So. Here we are.

Final chapter.


Also, I went with bittersweet ending.

Not sad, yet, not happy. A mix of both!

Two months.

Two months.

Two months had come and gone in the blink of an eye.

After about a week of me telling Yami what was happening to him and Jou, the venom in his body started to affect his appearance. We had planned to go on a date every single day, with the short time we had, and with his altered appearance, it made him embarrassed to leave the apartment.

His skin was turning from a soft pale to a sickly grey color. His hair was wilder, his eyes sharper, and he was starting to grow fangs slightly. He was afraid someone would make fun of his appearance, and didn't want to leave. That week, we had all of our dates indoors. I ordered food, and we'd sit and watch tv or movies in each other's arms. But, after that week, I convinced him to leave the apartment again, saying that if anyone made fun of him, I would personally go out that night and hunt them down.

I still couldn't help but notice that in everything we did, the venom was taking more and more control over him.

I even experienced a couple nights as the bottom, and nothing turned me on more than my sweet, innocent Yami being that dominant.

It was now a day before the two months were up.

I was watching Yami sleep, taking in my last image of him like this. Peaceful, innocent, charming, cute, funny, adorable, beauti-

I stopped my thoughts as a tear ran down my cheek.

My Yami.

My sweet, sweet, Innocent Yami.

Who would never even hurt a fly.

Would be gone, soon. Too terribly soon.

If my power was to stop time, instead of this stupid shield, I would be okay. I'd stop time for both me and Yami, and Jou and Seth.

So we could be happy together.

My phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts again. I carefully picked it up.

"Hello?" I said softly, sitting up, keeping my eyes on Yami.

"One bullet was all it took. But, I had to, Atemu. I had to."

"Seth? Oh no, don't tell me," I said softly.

"He's gone. He changed about an hour ago. We had both been sleeping. I woke up when I felt someone starting to drink from me. It was tempting to just drink from him as well, and change to be with him," Seto hiccuped.

In all the years I've known my cousin, the only times he had even dared to cry was after he had drained Jono, and after Kisara had changed and then gone missing.

"How close?" I asked.

"I was about to start doing it, before….before the rational side of my mind took over. I wish it hadn't, now. I had two bullets left in the Hunter's Gun that Xanthe gave me a year ago. Even though I was in my rational mindset, I grabbed it without thinking, and shot at him. He had tried to move, but, I guess newborn shadows aren't as fast as ones who have lived for a few months, because he couldn't move fast enough, and it hit where it needed to, right in his heart," Seto sobbed.

Nothing was stopping the tears trailing down my cheeks, now. Xanthe, after about a month of us getting free from the shadows, had sent me a reload of bullets for my Hunter's Gun. It had been a painful afternoon, me holding the gun, and Yami reloading it.

"Seth," I managed to choke out.

"I already called Xanthe and told her. I called Ruby and Sapphire, too. I called them before you. I'm sorry, Atemu. I..I'm in so much fucking pain right now," Seto said.

"''s….," I couldn't say anything.

"I...I wanted to call you get in my last goodbye. I knew I couldn't join him here, so I'll join him there," Seto said, sniffling. I heard the sound of his Hunter's Gun cocking.

"No, Seth!" I cried out. Yami stirred beside me.

"I can't live without him again, Atemu. It hurts too fucking much. Twice now, I've killed him. Twice, dammit! I can't...I can't live with myself anymore…," Seto said softly.

"What about your adopted brothers? Mokuba and Noah?" I asked.

"Noah's sixteen. It'll be fine," Seto said.

"But Mokuba's only nine. Both of them love you, Seth. You can't leave them alone," I said. Yami stirred again, and I gently started to stroke his head. He soon calmed down.

In fact, gently stroking his head sent waves of relief through me, and I was able to calm down myself.

"I can't do it, Atemu. I fucking can't. Tell Noah and Mokuba I love them, too, okay? And hey, you were always my favorite cousin," Seto said.

"Seth….I'm your only cousin," I said.

"That makes you my favorite by default. Goodbye, Atemu."

And then, that horrible sound.

The gunshot. The phone dropping, then, the body dropping to the ground.

