Disclaimer: I do not YJ, they belong to DC. I own Mia!

"Happy 4th of July everyone! Today's weather forecast is a bright and sunny day here in DC with a high of 80 and a low of 70, perfect weather for BBQ and firework tonight folks. In other news—"

"Oh shut up will ya Cat," the young girl says as she turns the TV off.

Getting up from the sofa, the girl stretches then goes to change out of her pajamas. After changing into a white tank top with a short sleeved blue plaid shirt over it and torn denim shorts, she walks out of the apartment with her art supplies in hand and locks the door before heading out of the building.

As she makes it to the front door, her super calls out. "Happy 4th Mia."

"Happy 4th Mr. Rogers," Mia smiles.

"The wife and I are having a small party. Why don't you come and have some fun with us?"

"That's very sweet of you Mr. Rogers but I will have to politely decline. Thanks for the offer though, give the wife a hug and a kiss from me okay?"

"Sure thing. Be careful out there Mia."

"I will Mr. Rogers, you don't have to worry about me."

With that said Mia walks out of the building and heads to the Hall of Justice to sketch. Mia arrives at the Hall around 1:30 in the afternoon, the perfect time to start drawing. She ends up sitting on the steps directly in between the front doors and the statue in the middle of the fountain.

I just love the lighting and sight, it's perfect. She sketches the scenery in front of her. Mia's so focused on her sketch and listening to her music that she didn't notice the ruckus happening around her thirty minutes after sitting there. Apparently, Batman, Aquaman, Flash, and Green Arrow had arrived with their sidekicks and they're making their way to the Hall. She doesn't notice until a large shadow blocked her light.

"What the?" She looks up and meets the famous Batglare. Robin sends her a cheeky grin. "Yes? How can I help you?"

Her question gets a few smiles from the heroes including Batman but it's faint. Speedy frowns.

"Yeah you can get out of the way."

Mia scoffs. "Who died and made you king? I didn't hear anything on the news about you becoming king. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get back to work."

Mia goes back to her sketch ignoring the heroes, especially Speedy who looks like he's about to blow but Green Arrow stops him. Green Arrow looks down at Mia with a smile and clears his throat grabbing her attention.

"I'm sorry miss but what I think my protégé meant to say was if you wouldn't mind moving a little so we can pass by."

She smiles at Green Arrow. "I don't mind at all. Hope you guys have a great day," she gets up then sends Speedy a smug look. "And that's how you politely ask someone to move. Jerk." Mia walks past Speedy but not before slipping a piece of paper into his utility belt.


The group watches Mia leave peacefully then continue to walk up the steps. The sidekicks continue their conversation.

"Sorry, I'm a little overwhelmed," Kid Flash states.

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone just whelmed?" Robin stops talking when they entered the building. "Oh maybe that's why," he states as he looks up at the statues of the founding members of the Justice League.

They continue making their way when they stop in front of a door with the words "Authorized Personnel Only" written in red on it. The door opens revealing Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado where they great the young heroes and show them the Hall. After the tour, everyone reaches the library and the boys sit down while their mentors talk.

"I liked that girl. She had the guts to stand up to us," KF says.

"Dude did you see the way she was talking to Speedy?! Priceless," Robin laughs.

"What are you talking about? She was being disrespectful to us. I mean who talks like that to a group of superheroes?!" Speedy angrily states.

"Apparently she does," Kid Flash responds.

Aqualad places a hand on Speedy's shoulder. "My friend I do believe the reason she acted the way she did was because of you."

Speedy lets out an aggravated sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose. As he lowers his arm, it brushes against the paper tucked in his utility belt. Speedy opens it and frowns.

"Dude you okay?" Kid asks.

"Peachy," Speedy spits out.

He crumbles the paper into a ball and throws it on the floor. Robin picks it up, unravels it and once he saw what was on it, he covers his mouth to hide his smile and muffle his laugh.

"What is it?" KF wonders.

