A/N: This is all we have saved up. Expect another update within 48 hours, and if it doesn't come, I'll have a series of updates on Friday (a week from today). Please let us know what you though of it thus far! I'd love to hear from you guys. Thank you to all our readers! Thank you SO SO much to everyone who's followed the story! I love you guys!

Harry woke to the feeling of too tiny hands presses firmly into his back. He blinked his eyes open and lifted his head from Draco's shoulder to look behind him. Two impossibly green eyes stared back at him and he laughed a bit. "Up a bit early, Jamie, are we?" He asks, yawning and pulling away from Draco to roll over onto his back. James grinned at him. "Hi dada!"

Teddy barrels into the room a moment later, and launches himself onto the bed. He lands on both of them.

Draco wakes from something heavy landing on him, and he jumps up in bed. Teddy giggles at him.

Harry groans a bit as Teddy lands on them and then laughs as Draco jumps up in the bed.

"Ted, that landing was a bit rough," he says, moving James off of him and then sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

Draco looks around sleepily, glaring halfheartedly at the room. He is not ready to be awake. He groans and flops back in bed.

"Coffee." He groans

Harry laughs. "I'll make coffee," he murmurs, leaning over to kiss Draco's cheek before shooing the kids off the bed. "Go. I'll meet you downstairs. Waffles but only if you don't destroy the kitchen before I get there."

Both boys squeal and take off out of the room while

Harry climbs out of bed and goes to the dresser to search for a pair of shorts.

Draco rolls over, and falls off the bed with a thump. "Fuck." He stays down, and grumbles loudly about it before he sits up. "Clothes?"

Harry stifles a laugh as he turns to look at Draco over his shoulder, grinning as he stands up. "You're a bit taller than I am but would you like some pajama bottoms?" He pulled on a pair of shorts he'd found and turned to look at him fully, dragging a hand through his hair again.

"Transfiguration?" He gestures to his clothes from yesterday, and leans back against the mattress. He is not capable of anything that complex this early, not even multiple word sentences.

Harry snorts a bit. "Sure," he says, going to grab his wand. He turns on the clothes and easily transfigures them into a soft green shirt with matching silk pants bottoms. "Here," he says, grabbing them and tossing them at the other man.

The clothes hit Draco in the face, and he groans before pulling himself up to stand. He pulls on the clothes slowly, and trudges over to Harry. The only thing he can focus on is Harry's warmth, and he interrupts his dressing to drape himself over his back. The solid feel of his waist in his arms helps wake Draco up partially, but he still hangs all over Harry.

"That hadn't been my aim but it was a good shot." He grins at Draco and then makes a small sound as he drapes himself over his back. "Hi," he murmurs, rolling his head back to look up at the other man. "Sleep well?"

Draco groans unintelligibly, and nuzzles his neck and ear. "Mnnnmmm coffee."

"I said I would make coffee and I will. You're the one who's having a hard time making it to where I can make said coffee."

Draco groans. "Stupid logical Potter." He mutters under his breath. But he does detach himself.

Harry turns once he's detached himself and pushes himself up on to his toes to give him a soft kiss.

Draco kisses him tenderly, with a lazy smile playing on his lips. "Coffee. Now. Please."

"So bossy." But he drops back down onto his feet and turns to pad out of the room and down the stairs. The boys are watching cartoons in the living room when Harry checks on them. He smiles a bit and then heads into the kitchen to start the coffee and breakfast.

Draco follows after him diligently, a bit like a puppy, and reattaches himself at the earliest convenient opportunity. Draco Malfoy is a cuddler, and he will murder anyone who says so.

It's a bit difficult to cook with Draco attached to him but he manages. Within 20 minutes both coffee and breakfast are done and he looks over his shoulder at Draco. "Call for the boys? I'll set the table. You'll have to detach for a while, though, I'm afraid."

"I have coffee. I can function." Draco nods and holds his mug close to him as he walks towards the living room. The boys are still watching cartoons when he pokes his head in. Teddy's hair currently matches Bob the Builder, but he changes it when he sees Draco.