Silently, I hung up, and held my phone to my chest. After a while, I put my phone back on the night stand, and got out of bed. Opening the drawer, I pulled out my leather gloves, and put them on. The Hunter's Gun was sitting inside it as well. After a while, I closed the drawer, and got back into bed.

Pulling Yami close, I closed my eyes. Yami turned over, and snuggled into me. I sighed softly.

My cousins were both gone. Kisara a shadow, Seth committing suicide. Jou gone after Seth shot him. And next would be Yami.

I pushed those thoughts aside. I couldn't think about that right now.

Right now, I wanted one thing, and one thing only. One last, perfect moment with my Yami.

When I woke up, I felt somethi-no. Make that, someone drinking from me. Instinctively, I closed my eyes again, letting the pleasure wash over me. I never really realized how pleasurable it was to have someone else drinking from you.

Wait. Who was drinking from me?!

My eyes shot open. The fangs came out of my neck, and I shot to a sitting position.

"It's about time you woke up, Atem," Yami's voice purred. I shakily turned my head.

There he was. My beautiful Yami was gone.

"Come on, Atem. All you have to do now is drink from me. We'll be together for eternity," Yami offered, baring his neck.

Now I realize what Seth meant when he said how tempting it was. I barely even noticed as I started leaning towards him. I opened my mouth and was about to bite into his neck…..

"Don't let me change you, Atem. Please!"

"I...I don't want to hurt anyone innocent, Atem…."

"Atem...I'm scared that I'll change you, too. I'm so scared. Don't let me tempt you into joining me. Please."

"Please….don't hesitate, and...and just kill me."

I blinked, and pulled away from Yami.

"What's wrong, Atem?" Yami asked. Shakily, I, ungracefully, fell out of bed. "Atem? What are you doing?" Yami asked, his voice having an edge to it. I got up, and opened the drawer. Luckily, my leather gloves had stayed on as I slept, and I grabbed the Hunter's Gun quickly, and pointed it at Yami.

I didn't want to.

I really didn't want to.

But, everything happened so fast, it was like a blur.

I shot the first time, but Yami somehow managed to dodge the bullet. He launched himself straight at me, which was his mistake.

I shot again, and it hit its mark.

Yami's body fell to the ground abruptly. I fell to my knees, shaking heavily. I crawled my way over to Yami's body. I put the Hunter's Gun down, and cradled his body in my arms.

I began to sob brokenly into him, soaking his pyjama shirt in a matter of minutes.

I didn't want it to be real.

But it was. Painfully.

My beloved. My lover. My other half. Beautiful, kind, innocent, gentle, peaceful t, charming, cute, funny, adorable.

I looked at his face, and carefully closed his eyes.

I gently kissed his lips one last time. They were already cold. No longer did they give the warmth I had grown used to.

My beautiful one.

I loved you.

I loved you so much.


Why did this have to happen?

Why, to of all people, to you and Jou?



I sniffled softly.

I got dressed in my black dress, and my black heels.

I was attending a four-person funeral today.

When I arrived, I took a long, hard look at the six photos that were shown. Tears started running down my cheeks silently.





Those were the individual pictures. The other two pictures were of them together. Seth and Jou in one, Yami and Atem in the other.

Atem, just like Seth, had shot himself with a Hunter's Gun.

I had been texting him nonstop after I had heard about Seth killing himself. I had no idea that Atem was dead, as well.

Per a small request of mine, Lapis and Peridot eliminated Kisara as well. For some reason, it made me feel a small bit better.

All four of them were now gone.

It made me hate Yami's brother, Heba, even more. If those Shadows hadn't attacked. If Heba hadn't selfishly turned into a Shadow. If Heba would've just listened to Atem, and had been rational about it.

All of this bloodshed and heartbreak could've been avoided.

After I learned about Seth's death, I guess it was my maternal instincts, but, I took in Noah and Mokuba. Ate the moment, both of them were sitting next to me in the the funeral home. Mokuba was crying. Noah was trying to comfort him. Noah, in his eyes, I saw that he wanted to cry as well, but he wanted to wait, so he could comfort his little brother.