Robin shows him the paper and both fall on the floor laughing. Aqualad takes a look at the paper and lets out a small laugh. On the paper is a sketch of Speedy with horns, a tail, fire behind him and a pitchfork with the word 'Jerk' written in red and capitalized on top of the drawing.

"I hate her."

"Dude you don't even know her," Kid retorts.

"Yeah it's not like you're going to see her again," Robin reasons.

"That is true," Aqualad states.

"Tch. Whatever."

Speedy turns around noticing their mentors are about to leave.

"That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass."

"It's the first step. You have been granted access few others get," Aquaman states.

"Oh, really?" Speedy gestures to a tour group behind the window. "Who cares which side of the glass we're on?"

"Roy you just need to be patient," Green Arrow calmly says.

"What I need is respect," he turns to the others, "They're treating us like kids. Worse—like sidekicks! We deserve better than this."

The boys looked at each other like 'We're cool.'

"You're kidding right? You're playing their game? Why? Today was supposed to be the day, step one in becoming full-fledged members of the League."

"Well, sure, but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ," Kid says.

"Except the Hall isn't the League's real HQ. I bet that they never told you it's just a false front for tourists and a pit stop for catching zeta beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower."

Green Arrow looks back to Batman who crossed his arms in front of him.

"I know, I know but I thought maybe we could make an exception," Green Arrow states with a hopeful look but Batman isn't having any of that. "Or not."

"You're not helping your cause here, son. Stand down or—" Aquaman began.

"Or what? You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son. I'm not even his. I thought I was his partner, but not anymore," Speedy throws his hat down and begins walking away. "Guess they're right about you three. You're not ready," then he was out of the building.

No one had said a word when a transmission from Superman shows up on the monitor.

"Superman to Justice League. There's been an explosion at Project Cadmus. It's on fire."

"I've had my suspicions about Cadmus. This may present the perfect opportunity to in—" Batman's cut off when a second transmission appears on the monitor.

"Zatara to Justice League. The sorcerer Wotan is using the amulet of Attan to blot out the sun. requesting full League response."


"It's a small fire. Local authorities have it under control."

"Then Cadmus can wait," Batman presses a button. "All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates. Batman out." He turns around looking at the boys. "Stay put."

"What? Why?" Robin asks.

"This is a League mission," Aquaman states.

"You're not trained," Flash explains.

"Since when?" Kid interrupts him.

"I meant that you're not trained to work as part of this team," Flash explains better.

"There will be other mission when you're ready," Aquaman reasons.

"But for now, stay put," Batman orders.

Batman, Flash and Aquaman leave their sidekicks while G.A. and Martian Manhunter have a side conversation.

"Glad you didn't bring you know who?"


Then all of them leave the sidekicks behind.

"When we're ready? How are we supposed to be ready when they treat us like—like sidekicks?" Kid states in an annoyed tone.

"My mentor, my king, I thought he trusted me," Aqualad says.

"Trust? They don't even trust us with the basics! They've got a secret HQ in space!" Kid exclaims.

"What else aren't they telling us?" Aqualad wonders.

"I have a better question. Why didn't we leave with Speedy?" Robin asks.

Both Aqualad and Kid Flash have solemn looks on their faces.

"What is Project Cadmus?" Aqualad curiously asks.

"Don't know, but I can find out."

Robin walks over to the computer and starts hacking.

"Access denied," the computer states.

"Heh. Want to bet?" Robin retorts continuing to hack. The screen changes shocking KF.

"Whoa! How are you doing that?"

"Same system as the Batcave," Robin remarks then presses a button.

"Access granted," the computer says and shows a picture of the Cadmus building.

"All right. Project Cadmus. Genetics lab here in D.C. that's all there is, but if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should investigate ourselves," Robin offers.

"Solve their case before they do. It would be poetic justice," Aqualad states.

"Hey they're all about justice," Robin retorts.

"But they said to stay put."

"For the blotting out the sun mission, not this."

"Wait. Are you going to Cadmus? Because if you're going, I'm going," Kid states.

Both boys turn to face Aqualad with cheeky grins on their faces.