"Draco! Is breakfast ready?" Teddy yells and runs over, with James on his heels.

"Yup. Let's go eat." Draco follows them back to the kitchen.

The food is on the table when they all get back into the kitchen and Harry is finally just pouring himself a cup of coffee. He's tense but he isn't sure why and he rolls his shoulders as everyone sits down.

"Syrup!" Teddy requests and he nods, going over to grab it before taking it and his coffee to the table.

Draco sits down to fix himself a plate when an elf pops in. He recognizes it as his Mother's. Great.

"Mistress Narcissa requests the presence of Master Draco." She squeaks with a low bow.

Harry blinks at that and then looks at Draco. "I...what?"

"Where is she? I'll be there in a moment." Draco sighs.

"In your study."

Shit. Shit shit shit. His face falls and he groans.

Harry bites his lip; he knows exactly why that's a bad thing and he's actually trying to keep a laugh in. Finally he manages and speaks. "Should I have Hermione come and watch the boys or...?" He wasn't sure whether the other man wanted to do this alone or not.

A deep sigh leaves him. "I . . . Eh, screw it. I'm dead anyways. She'll hold her tongue in front of company, and probably already has the study spotless." Draco shrugs. "Let's finish breakfast."

Harry laughs a bit as he grabs his wand and sends a patronus to Hermione. "If you're set on keeping me I won't be company for much longer," he observes, setting his coffee cup down and reaching out to shred James's waffle into small, finger food pieces.

"She'll probably consider you company for a few months yet. Eventually she'll get used to you. She has to." Draco smiles warmly at him, and digs in to his food.

That pulls a small smile from him as he finishes up tearing James's waffle up and moves to cutting up Teddy's. Truthfully he was still a bit nervous about all of this. While it felt right he was still so damn self-conscious.

"Mother has always admired you. Especially after the war. You kept us both out of-" he cuts off with a questioning glance at the kids.

Harry nods a bit, handing a fork to Teddy and then focusing quietly on his own food.

Draco is almost finished with breakfast when the floo sounds, and Hermione appears, followed by Ron. Harry is more or less finished (considering all he'd really done was pick at his food) when they came in and he looked up. "Great, you're here."

Hermione nods. "We're here. But...why are we here? Your message was cryptic as ever, Potter."

"My mother summoned us, well me, and he's coming along. Then we're looking at houses, right?" Draco turns to Harry, so only he can see his small smile. Dropping his mask in front of the others is far too vulnerable. Maybe in time.

Harry nods and reaches out to run his thumb over Draco's jaw. "Yup."

Ron raises his eyebrows. "Houses?"

Draco stays silent, and takes the dishes to the kitchen instead of approaching that battle. This would be fun. He goes to change clothes to further avoid it.

Harry grumbles under his breath about Draco being a git and finally turns look at Ron. "Yeah, umhum...Draco and I are...moving in together..."

Ron's eyes go wide, and he actually sits down. "It's . . . Uhh . . . a bit soon for that, isn't it, mate? You guys went on one date." Hermione glares at the back of his head.

Harry sighs and rubs at his forehead. If this brings on a stress headache he's going to murder someone. "Yes," he nods. "But how long have we known each other? The same amount of time you and Hermione have know each other. There was always a very thin line between love and hate for us."

"But . . ." Ron's brain short circuited at that. Malfoy was going to be in their lives for a long time, and he had to deal with it.

"I really believe Malfoy is in love with him, Ron. You didn't see him at St. Mungo's. It was pitifully obvious." Hermione adds.

Harry wets his lips and looks back at Ron. "He is," he says, nodding a bit. "In love with me, I mean. And I...feel the same way. It's like we've been dancing around this for ages. The boys love him. He's great with them and he's...wonderful to me."

Ron swallows, and nods a bit. "That . . . That settles it then." Hermione beams behind him.

