Hello everyone, I'm happy to do a new story and this is one I have high hopes for. This is actually gonna be a change from what I usually write which is just a lot of romance, but I'm hoping to write more then just romance in my new stories in the future. I owe this story idea to Emolichic1, it is a wonderful idea. With that said enjoy the story.

The sea was rough this stormy night, the waves were turning to each side with a roar that warned any ships coming it's way. The pouring rain drowned the sand on the beach making its mushy texture hard to walk in. It was after midnight which meant everyone in the castle was tucked in bed, wondering around in their adventurous dreams. Queen Ariel and King Eric was asleep in their bedroom...unaware of the events that waited for them to wake up. Outside the castle by the sea was a tall, muscular man with red scruffy hair and a red beard to match, he wore a black cloak to cover his face from anyone that might still be outside. He went to the edge of the seashore to find a boat with a man that looked to be in his mid-thirties and very sketchy looking; "Do you have the money?" The man asked the stranger in the cloak. He didn't answer, but simply threw a small sack of coins in the boat then welcomed his way in. The boat captain grabbed the sack to count the coins, the weight of the sack was answer enough that he was paid well. The captain sat in the boat and started rowing to the destination.

The sea became more dangerous each minute they were there. The captain rowed as hard as he could yet the waves kept pushing him back almost pushing him out of the boat. It was as if the storm was trying to stop them, it felt more like rocks then water dropping on them."How much longer?" the captain asked.

"I'll tell you when to stop. Now keep rowing! I want to get there as fast as possible." The man in the cloak looked at the sea to know how much longer it would take them. He clutched two small lockets in his hand.

Finally they reached their destination, huge icebergs were in a open circle, it looked like a massive tombstone for the evil souls that once lurked the ocean. "Stop! We're here!" The mysterious man stood up to grin at the icebergs, a ugly, ugly grin. He took off the hood of his cloak to reveal his face to the sea. His deep blue eyes gazed at the water below him, his time had finally come. The captain of the boat looked curiously at the icebergs then at the man he just helped. He felt chills run down his back. "What's your name?" The captain asked.

"Victor, that's all you have to know." Victor looked at the man than back at the sea to mumble "You won't be here to know much more..."

Victor took out the two lockets by the chains. The two lockets were shaped as conch seashells, but had a magical sense about it. He tied the chains together and threw them in the water. With a wave of his hand there was a red glow coming from where he threw the lockets; "Bring me the souls that once brought terror to these seas. Bring me the two creatures that can bring destruction to what these people call a home."

With that said the red glow grew bigger till it reached the icebergs. Two blobs of red floated out of the ocean, they formed into two familiar creatures of the sea. The captain of the boat gasped in horror when he saw the monsters he has heard about before and thanked Triton that they were gone, but now his eyes witnessed a nightmare before them. He heard Victor give out a devilish laugh as the creatures opened their eyes. "What have you done!" The captain screamed. "What have you done!" He screamed once more before getting up to try to push Victor out of the boat. Victor was much stronger and grabbed the man from his shirt collar, "Just thank me you won't be here to see the end of this kingdom." With that he threw the captain overboard to let him drown.

"Come you two," Victor pointed at the now fully revived monsters, "We have so much to prepare."

Ariel woke up quickly from a nightmare she was having. She looked over to see Eric was already out of bed and doing his errands of the day. She looked at the big window that faced the sea, a calming view for her every night before she went to bed. Ariel got up to look closer at the sea, she reminisced about her days as a mermaid; the adventures she had with Flounder and Sebastian was something she never thought she would grow out of yet here she is as queen to a kingdom. It was hard believe she turned into a mature adult. Ariel opened the window to let the ocean breeze in, the salty water smell was the most wonderful thing to her. She felt a strong hand touch her shoulder which startled her.

"Oh Eric it's you." Ariel smiled when she saw her husband.

"Of course, good morning." Eric kissed her on the cheek. He had to wake up early to prepare for the big meeting with the general of the army, there was serious rumors of a war going on, Sweden was planning to declare war on Denmark and Eric had to prepare his army. He had to wake up Ariel to get her ready for the meeting too, she had important points for the war also. "Our meeting is this afternoon, you should start getting dressed."

