A/N: Hi! So I really just wanted to write a chapter where the girls got to dress up, because that's fun and I just wanted to write really fun things at the moment. Thanks to everyone that has reviewed/ followed etc I really appreciate it.

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS:LA or any of its characters etc.

Kensi sighed, 'One day can we have an op where the guys have to seduce the bad guys?'

'Bad girls,' Deeks corrected, 'I'm okay with that. I'm totally okay with that.'

As Deeks closed his eyes to picture the scene Kensi punched him in the arm, causing him to howl with pain.

'Hey you suggested it Kens!' He protested, rubbing his arm.

The team was planning to gather information surrounding a string of deaths of SEALs in the area, the deaths looked accidental but the team had other ideas. LAPD had originally questioned the suspects after a number of the deaths, due to them conveniently being around when cars were crashed or fatal allergic reactions occurred, however they had been unable to find any connection to convict them. The case was turned over to NCIS after anomalies were found in the autopsy reports, which confirmed the thoughts that these deaths weren't merely accidents and were due to more sinister causes. A number of the suspects were staying in a high end hotel, which was having a large party which they, along with members of the NCIS team thanks to Eric and Nell's computer skills, were on the exclusive guest list for.

'Okay, Deeks you'll be waiting in the car, you've identified a few of the members of the team as people you've arrested before, you being in the building might blow our cover. Kensi and Alyssa, you will be our distraction, Sam and I will be your cover. Nell when the coast is clear you slip into the rooms and see what you can find. Deeks, keep the car running in case we need to leave quickly.'

'Am I taking a minivan Callen? Because we're going to have a few too many people in the car, especially since Sam takes up half the back seat on his own.'

Callen shook his head, 'No minivan Deeks, we'll have another car there. Don't worry, you're not going to be a soccer mum just yet.'

'Good, I can't be a soccer mum until Kensilina and I have little mutant ninja assassins running around,' Deeks said, grinning at Kensi as he dodged another punch.

'Alright, party is in two hours,' Callen said, 'Alyssa, Kensi go and raid the wardrobe selection.'

Alyssa and Kensi nodded, making their way out of Ops. Nell glanced at Callen, putting down the tablet she was holding and started inching towards the door.


'Um yeah Callen, what's up?'

'Why don't you go and help them get ready?' Callen suggested with a smirk.

'That's a great idea!' Nell squealed as she hurried down the stairs after the other girls.

The three girls were hardly surprised when Hetty was waiting for them, a selection of dresses in front of her.

'Miss Blye, something from this collection will do nicely, and Miss Jenkins you will find that these will fit you perfectly. I took the liberty of finding dresses that would fit with the black, gold and silver dress code.'

'How did you...'

'You've been here for two months Alyssa, of course Hetty has managed to get your measurements by now. She knows everything,' Kensi supplied.

Alyssa nodded, not yet fully accustomed to the full extent of Hetty's knowledge and power and began looking through the collection of dresses Hetty had carefully selected.

'Hetty these are all so beautiful,' she said, feeling the high quality material of each dress as she examined them.

'And worth more than our pay checks,' Nell added.

'You're quite right Miss Jones. Take good care of them Miss Jenkins, or you might find your pay check to be considerably less than normal for a few weeks,' Hetty warned, without the hint of a smile.

Alyssa nodded as Kensi pulled a black dress from the rack, 'What about this one?'

'Put it on,' Nell demanded impatiently.

Kensi did as instructed, ducking into the change room to put on the dress. She emerged a few minutes later, the dress finished mid way down her thigh and clung to her body. The front of the dress was fairly modest, compared to some of the others in the collection, however most of the back was exposed, save for a strap that sat just under her shoulder blades which held the strapless dress in place. The dress caught the light when she moved, courtesy of the hundreds of tiny diamantes, or possibly real diamonds knowing Hetty, that were sewn into it.

'Looking good Kens,' Alyssa complimented, with Hetty and Nell agreeing.

