Survivor: Prologue
A/N: As promised, here's the intro to the sequel of Eternal Corruption. Of course you won't know what's going on unless you've read Eternal Corruption, so I encourage you guys who haven't already read it, read it! I don't think I'll be doing this chronological order but it will be pre re5 for sure though. As always, enjoy.
"How's that new badge feeling on you?" Leon tapped on the silver encrusted badge that Claire held in her palm. She felt a glow of power bestowed on her, smiling bright between the ex RPD officer and the silver badge.
"Not very special. You know, coffee runs is the most I do." Leon laughed, instantly recalling his saying, rubbing his hand into her hair holding his own badge on his chest that indicated he was part of the White House Intel. He wanted to see the badge himself, so he went straight after work to the two siblings home.
"You would never believe what I found looking through some old boxes." Claire raised her eyebrow in question and saw Leon reach for his pocket, pulling a paper cut out of a younger looking Leon that read Raccoon City Police Department across in bold letters along with a badge with the same insignia. She smiled wide and grabbed the small cut out from him, letting a light laughter in the process.
"Oh my god, you look so young!" He frowned with his brows furrowed, confused. Claire felt his eyes on her and looked up to meet his gaze, still smiling.
"Are you calling me old?"
"Well, you have aged." She simply stated laughing and continued to look between the photo and at Leon's present features.
"I didn't bring this out so you could just laugh at it!" Leon blushed and quickly put the item away, frowning at Claire. She felt a pang of remorse when the badge was snatched away, recalling how insecure Leon was with growing old, reassuring the agent.
"I'm sorry Leon. It just seems not so long ago we were running together, fighting for our lives." She put her hand to his shoulder. Leon shook his head and rolled his eyes across the room, clearly annoyed.
"Yeah, well it hasn't exactly been that long ago."
"Claire, what's all the noise about?" Chris came out of his room, looking between the two and Leon stood from the couch once he saw the older Redfield walk into the room.
"Nothing Chris." He spoke for her, instantly hiding his card and as if it were a bomb. Claire straightened herself out and smiled at her older brother and nudged at Leon in encouragement.
"You should show him!" Leon grumbled and dug into his pocket pulling out his old badge and picture, Chris stared at it puzzled and held it up, examining it almost in disbelief.
"You kept this after all these years?" Chris asked, perplexed none the less, looking between the identification and Leon. "You weren't even a cop for a day and you look so young!"
"Yeah, I totally forgot about it until the other day when Claire told me she got into Terra Save. It got me into looking through my old boxes for my academy photo. Guess I found more than I bargained for." His face lit to a cheeky smile.
"Hmm, I wonder if I still have mine. I'll should ask if Jill, Barry or Rebecca have theirs." Chris put his finger on his chin in thought, a similar trait Claire had, squinting his eyes as if to recall back.
"Wouldn't be surprised if I left it behind in Raccoon City. I lost like 5 of those while I was on Alpha team, they always seemed to walk away from my office."
Claire stared up at her brother and began to wonder how she ever got accepted to join terra save. They bickered over the whole deal until Claire finalized that she was going through with her plan, with his blessing or not. After finishing her courses, she received an email that detailed they were quite interested in her and considering her past with the undead and bio terrorism, they'd be more than thrilled to have her on their team. Of course she accepted, she needed to pay her loans some how, and this offer was just up her alley. She met up with a Terra Save official just days later, they gave her a pretty easy task as a first objective, just to take some papers to headquarters. Leon seemed thrilled for her to finally be stepping up and joining the crew in their fights to end inhumane activity and Chris although hesitant at first, eventually, was glad Claire chose a path less hand on hand with terrorism and worked with one behind the scenes. Although he had second thoughts, he was finally convinced by Jill maybe he should just back off. He had to have let go eventually and trust that she knew what was right from wrong and ultimately, finally let her live her life. She felt her life was back together, getting a job fresh out of college and walking the stage next week seemed to be good enough for her.
"Get some shut eye; you don't wanna over sleep and be late now, do you?"
"It might save you from a zombie outbreak." Leon remarked smartly and gave Claire a smile recalling the story Leon told her while they were escaping the infected city.
"I'd have to get drunk enough for that to happen." Leon gave an equal bright smile that met his eyes, realizing she caught onto his humor quickly and went for the door.
"Thanks for inviting me guys. Try not to have too much fun." Claire walked him to the door, waving a goodbye to her close friend. She rarely found time to spend with the young agent since he seemed to be all over the country now a days. She still called the man often, and although he didn't answer, he'd return her calls as soon as he could. She closed the door quietly, turning to face her brother, just the two siblings inhabiting the complex.
"Bet you're excited for tomorrow, huh?" Chris gave a short laugh, grimacing, scratching the back of his head with one hand while the other supporting him leaning against the couch sighing out.
"Chris, you don't have to worry about me." She gave promising look towards her older brother who didn't seem to ease at all with her words, shaking his head in disagreement. Much of this was partial to the fact from the whole scene back on Queen Zenobia. Chris, although now quieted down about the whole ordeal, still had not forgotten the tyrant of a man displaying his affection toward her, whether it be genuine or not it made Chris extremely upset.
"It's not that I'm worrying about you. I'm worrying about the people around you. Not everyone is good in the world Claire, you know this." Claire gave a stern nodded, knowing exactly who her brother was referring to, part of her wanting to avoid this conversation in total, but she knew her brother would be just as upset if she walked away from him, especially at this moment. "If anything bad happens Claire, look for the nearest exit. Don't hang around, please."
"Of course Chris, but you know I'm not going to be leaving people behind." Chris grunted, running a hand through his spiked hair, knowing very well that Claire was willing to risk her well being for the innocent. He bit his lip and went towards his room in defeat.
"Get some sleep, you don't want to be tired now, do you?" Claire nodded and went towards her room, having difficulty even staying still let alone sleep until midnight came around and finally descending into a slumber.
A/N: short and subtle, more to come! Fav r&r guys! I have a 4 days weekend and I'm on vacation but that won't stop be from writing! I'll update as soon as possible! Much love!