Guest: Soon
SomeRandomPerson: Thank you
Crazymancody895: Thank you. I hope you'll like it.
JJmmmmmlol: Yeah I would like to read something like that too but most of my info comes from the show and the wiki,
Gravityfan16: Thank you
Onepieceranger123: Yeah that what i was going for since he would react like that. Thank you for reading it.
LucklessBlock86: Thank you. If you do PM me about it so that I can read it, that's why ended like that. Thanks for reading.
Red the Pokemon Master: Do you really want to know?
D. felipe76: Yeah, the thing is Lincoln and Ronnie Anne argued about the baby's name, Lincoln wanted to continue the "L" trend while Ronnie Anne wanted the baby's name to be like here, so they decided on Laura-Jane, because it was a L name and it was like Ronnie Anne's name.