'Try this one Alyssa,' Nell said, pulling a gold sequinned dress of the rack.

'I dunno about that one Nell, it might be a little flashy,' Alyssa argued.

'Nonsense, try it on,' Hetty ordered.

Alyssa headed to the change room and came out wearing the dress not long later. Kensi wolf whistled when she saw her, causing a slight blush to reach Alyssa's cheeks.

'I can't pull this one off. How about I try another one?'

'You can pull it off; this is what all your undercover training has prepared you for!' Kensi exclaimed

'You look amazing Lyssa,' Nell protested.

'You certainly do, Miss Jenkins. You are wearing that dress.'

The dress in question was completely covered in gold sequins, strapless with a deep v that finished at her navel, showing the small jewelled piercing she had.

'It barely covers my ass!' Alyssa said, feeling the back of the dress.

'That's the basis of its appeal,' Kensi responded, giving her a sly wink.

The four women laughed as Hetty pulled forward a collection of shoes, 'You two ladies wear the same size shoe, so here is our selection. Miss Blye, these will go nicely with your dress.'

Hetty handed over a pair of silver shoes, which also had a scattering of tiny diamantes, which Kensi put on immediately.

'Wow they're surprisingly comfortable,' she commented, examining herself in the mirror.

Hetty held out a black pair of heels to Alyssa, which criss-crossed halfway up her calf and tied up at the back. Alyssa was a little sceptical about pairing those shoes with the dress but trusted Hetty's judgement, as she was usually right. Sure enough when Alyssa had the shoes on they looked perfect with the dress.

'Wonderful ladies, now hit the showers and come straight back here for Miss Jones and I to assist with your hair and makeup.'

The two agents returned from the shower a short time later, wearing their own clothes, hanging the dresses from Hetty's collection up in the change room. Hetty and Nell ushered them both into chairs in front of mirrors, hairdryers at the ready.

Alyssa laughed, 'I feel like a movie star with you guys fussing over me like this.'

Nell smiled as she unwrapped the towel covering Alyssa's hair and started drying it, 'Well Miss Jenkins, you're certainly going to look like one by the time we've finished with you.'

Twenty minutes before the party was due to start Alyssa and Kensi were still getting the finishing touches and final approval from Hetty.

'Come on ladies, we have a party to go to!' Sam called from where he, Callen, Deeks and Eric had taken a seat outside where Hetty and Nell were holding Alyssa and Kensi hostage.

'Mr Hanna, patience is a virtue. The ladies will be ready in just a moment,' Hetty called back, 'Miss Jenkins, these earrings are fitted with a camera, do not lose them. Same goes for that necklace Miss Blye. On second thought, just avoid losing anything you're wearing.'

Both agents nodded and after a final glance in the mirror headed out to meet the impatient group waiting for them, with Nell in a housekeeping uniform in tow. They were met by complete silence as they stood in front of the guys.

'Come on guys, don't we have a party to get to?' Kensi smirked.

'That we do Princess,' Deeks replied, offering her his arm, 'your chariot awaits.'

The group, minus Hetty and Eric, headed to the car park. Deeks, Kensi and Nell hopped into one car while Alyssa, Sam and Callen headed to Sam's beloved Challenger. Sam jumped in the drivers seat while Callen held the door for Alyssa to climb in the back.

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at him, 'Callen, do I really look like I'm going to climb into the back of a car dressed like this?'

'Well,' he stammered, 'I'm in a suit!'

She patted his cheek, 'Yes, yes you are, get back to me when you're wearing a dress that barely covers anything. In you get.'

Callen sighed and climbed awkwardly into the back of the car, hearing Deeks and Kensi laughing through the comms system.

'Okay, Kens, Lyss; when you get in there do a lap make sure to get the attention of the right people.'

'G, they are going to get the attention of everyone in that place, don't worry about that.'

