They had talked on the phone for a while. Damon insisted, almost begged her to agree to come to the boarding house with him, saying he had a surprise for her. But Bonnie told him she had to go to a hairdresser before and after that, she will come. He agreed, she didn't give him much choice. Bonnie was completely in control and with her hybrid side awakened, she would be really difficult and bloody. But Damon liked challenges, most important, he liked Bonnie. If he had to spend eternity being a vampire, he wanted to spend eternity with someone he loves and he loves her.
Damon did some shopping at the supermarket, he must say that this place was strange to him. He couldn't remember the last time he went to a supermarket to buy food. It was annoying to walk through the shelves with a shopping cart, but he had no choice. He wanted to surprise Bonnie. Damon pushed the cart through the pastry shelves to buy eggs, flour, sugar, whipped cream, blueberries, milk and rum. He didn't forget to buy the most expensive wine. Passing the shelves of condoms and lubricant, he smiled to himself and took some lubricant and strawberry massage oil. He remembered very well that he had wild sex with Bonnie. He wondered why they didn't sell sex toys and handcuffs in supermarkets. He bought some candy, turning his cart. He went to the cashier and he packed his bags. Once in the car, he drove to his home.
Once at home, he unpacked all the items and put the ingredients on the kitchen island and he began looking for recipes for pancakes on the Internet. He wore an apron that looked like the one worn by grandmothers. He winced as he looked at himself.
"Why the hell wasn't there a black apron? Fuck!" He took a sip of wine, directly from the bottle. He had not yet begun to cook and he was already bored. "Okay... Uhm breaking eggs... Mix sugar with softened butter?" He stopped reading and wondered what softened butter was. "Damn it!" He took another sip of red wine. "Alright, So... Add milk and yeast and... What the fuck I'm supposed to do with that?"
Bonnie was proud of her new hair color. She blow-dried her hair and had opted for slightly blond tips. Her hair was no longer curly but completely soft. It was already dark and she knew she wouldn't have time to return to the hotel to get dressed so she prepared herself not only to see Damon but also to go out with Kol. After the hairdresser, Bonnie followed the advice of the woman in the hairdresser and went to a spa that had a good reputation. She received a facial, body massage and a full waxing... She almost killed the beautician at that time. Her body was flawless, getting out of the spa. Bonnie had opted for a short silver dress that squeezed her body like a second skin, all accessorized with black heels. Her makeup was simple: a little mascara, foundation and eyeliner and she was ready. When she looked in the mirror, she saw a beautiful and powerful woman. She loved her reflection, she knew Damon would like it and she was eager to see his reaction.
Bonnie didn't want to ruin her shoes speeding in the woods so she took a taxi to get to the boarding house. After paying the taxi driver, who was eyeing her during the trip, Bonnie got out the taxi with her flashing bright green eyes. She felt Damon's scent in the air and it made her horny. Her heels tapped on the floor as she walked in confident steps toward the door of the house of Salvatore's brothers. This dress kept getting on her shapely thighs, she thought her dress was sexy but also annoying. She narrowed the invisible folds of her dress and tore up her long hair behind her shoulders before ringing the doorbell.
"Enter Bon-Bon, it 's open. In fact the front door is always open. There is only a fool who would rob a vampire's house." Damon said gently, in the kitchen. Bonnie heard and opened the door, entered and closed the door behind her.
"How do you know it's me?"
"I can pick up your scent hundreds of meters away, Bonnie. I'm a predator, don't you remember?" He said, turning the pancake on the stove.
"So I'm your prey?" She went into the kitchen.
"I can say without shame that this time, I'm not the predator. You are everything except a prey, Bon-Bon. My bad ass hybrid wife..." He laughed. He didn't yet turn to see her, he was busy trying not to burn this pancake.
"So... What are you doing?" Her heels banged on the ground when she walked.
"Pancakes! I must say that I lost the hand. I hope you will like it." He turned, "For fuck's sake!" His eyes widened, standing there with a trowel in hand and wearing an apron with red and white polka dots. Bonnie was a beauty that made him drunk in a second. If she had asked him to jump off a bridge at that moment, he would have replied to what height. She was hot as hell, "why are you doing to me that uhn? Why?" He pouted like a child and she laughed, "you are too sexy and you still don't give me anything to lick on you," he put a hand on his heart, feigning to be sad and hurt.
"Okay, stop pretending. You don't suffer enough." She laughed, sitting down on the chair in front of the kitchen island. Damon leaned on the island, looking deeply in her eyes. Her green eyes were bright again.
"You're really gorgeous. I'm proud that you're my wife, you know." He said seriously. Bonnie licked the bottom lip nervously. The wolf inside her was screaming in agony. She wanted to jump on him and tear his clothes off. "You're not responding!?" He raised an eyebrow.
