Melody was sitting at the shore of the ocean outside the castle, she had her knees up to her chest and her head laying at the top of her knees. She spent her morning after the party trying to figure out what her parents were hiding from her. Melody followed around Ariel asking her questions about last night, but she wouldn't tell Melody anything about Victor, Ursula, or Morgana. Ariel kept her lips shut tight and shooed Melody away. She told Melody that she had to go to a meeting with Eric about the war they were preparing for. Melody had the day off from lessons from Sylvia, which was okay with her because she couldn't stop thinking of what her father said, "We don't tell Melody what's going on till the right time."

"But when will be the right time?" Melody asked without expecting an answer.

"The right time for what?" Tip asked, Dash and him were sitting near Melody who was so deep in thought she didn't notice them come up from shore.

Melody gasped from being startled, her black fluffy hair bounced from her little scare. She calmed down when she saw it was just her friends. Melody looked down and swept some sand off her yellow pants, "'s just...I think my parents are hiding something from me again. I overheard them say something suspicious at my birthday party." Melody felt hurt that they would try hiding something from her again. She thought they trusted her after their big adventure with Morgana, this time it felt more serious, the tone of Eric's voice almost scared her; she has never heard him sound so serious. Even Ariel had a agitated look on her face the whole night of the party. She would go back and forth to Eric's' private office with Eric all night and they would whisper to each other about who knows what.

"Are you sure? Maybe you're over thinking." Dash tried to make the situation sound better. Tip slid off of Dash and landed in front of Melody. "What would they have to hide from you?" he asked.

Melody turned back to the ocean and rested her head on her knees again, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

In the middle of the ocean was the royal ship with King Eric and Queen Ariel, they were on the ship with everyone else who was needed for the meeting. King Triton was using a wave to carry himself high enough to come face to face to the royal couple. Demokles was next to him, ready to listen to any important detail of the meeting. Flounder was there with Sebastien on his head. Ariel leaned on the edge of the boat to look down at the ocean, she thought of what dangers it now held for her family. The fresh breeze blew past her bright red hair that was held in a bun with a thin brown ribbon, she had her casual blue dress on with a black corset over it. Eric looked at his wife that had a misty look in her eyes, he gently put his hand on her delicate hand for comfort; Ariel looked back at Eric to give him a smile as if silently saying "I know we can get through this."

Eric looked back at everyone there for the meeting, "I know we have been busy getting ready for anything Sweden might throw at us, but we have a bigger threat to get ready for, last night we had a visit from Victor and this time he brought two more people we will have to fight off." Eric looked at Ariel who wanted to tell her father calmly.

"Dad we don't know how, but Victor brought back Ursula and Morgana. We couldn't get any answers from them last night to how they came back to life." Ariel looked at her father's terrified and angry face. He almost looked red with all that anger. He gripped his trident so tight he could have easily snapped it into two, well if it wasn't full of magic and power of course. "What! How could you not tell me that night!"

"What! Ursula is back!" Flounder jumped out of the water from terror which made Sebastian lose his balance and fall into the water.

"Please calm down, everyone" Ariel raised her hands in a calming manner, she knew it was no use trying to calm her father down with his temper. "We couldn't tell you that night."

"We didn't want any guests panicking and we definitely didn't want Melody to find out." Eric pointed out two very good reasons. He knew if they told King Triton he would throw a huge commotion and have his guards track them down. It wouldn't be easy capturing all three of the villains. They were each powerful on their own, it would be hell trying to stop all three of them together. Eric wasn't sure if Victor made the sea witches more powerful then before. He wasn't going to find out last night where anyone could get hurt.

King Triton loosened his grip, he bit his lip till he felt all the anger vanish and he could control his temper. " How long have they been here?" He asked.

"We don't know, we're assuming it's been a few days. Victor could have had this up his sleeve for a while now and just waited for the right time to bring them to the castle." Ariel thought all night of the ways they might try hurting Melody. She cringed when she couldn't find a solution for all of them.

Sebastian climbed back on Flounder, Flounder looked sheepish from his little outburst.

William, the army general, a man well over his thirties with brown hair that had sprinkles of grey hair blended in and piercing green eyes that looked like jewels stepped in front of the three concerning family members. He cleared his throat to catch their attention, "What do you suppose we do about this King Eric? "

King Eric took a deep breath, Ariel and him had been talking all night about their decision, they knew it would hurt Melody, but it was for her safety. "We will build the wall again to protect the castle."

