A/N: This is my very first attempt at an NCIS:LA (Or any NCIS for that matter) fanfic, so I hope you enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, thank Elliroc for encouraging me to upload it, if you hate it Ellrioc will gladly receive my hate mail. I will try to update fairly regularly, it's just a matter of getting it onto paper.

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters etc, if I did I would've been able to afford to get pizza delivered for dinner.

Chapter 1

Henrietta Lange stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at the bullpen and let out a sharp whistle, signalling to her team that they were required in the Operations Centre. Special Agents Callen, Hanna and Blye, along with Detective Deeks made their way up the stairs, ready to be briefed for the case.

'What've we got?' G Callen asked tech team Eric Beale and Nell Jones.

'Umm nothing as far as I know,' Eric replied, looking slightly confused.

'Where'd Hetty go? Why'd she call us up here?' Sam asked.

'That sneaky little ninja...' Deeks began.

'Mr Deeks, were you talking about me?' Hetty asked, as she appeared silently behind them.

'Never Miss Lange,' he replied, throwing her a lopsided grin.

Hetty brushed off his comment and clasped her hands together, 'Now, as you have realised, we don't have a case at the minute. Nevertheless, it is imperative that you are all here for this moment.'

'And what moment is that?' Kensi asked.

'That moment, Miss Blye, is the moment you meet the newest member of you team,' Hetty responded, 'you can come in now!' she called towards the door.

The team turned towards the door as a tall, blonde woman entered and came to stand beside Hetty.

'Miss Jenkins, meet you team. Mr G Callen, Mr Sam Hanna, Miss Kensi Blye, Mr Marty Deeks, Miss Nell Jones and Mr Eric Beale.'

Each member of the team came forward to shake her hand as Hetty introduced them.

'Team, this is Miss Alyssa Jenkins. Formerly of the Tactical Assault Group, a counter-terrorism group from Australia. She is also quite talented in the area of wet work. Headed for the CIA until I decided her services were required here.'

'In other words you poached her from the CIA,' Callen translated, shaking his head.

'I did not 'poach' her Mr Callen, after all Miss Jenkins is not an egg. I merely decided that her talents were better suited to our team, rather than the CIA. I trust you will all make her feel welcome to the team,' Hetty said as she surveyed the members of the team over her glasses, 'Mr Callen, you can follow me to help make space for Miss Jenkins desk.'

Callen opened his mouth, appearing to want to protest, however he thought better of it and followed Hetty downstairs.

'You may as well get your questions out of the way now Mr Callen,' Hetty said when they had reached the bullpen.

'Why did you bring her in? Our team doesn't need anyone at the moment. Who will she partner? We don't have anyone for her to partner.'

'Our team needed some new blood. Miss Jenkins' skills will be a valuable asset to our team. She can work alone, or join the existing partnerships when required. I might even decide to change up the partnerships. They do say a change is as good as a holiday!' Hetty smiled, 'Now put that desk over here Mr Callen.'

Callen nodded, manoeuvring the large desk into position, 'You can't change our partnerships. Sam and I work too well together, as do Kensi and Deeks. Changing partners would mean basically starting from scratch, learning how to work together all over again. We can read our current partners, we know how the other operates, changing them would require too much time to get back to the standard we are at now. Too much time Hetty, it's not worth it.'

'She can work alone, and if necessary Sam and Nell can work together, as can you and Alyssa. I'm very glad we've had this conversation Mr Callen, now I suggest you go back up stairs and start getting acquainted with your new team member.'

Callen sighed, knowing it was futile to argue with Hetty. When he arrived back in OPS he found Nell talking animatedly with Alyssa while the rest of the team looked on. Sam raised a questioning eyebrow at him as he walked in.

'Hetty said she works alone, if needed she partners with me and you partner Nell,' Callen said in a low voice for Sam, Kensi and Deeks to hear.

The three nodded and turned their attention back to the new agent. Kensi made her way over to where Alyssa and Nell were chatting and easily joined the conversation while the boys looked on.

'I'm surprised Deeks,' Callen muttered.

'Why's that?' The blonde detective asked.

'You haven't made one lewd comment about her or called dibs,' Sam replied for his partner.

Deeks cocked his head as he studied the newest member of their team, 'Hmm yeah, she's hot, but can you imagine Kensilina's heartbreak if I was to turn my attention to a blonde? I couldn't possibly put her through that. Besides, she's going to be partnered with you Callen, so I think that means you get dibs,' he replied, side stepping a light hearted punch that Callen directed at him.

'He's got a point G,' Sam muttered, elbowing Callen in the ribs, 'Out of ten?'

Callen sighed and turned his attention back to the new girl. She was fairly tall, only a few inches shorter than himself he guessed, with tanned skin and light blonde hair that finished halfway down her back. She dressed casually, similarly to Kensi, in boots, jeans and a low cut tank top. Her outfit showed the subtle curves of her well toned body, as well as some additional assets.

'She's part of the team guys, we can't start rating team members.'

'Why not? I'm sure Kensi and Nell rate us on their girls' nights,' Deeks replied.

Sam agreed, nodding slowly.


'And if we rate one we have to rate them all right?' Deeks asked, ask Eric joined them, 'Hetty is a solid 10.'

They all laughed, Sam and Callen simultaneously punching Deeks in the shoulders, the detective's cry of pain caused the three girls to look in their direction questioningly.

'Deeks was being an idiot, as usual. He deserved it,' Callen said with a shrug.

Nell and Kensi rolled their eyes, continuing their conversation while Callen's eyes met the green eyes of the new agent, which were silently conveying her curiosity.

'Class clown,' Callen explained, ruffling Deeks' hair, 'you know how it is, they think they're funny when they're actually not.'

She smiled, nodding to indicate her understanding before turning back to the girls.

'So what's the verdict?' Eric asked.

'Really? You too?'

'She's hot G. What' her number?' Sam asked.

'Solid 8.5 at least,' Eric said when Callen didn't respond, 'not my type but you can't deny she looks great.'

'Yeah we know she's not your type Eric, your type is shorter and standing slightly to her left,' Deeks replied.

The technical officer blushed slightly as he glanced over his shoulder at Nell, not bothering to deny the accusations.

'Only an 8.5? Mr Beale is a hard marker,' Sam commented, '9.5, because no one could possibly be a ten besides my beautiful wife.'

'Sam? Michelle's not here you can cut the sappiness,' Callen said, rolling his eyes.

'You're next to rate G,' Sam said, choosing to ignore his partner's earlier comment.

Agent Callen sighed, still watching the new girl. '9.5. 9.75. Deeks?'

'10,' he replied immediately, not taking his eyes from Kensi.

'Uh Deeks? We're talking about the blonde one,' Eric reminded him.

'Oh, right,' Deeks shifted his gaze, 'solid 9.5 at least.'

'And just think G, you get to cosy up to that on stakeouts from now on. Or maybe you could go undercover as husband and wife.'

Hetty appeared in the doorway as Callen threw a half-hearted punch at Sam.

'Alright, enough chit chat, time to hit the gym. All of you,' Hetty said, casting a pointed look at Eric and Nell, who usually escaped training due to their tech roles.

The team filed out of OPS and headed to the gym, changing into their workout gear before being put through their paces by drill sergeant Henrietta Lange for the better part of three hours.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Reviewing will give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside (and help me write faster).