Tris POV:

Dear Journal,

Today is Zeke's choosing ceremony and I'm worried that he will choose to leave us. Zeke is only 16 but he's been like a father to me and Uriah, (my slightly older brother) ever since my dad left us and my mom died. Im nobly 14 but I still do a lot of the cooking since Uriah nearly burned down the house when he tried to make pancakes. Max, the leader of Dauntless said that Zeke could stay in the apartment with me and Uri, for initiation instead of the dorms since he needs to take care of us. I really hope he stays here in Dauntless!


I finish writing in my journal and tuck it under my mattress. Then I put on a tight black t-shirt, a pain of jeans, and a leather jacket, nothing fancy. I pull my hair back into a ponytail, and line my eyes with eyeliner. "Tris, come on!" I hear Uriahs voice outside of my door. "Coming!" I yell back, slipping on my combat boots and plowing out the door, nearly knocking him down. My feat thunder on the way downstairs. Zeke is already there eating an apple, so i grab one too. All three of us sit in silence. I decide to break it, "Are you going to leave us Zeke?" I look up at him, my eyes glazed over with tears. "No, no, I could never leave you and Uri!" Zeke says, smiling at me. "Yeah, then who would be here to keep the boys away from you Tris?" Uriah says, jokingly. I roll my eyes, and Zeke just glares at him. "Let's get going, don't want to be late!" I say to brake the tension. We run up to the train tracks, and I throw myself sideways in to one of the cars, and sail away.

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"Daniel Richards" I watch as a girl from amity walks up to the platform and its her hand. Her blood drips into the soil. "Amity" Marcus, the leader of abnegation announces. She choose to return to her faction of birth. I hope Zeke will do the same. A Erudite transfers to Dauntless, a Candor transfers to abnegation. A Amity transfers to Erudite. I stop paying attention after that until I hear, "Ezekiel Pedrad." Zeke gets up and walks to the platform, he doesn't look nervous, but I know he must me. Please. Please. Please. Stay with me Zeke. Please. Please. Please. Don't leave me. Please. Please. Please. I watch as he cuts his hand, I hold my breath and squeeze Uriah's hand, I didn't even realize that I was holding it. Zekes lets his blood drop on the sizzling coals. "Dauntless" He stayed, he stayed. I release Uriah's hand, and stand up cheering. Zeke walks up to me and Uriah, and I hug him as tight as possible, like I'm afraid he will slip away if I let go. "Cant. Breath." Zeke sqeeks out. I let go of him, "Sorry." I am smiling like an idiot. Zeke sits down next to me, and we watch the rest of the ceremony in silence. But there is one boy who catches my attention. His name is Tobias Eaton, and he ends up picking Dauntless. He's handsome, with short brown hair, an abnegation hair cut, and deep blue eyes. Marcus is glaring at the boy, when I remember thats his son. His son left him, and abnegation, and will start a new life in dauntless. Before I know it, the entire dauntless section rises and we begin sprinting back to the train tracks.

Once we are back at the compound I'm able to tell about how many initiates there are. There are 11 Dauntless born, and 9 transfers. For the transfers there are 4 Candor, 3 Erudite, 1 Amity, and 1 Abnegation. I lock eyes with with him, but quickly look away. Max stands on the ledge of the building and begins his famous speech, "Welcome to Dauntless, if you want in than this is the way! If you don't have the courage to jump, than you don't belong here. Who wants to jump first?" No one looks eager to jump of the roof. So even though I'm not an initiate and I'm just here for the show, I know Max will let me go. "Well since none of you wimps are going, Max may I?" I ask Max for permission. He nods, and I step up on the ledge and launch myself forward. Dropping like a stone, and hitting the net hard. "Ugh, I guess the initiates were to scared again." Lauren, the trainer for Dauntless born sighs. "Yep." Next I hear a long, high pitched scream follow someone down. Zeke. We all laugh, and Lauren says, "Zeke, letting your little sister jump before you, to shame to shame." We looks embarrassed, "What, I was being polite and letting the lady go first." He jokes. I just grin. Next I see a white and black blur, Candor. Once everyone is down, Lauren begins to speak, "Alright, Dauntless born with Amar, I'm assuming you don't need a tour of the place. And transfers with me and Tris." "But Tris is younger than us. How are we supposed to learn from her." A old mouth Candor states. I'm about to defend myself, but Lauren talks instead, "First of all, she's Dauntless, so she already knows more than you, second of all she will be assisting me, and third of all-" Lauren leans in close to the boy and says, "keep your mouth shut. You will treat her with the same amount of respect than you would treat our me with. Got it?" The Candor just nods. "Alright lets get a move on!" I shout, and we begin our tour. And can feel that the boy, Tobias has his eyes on me the whole time.

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After we end the tour, its time for lunch. I sit down at my usual table with Marlene, Lynn, Shannua, Zeke, and Uriah. I know that Uriah likes Marlene, and Zeke like's Shannua, and both of the girls like him back, so I just sit quietly near Lynn, not saying anything. After lunch the initiates get the rest of the day off. So I just head home, and watch a movie on the coach, before drifting off into a soft slumber.