Hello! So this is my first fanfic on this account, I've wrote before just on other accounts and I've decided to pick it back up again :) This story is based on a future Stydia where they go through adulthood together. If you have anything in particular you want to come up in this story you can DM me ideas.

In this story there are still supernatural elements and everyone who has died is still dead. Although I am writing Issac in this and he will be paired with Malia. This is post season 5.

This first chapter will be a flashback to highschool of when Stiles and Lydia got together, this will be written in Lydia's POV.

I hope someone likes it :)

Sometime in senior year.

"What?!" I half yell, half whisper down the phone to Kira. I bolt forward on my bed where I was lying comfortably talking to her when she told me news I secretly wanted to hear but also didn't want to know.

"Stiles and Malia have broken up, offically!" Kira chirps down the phone, I can picture her smile as she says this, she knows how chuffed I'd be. I try not to let my smile get in the way of my tone, but honestly this feels great.

Stiles and Malia had broken up at some point when the Dread Doctors were in town, everyone knew about it, but no-one acknowledged it. Now that we've just recovered after turning Mason Back after the beast Malia and Stiles still haven't got together, and the tension between me and Stiles has grown, immensely. But now its offical, they're done.

"How'd you know?" I ask her, twirling a thread from my covers, trying not to sound jealous if Malia told her before me. Me and Malia had developed a great friendship recently, but Kira has always been nice to her from day one, I haven't.

"Scott told me, but you're not supposed to know. He made me swear I wouldn't say anything- I'm trusting you Lydia Martin" Kira says seriously, then laughs at the end. I smile into the receiver, and silently thank God that shes found out through Scott, and not Malia.

I wonder if Stiles will be the first to tell me, or if Malia gets there first.

"Okay, I won't say anything," I promise Kira, "I better get off the line in case Malia calls." I tell her, although I secretly hope that Stiles will call instead. So we say goodbye and thats it, I stare at my phone waiting.

So the deal with me and Stiles is complicated, especially after him saving me from Eichen House. If we go back in time to his panic attack kiss, there were feelings there already and then i just fuelled them and made it ten times harder for myself when we kissed. And maybe we could of been something, right there and then if it weren't for Jennifer Blakely kidnapping his father. Then when Allison died, after the Nogistune was defeated I turned to Stiles in my moment of grief.

I don't know why I was so drawn to him but it didn't matter he was never really there. He had Malia. No matter how many times he apologised I always felt like shit when I rang him, he would answer the phone a bit breathless, and I would hear Malia in the background giggling. Or if I went to his house he would answer the door half dressed and his hair ruffled. I remember the humiliation of that, having to make up an excuse for why I was there. It makes my toes curl thinking about it. Then that day in Mexico when it was just me and him, I loved it, until i was tied in a chair and almost electrocuted. But where was Stiles when that was happening? Getting into Malias pants. I wish I wasn't so bitter about it, because Malia is my best friend now. But I never liked her in the beginning, and that didn't help one bit when she was dating Stiles, the guy I was falling for. Then they had a bit of a break-up when she found out she was adopted. Thats when I started earning respect for the girl, maybe it was because I felt bad, but, my respect for her now is 100% true. When that happened Stiles came to me. Me. He could of went to Scott his best friend, his brother, but no, he came to me. The banshee. The girl he used to love. I could've taken that chance and hopped into a relationship with him but no, I made sure he made things right again with her, because she deserved him, especially if thats who he wanted.

I remember asking him if he loved her, it hurt so much to form those words and ask him as if it didn't bother me in the slightest. He hesitated before answering, but the way we locked eyes made my heart do summersaults and I thought that maybe, maybe he was about to tell me that no, he didn't love her and that he loved me instead. But my face must of dropped so obviously when he said "I think so." I actually had to blink tears away, but he didn't notice. I'm not sure if I wanted him too.

After that I grew distant, then came along Parrish, and he was exaclty what I wanted, what I needed to distract myself from Stiles. But Parrish wasn't my distraction in the end, it was the Dread Doctors, The Beast, trying to cope with all the voices in my head. I didn't need Stiles then. When Stiles and Malia broke up, it made me so happy, but then I felt sick when I discovered why. Because Stiles killed someone. Took a life. Murdered. But when he saved me from Eichen I knew it wasn't what I thought it was, it was self defence. A human against a Wendigo. I know Stiles wouldn't of killed him unless he had to, its the way the pack works. When Stiles wouldn't leave the room in Eichen even when I asked him too, thats how I knew he still cared for me. He stayed with me in the car while I made his ears bleed, and all I wanted to do then was kiss his lips, the reassuring lips that told me I was going to make it. And even when we were in the animal clinic and I had broke every bit of glass in the room he protected me, my face. He risked his body for me. Thats all I needed to confirm my feelings. I was neck deep in love with him.

