Clockwork's purple cloak flared behind him as he sped towards the Observants' Lair, not even bothering to announce himself. For the first time in such a long time, he felt fear coursing through his core at an alarming rate. If his heart could beat, it would've burst through his chest by now. He stormed up to the leader, floating an inch from it's eye.


"Clockwork! How dare you come in here like this! Calm down immediately, and land yourself."

"HAVE. YOU. CHECKED. IT?!" Clockwork snarled at him, his eyes glowing even brighter in his rage. The leader finally seemed to understand what he was saying, and answered.

"Yes, I just got a report recently claiming that it is still locked up."

"Are you sure? When was the report?" He demanded, already knowing the answer.

"Recently, as I have just said, now what has you so wor..."

"Take me there."


"Take me to the cell. If I am correct, then we are, fucked." The ghost visibly flinched at the Time Master's words, before sighing.

"Fine. Then we shall take a breather and you will sit down and tell me what this was about!" The leader waved away the gathering onlookers, leading Clockwork down into the deepest part of their lair. Taking a long staircase deep down, they arrived down in the dungeon, but they did not stop, continuing to an unused cell, where the Observant opened the unused cage door and floated towards the farthest wall. He pressed a hand against a brick, taking a little bit of force before the hidden passage revealed itself.

The passage way down was much longer then the stairway to get into the first dungeons, the only light that could be seen was coming from the two ghosts. Finally they made it to the bottom of the staircase, and there was a thick iron door. The Observer pressed his hand against a panel off the side, and it took a solid minute before the door clicked open. There was a couple of feet before a second door resided, this one with an actual lock instead of the technology the Observers had resorted to.

Clockwork's red eyes stared into the shadows. He knew there was a guard down here, but he had yet to see it. And that added to the worry. The door was unlocked and it revealed a large room, with runes and symbols etched into the floor, walls and ceiling. The single small cage was in the center of the room...or used to be.

It was in ruins. Black fire marks stained the walls and floor, the runes destroyed. The cage a mangled mess, a spike was even sticking out of the wall near the door.

The Observer dropped the key. "I-impossible. I received the missive saying that It was secure!"

"When?!" Clockwork demanded.

"...About a year ago." Was finally admitted.

"A YEAR?! You were supposed to be checking on It every WEEK!"

"We knew It wasn't going anywhere! Besides It needs a Host! A compatible one at that." The Observer grew suddenly very calm. "It is highly improbable..."

"It found one!" Clockwork snarled. "You say about a year ago? That was when Danny Fenton was caught inside the Fenton Portal, and became the Halfling he is now!"

"But you just seen him, correct? You know as well as I that he had not been showing signs of being under It's control."

"That Danny isn't under It's control! It caused a large enough rift that It tore a whole new timeline into creation. In this one, the boy is alone, a perfect candidate."

"Then we shall deal with him, and get the monstrosity back into it's cage."

"Do you remember what happened last time? Or did the fact that It's been captured all this time in your care go to your head?" He snapped. "The only reason we even got the upper hand, is because it's host was weak. Daniel is not weak."

"Then rewind time and prevent It from attaching to the boy and-"

"My powers are of no use within the timeline."

This seemed to concern the Observer. "What?"

"My. Powers. Are. Of. No. Use."

"What are we going to do?! We have no leverage upon It this time! We need to issue out a warning at once!" The Observer promptly started to panic. Of course. Clockwork slammed his staff down upon the ground to get the other's attention.

"Lock down the Ghost Zone in the timeline. I don't know where It is, but if it escapes into the other Timeline, than there will be nothing that can be done, and both worlds will be doomed."