Will was thrown into a cage with the rest of the crew, and kept searching for Bilbo. Thorin was the only one he saw, as well as Mr. Gibbs and Marty.

"Thorin..." Will said, coming to him.

"Why are you here, Master Turner?" Thorin asked.

"Cutler Beckett is holding Elizabeth hostage," Will answered. "We were to be married, but we never had the chance. Beckett interrupted our wedding day. He will only release her if I get Jack's compass."

"You're here for Jack's compass. Why?"

"Because, I will do anything to save her," Will answered. "Thorin, wouldn't you do anything to ensure the safety of the ones you love?"

Thorin hesitated for a second, thinking about Fili and Kili and how he failed them. Also, he was thinking about leaving Bilbo out in the wild so he would be able to escape.

"Yes, I would," Thorin answered, easily resisting the urge to shed a tear. He looked as Will kept looking around, and still, he couldn't figure out why.

"Where's Bilbo?"

"We got separated," Thorin said. "I told him to hide."

"Yes, and thanks for the effort for coming back, Thorin, but we still got caught," said Gibbs.

"Thanks for the reminder," Thorin said sarcastically as they waited well into the night.


Bilbo was running for his life.

There was no sign of Thorin or anyone else within a fifteen mile radius. He was surprised that he was never caught when they fled from the cannibal people...and Bilbo forgot what their names were and didn't really care what they were really called. Thorin had went majorly overprotective and hid Bilbo somewhere far away. If you can remember, Bilbo still had the ring that made him invisible, so the cannibals couldn't see him. However, this is how it happened:

Bilbo and his companion were running through the woods, away from Gibbs and the others. However, Thorin didn't realize that until they were at least a couple hundred feet away. When he did look back, Thorin did see several of the cannibals coming closer to them and realized they were all in immediate danger.

"Get down!" Thorin yelled, throwing himself on top of Bilbo as some of the tribe members walked by.

"You know, Thorin, a simple warning would have sufficed rather than you throwing yourself on top of me!" Bilbo yelled in pain.

"Sorry," Thorin quickly apologized. He looked back. "They're coming closer!"

"You stay here, and I'll go back for the others," Thorin said. Bilbo grabbed onto his wrist before Thorin took another step.

"Promise you'll come back?"

"Promise," Thorin said. He took his wrist out of Bilbo's grip. However, after a while, Bilbo saw that Thorin was not coming back. He just stood there, alone, waiting for someone to come back. The hobbit looked into his pocket and saw the ring within it. The cannibals couldn't find him if he wore the ring. Quickly, Bilbo put the ring on and went off to find his friends.

Great, off to save the friends, again, Bilbo thought, racing off while keeping Sting in its holding place.

Now, Bilbo had to find a way to get his friends back.

Line division

Elizabeth Swann sat in her cell back in Port Royal, wishing to be out of this stinking cell. However, she saw her father and a guard coming by. Elizabeth was in shock when the guard unlocked her door.

"Come quickly," Swann said. He grabbed Elizabeth by the arm and quickly, they left the jail.

"You've got to tell me what's happening" Elizabeth demanded.

"I may still have some standing in the keep. I've arranged passage to England. The Captain is a friend of mine."

"No! Will's gone to find Jack!" Elizabeth shouted.

"We cannot count on William Turner. Come!" He led her to a carriage that was just outside the gates.

"He's a better man than you give him credit for."

"Of course, this is no time for innocence. Beckett has offered one pardon only. One! And that is promised to Jack Sparrow. Even if Will succeeds... you're not asking me to endure the sight of my daughter walking to the gallows. Do not. Perhaps, I can ensure a fair trial for Will, if he returns."

"A fair trial for Will ends in a hanging."

"Then there is nothing left for you here," Weatherby said. "Wait inside."

He walked over to the captain, calling for his friend, but Ian Mercer stabbed him in the back.

"Evening, Gov'ner. Shame, huh? He was carrying this," Mercer took out a letter, one that Governor Swann recognized to be from him. "It's a letter to the King. It's from you."

Swann looked from behind and to the carriage door. He wanted to rescue her, needed to save her. However, when the guard opened up the door, there was no Elizabeth, no one was in the carriage at all. Mercer looked at Swann.

"Where is she?" Mercer demanded

"Who?" Swann lied. However, Mercer furiously threw him against the carriage, ready to beat the truth out of him instead.

Beckett walked into his office, to find that the letters of Marque were disturbed. He walked over to open the chest, to find nothing within it. And he knew that Elizabeth Swann was in his room, with the letters.

"No doubt you've discovered that loyalty is no longer the currency of the realm as your father believes," Beckett said.

Elizabeth came out from her hiding and asked, "Then what is?"

"I'm afraid currency is the currency of the realm."

"I expect then that we can come to some sort of understanding. I'm here to negotiate.

They slowly approach one another.

"I'm listening." Elizabeth vigorously put her pistol on Cutler Beckett's forehead with a burning glare. "I'm listening intently.

"These Letters of Marque, they are signed by the King?" she asked, gesturing them in her hand.

"Yes, and they're not valid until they bear my signature and my seal," said Cutler Beckett.

"Or else I would not still be here. You sent Will to get you the compass and buy Jack Sparrow and Bilbo Baggins. It will do you no good."

"Do explain."

"I have been to the Isla de Muerta, I have seen the treasure myself. There is something you need to know"

"Aah, I see. You think the compass leads only to the Isla de Muerta and so you hope to save me from an evil fate. But you mustn't worry." She watched him walk all the way up to the world map. "I care not for cursed Aztec gold, my desires are not so provincial. There's more than one chest of value in these waters. So perhaps you may wish to enhance your offer."

"Consider it in your calculations that you robbed me of my wedding night," Elizabeth roughly put the letters to her chest.

"So I did," said Cutler as he took the letters, and began sealing them with his mark. "A marriage interrupted. Or fate intervenes. You're making great efforts to ensure Jack Sparrow's freedom."

"These are not going to Jack," Elizabeth said, taking the letters back.

"Oh, really. To insure Mr. Turner's freedom?

"And Bilbo's," Elizabeth added. "I'm not letting you hurt him."

"Hurt Master Baggins?" Beckett said. "No. I do not want the Hobbit. I just want that compass. Consider that in your calculations."

Elizabeth cautiously let her pistol point in Beckett's direction, not once breaking eye contact. However, once she was sure he wouldn't come after her, Elizabeth quickly backed out of the room and ran further than she ever did before.