Nightwing sat on top of a bell tower with his face resting on his knee. This had been going on for an hour and a half. He sat without a word in the rain with no light but the lightning in the clouds. Two hours ago, Nightwing had arrived at the bell tower in an emotional tantrum. He screamed, punched, and cried. Throughout his tantrum and long after the tears had stopped, he still couldn't get the image out of his head. The image of his failure. Roland Desmond dead. Nightwing had the opportunity to do what was morally right but in the end, he was tired. He was tired of the eternal threat to innocent lives that Desmond provided. And in that moment, he rested. For that, he would never forgive himself.

"Hi there stranger" whispered a voice startling Nightwing who quickly turned. The only recognizable feature that he could see on the figure was a purple outfit which rang several bells. The Huntress herself.

"Helena" acknowledged Nightwing as he went back to his previous pose.

Huntress moved closer to Nightwing. "Dick, I heard about what happened and you need to know that it wasn't your fault. After all you lost tonight, anyone else would have completely broken down. But you went to try and stop Blockbuster".

"And look how that turned out" responded Nightwing bitterly.

"He was evil and didn't deserve to live. I know it sounds harsh but those are the facts" said Helena, her voice rising.

"I was taught to be better. That every life is worth saving. That anyone can change" Nightwing stated matching Helena's intensity.

"Oh I know all about your fucked up past but despite what you think of Batman, he was naïve and blind. On a weekly basis he puts in an asylum one of the most insane and dangerous people on the planet. And every time he gets out and kills more people. Do you know what the definition of insanity is? It's doing the same action over and over again but expecting a different result. Some people just can't change. Blockbuster was one of those people. In the end he needed to die. You didn't pull the trigger, you were just a victim of circumstance. I know you. You're caring and would do whatever it takes to save even the worst of scum for God knows why" yelled Helena hoping to get through.

Nightwing paused for a moment before speaking. "Who put you up to this. Was it Superman, Batman, Tim, or Barbara huh?"

A hand immediately came across Nightwing's face almost knocking him over.

"Fuck you Dick Grayson! I came here because I was worried. Because I know what it's like to lose everything. Because I wanted to be what you were to me back then but never mind. Have a nice fucking life Boy Wonder." And with that, the Huntress disappeared leaving Nightwing with nothing but his thoughts.

He shook his head. He didn't deserve friends. He didn't deserve loved ones. He didn't deserve to live. Nightwing eventually fell asleep after contemplating his situation.

Dick was awoken by the blinding sunlight. Sitting up, he realized that he was still in the bell tower. Walking to the edge, he finally witnessed the aftermath of Bludhaven's destruction. Buildings were rubble. Plants were ashes. Ambulances were still making trips to pick up bodies. Children wandered searching for their families as did the parents for their children. So many live destroyed and all because he wanted to play hero. Suddenly he felt a feeling of reasoning in the form of Helena's voice. "This wasn't my fault. It was the result of an insane and evil man who will never hurt anyone again" whispered Dick to himself. Dick began to feel dizzy and knew he needed a serious place to rest. Now that his apartment was destroyed, there was only one place that he could go.

Twenty minutes later inside an apartment complex

Dick's eyes could barely stay open. His head was throbbing worse than any hangover he had ever faced before. He had changed into civilian clothes and was leaning on the wall of the apartment building to reach his destination. Every step hurt. At least half of his wounds from last night were re-opening leaving growing blood splotches on his shirt and pants. As he kept moving, more blood was trailed. Too much blood was lost. After acknowledging his injuries, he came to the realization that he reached the apartment. His last act was a desperate attempt at a knock before passing out from exhaustion and blood loss. Before he could hit the ground, he was caught by Helena Bertinelli who had opened the door just in time to see him.

Helena went to the ground with him slowly and quickly looked him over. "Damn it Dick. What happened to you?" asked Helena more concerned about him than she was about anything in a long time.

Hey everyone. First fanfic. PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW. I want to know your thoughts and opinions. Peace.