The guild hall is remarkably quiet this morning. And why? Well most members are still in shock from yesterday's events. Ivan showing up with some of his own guild members was quite a shock, even now. However they were also surprised to see Laxus so calm, despite his obvious hate towards his father. Everyone knows how deep the hate for his father runs, but for some reason he managed to stay calm. Did it have something to do with Gajeel or Lucy? It had to be the two of them, right? But then again, since when were Laxus and Gajeel so close? What was their relationship? No one seemed to figure out those two questions.
While everyone's still breaking their brain over those questions, said men both walk in. They're walking close enough to each other that they could easily touch one another. Both men walk through the guild hall quietly, until a very excited Lucy skips towards them, a big smile etched onto her face.
"Well, well, my dear Gajeel. What is that I see on your neck?" She's obviously referring to the yellow lightning shaped mark on his neck. The mark is very clear to see by everyone, the yellow being bright in contrast to his tanned skin. A light blush appears on Gajeel's cheeks while Laxus just smirks. "You know exactly what it is, Blondie. He's all mine."
The iron Dragonslayer blushes harder, his eyes darting nervously around the guildhall. As if looking for someone who would laugh and make fun of them. But when it didn't happen, his shoulders lowered in relief. No one in this guild would judge them, either of them.
"Where's Erik?"
Lucy looks at her brother in surprise. "He's upstairs, talking to gramps. He still feels bad for this whole shit situation."
Gajeel scratches the back of his head with a soft sigh. "Who wouldn't? We know though. We know that he didn't really know better, thanks to his guild master."
"That's not entirely true." Erik appears out of nowhere and walks towards the trio. "There was a time when I knew exactly what I was doing. But I just kept telling myself that I had to keep doing it if I ever wanted to see Lucy again. They knew it, and used it against me. They made me do a shitload of horrible things, blackmailed me."
"And that was before they erased your memories?"
Erik nods slowly. "Before and whenever I started to regain them."
"I'm so sorry, Erik."
"Don't be. It's not your fault, Bright eyes." His hand reaches out for hers and immediately their fingers intertwine. "The guild doesn't trust me, but I'll do everything I can to gain it from every single person here."
Lucy looks at her mate with a gentle smile and nods. "And in meantime we'll be taking jobs to save up for a bigger place."
"You'll have plenty of time to prove yourself to the guild. Just know that you don't have to prove anything to us. You already did that when you released Lucy." Laxus places his free hand on Erik's shoulders and gives him a short nod. "You're already one of us."
Erik's eyes widen in shock while Lucy smiles fondly at her big brother. Laxus gives him a reassuring smile, while his thumb rubs gentle circles on Gajeel's hand.
"Thank you, Laxus."
"Let's go, Erik. Time to go home now." Lucy softly tugs at his hand, and smiles at her brother and best friend.

Time skip:

Lucy locks the door of her apartment behind them and looks at her mate with gentle eyes. 'How did I survive so long without him by my side?' Erik turns towards her, hearing her thoughts clear as day.
"You survived, my dear, because you're far stronger than you realize. He steps towards her while their eyes stay locked.
"I'm just so glad to have you back by my side, Erik."
"I'm glad to be back, Lucy."
Lucy closes the final distance between the two of them and places both her hands on his cheeks, before pressing her lips against his in a soft kiss. Erik inhales deeply as he slides his arms around her back. Their kiss deepens, while Lucy slides her hands into his hair. His tongue glides across her bottom lip, asking for her permission, which she gladly granted him. Their tongues slide against one another in a sensual dance of sorts. His hands slide down her back, itching to caress and love every inch of her. Lucy gasps into to kiss and leans into him. Her fingers tangling further into his hair. She was giving him full control of this situation, giving him an out if he needed it. And he seemed to notice her decision. His hands cup her ass as he pulls her body plush against his. Slowly they lead each other further into the apartment, aiming for the bedroom. When they finally reach it, Erik lead his lover onto the bed, laying her down gently. Their lips separate and their eyes meet again.
"I love you, Lucy."
The small blonde smiles lovingly at him. "And I love you, Erik."
Their lips meet again in a passionate kiss, while his hands start roaming over her body, slowly undoing the buttons of her shirt. The cool autumn air blows in from the window and causes Lucy to shiver slightly. Erik starts trailing kisses from her lips, towards her cheek and down to her neck, gently sucking onto the soft skin. A soft moan escapes from Lucy's lips, when his hands cup her breasts. A soft squeeze of his hands, causes her back to arch further into his touch. Erik quickly slides one hand between her breasts to unclasp her bra, freeing her from the restraint when he slides it off of her body along with her shirt. The sight meeting him was one he had only been able to dream of lately. Lucy, half naked, a deep blush covering her face as her eyes get coated with a layer of lust for the slayer. He dives down to assault her chest in butterfly kisses, his teeth softly grazing her nipple. Another moan escapes from Lucy's lips as her hands decide to start wandering across his back, edging towards the hem of his shirt. Erik lifts his head to look at her and nods at her. She takes it as a signal to keep moving. And so her hands take hold of his shirt as she gently starts pulling it off of his body before the regain their place on his body. Her fingers tracing small scars across his chest before descending towards the belt holding up his trousers, unbuckling it in a single movement. He looks at her with half a smirk before his own hands slide down her body, pulling down both her skirt and her panties down in one swift movement. Erik cover her tummy in soft kisses as he continues to move further, placing himself in between her thighs. His hands slide up and down her thighs as his kisses edge closer towards her core. Lucy holds her breath as she closes her eyes tightly. The moment his tongue slides in between her lips she moans loudly, the air immediately escaping from her lips.
"Erik…" Lucy arches her back further when Erik grips into her thighs, his tongue entering her further in slow movements. She can feel her hips starting to move on their own, longing for his further touches. "Erik, please…"
He kisses the inside of her thighs before smiling at her. "What is it, my love?"
The blush on Lucy's cheeks deepens as she looks into his eyes. "Make love to me, Erik."
The slayer smiles at her and crawls up her body, licking his tummy and breasts, before claiming her lips once again.
Lucy's hands quickly slide down his body, her hands unbuttoning his trousers and pushing them down his body, along with his help.
Erik positions himself between Lucy's thighs, his member resting against her core.
"Make me yours, Erik."
Her words sparked something inside him, awakening his dragon instincts as he enter her in one smooth movement. The small blonde moans out beneath him, her core clenching down on him. Her hands slide up his arms and cup his cheeks, leaning up kiss him deeply. Erik answers her kiss gladly as his hips start moving in sync with hers. Their breathing becomes ragged and they're forced to break off the kiss. Lucy's hands fly to his back when she feels her orgasm approaching fast.
"Lucy, my love, I will make you mine."
His words cause her to come undone beneath him. Moaning his name loudly, her sex clenches down on him tighter as her orgasm hits her full on. Erik's movement become less controlled as he groans deeply. He leans down and sinks his teeth deep into the skin of her shoulder as his own orgasm comes crashing down on him. Lucy screams out in pain and pleasure beneath him as her nails dig deep into his back.
Erik pulls his teeth from her shoulder and leans his forehead against hers, the breaths equally heavy. He slowly retreats himself from her core and lays himself down on his back beside Lucy, who immediately rolls over and places her head onto his chest. His hands slide around her body in a protective manner.
"Thank you, Erik. For truly making me yours." Lucy's fingers slide over the bite mark left behind on her shoulder and sighs contently.
"Of course, Lucy. You know I have always loved you."
"And furthermore, I will always love you, Erik."
It wasn't long before the two of them drifted off into a deep sleep.