there? One hundred? One thousand?" She asked as she rubbed the palm ofhis left hand.

"Bout tree hundred." Finn answered.

She hadmentally stopped counting at about 35. Suddenly, she felt an odd sense of pride pulling at her ego. Even a year ago, she wouldnot have DREAMEDFinn Balor would have given her the time of day, let alone be his real, actual, living, breathing girlfriend! Yet here she was in a foreign country a world away from home, about to personally witness HER man step out onto the makeshift stage to greet his adoring, Australian fans.

"It's overwhelming, isn't it? She snapped out of her thoughts to the sound of Sami Zayn's perky voice behind her. She hadn't heard him approach. Sami and Finn had been best friends long before she entered the picture. She was always comforted by his presence because he knew Finn like the back of his hand. It helpedtake some of the pressure of dealing with

"Yeah. A little." She answered.

"I hear ya! My wife is still a bit skittish about this stuff. Hey, maybe you both should get together..."

"SHOWTIME!" Finn interrupted, wrapping his arms around her waist and planting a kiss on the right side of her neck.

Oh, if that didn't shoot straight to her core and get her juices flowing...

"See ya in a few hours, babe!" Finn cheerily called back as he powered through the white curtain with a WWE representative at his side.

Instantly she heard a thunderous roar come up from the gathered crowd with a few female shrieks sprinkled in. She chuckled a little at that.

"From Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland, ladies and gentlemen,please welcome FIIIIIIIN BAAAALOR!" Someonewith a thick Australianaccent bellowed into a microphone. The announcement was quickly overtaken by Finn's ring entrance theme. The cheers continued, but they slowly faded for her as she began to focus her full attention on the gorgeous, lrish hunkwho was settling into a chair at the table, flashing a perfect,toothy smile with a short wave of his left hand.

In afew short moments she would have to begin sharing him with the world...