"Just like that we're a team on a mission?" Aqualad asks.

"We didn't come for a play date," Robin retorts.


Mia just finished packing her things for the day. Today's been a good day. Hopefully I can sell the sketches I made today. As she stands up and begins to walk, she notices three figures sprinting away from the Hall as if they're trying not to get caught. Is that Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad? she looks again. Yep that's them. What are they doing? And where's Speedy? Oh well.

Mia continues to walk but stops when a firetruck rushes by towards someplace. Her mind connecting the dots. If they left the Hall and a firetruck suddenly appears just seconds later then something must be going down. They're going to need all the help they can get. She rushes after the firetruck.

The young girl ends up stopping a block away where something's definitely going down and goes to search for the young heroes. Mia hides behind a dumpster in the alley where the heroes watch the building the firefighters are trying to control the fire. An explosion causes two scientists to fall out of the window and Kid Flash runs out to catch them.

Wow he's fast. Mia overhears the small conversation between Robin and Aqualad.

"So smooth."

"Does he always have to run ahead? We need a plan. We—Robin?"

Then they hear the famous Robin cackle and spot Robin entering the building. Aqualad lets out an irritated sigh before running out. None of them even noticed Mia watching them which the young girl is glad about. That was a close one. Okay, I need to wait until Aqualad gets inside then I can help. After a few minutes, Aqualad saves the scientists on the roof and gets in the building through the window.

"Okay let's do this," she mutters to herself.

She takes a few steps back and starts running down the alley. Mia teleports herself in the room where the boys are. Unfortunately, Mia doesn't stop and runs into a filing cabinet located in front of Robin.

"Ow," she rubs her nose.

The heroes look up in surprise. All three curious how in the world she suddenly appeared before them. Kid Flash speaks out first.

"How'd you get in here?"

"Not really in the mood to explain. Besides, you guys wouldn't believe me."

"Try us," Robin retorts.

"I can teleport."

Silence fills the rom.

"Sweet," Kid exclaims.

"What are you doing here?" Aqualad demanded.

"Thought you guys might need some help."

"Thanks but no thanks," Robin states.

"Hey wait a minute," Kid looks at Mia more closely. "Aren't you that girl from earlier this afternoon? The one blocking our path on the steps of the Hall?"

"Yes, yes I am," Mia gives him a cheeky grin.

"Love the drawing of Speedy by the way."


Kid Flash brings Mia over to help him look through the filing cabinets. Robin hacks the computer to gain any information. Aqualad leaves the room momentarily. He looks down the hall only to notice a creature inside the elevator. Everyone leaves the room to follow him.

They hear him say. "There was something in the—"

"Elevators should be locked down," Kid Flash comments.

"Weird," Mia states.

Robin walks to the front of the group and pulls out his holographic computer.

"This is wrong." A few seconds of silence. "Thought so. This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building."

"Neither does what I saw," Aqualad states.

"Maybe it was a person in a costume?" Mia suggests.

Aqualad turns to look at Mia with a smile. "I do not think so."


"Hey," Mia turns to look at Kid. "Since you know our names it's only fair to know yours."

"Amelia Ramires but you can call me Mia."

Mia extends a hand and Kid shakes it. Robin looks up from his computer turning to Mia with a shocked look.

"Did you say Amelia Ramires?" She nods. "As in the—"

"You can stop right there buddy. I'm not going to tell you my life story right this second. Once this is finished then I'll tell you everything you need to know," Mia states in a serious tone.

Robin only nods. Aqualad walks toward the elevator and forcefully opens the doors. The others come up behind him. They all look down.

"That's a long fall," Mia slowly moves back.

"What you scared of heights?" KF asks.

"Nope. Scared of falling from heights. Huge difference."


"And that's why they need an express elevator," Robin states ignoring the small conversation.

He shoots his grappling hook to the ceiling and jumps down the elevator shaft. Aqualad goes next then Kid Flash's about to go when he sees Mia still standing in the same spot.

"Do you really want to stand here the entire time?"


"Then jump."


