It's been a while. And just know this one is about yeah.

I know its waaayyy late but better late than never. Enjoy.

Through the years Near had made a point of not giving anybody presents on Christmas.

And it wasn't like anyone else, besides L, was interested in giving him presents to begin with so Near had never concerned himself with that before.

Until Y/N.

In the week leading up to Christmas, absentmindedly watching Roger and several of the younger kids decorate for all manner of celebration, Near had a sudden thought.

Would Y/N celebrate Christmas? Would she actively participate in the tradition of exchanging gifts?

Despite the fact that they spent a lot of time together, the topic of Christmas had never been touched.

Near had immediately stood from his place on the floor in order to find Y/N and ask. And find her he did.

Y/N was with Mello and Matt, all three hunched over one of Matt's games.

Near felt the familiar, and unwelcome, flare of jealousy and he wondered if he should ask later.

But before he could make a tactful retreat, Y/N caught sight of him and she immediately sprang up to go to him.

Near wasn't going to deny the satisfaction he felt when Y/N, without hesitation, left Mello and Matt to join him.

"Hello Near. Came to join in the game?"

Y/N grinned at him and Near's response was as deadpan as usual.

"Perhaps later. But I had a question for you."

Y/N nodded, indicating for him to continue.

"Do you celebrate Christmas?"

Y/N tilted her head to the side, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Yes, I do. Why?"

But Near was already thinking and walking away.

"Nothing to worry about. I was only wondering."

When Y/N rejoined Mello and Matt, Mello was moodily gnawing at his chocolate.

"What did he want?" He asked none too kindly.

Y/N shrugged, stealing a bite of chocolate and ignoring his protests.

"He had a question, that's all. And be nice, Mello."

Mello huffed and Matt scoffed, "good luck with that."

And so that was how, a week later, on Christmas Day, Near was experiencing the disturbing emotion of anxiety.

Because of a holiday.

Because of a present.

Because of Y/N.

Near found that it was yet another emotion that Y/N was responsible for. Near thought it was annoying and, somewhere deeper inside, he thought it was amazing.

But he didn't want to dwell on introspection too much because he had spent the last hour doing just that and he had yet to leave his room in order to give her the previously mentioned present.

The holiday dinner had already finished and Near had spent it wondering if what he was going to give Y/N was good enough.

And then, quite abruptly, halfway through dinner, Near wondered why.

Why he had, after years of refusing to partake in any holiday traditions, he decided to give Y/N something.

Why he had spent the last week distractedly thinking of what to give Y/N.

Why he had decided to do it without second thought or hesitation.

Near had simply decided to get her something and he hadn't questioned it until now.

He spent the rest of dinner frowning at his food as if it had personally been the cause for Near's confusion and he hated not knowing why.

Even looking at Y/N proved to be difficult and as soon as dinner was over and they were allowed to go, exchange gifts or cards, Near escaped to his room.


The present was sitting on the floor in front of him in plain, brown wrapping paper. Near had meticulously wrapped it, not wanting a single part to be out of place or wrinkled.

It was the first present Near would ever give and now he was beginning to have second thoughts. Which was also a new experience for Near.

People did this every year and Near thought it was exhausting.

The present waited patiently on the floor.

Near frowned at it, suddenly thinking that he could wait until morning to give Y/N her present.

Yes. Morning. As he understood it, presents were supposed to opened in the morning anyway, right?

Just as Near was reaching for the present, intending to put it away until the morning, there was knocking on his door.

He knew only one person would bother to come see him now.

Near, without fully knowing why, hurried to hide Y/N's present behind a particularly large tower of dice. Then he opened the door.

Y/N wasn't there. No one was there. Near looked down the hall but saw no one. Then he looked down.

There, at his feet, was a present.


Near had been staring at the present for several long moments now. He hadn't unwrapped it yet.

He could see Y/N's handwriting on a piece of paper that was taped on it.

To: Near

From: Me, obviously. I hope you like it.

Finally he came to a decision.

The Next Morning

Near was sitting on the floor by himself in his strange position again. It would look exactly the same as the day that Y/N had first approached Near, except one thing was different.

Y/N smiled when she saw that Near was fiddling with several wooden puzzles.

Various other puzzle figures were scattered around him, some solved, others halfway done.

Near had one hand playing with a stand of his hair and the other was slowly taking apart a puzzle that resembled a star.

Near didn't look up when Y/N a seat next to him, setting down a small box next to her.

"I see you've solved -what- three of them?"

Y/N asked, looking at the finished ones and gently picking one up.

"Four. I finished one before breakfast. What's in there?"

Y/N pushed the box forward until it was between them. Opening the box, Y/N grinned at Near.

"Want a rematch, Near? I'm sure you wont lose too badly and I want to have the first win with this present."

Near glanced inside the box, though he didn't really need to. He knew what it had. 48 nearly arranged blocks. Jenga blocks.

"Present?" He murmured, reaching inside and grabbing one at a time, and stacking them neatly.

"Yes, Near. It was at my door with no name."

Y/N's voice softened and she said, "I think this present is the best I've gotten."

Near looked at his wooden puzzles, "I've enjoyed my present too."

He and Y/N stacked the rest of the blocks in silence until Y/N placed down the final one.

"You know, Near, these bear a striking resemblance to the ones we used when I first beat you..."

Y/N gave Near a knowing look, which Near chose to ignore.

'That's because these are the ones we used when you first spoke to me' he thought.

Out loud Near sighed.

"You might not be so lucky this time, Y/N."

"It wasn't luck, it was skill. So I guess we'll see. And I will go first! The loser has to try and steal all of Mello's chocolate. The winner will be crowned eternal Jenga champion!"

"That's a lot to bet on one game, Y/N."

"One game?" Y/N laughed. "No, my dear Near. There will be three games to decide. And. I. Will. Win. Once. More!"

Near hid a small smile, another emotion making his heart beat just a bit faster.

"We'll see." Near repeated after Y/N.

And, just before Y/N pulled out the first block, she said, "Merry Christmas, Near."

He reached for a wooden block after Y/N had set hers down successfully and, ever so softly, he said, "Merry Christmas, Y/N."

I know nothing much happens (mistletoe kisses or anything too romantic) but I feel that Near would be really slow in accepting any sort of feelings toward anyone. And he would spend time wondering if what he was doing was right. I don't know. That's just me. I guess I can write one in which Near is older and more comfortable with people...

In fact, I was thinking of doing just that. Writing a chapter in which Near and reader are working together on the Kira case or some case during which they are older.

Let me know what you think.

Bye bye.