Then my phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. The caller ID reads Stiles, and his picture pops up in the background too, it's an old picture but it makes me smile everytime. He's cross eyed doing some silly face with his tongue sticking out. I swip my phone and press my phone to my ear, suddenly my hearts beating too fast.

"Lydia?" He breathes down the line. I smile instantly at the sound of my name on his lips. Since when did I become so sloppy when it came to men? Since when did I react this way when Stiles rang me?! I was turning into someone I didn't know.

"Stiles?" I match. Careful not to give anything away, any emotion towards him, any sign I know that he and Malia have broken up.

"Are you doing anything? I really need to talk to you." He says urgently, I hear his sharp intake of breath.

"Um-" I pause as if I'm trying to think if what I'm doing now can wait, even though I'm doing nothing, and I most certainly want to see him right now. "Yeah, sure. Do you wanna come around or meet someplace"

"Is your mom there?"

"Not for a couple of hours," I say, trying my best to wipe that stupid grin off of my face.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten." He says but before I let him go I say,

"Is everything alright?"

A pause.

"Yeah, I think so" He says and when he says it, it sounds as though he's reassuring himself.

Me and my girlfriend have broken up. Yeah, everythings alright. Thats what a normal person thinks. I almost laugh then, he hangs up and I wait for him. I don't get changed, I keep my outfit I'm already wearing on, a skirt and blouse, just a simple Lydia Martin outfit. I do brush through my hair and re touch my curls, I dab on some lipstick and apply some more mascara. Then once I've pumped perfume onto my neck I wait and check the time. He should be here now, Stiles is never late.

I give myself a glance over in the mirror. Since when did I get dressed up for Stiles? Whats happening to my emotions?

Our door bell rings and I try not to rush down the stairs, just act casual, I remind myself.

I open the door and Stiles is there. He wears a flannel shirt (obviously) and his hair is stuck out in the right places. His rings under his eyes cast shadows on his face and I wonder when the last time he properly slept. He offers me a smile, it doesn't spread to his eyes like usual, it doesn't make them crinkle but it makes my heart swell.

I stand out of the way of the doorway and motion for him to come in. He follows me into my kitchen and he slumps in a kitchen chair. Unlike him to slump, he's always so energetic and talkative. I didn't expect him to be like this after Malia. Maybe he did love her.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask, I look over at him and he nods, a small smile on his lips.

I pours us both a glass of orange juice, freshly squeezed, one of my many specialities. I sit the glasses down on my kitchen table and take the seat oppisite him.

"So, whats up?" I ask, even though I know, I prepare myself, rehearsing my face of shock in my head.

Stiles traces his finger around the rim of his glass, breathes in deeply, "Me and Malia broke up," he sighs, I make sure to look away from him, so he can't really read the truth in my eyes. "But its okay though, I mean we haven't really been dating anyway in the last month or two, but now it's official."

Shit. My mind goes blank. I have not a clue what to say. Lydia you practiced this. I open and close my mouth a few times but before anything comes out of my mouth Stiles speaks.

"Did you already know?"

I freeze, and my eyes grow wide. Subtle, I like it Lydia.

"No- what of course not!" I say my voice higher than usual, I cough and avoid eye contact with him.

"Oh really?" He says, a smirk playing on his lips. He looks me dead in the eye and I cannot breathe in this moment.

"Yeah, I had not a clue." I play along, thankful for him joking around with me and lightning the mood.

"So Scott definitely didn't tell you? Or even Kira?" He asks, he takes a sip of his drink but watches me when he does so.

"Not that I recall" I shake my head pretending to be in thought looking at a corner in the ceiling. I turn my head to look at him to laugh and all of a sudden we're very close. Instinctively I look at his lips. Those soft pink lips that I kissed so helplessly when he had a panic attack.

"Do you want to know why me and Malia broke up?" He says so quiet it makes every hair on my back stand up. I meet his eyes and the whiskey colour burns into my soul. I want to say because you killed Donavan. I shake my head and he licks his lips, he says the next words so softly I wonder if I hear him right, "Because I'm in love with you."

I pull back a little, and I wonder if I'm going mad. Since when was it like Stiles to be like that? Be so confident and just come out with it. I give him a small smile and think carefully about what I'm going to say to that, but still he beats me to it and presses his lips against mine. And everything melts away.

Every voice in my head is silenced. Every whisper in my ear vanishes. All there is is us, me and Stiles. His large hands cup my cheeks and his hands are surprisingly soft. I pull him closer to me, bunching his shirt in my hands. He turns around facing me then lifts me onto the table, searing me with his pink lips. Dancing with my tongue. His hands grip my thigh and god why aren't I stopping this? One of us needs control. I pull back breathless, he watches me closely, then as if he reads my thoughts he springs apart from me and I miss him already. Why would I pull back?

"Oh god-" Stiles begins, he puts a hand on his hair and he starts viciously scratching at it, "I'm sorry, I don't even know why I would-"

"Stiles," I say calmly, he keeps scratching at his head, his neck is becoming redder, "Stiles." I say again, he doesn't listen so I slide off of the table and walk towards him, I carefully take his hand away from his head and he looks at me, his eyes filled with lust and confusion.

