Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or HP.

This is the final chapter of this part of the Worlds series.

Sneaky Help

The small bakery was tucked away in a side street and so never had many customers but that was how the owner preferred it. To find it you had to know where it was or have someone tell you which made his a select clientele, not the rich but those who fell through the cracks. So, when the curious five-year-old stumbled in one day no one raised a fuss. Instead he was helped to a seat by a teenager with a scar across his nose and soon a warm meat pie was in front of the child along with a glass of milk. He reached for them hesitantly, watching the others but no one stopped him from eating.

Iruka backed towards the owner to watch the boy eat, his manners were terrible but the awe on his little face… "He's making a mess."

"Messes are easy to clean Iruka-kun." Harry answered. "One must be taught manners in order to use them." He moved off to clean a now empty table, leaving the teen to think things through. When he saw the boy was done eating he took out a piece of treacle tart and placed it before him, smiling softly at how wide blue eyes went. "Eat up." He ruffled wild blonde locks before moving away. It wasn't surprising that the boy vanished once the food was gone. And it wasn't like he couldn't afford to cover the meal for the poor kid, he didn't need the bakery's income after all. Iruka left soon after to train, he helped out in the afternoons when he didn't have missions since every penny helped when you were an orphan.

Harry was not at all surprised when the child appeared again a few days later. He simply picked the boy up and dropped him down on one of the counter stools before putting a plate in front of him.

"Thank you." The kid whispered and Harry smiled.

"Eat up you're skin and bones." Looked like he needed to nudge someone into looking at the orphanage. He was enjoying a quiet life, instead of intervening in things himself he watched the village carefully, working behind the scenes to make life better for people. He knew what the boy held within him, how could he not when an aspect of Death itself had been used to seal the fox? He'd arrived only weeks after the even so he hadn't been meant to interfere there. He glanced up and smiled at the teenager who entered. "Good day Itachi-kun," he greeted and then went to retrieve the boys usual order.

Itachi took his normal stool at the bar and ate quietly after glancing over at the blonde child. He felt…. lost, whenever he felt like that he came to the bakery. It was peaceful and always felt safe which was ridiculous considering the owner was a civilian. He wanted to leave ANBU but he was a Captain and his Father would never allow him to resign.


Harry wandered the quiet streets, enjoying the peace of the night. No dogs barked here, too well trained to avoid alarming the ninja. He had been taking night time walks for years, the police force and ninja were used to him wandering the dark so took no notice of him anymore. He had wandered into the clan compound area for a change to his own surprise, he usually avoided the area. But there was something…a small noise had him looking up at the roof where he saw a dark shadow moving, something tossed over its shoulder. He hesitated, there may be nothing wrong, ninja business and yet…he silently vanished, reappearing on another roof to take a closer look. He found a man with a wriggling bundle over one shoulder. He wordlessly sent up red sparks, just like in a certain maze, and then a wave of magic knocked the man out even as his bundle was caught and gently set down. Harry became invisible and watched as the police and members of the Hyuuga appeared. He left them to it and returned home to sleep.


Harry stared out the window of his apartment above his bakery, something was wrong, he just didn't know what. He felt the wards trigger downstairs, someone had broken in. He headed down to find Itachi carrying a smaller boy in his arms. "Upstairs," he called and Itachi followed him up, sitting on the couch with the boy cradled close. "What happened? Does he need medical help?"

"Sasuke is unconscious, not hurt," Itachi didn't even know why he was there, why he had run from the clan and brought Sasuke with him. What they were planning… he couldn't let his innocent brother get caught up in it. He started but accepted the mug as it was held out, sipping the hot chocolate and feeling better as he did. "I'm sorry for just coming here."

"Don't be, I made this place to be a sanctuary for those needing it, you obviously need it. No one meaning harm can enter," he promised before going to make up the spare bedroom. Two days later Itachi went to the Hokage with what he knew.

Three weeks later the Uchiha clan was significantly smaller and Harry's bakery had gained a lot of new visitors. Itachi and Sasuke never left, staying in what had been the spare bedroom. Sasuke was soon friends with the other frequent visitor, Naruto, the young Uchiha making it clear to others the once outcast orphan now had a friend and defender his own age much to Naruto's awe.


Harry never worked openly among the ninja, but often all that was needed was a nudge for things to work out. A word to Iruka had him watching his childhood friend closer, seeing how he really was, and when he was the sole survivor of his team Iruka took those observations to the Hokage. Mizuki was put under watch and eventually arrested soon after they had become Academy teachers. The amusing thing was that the observant ninja never noticed Harry's influence, but he preferred it that way. His wards were only ever really tested the once when a man named Danzo tried to enter when Sasuke and Naruto were eating together in the bakery. The man was bounced back, memory of the bakery and his reason for seeking it out wiped and then was teleported outside the village into the middle of a nasty swamp.

