Chapter 4
"Sheriff," she greeted the first man. It was Sheriff Chris from Four Corners, Texas where the swindle actually took place. "What can I do for you?"
"These men said that you pulled a gun on them, is that right?"
"I did, but I see they failed to tell you what caused me to do it?"
"If you wouldn't mind telling me your side of the confrontation."
"I heard a commotion and found that man," she was pointing to the bearded man," with a rope on Neal and Satch barking and growling and reacted as best that I could. He let the boy go when he realized I wasn't bluffing about shooting him."
"Anderson, is that right?" Chris addressed the bearded man.
"Yes, but Sheriff he swindled me. I had the right to seek justice."
"On a boy? You should have come to me first or Marshal Burke," but when Anderson didn't answer Chris added, "You knew we wouldn't do anything to actually hurt the boy and that is what you wanted to do. You wanted to take your frustrations out on a eleven-year-old boy?"
"Sheriff, I'm fourteen."
"You do not want me to discuss the consequences of lying to me, do you boy?" as he stared strongly at the boy.
Neal got the hint and shook his head. He had felt consequences before and they weren't pleasant.
El looked at Neal closer and saw at once what Chris had seen earlier. He had fooled both her husband and herself into believing his lie. He was indeed only eleven. "We will be discussing this once Peter returns, young man."
Neal nodded very unhappy at the prospect of a spanking for his lie.
While this was taking place Chris was lecturing the men. "If you had hurt this boy for something his father had done then you would be the one facing charges for assault."
"Assault! Sheriff his father swindled me and he was there to distract me enough to allow it to happen. He should pay, too. Just let me have him for ten minutes and I will be happy to punish him for his part."
Everybody talking stopped at El's yell. "He had no choice but to help his father, for if he didn't he could expect the beating of his life from his father. His back is covered with scars and if you don't believe me you can ask my husband, Marshal Peter Burke!"
Anderson muttered something about not knowing before he left, taking his men with him. Chris turned to El and said, "I'm sorry about this Elizabeth, but when they came to my office looking for Peter I thought I could handle it until Peter was finished with his meeting with the judge."
"I wondered where Peter was…but you handled things wonderfully. I want to thank you for alerting us of Neal's true age. He had both Peter and me believing his lie. He was so convincing that it was easier to believe than to question. I can see it in his face and his hands. We will be discussing this once Peter comes home. Neal has to learn not to tell lies and when he does what to expect."
By the time Peter had arrived Neal and El were enjoying a glass of lemonade discussing their plans for the gardens out back.
"I understand that you had a bit of trouble this afternoon?"
"Oh, Peter you're home. They attacked Neal as he was walking back to the house."
At Peter's look of inquiry Neal remarked, "I was just walking around with Satch when I was roped by one of the men. He was another one of the men that my father swindled. El scared him off and they came back with the sheriff."
"You scared them off?" Peter looked at his petite wife with astonishment.
"I did…I used the rifle and shot in front of his horse causing the horse to rear up nearly unsetting him. They threatened me with the marshal and I dared him…he brought Chris instead."
Peter whistled, clearly impressed. "And Chris took care of the situation?"
"He did but once he was told of the scars on Neal's back he backed off completely. He knows that Neal didn't do what he did because he wanted to but because if he didn't he would have been beaten. Maybe he will spread that word around and they will leave Neal alone."
"We can only hope…now Chris was telling me something about Neal's age not being what it is?"
Neal looked down at the floor; he knew he had lied and deserved to be punished but didn't want a spanking.
"Neal? You can tell me anything and we will talk it over before any punishment is discussed. Now you had a reason for telling El that you were fourteen…what was it?"
"I not only told El but my father as well. I knew he wouldn't believe me if I told him I was sixteen so I told him I was fourteen. I did it so I could be out from under his authority sooner. I'm really only eleven. I meant it for my father but it came out so smoothly when I told El, natural like that I didn't see the harm. Are you going to spank me?"
Peter looked at El before shaking his head. "No I'm not going to spank you…not this time but if you lie to me, El or any authoritative figures over you like the sheriff or a teacher, etc. I will bust your butt. Do you understand me?"
Neal nodded his head. "Yes, sir."
As the tension was broken El cleared her voice. "You are home early?"
"Yes. I had a talk with Judge Travis and he has given guardianship of Neal over to you and me and after a time, while they look for any reputable next of kin and if one cannot be found we will be able to adopt Neal."
"You want to adopt me…make me yours forever and ever?"
"Oh, yes, dear boy. Neal Bennett Burke sounds pretty good, does it?"
"Can you make it Neal Caffrey Burke instead? I don't want any of my father's name to muddy up my new name. Caffrey was my mother's name."
"Neal Caffrey Burke it will be…. but first we have to check for relatives, but if none can be found that will be your new name."
Neal rushed the two and hugged them crying, "Thank you, thank you," over and over again. Satch joined the party with his barking.
"Hey, it is a pretty day…what about you and I go fishing. We have a nice little pond beyond the house that I have taken some fish out of. How does fish sound for supper tonight, El?"
"I've never been fishing…will you teach me?"
"I'll be happy to do just that. I have poles in the barn and once I take care of my horse we can get started."
Soon boy and man with dog tagging behind started off and El wiped away another tear of joy as she watched them leave. "That boy is just what this house needed…we are a family now…. we just need the judge's approval to make it legal."
It took a few weeks before that came true and the Burkes plus Neal stood in front of Judge Travis to legalize El's wish.
"Neal, do you understand what I have just told you about becoming a member of the Burke family?"
Neal nodded. "Yes sir…you have searched for any other family members and have found that I have none other than a criminal father who abandoned me to the mercies of those that were swindled by him. You have judged him to be an unfit father with no legal custody over me and have given that custody to Peter and Elizabeth Burke who wish to adopt me."
The Judge nodded, "and from this day forward Neal Caffrey will become Neal Caffrey Burke the legal son of Elizabeth and Peter Burke," and turning to Peter and Elizabeth added, "you can take your son home now; he is legally yours."
Neal turned to his parents and asked, "What happens next?"
"Well for one thing, I'm going to enroll you into school. My son is going to make something good out of himself."
"Elizabeth, school isn't in session yet…why don't you treat our son to something from the mercantile. It seems that the last time he was with me he was eyeing a set of drawing pencils."
"Would you like a set of pencils dear? And a sketch book to go with them?"
"Yes, ma'am…I mean yes mama."
El just beamed when she heard "mama" and pulled Neal into a heartwarming hug as they left the Judge's office.
"Peter, you and El are lucky to find such a boy like Neal but you must remember how he was raised while in Bennett's custody…I'm sure he has picked up traits that might be hard for him to break at the beginning. Be patient with him and I'm sure with time he will come around with time." The older man advised the new parent.
"I'll keep that in mind when he makes mistakes, but if it seems that he has no intension of breaking those traits a warm bottom might help him change his mind, but be assure that I won't abuse him. That boy is what has made our house a home. Thanks again for all of your help, Judge…but I had better hurry and catch up with El before she buys the mercantile out for that boy."
Judge Travis watched as his friend caught up with his wife and son before entering the mercantile as a family. "This is going to be any experience for you, my friend, but I know that you and El will see it through and that boy will be the better for it."
The End