And the votes are in! Drum roll, please!
The normal(ish) love story won! With people wanting either the smut with plot or the normal(ish) story in second, all and serious in third and the silly one last. I will most likely either just go with the list of which story to do next or ask again at the end of this story which one will be next.
"You insolent, worm! You have once again failed the simplest of tasks! How does one drop a Wu and then lose it!? Don't you have some sort of tracking device for them!?" Chase yelled from his throne. Jack stared at his boots and lightly shuffled them against the marble floor, not being able to look up at the warlord. He couldn't handle seeing, yet again, the look of anger and disappointment on Chase's face.
"You what!?"
"I lost my Wu tracker a while ago." Jack admitted, his voice soft and weak. He flinched when he heard Chase punch the arm of his throne, the hard metal now having a hand shaped dent in it.
"You lost the only thing that made you not completely useless!? You pathetic, incompetent, worthless, fool!" Jack felt himself shrink at each insult.
"I've been working on-"
"Get out of my lair and never return!" Jack stopped himself and finally looked at the warlord, eyes wide. "Zaldi!" A large tiger appeared when his name was called. "Make sure this thing leaves." Jack's heart dropped at how Chase literally spat out the word 'thing'. He was nothing to him now.
Zaldi nodded his head and went over to Jack, ready for resistance. He lowered his shoulders when he saw that Jack had already turned around and was walking away without another word, shocking the warrior a little. Chase let out a scoff and settled down as he watched Jack leave. He didn't need the young man anymore.
Jack knew that the warrior was following him, but he didn't care, he was too busy trying to hold back his sobs and to not sniff. Chase didn't need to hear him crying, he already thought he was pathetic enough as it was. Maybe Jack wasn't fit to be on the side of evil. Maybe he was never meant to be Heylin and he just kept telling himself that he was. He's had that thought before many, many times, but something always brought him back. That's something was, nine out of ten times, Chase. Wanting to impress him or Chase doing anything amazing and making Jack want to be just like that.
The young man grabbed the Monkey Staff as he walked out of the entrance to the lair, knowing that Chase did not care for that Wu, having voiced it countless times before and only stole it from the monks to prove that he could and so that they couldn't use it for good. What Jack was going to do with the Monkey Staff, he had no clue, but it was nice to have at least one Wu with him so he didn't feel completely hopeless. Zaldi sat down as he watched Jack take off, his heli-pack buzzing softly. Jack finally allowed the tears to fall freely as he flew, having no real clue as to where he was headed and was shocked to find himself landing in front of the Xiaolin Temple.
"Jack Spicer! What are you doing here!?" Omi shouted as he and the three other monks rushed out of the temple. "Are you here in an attempt of a quiet attack?"
"Sneak attack." Raimundo corrected with a groan.
"No...I actually don't know why I'm here." Jack answered truthfully.
"What happened to your war-paint?" Omi asked, less tense since Jack didn't look as if he was going to attack anytime soon, the others following suit when they realized that Jack had been crying.
"My war-paint?" Jack put a hand to his face and pulled it away, seeing black on his fingers. His eyeliner must have gotten wet from the tears. "Nothing. It just smeared." Jack looked at the Monkey Staff in his hands before stepping forward and handing it to Kimiko. "Here, Chase stole it from you guys awhile ago."
"Why are you giving it back?" Kimiko asked.
"Um..." What was Jack doing? Did he really want to do this? Maybe since he was such a failure at being evil, he could try being good? "Can...Can I join you guys?" The monks stiffened a little and stared at Jack, did they mishear him?
"What do you mean 'join you guys'?" Raimundo asked.
"Like, be one of you or at least be on the good side or something like that." Jack spoke before he thought. He was really going through with this.
"Why should we trust you?"
"I already gave you the Monkey Staff and I can be helpful, check this out." Jack took an egg-shaped item out of his coat pocket. "it's a very early prototype and it can only go after the Monkey Staff since I still need to install the Wu energy tracker and I lost my Wu tracker I have to make it from scratch all over again." Jack pressed a small button on the machine. The thinner end popped out, showing two little red eyes and arms unfolded from the sides with thin fingers on the ends. The machine buzzed lightly as it floated in front of Jack, waiting for an order. "Her name's Wu-bot."
"Her?" Omi didn't understand what identified that inanimate object as a female.
"She just seems feminine to me." Jack shrugged.
"I see what he's sayin'." Clay said.
"Thank you. Wu-Bot, locate Monkey Staff." The Wu-but took a moment to process the order before flying over to Kimiko, moving so fast that monks didn't see her, and stopped right next to the Monkey Staf. She let out a hum and blinked her eyes at Jack. "See? With some more work, she'll be really useful."
"What's your motive?" Raimundo asked, still not trusting the young genius.
"To not be alone." Jack said, snapping his fingers and looking down. The Wu-bot went back to him and went into his hands, still humming.
"Team meeting." Raimundo turned around and the other monks formed a circle with him. "What do you guys think?" He asked quietly so Jack couldn't hear.
"I think we should let him stay." Kimiko spoke up first.
"I agree with Kimiko." Omi added.
"Fella looks like he's just finished cryin'. Something must've happened to him." Clay pointed out.
"It might have been Chase." Kimiko suggested.
"If Jack's upset with Chase, we might be able to convince him to help fight against him. Obviously not physically, but he's been with that guy the most out of all of us and probably know some secrets." Raimundo said.
"Doesn't it seem kind of selfish to let Jack stay with us so we can use him?" Kimiko asked.
"We're not gonna to use him. If he wants to help, he can, but if he don't, we ain't gonna force him." Clay peeked over his shoulder at Jack, who was now checking on the Wu-bot. "We can easily get him on our side, I don't think he wants to take over the world for the sake of bein evil."
"What do you mean?" Omi asked.
"Thnk about it. His parents are never around, the only 'friends' he's got is a lizard who's grouchier than a groundhog who keeps seein his shadow and an over-aged witch. He just doesn't want to be alone and ignored. If we befriend him and I mean, be actual friends, he'll stay." Clay explained.
"And having Jack Spicer on our side means he won't be on Chase's and he won't have that advantage anymore." Omi said.
"Is having Jack really an advantage?" Raimundo asked.
"If he gets that Wu-bot to work how he wants it too, he will be." Kimiko said. "It, she, is faster than all of us combined and that's with her being only a prototype, imagine what she'll be like complete."
"I vote stay." Omi stated.
"Stay." Clay agreed.
"Stay." Kimiko said.
"Alright, he gets to stay, but we do have to keep a close eye on him till we're sure he's actually serious about what he's saying." Raimundo and the others nodded their heads before facing Jack again.
"I was waiting for a clap and for you guys to yell 'break'." Jack chuckled weakly.
"Football. American football." Clay said before Omi could even ask.
"Are you sure that you want to join us?" Raimundo asked one more time.
"Yes...well, I at least don't want to be on the Heylin side anymore." Jack said.
"Come on in, we'll ask Master Fung." Raimundo gestured with his head and Jack followed the monks in, hopeing that he wouldn't be rejected twice in one day.