If twins were born into a family with superpowers one would be good and the other evil. This was a fact that Max Thunderman had discovered at the very young age of ten, and it had dominated his life ever since. No one was quite sure why, those who were twins were always much too busy fighting one another to figure it out, but it always happened. When Max was younger he had been even more focused on learning than Phoebe is now. His favorite place had been the Metroburg Library for Supers, he could never figure out why Phoebe didn't like the place. At one point he discovered a secret door behind a bookcase. Was it both cliché and overly dramatic? Most definitely, this is after all a library run by a group of people who wear spandex all the time, but behind it had been a room full of secret history books. Max had never told anyone, and had spent the following year reading every book in it. It was here he first discovered this fact, and used the internet to double check of course. He had also discovered a book of legends and predictions in the room. He was from a very prominent family in the super community so he was unsurprised to find the family name mentioned specifically in a few of them. It was when he got to the section of what was yet to come that he stumbled upon something that would reroute the course of his life forever. It projected that one day born into a family that had so far held only heroes a set of twins would be born. The boy would become the greatest hero of the Thunderman family, the girl however was destined to become the most powerful villain to ever exist. Her family would be the only thing capable of grounding her even a little if she ever lost her strong connection to them her wicked ways would not be satisfied with normal trickery, but only the destruction of the earth. Max of course didn't believe it for a second. He didn't beleive the twin thing either really, maybe it happened to some sets of twins, but Phoebe and he were both good as well as the best of friends. There is no way she would ever do anything like that. He called the whole thing baloney, and quite through with this secret library all but forgot its existence.
It was just another day at school in Metroburg when he remembered again. Phoebe and he were once again trying to outdo each other in grades, each being the other's only competition, when Phoebe took it a little too far. He had seen her copying other people's homework before, but that was a very minor offense that a lot of other kids did to so he let it slide, and never confronted her about it at the same time vowing never to do it himself. No what Phoebe did that bothered him was holding a kid upside down with her newly in control telekinesis. She was demanding that he do her science project better the next time, she had gotten a 98% whereas Max had gotten a 100% earlier that day, or she would show him what it really meant to fail Phoebe Thunderman. Max was so surprised that his sweet twin sister was doing this that she was well into the horrible name calling part of her rant before he had the wits about him to intervene. He wasn't even aware she knew that many swear words! Tapping her on the shoulder had her whirling around in surprise, causing her to lose her concentration and let the kid drop. Luckily Max had the same superpowers, and was able to put the kid back down gently on the floor right side up. The kid hightailed it out of their before he could apologize. Turning back to his sister who was currently giving him her sweetest smile he sighed, and proceeded to give her a disappointed chewing out. It was on that day that he realized for the sake of his sister, and the world he would have to become the villainous twin. Even if it was just for show. That way he could still keep his best friend, and the world could much more easily deal with a not so great superhero and a purposely horrible supervillain than it could the alternative.