Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or One Piece

"Normal speech"


Chapter 1

[Random Island in the South Blue]

Naruto Uzumaki considered himself a very self-sufficient young man. Born on Katabami island in the South Blue he was the son of a local fisherman, Minato Uzumaki. According to his father Naruto's mother was a pirate who left shortly after he was born. Strangely enough, that didn't bother Naruto who was just content to have the love of a single parent. (Better than what most kids in this show get)

Naruto could tell his father adored him as he made sure to pass on all of his skills. From hunting, scavenging, fishing, and fighting; all these disciplines were pounded into his head by Minato. Naruto believed his reasoning was that he wanted his son to be able to stand on his own in case anything happened to him.

Unfortunately his father's paranoia proved justified around Naruto's 11th birthday. While returning from a fishing voyage Minato's ship was attacked by a Sea King. The nearby marines who found the bodies and wreckage sent word that there were no survivors. It was only after overcoming his grief did Naruto appreciate how far his dad was able to plan ahead.

When going through his father's possessions he was able to find his safe which was filled with a hefty Beri stash. However being the savvy kid he was, Naruto quickly realized that the money while helpful wouldn't be able to sustain him forever and he needed to find his own source of income. Luckily for him he was able to form a contract with one of the local restaurants who did business with his father; the Curry of Life Shop.

This local favorite was run by an elderly woman named Sansho who agreed to pay Naruto in exchange for his services; providing local game to the restaurant and occasionally helping to prepare dishes. This proved to be Naruto's dream job as he grew up hunting and the constant exertion of it made him stronger.

(Naruto Age 13)

Two years after the death of his father and employment under Sansho Naruto was heading towards Katabami village with the body of a large boar on his shoulders.

"Man this fat pig was a pain to bring down." Naruto whined as the weight of the boar strained his shoulders and back.

"Hopefully Granny Sansho will give me a big payday for all the pork she'll get from this guy. Maybe she'll be so happy she'll make me a special pork flavored Curry of Life on the house." Naruto said drooling at the thought of eating more of Granny Sansho's delicious curry.

Walking through the village square Naruto struck an imposing figure for his age. Standing at an impressive 5'4" with bright blonde hair and blue eyes while carrying a boar almost twice his size; the townsfolk were quick to clear a path for him.

Finally reaching his destination Naruto went towards the Curry of Life Shop back entrance and entered in a typical Uzumaki-like fashion.

"Granny Sansho the Great Hunter Naruto is here with a special delivery!" he exclaimed kicking the door open with surprising force and stomping into the restaurant with a wide grin. Maybe if he'd payed a little more attention to his surroundings he would've been able to avoid the flying ladle that smashed against his forehead.

"I've told you this multiple times Naruto this is a kitchen not a playground!" Sansho lectured, producing another ladle out of nowhere and going back to stirring her pot of curry.

"So mean Granny, is this how a boss should treat their best employee?"

"When an employee is being paid as much as you are kid I can treat them anyway I want." Explained Sansho while stirring the curry pot, looked over the boar carcass approvingly before handing the blond a fat stack of Beris as compensation.

'Jackpot!' Naruto thought, his eyes turning into Beri signs.


'Today was a good day.' Naruto thought leaving Granny Sansho's shop with a fatter wallet and a stomach full of her special curry. He headed to the outskirts of the village and smiled when he saw the home his dad built and had lived in all his life.

It was a cozy little one story house that sat on a cliff overlooking the sea.

It was only when he reached his home that Naruto saw the foreign ships on the horizon. Only years from now when looking back at this moment would Naruto realize that these coming events would change the course of his entire life for better or worse.

However, for the 13 year old boy who had only known the peace of his home island his only response was to shout at the top of his lungs for all to hear.


Chapter 1 End

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