Callen ignored Sam's comment and continued, 'Get some drinks and wait for them to make contact with one of you.'

'Both of us,' Kensi corrected.

'Sorry?' Callen asked, his brow creasing in confusion.

'Have you seen us Callen? We're hot, they'll take both of us,' Kensi responded confidently.

'She's not wrong,' Deeks agreed.

'Anyway,' Callen continued 'When we've got them distracted Nell slips in to the room, downloads anything from laptops and looks for any evidence that links them to the murders. Sam and I will provide cover if necessary. Deeks waits in the car, Eric keeps us updated on the cameras and runs facial rec on anyone in the group we don't already know.'

The team agreed as Deeks pulled up out the front of the hotel to let Kensi out, before driving around to a side entrance to park. Sam dropped Alyssa at the door a few minutes later, before going to park his own car, not trusting the valet parking with his precious car. The girls spotted their targets shortly after entering the room, however waited until Sam and Callen were in position before doing their lap of the party. Kensi went first, walking confidently around the room, briefly making eye contact with a few of their targets as she went. She settled herself on a bar stool, her back to the targets and ordered a drink.

'Nicely done Kensi,' Callen muttered, he was set up two tables away from the targets, 'Alyssa you're up.'

Alyssa sauntered around the room, tossing her hair that had been curled slightly a few times as she went.

'They're looking,' Callen informed.

'They haven't seen anything yet,' Alyssa responded, giving Callen a discreet wink as she passed his table.

As she passed the table where their suspects were sitting, she deliberately dropped her clutch and used the opportunity to show off even more than the dress was already showing before continuing her walk through the room. She perched herself on a bar stool on the opposite side of the bar to Kensi; facing towards their targets. She ordered a mocktail and sipped it slowly, glancing around the club.

'Hook, line and sinker,' she mumbled into her drink as she noticed the men still watching her.

'Girl's got skills,' Sam commented as he leaned back in his chair.

'That she does,' Callen agreed.

'What is happening in there?' Deeks asked, 'It's killing me being out here guys tell me what's happening!'

'I've got access to all the video footage Deeks, you can be filled in later,' Eric replied.

'That video footage has nothing on the real thing,' Kensi supplied, covering her mischievous grin with a sip of her drink.

'Kensi you're killing me! Just see if Hetty will let you borrow that outfit for a few extra hours tonight.'

'Unlikely Deeks, very unlikely,' Callen said as he scanned the room again, his eyes stopping on Alyssa.

'See something you like Mr Callen?' she asked, raising an eyebrow at him and uncrossing and recrossing her legs.

'Just playing the part,' he responded as he took a drink, his eyes not leaving her.

'Sure you are,' she smiled, taking the strawberry off the rim of her glass and eating it in two small bites, letting out a small moan as the flavour exploded in her mouth. She ran a finger around her lips, making sure there was no evidence of the fruit on her face, before putting the finger in her mouth, not lowering her eyes from Callen's.

'Are you two done?' Sam asked.

'Just playing the part,' they said in unison, turning their attention back to the table where their targets were seated, both smirking.

'What is happening? I feel like I'm missing some exciting things. Please God, someone tell me what you guys are up to!'

'He actually looks like he's about to have a fit guys,' Nell laughed, 'I'm ready to head in whenever you need guys. Just make sure they're not going to leave for about 20 minutes.'

'Thanks Nell. They look like they're about to take the bait, when they invite one of the girls over I'll give you the signal,' Callen responded.

'What. Is. Happening?' Deeks asked again, accentuating every word.

'Callen and Alyssa were flirting.'

'I think that's an understatement Kensi, I think there was full blown seduction in there with that strawberry,' Sam laughed.

'I'm just getting into character!' Alyssa retorted.

Deeks groaned, 'I'm missing all the fun things! I hate waiting in the car.'

'Alyssa, Kens, heading your way,' Callen interrupted, 'Move in Nell.'