"The pancake is burning."
Damon leaped to remove the pancake from the pan, Bonnie laughed when he hoisted in pain because his fingers burned.
"I'm done! I don't know how I liked to cook for you before."
"I don't know either. You made some good bread."
He turned, "don't expect me to do it now. I don't want to touch a cooker for at least a month." He whispered. "Here we are, a vampcake for a horny Wolf." Damon put a round flat pancakes with whipped cream and blueberries on the island of the kitchen before Bonnie, on the pancake there was a blueberry smiley with fangs in Chantilly cream. He wiped his hands on the apron, with a satisfied air. "I cook this for you! You can taste it." He said, waving his hands.
Bonnie smiled, she took a fork and a knife and cut small pieces of pancakes. She put one in her mouth, she ate slowly under the watchful eyes of Damon.
"How is it Bonita magica?"
She giggled and hurried to swallow the delicious pancake. "First, don't ever call me that again. Secondly... it's really good." They were both smiling.
"My pleasure..." He came to sit beside her as she continued to eat pancakes. He could see how her legs crossed, shone like a warm caramel, he just wanted to lick every inch of her body hungrily. "I like what you did to your hair, anyway, even if you have cut it, I'd always loved it."
"I wanted a change."
"Some wine?" She nodded and he served her red wine in a wine glass.
"Thank you..." She took a sip of wine and groaned. "It's good, in fact all of that is delicious. Thank you, Damon."
"It's been a long time you have called me Legolas."
"I was stuck in the past, now I want to see the future and my future is with you, Damon. Even if this future is rather uncertain at the moment."
Damon pulled away a lock of hair from her face and placed it behind her ear, "I know you hate me... I'm sorry. I know I've hurt you, don't hate me because of my mistakes."
"I don't hate you... I'm just very angry and I wanted you to suffer. Even though, I still love you and... I hate the part of me that love you so much. I hate I can love anyone but you." She drank again the succulent red wine, lowering her eyes, Damon took her chin with his two fingers and made her look at him.
"I love you too."
She laughed bitterly, "you love Elena... or Katherine... or I don't know who."
"I love you and only you, Bonnie. Trust me.
"You killed me," she removed his hand off her chin, "since I woke up and saw you... I have not stopped showing my love to you despite you openly wished for the girlfriend of your brother. I even saved her life when she should rotted in a cave if we were still in the Viking age. I have not stopped loving you since the first day and you... You stabbed me in the back to save her. While you swore to protect me until death. "
"Don't fucking interrupt me," she said angrily, he licked his lower lip.
"I just want to take your clothes off right now." He put a hand on her cheek, "I'm sorry." Damon stood up, pulled the chair Bonnie was sitting in to face him and he stood between her legs. He licked his lower lip again, "I'm sorry."
They looked each other straight in the eyes, Bonnie's face softened gradually. He put his forehead on hers and closed his eyes, "My wife... I'm sorry." Bonnie gasped, it was like Legolas himself told her that. This intimate moment was just what she needed. She closed her eyes and put her hands on his back. He leaned over and put his lips on hers. A few seconds of sweetness before she pushes him away.
"What?" He frowned.
Someone rang the doorbell.
"No... No, It's not what you think! I didn't know she was coming. Maybe she just wanted to see Stefan." Damon shook his head.
"Damon? Are you here? I just want to see you, we need to talk." Elena said and she bumped into the door.
Bonnie glared at Damon's eyes and he laughed a bit embarrassed. "Maybe she came to talk about Stefan..." Bonnie jumped from the chair and took her bag off the kitchen island.
"No no wait... It's not what you think, I-"
He grabbed her arm and Bonnie growled so loud that he thought to herd the growl of a jaguar before it pounces on its prey. He quickly took his hand off. And she sped away from the room and the house. Damon sighed. He sped toward the front door.
"WHAT?" Damon opened the door. Elena gasped.
"Uhm none of my calls went through, I thought you were busy. But I wanted to see you so I came without asking."
"Why the hell do you want to see me at this late hour of the night?" He asked coldly.
"It's not so late, Damon. Is that an apron you're wearing? Did you cook?" She smiled but Damon remained completely immune to her charms.
"Tell me what you-have to tell me and hurry up."
"Don't be rude with me, Damon."
He sighed, "for God's sake, just tell me what you want, Elena."
"May I enter?"
"NO!" He cried and she swallowed hard.
"I... I want to know what you feel about me."
"You're lying."
"You're lying... Because I've known you loved me since the first day we meet. You love me and you-have always shown it to me in your own way. You can't just stop loving me like that." She said in a wounded voice.
"What is your point, Gilbert?"