Ariel sighed, "Your right." She can't just be getting lost in her thoughts when they were suppose to be preparing for war. "I forget what it's like to have no care in the world." Ariel grabbed a ribbon to put her hair up. She prepared her clothes so she could bathe, she picked a blue gown with a brown corset to go over the dress and a blue ribbon to keep her hair up. "Speaking of no care in the world, is Melody up yet?" Ariel asked.

"I haven't seen her all morning." Eric had been so busy he didn't notice his own surroundings.

"She needs to wake up for her training. There still so much she needs to learn to be a proper princess and then there's her birthday party to plan." Ariel looked a bit misty eyed when she said that last part. It was hard to believe that her little Melody was going to turn fourteen in just a few days. She still remembered carrying the newborn Melody on the boat for all to see the new princess. Now Melody was learning to be a proper princess like a young lady. It was hard at first for Melody to get used to her training, it was obvious she wasn't into wearing big ball gowns or walking with books on her head. She would rather be swimming with Flounder to look for more shells, just like her mom when she first started training to be Eric's wife and a proper princess soon to be a queen. Eric could care less how proper Ariel was when they got married, but Grimsby insisted that Denmark's new queen take lessons to rule a country and guide her people. Now it was Melody's turn.

In the bottom of the sea was King Triton sitting on his throne, he also had a busy morning with his people. He had a few merpeople in front of him asking for a few favors to be taken care of. It was his job to take care of what problems were around Atlantica, a job that was never done. He tried keeping his mind on what the merpeople before him was saying, but his mind kept trailing off to his granddaughter, his sweet granddaughter that he had to stay away from for her safety. Now that Morgana was gone for good he wanted to make up for all the time that was taken away from him. King Triton thought of what gift to give Melody for her fourteenth birthday, the seashell locket was a gift Melody treasured since she found it. Now it was time he thought bigger for her next birthday.

"King Triton?" Demokles a new servant to King Triton, had grabbed the kings attention away from the merpeople. "King Eric would like to speak to you soon."

"Ah yes I shall be there soon." King Triton waved off the merpeople in front of him then swam out of his throne. His white beard which might have grown longer floated under the water as he swam with Demokles. While Sebastian was busy taking care of Melody, Demokles was helping King Triton. "He said something about a warning for war." Demokles said.

"Yes I've heard the rumors. It's important we protect our sea from anything Sweden wants to throw at us." King Triton swam closer to the shore. "Oh yes and Demokes I want you to find the prettiest or most valuable things and bring them to me."

"What for your majesty?" asked Demokles curiously.

"My granddaughter's birthday is in a few day. I want to find the perfect gift for her."

"Of course, your majesty, I will find the most valuable thing the sea has to offer." Demokles bowed then swam off to complete his mission.

While the kings and Queen Ariel were held in the meeting, which for Triton's benefit was held in a ship near Atlantica for King Triton to easily use the waves to hold him up during the meeting, Melody was in her training. She wore her green casual dress that had a yellow ribbon tied into a bow around her waist. She sighed in frustration, she was having a hard time remembering which fork was which. "Salad fork? Dessert fork? Meat fork? Who cares about this!" Melody thought. She just wanted to eat the muffin that was in front of her.

"Melody you must learn your table manners before your party. What will your guests think?" Sylvia asked. Sylvia was Melody's trainer, she had the honor of training Ariel when she was young and was feeling honored to train Melody.

"They're going to think why we do have so many forks on the table?" Melody mumbled. Her stomach grumbled as she eyed the delicious muffin, she had breakfast but the muffin looked fluffy and full of flavor.

"I don't understand why I need lessons to be princess." Melody said, she waited till Sylvia turned around to sneak a piece of muffin in her mouth.

"Because you have people that look up to you Miss Melody! People who want to see a elegant lady, a princess with grace, manners, and who knows the difference between a butter knife and dinner knife." Sylvia turned around to see Melody helping herself to the muffin with her bare hands. "Oh...we have so much to work on Miss Melody."