Two men from the table had stood up and started making their way towards the bar, one towards Kensi and the other towards Alyssa. Both girls were invited to join the table, and offered an elbow to escort them across the room.

'Running facial rec,' Eric said as they approached the table and introductions were made.

'I'm Sabrina,' Alyssa said, blushing slightly as the men each kissed her hand in turn.

'Summer,' introduced Kensi, flashing a winsome smile as her hand was also kissed by each member of the team.

'Entering the room now,' Nell informed, 'Shit, I think there might've been something on the door to alert them to anyone coming in.'

'Kensi, Alyssa? Run your fingers through your hair if it looks like they know something,' Callen ordered.

Both girls ran their fingers through their hair as three of the five men pulled out their phones and cast meaningful looks at each other. The man sitting next to Alyssa got up from the table, muttering his apologies for having to leave.

'Aw don't leave,' Alyssa purred, rubbing his arm.

The man moved to turn away and Alyssa stood up, moving in front of him.

'If you're going to leave at least take me with you,' she said, batting her eyelashes and running one finger along the length of the v in the front of her dress, the other still on the man's arm.

He nodded, moving towards the elevator with Alyssa in tow.

'Be careful Alyssa,' Sam muttered, 'He's armed and you're not.'

'I am though,' Nell supplied, 'I can leave a weapon in the cistern of the toilet, don't say anything if you want it. Let me know if you don't.'

'Why are we leaving so soon?' Alyssa asked.

'I have something to do tonight,' the man responded.

'Okay, I won't leave one. If you could buy me 10 more minutes Alyssa that would be great. Eric, let me know when they're on this floor.'

'Kensi, Alyssa, I'm turning you down a little, I can still hear you though and the computer is set to alarm if either of you so much as mention the safe word, I'm just trying to drown out some of the chatter so we can hear each other better,' Eric informed.

'And we've still got eyes on you,' Sam added.

'And what exactly do you mean by something?' Alyssa asked with a giggle, biting her lower lip, 'Is it something I can help with?'

'Nell, as soon as you get out of that room you, Kensi and Sam are you. Deeks, as soon as the four of them are in the car leave. We'll meet you guys back in Ops. Alyssa, I'm going to head up the stairs, just in case.'

The suspect impatiently punched the button for his floor and closed the door as soon as they got in the elevator.

'Oh my gosh! The 27th floor! The views must be amazing from your room!' Alyssa gushed, twirling her hair around her finger, accidentally knocking the tiny camera out of her earring, and placing the other on the man's chest, 'I can't wait to see the view from the balcony!'

'Really? 27? I didn't realise it was floor 27,' Callen groaned.

'Service elevator in the back left corner from where you are Callen,' Eric informed.

'Thank you Eric!' Callen said, moving quickly towards the elevator, carefully pulling an access card from a waiters back pocket as he did so.

'You will enjoy the balcony,' the man smirked as he traced the line of Alyssa's dress down to her navel.

'Do you know what else I enjoy?' she asked, her mouth inches from his, 'Elevators.'

Alyssa pressed the emergency stop button halfway between floors 10 and 11 and locked her lips over the suspects.

'Your elevator has stopped Alyssa, and I think you lost your camera. Trying to get the elevator cameras online now... oh. Right. Okay. That's why it's stopped. Alyssa, the camera is in the corner above the buttons, directly opposite you.'

'What's happening Eric?' Sam asked.

'Let's just say Alyssa is buying Nell sometime,' Eric responded awkwardly.

'Keep your guard up Alyssa,' Callen warned.

'That's probably not the only thing that's up in that elevator right now,' Deeks added.

'Now is not the time Deeks,' Sam responded.

'Just trying to provide some comic relief for the serious situation, it's what I do best.'

'No movement from any of the others out here, you're still good for now Nell,' Sam added, trying to draw everyone's attention back to the mission.

'I'm almost at the floor now Alyssa. Nell; I will try and keep the elevator up here for you to get out,' Callen informed.