Mia lets out a shaky breath. Taking a step back, she throws herself into the elevator shaft and grabs hold of the line.

"Yes," she mutters.

"Good job," Kid Flash says grabbing onto the line as well.

All four of them make it down to sub-level 26. Robin's the first to jump onto the ledge, Aqualad goes next, then Mia with the help from Aqualad and finally Kid Flash.

"Bypassing security." Two seconds later. "There! Go!"

Aqualad opens the doors with his bare hands. Mia, Robin and Kid follow. All of them are stunned in surprise.

"Welcome to Project Cadmus," Robin proclaims.

They walk in a little more then KF starts to run off leaving them behind.

"Does he always do that?" Mia asks.

"You have no idea," Robin answers.

Idiot. The three of them run after him and what they see next shocks them even more. Huge creatures with large tusks, red eyes, red slits on their bodies and some kind of 'bracelet' with spikes on it covered their shoulders. A small imp like creature looks at them. Its horns glow red then the boys have these weird relaxed faces while Mia still can't believe her eyes.

"No. Nothing odd going on here," Aqualad says as the creatures walked away from the group.

Mia gives him a dumbfounded look.

"Are you serious?" They turn to look at her with the same odd expressions. "Guys?"

Suddenly they're back to normal.

"Is something wrong Mia?" Aqualad asks.

"Tch. Yeah something's wrong. You guys had zombie looks when those creatures walked by."

"What creatures?" KF asks.

"Are you kid—Jesus Christ!" Mia exclaims.

She pulls out her sketchbook from her backpack and quickly draws the creature down to the last detail. She turns the book around to show them the drawing but there's no reaction of recognition.

"That's a nice sketch though," Kid states.

"You sure that these things walked by us?" Robin asks.

"I never lie," Mia said in a serious tone.

"Keep it. We might have some use for it. Let's go," Aqualad orders.

They follow him. Our young heroes reach a locked door. Robin gets it to open with no problem. The youngest of them takes a look from what's inside and boy is he surprised to say the least.

"Ok. I'm officially whelmed."

The rest of the group takes a look inside and are shocked as well by the sight in front of them. Mia slowly walks towards one of the pods and sadly frowns at the sight of the creature within it.

Who would do this? "These creatures are alive, they shouldn't be in these tubes."

"This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world. The real Cadmus isn't on the grid. It generates its own power with these things. Must be what they're bred for," KF explains.

"That's still not right," Mia hugs herself.

"Even the name is a clue. The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragons' teeth into the Earth," Aqualad says.

"And this Cadmus creates new life too. Let's find out why." Robin heads to one of the computers and hacks into it. Everyone gathers around him. "They call them Genomorphs. Whoa! Look at the stats on these things—"

"That's the creature we saw," Mia points at the picture of the giant Genomorph.

"Superstrength, telepathy, razor claws. These are living weapons!"

"That's so wrong."

"They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid asks.

"Wait there's something else. Project Kr. Ugh! The file's triple-encrypted. I can't—"

"Don't move," a gruff voice spoke.

They turned to see who it is.

Aqualad softly speaks. "Mia get behind me."


"Wait. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash?" The man takes a closer look. "Is that a civilian?"

"At least he got your name right," Robin retorts to Kid which leads him to earn a small smack from Mia.

"I know you. Guardian. A hero," Aqualad states.

"I do my best," Guardian remarks.

"Then what are you doing here?" KF asks.

"I'm chief of security. You're trespassing, but we can call the Justice League, figure this out. Mind tell me why you have a civilian with you?"

Kid ignores the question. "You think the League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?"

"Weapons? What are you—what have I—ugh my head," Guardian holds his head in slight pain.

"What the?" Mia softly says watching Guardian closely.

His face becomes hard. "Take them down hard! No mercy!"

"Oh jeez," Mia whimpers.

The Genomorphs spring into action. Just before the genomorphs reached them Robin throws a smoke pellet to the ground. Smoke appears around them offering the opportunity to escape; sort of. I just had to help them didn't I?