Noah had also decided to take over Kaiba Corp. I had allowed him to do it, of course, but he'd still be living with me.

After the service and burial, I took Noah and Mokuba out to eat. We all ate in silence, but tried to keep the mood light. After we ate, I took them home. Noah excused himself to his room. I sent Mokuba to his room to play, and started walking to mine. As I passed Noah's room, I heard him crying. I continued on to my room, and let the tears fall again.

My best friends.

My Adviser and My Pharaoh.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.

It's been a few years.

Noah's now 22, and Mokuba is 15. While Noah was at work, and Mokuba was at school, I went to the graveyard. I had four small bouquets of purple, yellow, and blue flowers with me.

When I reached their graves, I made my way down the line. Seth, Jou, Yami, and Atem.

After I placed the small bouquets, I sat in front of them. It hurt.

For as long as Mokuba was in school, I could sit here.

I...I hope that all four of them, wherever they are, are happy.


I woke up, and Yami wasn't beside me. My eyes widened.


"Don't do that!" I yelled. Yami laughed, and floated down to my side.

"Sorry. I think it's funny, sometimes," Yami giggled.

"I can't stay mad at you," I said, kissing his nose, making him giggle more. "So. Where did you go?"

"I...I went to go see Xanthe. She's sitting in front of them today. She even made small bouquets for all of us," Yami said in a soft voice. I hugged him close.

"So that's where you always disappear to. You check in on her?" I said softly. I felt Yami nod, and I nuzzled him.

"Atem….why did you do it?" I...I can understand why Seth did it, but you. I...I know you loved me, but, you could've found someone else. You could've been happy again," Yami said.

"I wouldn't have been happy without you. I would've compared everyone I met to you. No one would even be able to come close to how amazing you are," I said.

"Atem…," Yami said. I kissed him happily.

After I had died for good, it took quite a while, but I had finally found everyone. And, a while after I had joined them, Kisara joined us.

I was happy. Seeing my lover, and all my friends and family again.

I was finally able to explain what had happened after we were changed to my father. I introduced Yami to everyone.

Funnily enough, even though he had been reincarnated as Jou. both Jou and Jono were here. Needless to say, Seth often had threesome nights.

Altogether here, all of us were happy.

I knew Xanthe missed us. And she hurt.

But would it be selfish to say that as long as I'm with Yami, I'm happy?

As long as I'm with the one I will love for eternity.

I'll be happy.

So, who's sobbing at their computer right now?

Also, the colors of flowers. I DID RESEARCH!

Yellow flowers represent friendship and filial love. Yellow flowers represent trust, compassion, and respect. For these reasons, yellow flowers are a popular choice at the workplace to show appreciation for a job well done. Yellow flowers, with their soft radiance, also communicate sympathy. These gentle flowers show your warmth and compassion and renew ties of friendship, even during difficult times. Yellow daffodils are great flowers for friends. Yellow lilacs and yellow chrysanthemums are beautiful, thoughtful flowers.

Rich, deep blues, found in the beautiful hydrangea and the extraordinary iris, offer serenity. Blue flowers have a calming effect. They cool the emotions and create a contemplative mood. Imagine the easy pace of lying on your back and watching clouds float across a brilliant blue sky. Consider too the bliss of staring out at the calm blue sea. Blue flowers also speak of intimacy and are perfect flowers for long-term couples who want to communicate their deep and abiding trust. The peace derived from blue flowers also makes them an appropriate sympathy or get well flower.

Purple flowers have an enchanted, other worldly quality to them. Their soft color gently pulses with mystery. Purple flowers symbolize charm, grace, elegance, and refinement. Their ethereal qualities also represent creativity. Purple flowers can make a strong romantic impression. A beautiful Purple arrangement can also symbolize an important transition. Purple flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers in the world. You are sure to send an extraordinary message with a gorgeous Purple bouquet.

Yep. xD

Remember! If you wanna be pissed at someone, be pissed at Heba! None of this shit would've happened if he would've given Atem another chance!

Oh, and speaking of the little bugger, Atem ran into him too. It took a few years, but, they're on speaking terms again. Trust is slowly building.

So, what'd you think?

See you in Philophobia or in Ending my Nightmares!