'Copy that Callen, download has six minutes left. I've sent photos of basically everything in this room to Eric, but I'm not seeing anything. There's got to be something on these laptops,' Nell said, starting another search of the room.

Alyssa was still in the stopped elevator, arms around the suspect's neck as she kissed him, one leg hooked around his waist, pushing him into the wall. He had one hand on her ass, the other roaming under the top of her dress.

'You good Alyssa?' Callen asked.

Alyssa tilted her head back as the suspect began kissing her neck, his eyes closed. She pulled a face at the camera that Eric was watching from and removed one hand from behind the man's head to his shoulder, giving Eric an 'okay' sign with her fingers as she did so.

Eric chuckled, 'If I read that correctly Alyssa says something along the lines of 'this is disturbing but I'm good', and I just go the thumbs up so I did read that correctly.'

'Sam? How's Kensi doing?' Callen asked.

'No one else has moved from the table, it looks like Kensi is telling a very interesting story, she has them wrapped around her little finger,' Sam reported.

'Knowing Kensi she's probably reciting Titanic,' Deeks quipped, drumming his hands impatiently on the steering wheel, his jokes serving to calm himself down rather than anyone else. He really did not enjoy not being able to provide Kensi with cover, after all, they were partners and that was his job.

'Two and a half minutes until I'm completely clear with the download,' Nell updated them, 'Sorry I can't make it go any faster Lyssa.'

The man moved to slide the straps of Alyssa's dress down with one hand while the other snaked up the inside of her leg, at which point she stepped away, continuing to smile at him.

'Uh uh uh, you need to wait til the balcony for that,' she taunted, making a show of checking her lipstick in the reflection of the elevator wall, 'now look what you've done to my lipstick!' she giggled using her finger to wipe the excess off her face and pulling the stick out of her bag to reapply it.

'One of them is making a call now,' Sam informed.

The man man's phone rang and he answered it quickly, 'Yeah. Yeah, nearly there now. There was some elevator trouble but it's moving again. I'll be there soon. I'm sure it's nothing. Bye.'

He hung up and began jabbing at the button for the 27th floor.

'Phone call was to the guy Alyssa is with,' Eric said, 'Nell you don't have much time.' b

'Service elevator is ready to go Nell; I have the doors on emergency open. Get out as soon as you can, there is a staff swipe card in there too. Alyssa, I'm in the stairwell.'

'Impatient to get to the balcony are we?'

'I told you, I have something to do,' he grunted, poking the button a few more times, 'you're keeping me from my job.'

'I thought you were enjoying yourself, it certainly seemed like you were,' Alyssa responded as they past the 20th floor.

'One minute til I'm clear.'

'You don't have that much time Nell! They're passing level 22 now,' Eric said, worry evident in his voice.

'I'll need maybe 30 seconds from the time your elevator door opens to get clear in the service elevator Lyssa,' Nell said.

'She can do that,' Callen said confidently, 'Kensi, Sam, almost time to go, start making your way back to Deeks. As soon as Nell is in that car head back, we'll follow ASAP.'

The elevator chimed as it reached the 27th floor and the doors opened. Alyssa grabbed her targets hand, giggling as she pushed him against the wall next to a small alcove, kissing him roughly. She carefully put her bag down on the small ledge as she kissed him. He made to move towards the room and she put both hands behind his head, firmly pulling his head towards her and effectively blocking his view of the room door which she sincerely hoped Nell was currently sneaking out of. He ran his hands up the outside of her legs and settled them both on her ass pulling her body towards his.

'I'm clear,' Nell said.

'Okay, clear out you guys.'

Kensi excused herself from the table and exited the hotel as soon as she was out of sight, with Sam not far behind. They met Deeks in the car and waited for Nell.

'So, are you going to show me that balcony view or what?' Alyssa asked, pulling away.