"My point is... I think I have the same feeling like you do."
"OH! Your crush is Bonnie Bennett now?"
"No! Of course No! I mean... I love you, Damon." She put her hands on his chest.
"And my brother?"
"I love him but not like I do for you."
"What does that mean?"
"Uhm... I... Uh..."
"I think I really love you... More than I love him."
"Ok why did you tell me that now?"
"Because you are a big bitch who wants two big dicks! But I will not give you my dick because It belongs to Bonnie." Elena began to cry. "You know what? You're no different from Katherine. You're both selfish and sufficient; you want both unconditional love from brothers no matter how they suffer from it. In my other life, I was happy! God Damn it! Too happy for my own health and guess what? There was no Elena in my life. "
"Damon..." She tried to touch his cheek but he took her hand hard.
"The thing is... I wouldn't love someone like you. Stop playing with my brother, Stefan really loves you." He said seriously then dropped her hand away, "Goodnight, Gilbert." He entered and closed the door behind him. He sighed.
"Did you hear everything?" Damon asked.
Stefan got up from the stair where he was sitting, "Yes..." He said sadly.
"Yeah I know... This love stuff is a motherfucker."
Bonnie returned to the hotel to find Kol angry. She explained what Damon had done and he was furious. But they still went to the club to let off steam. The club was a luxury of Mystic Falls, it was a classic club with dance music and people crowded on the dance floor to dance and flirt. Kol and Bonnie drank several alcoholic drinks before dancing as well. Bonnie was so angry about Damon, she didn't hesitate to jiggle on Kol. They were glued and each song added more passion to their almost sexual dance. People were crowded around them to have a bit of their warmth. Kol and Bonnie were a little dangerous and nasty couple. She was swaying to the music regardless of the bulge in Kol's pants.
That was how they were when Damon has found them. His eyes could have set fire to the place if he had the magic of a warlock. Bonnie was openly flirting with Robin Hood who profited as well. She knew Damon was somewhere in the club and that he was looking at her but she wouldn't stop.
After a few minutes of sensual dance, Bonnie apologized to Kol and left the club stumbling several times. The frigid air greeted, she shivered and walked further into the small dark alley.
"I know you're there."
Damon came out of the shadows with a terrifying look.
"I feel like you want me to kill this little shit."
"You can't kill him."
"I can try, and I'm damn good at finding quick solutions to persistent problems." He approached her. She folded her arms and licked her lower lip nervously.
"What are you doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"No... I thought you'd be with your precious Elena."
He rolled his eyes, "She's not my precious Elena at least she is no longer since I met you and you know it."
"I don't know! You killed me for her I recall you."
"I apologized a hundred times for that." He growled.
"IT'S NOT SUFFICIENT." She screamed in anger
She was breathing quickly, "I don't know..." Damon sighed and came to stand before her.
"I want to protect you as I did before." She shivered slightly in the cold wind. Damon took off his leather jacket and put it around her shoulders. "Now you won't get cold anymore." Bonnie looked up at him and squeezed his jacket around her shoulders, taking a deep breath of his smell.
"I think you are my true love... Keep that secret between us," he teased and she smiled. "The scent of this night remind me our life together. Whether you believe it or not, you're the one I want. My beloved Bonnie, you're the MOST significant person in the world to me. Nothing has changed since our old time, I'm Damon but I remember be Legolas. I didn't mean to hurt you, I took the path of ease in the choice. I was afraid of your love, afraid of what that meant. I will never hurt you, I'll do anything for you, to protect you. Be anyone I have to be, to be by your side. Even in another life... It will always be you and me... The old lovers. "
"I don't believe you." She said in a last attempt to resist him, but inside, she literally jumped for joy. Damon rolled his eyes.
In a quick move, Damon raised her and put her on his shoulder like a caveman.
"What? Damon put me down! Put me down or I'm going to kill you. I swear I'll kill you." She hit on his back as he walked.
"All you will succeed at is breaking my back again and again," he smirked.
Bonnie remained speechless. She remembered that sentence, the same sentence he had said when she had threatened him for the first time in the forest when she was fourteen. Head down, hair swaying from left to right following the footsteps of Damon, she remained silent.
"I know you wanted to resist to me until the end, I deserve it."
"Of course you deserve it... You broke my heart."
"I can fix it."
"I don't want you to fix it, I can do it by myself" she licked her lips very dry suddenly, "I'm tired of you. I want Kol and to forget everything about this damn old Viking wedding of hell."
Damon smiled, "You can not erase me from your life. We're still married."
"I can seek a divorce and- OUCH!" She cried when she received a slap on her ass.
"Shut up, Bon-Bon."
"You'll pay for that."
"Well I think it will be a long night," He chuckled, speeding in the dark night.