When the boys graduated they were put on the same team because they worked so well together and their skills complimented each other. They were an obvious front-line team in the making, both powerful and skilled in blowing things up. So they were made a team with Hatake Kakashi as the leader and Haruna Sakura as their third, the girl being nudged towards healing or Genjutsu to round out the teams abilities. Harry watched over them from the shadows as they grew and then attended the chunin exams… he was there when Orochimaru attacked, stopping the attack dead in its tracks as the kids ran off. He was very well versed in dealing with immortality seeking snakes so the ninja was rather quickly dealt with and without him the planned invasion fell through.

Harry finally stepped forward when Pain invaded, the wards he'd imbedded into the village walls over the years activating to protect those within. He fought off Akatsuki practically single handed to the shock off all except Naruto who watched with a grin before joining him. The Kyuubi had told him there was something odd about Harry, Death itself lingered around him, making the fox wary of him. With Naruto joining in so did his team until the only one left was Tobi…who shocked Kakashi with his true identity. He told of his plan for the world which had Harry shaking his head, why was it those who destroyed always saw themselves as bring a better world?

Harry never got to see Obito's death, a stray jutsu overwhelming the wards and he stepped in to save a group of civilians, taking the hit for them. Naruto and Sasuke defeated Tobi in the end, saving the village.


Harry got to his feet and looked around, he knew this place alright. Tom Riddles grave was missing… and the Manor was occupied, same with the nearby Gaunt Shack. He vanished from sight and headed for the Manor, feeling something in the air. He found the Riddle's sitting down to dinner and then the doors opened and Tom Riddle Jnr walked in, wand against his thigh. He knew what had happened here in his world and he would not allow it, Tom Riddle may be a horrible person for abandoning his son but he would not allow them to be killed to create a Horcrux. A quick spell had the young wizard unconscious and then he wiped the mundanes memories. He searched Riddle and found the Gaunt Ring, the Resurrection stone gleaming. He took a deep breath and took the Ring, gasping as it joined with the one on his finger that had been cracked, fusing and repairing before his eyes. He shook it off and obliviated Tom of all knowledge of Horcruxes before compelling him to go to the Ministry and confess his crimes. He then sent him to London before warding the manor, just to be safe.

He returned to the graveyard, pondering what to do next when the world warped and he was standing in an unending void as someone clapped. "Death," he whispered as the spectre appeared before him.

"Congratulations my Marked…now Master of Death."

"That was what this was about wasn't it? My claiming the Hallows."

"In part, you have finally completed your destiny in Mastering all three Hallows. Your debt to Us is paid in full."

Harry blinked…. paid…. "I'm free?"

"Yes Master, you may return to your Samuel now."

"How long have I been gone?"

"Only a few years have passed for your family and friends. Those years have not been easy and you are needed. Be ready."

At the warning, he called up his armoured clothing from Asgard, it was bullet proof and magic proof, the two main threats in Sam's world. Then the world was twisting and shifting and he braced himself even as a room appeared around him. Harry blinked and then instantly drew Gryffindor's sword, slicing through the pouncing hellhound. He lashed out magically, sending the rest flying back. He planted himself between the demons and their target before glancing back to see who he was protecting only for greens eyes to meet in shock.

"Harry?" Dean whispered, it couldn't be, Harry was dead but…. this man looked like Harry, only older.

Sam gasped as he heard Dean, it wasn't possible. Dean was obviously still seeing things. But then the demons holding him were sent flying and a hand was being held out to him. He took it and was helped to his feet only to stare down into familiar eyes. "Harry?" He choked and Harry stared at him hard before slowly smiling.

"Sam." He stepped closer and kissed him before turning back to the demons and attacking. The brothers watched in awe as Harry tore through them. Lilith and Ruby quickly ran for it, leaving their minions to face one pissed off wizard.

Dean leant against Sam, both in shock at the massive turn of events. "How?"

"It's him Dean." Sam whispered. He knew it couldn't be and yet it was Harry. He just knew it, the pain in his chest finally gone. Finally, the room was empty except the three of them and the sword vanished. The three just stared at each other in silence before Sam strode over and wrapped his arms around Harry, hugging him tightly before kissing him.

Eventually Harry pulled back and gently stroked Sam's cheek. "I've missed you so much." This was really his Sam, he was home, finally.

"How…I don't…it's really you?"

"It's me Sam, I'm home."

"How?" Dean demanded and Harry smiled at him.

"It's a very long story."

"How long?" Sam asked as he took in the older features, though not much older.

"Fifteen thousand years, give or take. Where are Jim and Bobby?"

"Outside, keeping reinforcements away," Dean answered, still wary.

"Then let's surprise them." Harry grinned, armour melting away to storage, leaving him in comfortable jeans, green t-shirt and black leather jacket. He was finally home! He'd ask what had been going on later, obviously what had been happening was important for Death to have warned him before sending him.

The End.

I will do one more story focused on their reunion and stuff at some point.