A/N: I'm sorry for this shit, but now I finished this. Fucking finally.

Aomine ran a hand through his hair, sighing in frustration.

"Satsuki," he started, giving a pointed look at the woman who stood in front of him "do I really need a bodyguard for this event?" he made a displeased noise and gestured to himself "I mean, do I look that weak to you?"

His manager, Momoi Satsuki, frowned, her eyes glaring into his "I know that you're not weak, Daiki." She shifted in her seat and put some strands of pink hair behind her ear "We aren't talking about your physical strength here, and don't give me any of that bullshit. It's your image that's at stake here."

Aomine's eyebrow twitched. Image, my ass.

She continued as if not noticing the change in his mood "How do you imagine it? A famous person like you, attending such a big even without at least one bodyguard? What if something happens like last year?"

Aomine frowned when he remembered the last year's incident. No, he didn't want someone to try to stab him ever again.

"Alright." He reluctantly said and internally groaned at the smug face of his manager. "But I'm choosing who's going to be my…" he threw his hands in the air in a desperate gesture "freaking bodyguard."

There weren't many candidates, really. Satsuki stood beside him as he eyed the men in front of him.

They were bulky, and almost everyone was bald. Also, they weren't exactly young.

Aomine throw his manager a disappointed look and when he wanted to name his bodyguard, someone stumbled in the room.

All looked at the man who patted his suit and his messy hair. He stood straight and Aomine's breath hitched. Fucking gorgeous. Gorgeous for fucking, better said.

The man was leaner than the others, but surely bulkier than Aomine himself. He was younger, maybe around Aomine's age. Ruby eyes under the crimson fringe made Aomine's body temperature rise.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm late for the interview." the redhead smiled sheepishly and Aomine thought that he liked that smile.

Satsuki, beside him, handed the last file she had prepared and Aomine's eyes darted from the papers to the man in front of him "Kagami Taiga."

"Yes, sir?" the redhead said, his voice firm.

"You're hired." Aomine said, ignoring the scandalized looks on other men's faces. He wasn't going to look at some bald old man for the entire evening, no, thank you. "Satsuki will give you the details." Aomine finished and stood up, walking out of the room. At least, he will get to stare at a hot redhead beside him for that evening and he was quite anticipating it.

The event was boring, as all of those that Aomine attended. The only distraction for him was Kagami, in a suit that hugged his body just in the right places, his hair slicked back and with a determined look in those sharp ruby eyes. This man, Aomine thought, maybe would make better as an actual model than bodyguard.

Aomine kept staring at him for the rest of evening and Kagami was painfully oblivious to all the heated glances his employer was sending him. Well, Aomine could understand him, he watched out for possible attackers, who knows what crazy stalker may try to harm him this time?

Aomine got bored really fast and wanted to sneak out, so no one could see him. Obviously, he dragged the redhead after him.

"Aomine-san? Where are we going?" Kagami asked, his eyes looking around warily.

"Somewhere nice. Don't worry." Aomine threw over his shoulder and entered a room. The event was held at a hotel, so there were plenty of rooms booked for the party guests. He felt lucky.

Kagami followed and Aomine closed the room behind him, locking it. When Kagami threw him a confused look, Aomine just went ahead and pinned the redhead to the wall, his lips ghosting dangerously over Kagami's.

"Kagami." Aomine murmured, eyes staring into crimson, wide ones. "I want to fuck you, Kagami."

Kagami gaped at him, unable to move or say anything. He was in pure shock.

Aomine closed his eyes and leaned in, sealing his lips against Kagami's and felt the other inhale sharply. He kissed the guy heatedly, pushing his tongue forcibly through those parted lips.

Kagami's stiff shoulders relaxed and he tried to push gently at Aomine's chest, but that didn't budge. He pressed himself further onto Kagami's body, feeling the hard muscles under the layers of clothing. He wanted to rip everything off.

There was not long until Kagami responded to the kiss, tilting his head to a better angle and tangling his tongue with Aomine's. They broke the kiss, and both breathed hard, with their eyes darkened by lust.

Aomine didn't have to rip Kagami's clothes off or to do anything at all, because in the next moment, the redhead took off his suit jacket and the shirt followed quickly after, revealing those hard muscles he touched earlier. Aomine wanted to lick that chest.

Kagami looked at him reproachfully and he got the hint without being told. Aomine moved both of them to the bed and began undressing as well. Kagami watched him and licked at his lips. Probably he liked what he was seeing. Much like Aomine himself, when Kagami finally took off his pants, his erection pressing against the fabric of his boxers.

"Take those off as well." Aomine murmured against the sun-kissed skin of that long neck. Kagami let out a low purr and obeyed, yanking the underwear off himself and breathed with relief when his painfully hard cock was freed.

Aomine's underwear dropped to the floor as well and he pushed the redhead to the bed, climbing over him and licking at his lips, before moving further down until a firm grip on his shoulder stopped him and he looked up in confusion.

"I want it…" Kagami said, his breath erratic and voice full of unhidden desire "up against the wall."

Aomine sputtered in shock at the boldness. This guy was full of surprises.

"Alright, baby." He said, his lips forming a mischievous smirk.

Kagami cutely frowned "Don't call me that. I have a name."

Aomine's smirk widened as he put his lips just an inch above Kagami's ear. "Taiga." He whispered and was rewarded with a throaty moan from the man under him. Aomine chuckled low and stood up slowly, dragging Kagami after him and pinning him back to the wall, before ravishing his mouth again.

Kagami's hands circled around his neck, fingers running through his short blue strands, and tugging at the ends. Aomine felt Kagami's erection positively pressing against his inner thigh and realized that they both weren't able to wait any longer. He needed, he craved to be inside Kagami right now.

Breaking the kiss, Aomine stuck two fingers into Kagami's mouth and that began sucking on them without hesitance or any shame. When he felt his fingers were slick enough with saliva, Aomine withdrew his hand and used the other one to lift a perfect leg off floor to wrap it around his hip.

Kagami put his hands on Aomine's shoulders for support and balanced on one leg while Aomine's fingers worked him open. Kagami was incredibly tight, it was really hard to prepare him in such a position, but Aomine managed anyway. He withdrew his fingers making Kagami whimper. Another leg circled around the other hip and Aomine lifted Kagami off floor completely, pressing his body onto the wall for better support.

The redhead bit hard on his bottom lip as Aomine entered him, grunting and with his eyebrows knitted together in concentration. When Aomine was fully inside, both exhaled deeply. Aomine let him adjust for a moment before pulling out until only the tip of his cock remained in. He thrusted back with more force and set up a wild pace from the start.

Kagami was plenty vocal and he clearly enjoyed himself being fucked hard against a wall. Different indecent noises filled the room, along with a strong smell of sex. Aomine found himself enjoying this as much as Kagami did.

Probably Aomine's skin on his hips was purple already from all the force Kagami was putting into gripping him there with his legs, and probably Kagami's back was going to bleed because of all the friction, but neither wanted to stop. It was too good, too amazing to stop. And both needed their release just like the air itself.

There wasn't long until both of them found it. Kagami jerked his head up from Aomine's shoulder and actually screamed when he came. Aomine followed seconds after, when the pressure of Kagami's inner walls on his cock became just unbearable. He came inside, moaning long and loud in Kagami's ear.

That was the best sex they had in a while. Both silently agreed on that. And before they settled for a second round, Kagami winced and suggested they would change the locations. No matter how much he loved being fucked against a wall, he wasn't sure that by the end he won't break something. Because Aomine was wild. They both were wild.