The man lead the way quickly to the room and opened the door, seeing nothing out of place immediately he ushered Alyssa towards the balcony, promising he would join her soon.

'Nearly there guys,' Nell said, 'Thank god service elevators are faster than those for guests.'

She exited the building through the staff door in the basement and quickly made her way to where Deeks was parked in the street. As instructed, they left immediately.

'Oh no!' Alyssa gasped, 'I must've left my purse in the elevator. I'll be right back. Wait right here for me,' she said, blowing a kiss as she left the hotel room, closing the door behind her.

Alyssa hurried into the stairwell, picking up her clutch as she went. She leant on the wall inside the stairwell and breathed a deep sigh of relief while Callen quietly shut the door.

'You good?' he asked.

'Yeah I'm good. Let's get out of here, I need a shower.'

'We'll head down a few flights and then take the elevator.'

Alyssa nodded, starting to make her way down the stairs. They left the stairwell on level 24 and got in the elevator, heading for the ground floor. The elevator ride was silent until Eric's voice cut in.

'Um guys, some of our friends are waiting to get in that elevator when it stops.'

Callen quickly leant over and pressed the button for floor two, which the elevator soon stopped at. The pair had just entered the stairwell when Eric gave them more bad news.

'Two of our friends got impatient and started heading up the stairwell.'

Callen and Alyssa heard footsteps approaching and Callen pushed her into the corner, shielding her from view with his body, putting his forehead on hers.

'But what about your wife?' Alyssa asked in a French accent as the men started up the flight of stairs between them.

'I will leave her for you,' Callen responded, following her lead 'consider it done, my love, I will leave her tomorrow then we can spend the rest of our lives together.'

The men glanced at the pair as they passed, but continued their way up the stairs.

'That does sound wonderful,' she gushed, 'however we must get back to the party now before somebody realises we are missing and causes an awful fuss.'

Callen and Alyssa made their way quickly down the last two flights of stairs; Callen removed his jacket and put it around Alyssa's shoulders to hide dress, which the suspects that remained at the table would more than likely remember. The pair quickly exited the building and Callen lead the way to where Sam had parked the Challenger.

'Heading back now guys,' Callen informed as he pulled out of the car park.

Alyssa started removing the borrowed jewellery as they drove, putting it, along with the earwig in the clutch on her lap. Callen removed his earwig as well, leaning over to throw it in the bag as well.

'You good?' he asked after driving in silence for a few minutes.

'I need to shower,' she responded.

He looked over at her, 'You good?' he asked again.

She looked up and forced a smile, 'I'm fine Callen, I just really need a shower. I feel gross.'

'You can shower as soon as we get back,' Callen said, his eyes back on the road.

They drove the rest of the way in silence, Callen occasionally stealing glances at Alyssa as she stared out the window. When they arrived back at OSP, Alyssa shrugged Callen's jacket off her shoulders and handed it back to him.

'Do you want me to come up for the debrief?'

'It's okay, it's late. I'm sure we will have plenty of work to continue on this case tomorrow,' Callen said, glancing at his watch, 'or later today considering its just past midnight.'

She nodded and headed to the showers, eager to wash the night's mission off her skin.

Alyssa emerged twenty minutes later, dressed in her regular clothes, long hair dripping down her back as she had insisted on washing it again because every part of her felt dirty. She found Callen sitting on the couch, his eyes closed; she tapped his foot with her own.

'About time,' he smiled, opening his eyes.

'You didn't have to hang around; I can drive myself home you know.'

'I know you can, but how did you get to work today?'

She looked confused, 'In my c... wait a minute. I came with Kensi and Deeks. Right.'

'Sooo do you want a ride home?' Callen asked as he stood, dangling his car keys in front of her face.

'That would be very helpful,' she laughed, as they headed towards to door, 'I don't suppose you would consider stopping for food along the way? I'm starving.'

'I can do that Alyssa,' Callen said with a laugh, 'I can do that.'

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Remember- reviews are love, and I love love.