"A wall? Eric a simple wall won't stop all three from coming in. It'll block our way of knowing they will come." Sebastian sounded so upleased with going back to the old plan that kept melody away from the ocean. It kept a little girl from the ocean (or so they thought), but three powerful monsters? Absurd. Totally foolish.

"You're right Sebastian, that is why William's men are going to guard the wall from the outside and signal us if they see them." Ariel said in a stern voice.

"But what about Sweden? Won't you need your army to help you through the war?" Demokles said with raised eyebrows, "You're not just going to ignore it are you?"

Eric looked down towards Demokles, he was still new around the ocean so Eric always seemed to forget Demokles was even there, he was a young merman that was close to Ariel's age. He had dark curly brown hair and deep blue eyes. His voice was deep that matched his boyish good looks.

"Of course not, I'm going to split the army to two teams that will help us watch the ocean and prepare for Sweden. They will switch back and forth so all the men in the army could be trained." Eric said.

"And my guards will help watch over the wall as well." said King Triton. He looked at Demokles who already knew to tell the guards of King Triton's orders after the meeting was over. "We will find them and make sure they never come back to bother us ever again. "

"We'll help also Ariel!" Flounder said with Sebastian almost losing his balance again, "You can count on us!"

Somewhere in a isolated place with red bricks that built a two story home, it had windows with brown wooden frames. Inside was a living room that had dark blue leather seats, a wooden coffee table that had many books that was obviously looked through on it, the walls were a bland beige color with a few portraits of the owner of the home. Upstairs was three rooms, a study for the homeowner, a master bedroom, and a room for the new guests of the home. Inside the guest's room was Morgana in front of the full length mirror. She was admiring her new human form from head to toe. She felt her blonde hair that was softer then her old sea hair from her old form, she turned around all over to gaze over her new younger body that was in a lavender dress that was tighten with a brown rope used as a belt around her waist. Morgana was enjoying every bit of her human form.

"Are you done hogging the mirror now?" Ursula stood at the door, she was unrecognizable to her sister in her human form. Ursula had time to enjoy her human form the first time she came up shore as Vanessa so she wasn't in awe like Morgana was.

"Why couldn't we be born human?" asked Morgana as she kept her eyes on her new legs that she was still getting use too.

Ursula walked in the room and rolled her eyes at her younger sister's idiotic question. "Because they're weak, useless, and a waste on this land."

"Oh, right." Morgana grew bored of her human body after remembering her hatred for humans. She dropped her hands from her hips and turned around to see Ursula pick up a brush and begin brushing her brown curls. "Hey that's my brush!" Morgana marched towards her sister to snatch the brush away.

"You can't be serious?" Ursula asked with annoyance. "You're actually whining about a stupid hairbrush?"

"It's my brush! I chipped the end of the handle when i dropped it in the bathroom, see?" Morgana showed the chipped end to Ursula's face. She shoved the hairbrush away, "Fine keep your precious hairbrush you child, honestly Morgana."

Morgana happily skipped away with her hairbrush and started brushing her own hair. Ursula glared at her childish sister who looked too happy brushing her hair. She stood up and tackled Morgana for the hairbrush that Morgana wanted for herself. "Give me that hairbrush!" Ursula yelled as she pushed Morgana down and grabbed the hairbrush before it could fall on the floor. Morgana grabbed Ursula's leg that made her trip down on her face. "No it's my hairbrush! You're always taking my stuff!"

The two sisters played tug and war with the hairbrush. "You have a hairbrush on the bed! Why do you even want mine?" Morgana pulled hard enough to drag Ursula slightly closer to her. "Because you want it you big baby!" Ursula pulled so hard it pulled Morgana down on the floor.

"Ha!" Ursula held the hairbrush in victory!

"This is what happens when I leave you two alone." Victor stood at the door, he knew having these two together too long would lead to fighting. "While you two were fighting over a little hair brush," Victor walked over to grab the hairbrush from Ursula and throw it on Morgana's bed, "I was coming up with a plan to attack the castle."

"Well what's your big plan?" Ursula walked all over Morgana to Victor to hear his plan. Morgana got up from her defeated fight with a sore back to hear Victor's plan as well. Morgana knew sharing a room with Ursula was going to be a pain in her own back.