"Its okay," I say, his hands fall by his sides and i stroke his cheek, "I only pulled away before we went to far," I say smiling, "It wasn't because I didn't like it," He looks at me then, his lips parting, I think before I say this, but I decide if this is who I want to be with, I better say something, "And it wasn't because I don't like you"

"You like me?" He chokes, he smiles goofily, I smile st him, nodding.

"You like meee!" He sings poking me in my ribs, I laugh and push his hands away.

"Don't make a big deal," I say turning my face to hide my blush. Why does he have to be so cheesy?

"You like me!" He sings again.

"Stiles stop it!" I laugh, I push him away but he catches my hands and tries to dance with me as he sings over and over "Lydia likes me" or "Lydia Martin has a crush on me"

"I was joking." I deadpan, trying my best to keep a straight face. He stops singing and his smile falls away from his face. I will myself not to smile.


"No, you idiot." I laugh then I pull his lips to my mouth and breathe my life into him. He smiles against my lips and he relaxes. My hands rest on his neck and his hands roam my torso. We make out for a few minutes, the room becoming hotter and stuffier.

He pulls back, smiling stupidly, "So does this mean we're official?"

"I thought that was a given," I smile then kiss him lightly pulling away to add something more serious, "What about Malia?"

"She'll be okay with it, I promise. If I'm honest I think she was interested in Theo anyway, when we were still dating"

"Theo?!" I exclaim, I cover my mouth with my hand, "Wow"

To bad he's dead.

"Yeah," he says laughing, shaking his head. I kiss him smiling, why does this feel so right?

"You know I've never done this before," Stiles says, pecking me, he cocks his head to the side and smiles. At first I think he's refferring to sex, but him and Malia had to of had sex.

"Done what before?" I question.

"Been in love." He says softly. I meet his eyes and its as if we are both recalling that conversation when I asked him if he was in love with Malia, had he lied? Had he always loved me?

I smile bashfully then I kiss him. This time its not slow burning kisses between us- its fast, desperate. My cheeks flush and he presses me against the kitchen counter, his hand gripping my thigh. I start to unbutton his shirt, not that we should be moving this fast but I need to see him, whatevers underneath there that he covers so well. I reach the bottom of the ladder of buttons only to reveal a t-shirt underneath. Still i remove the flannel from his arms and his hand glides up my thigh, under my skirt and stops where my pants sit. My hands roam up his bare chest and I wonder why he's so shy about what he has. Not only is his face attractive, so is his body.

My heart pounds in my ears and I pull back to look at him. His cheeks red. Lips puckered. Hair sticking out more than usual. Then as my lips meet his I hear the unlocking of my front door. Shit. We spring apart from each other. Stiles grabs his shirt and throws it on, not having time to button it up. My heart hammering so hard in my chest, my ribcage must be bruised.

I re tuck my blouse and try to smooth my hair down. My mum walks in with a few grocery bags and her smiles falters when she sees us.

"Afternoon, Miss Martin" He says, his voice is raspy though, which unexpectedly turns me on.

"Stiles," My mom nods, "Lydia I didn't realise you had company" her smile is forced and I sense a little 'safe sex' talk coming on.

"Actually he was just going," I say, I look over at Stiles and smile, he winks at me and I have trouble tearing my eyes away from him.

"Yes, have a good evening Miss Martin" he says then I walk him to the door. Stiles smiles at me and so do I.

"Since when did you call my mom 'Miss Martin'?" I laugh at him, leaning against the wall by my door.

"Since she worked at our school" he says in a sarcastic way, as if I was supposed know. I laugh at him and push him gently.

"Of course," I nod in understanding, he smiles shyly and then I kiss him, again. For the millionth time that day he makes my heart beat to much that I think I'm going to faint.

"Lydia!" My mom calls softly but in way that says "Stiles needs to go now"

We pull apart and he rests his forehead on mine.

"When do we tell the pack?" I ask.

"whenever you want." He says, kissing my cheek, shrugging.

"I wish you didn't have to go." I say, biting my lip and looking up in his eyes. He nods and slides a hand around the back of my neck and kisses me, slowly carefully.

Fuck taking it slow.

I want him. He wants me. It's simple. I turn towards the kitchen to find my mum on the phone outside in the garden. I hold onto Stiles hand. Open and shut the front door so it sounds like he's left then, pull him up the stairs. Laughing, giggling and tripping over shoes. I take him to my bedroom and that night is amazing.

It almost felt like we were losing our virginitys. Even though we both weren't. But maybe it only felt that way because we were in love.

I really hope someone liked this! If you did then review/favourite and follow! :)

I love hearing what guys think. I don't know when I'll update the next chapter but I'm excited to start a stydia future fanfic!

Thank you readers :)