Harry blinks. That was far too easy..."that settles ?"

"He's under the imperius curse, and is getting close to you for a death eater plot." Ron sits back in satisfaction. Hermione's eyes widen comically.

"Oh for fucks sake, Ron, really?" He asks exasperated and a bit grumpily. "You're going to fuck with my happiness over some RIDICULOUS thought?"

"Nope." Draco walks in then, and kisses the top of Harry's head. "She sent another elf. We're leaving. Now."

Harry is grateful for the interruption and he stands, pointing a finger at Hermione as he does so. "Talk some sense into him and if you haven't by the time we get home I am going to Avada Kedavra his ass. The boys are back in the living room." They had run off once Ron and Hermione had shown up.

"I'm also not quite dressed yet." He looks up at Draco.

"Please change into something nice." Draco runs his fingers through Harry's hair, and stands in the doorway to wait for him.

"I always wear something nice," Harry calls back as he climbs the stairs. When he comes back down 5 minutes later he is wearing his best pair of jeans that only have one hole in the corner of his back pocket and a soft, green shirt that makes his eyes look darker than they are. "Is this acceptable?" He asks a bit sarcastically as he comes to a stop next to the other man.

"Perfect." Draco kisses him, and smiles a bit. "Should I call the elf?"

"Mhmmmm. You two will be alright?" He asks, shooting a pointed look at Ron.

"We'll be fine." Hermione answers for them both, and glares at Ron so he keeps his mouth shut.

"Good. Pip!" Draco calls the elf, and she immediately appears. "Take both of us to Mother." She takes both their hands, and apparates them out.

Harry isn't sure how this whole meeting is going to go and when they land in the study, he keeps his eyes squeezed shut tight and his fingers wrapped around Draco's in an almost vice like grip. Maybe if he doesn't open his eyes this whole thing will go easier.

Draco smiles a little, and nudges Harry with his elbow so he'll open his eyes.

"Harry Potter! How marvelous of Draco to bring you along to soften me up for what I'm sure is going to be a most rapt apology from him." Narcissa smiles warmly at them both, but there's a touch of hurt directed towards Draco.

Harry opens his eyes, albeit a bit slowly, and manages a small smile to Narcissa. "Yes, well, part of the, uh...mess, can be attributed to me..."

Draco groans, and covers his face with his palm. "Potter, remind me to give you delicacy training before you meet anyone important."

Narcissa looks mildly amused.

Harry flushes darkly and folds his arms, turning his head a bit to glare at Draco. "You wanted me to come."

"I'd forgotten how socially incompetent you are." The tease is lacking all the malice it usually holds though, and he smiles affectionately at him.

"I'm assuming you summoned me for a reason, mother?" Draco turns his full attention to Narcissa.

"Aren't I always incompetent in one way or another?" He grumbles and folds his arms tighter before directing his stare at his shoes.

Draco rolls his eyes, and pulls him to sit on one of the couches. "I love you for it." He says it only for Harry's ears, but from the amused expression on Narcissa's face she heard it too.

Harry goes easily and though he immediately leans into Draco's side, he still grumbles. "Mhmmm, I'm sure you do." He drops his hands into his lap and twists his fingers together nervously as he finally looks up at Narcissa again.

"I wanted to talk to you about the papers, and the letter I received from Astoria's father. She seems to be under the impression that she can produce an heir. I see no reason for you to go through with it when you have Mr. Potter here. The Malfoy library has had records of a potion for male conception for generations, even if the public has not. Had I known your inclinations lay in that direction, I would've informed you of it long ago." She gives Draco a stern look, and he manages to look somewhat sheepish. "I am under the impression that you two are living together anyways?" Draco nods. "Perfect. I'll give you the recipe to brew."

"Whoa, wait," he breaks in, his eyes wide. "You want...me to carry a child?" He looks between them both with wide eyes.

Draco laughs, and leans back against the couch. "She just means that one of us could. And do you really want to deal with me when I'm pregnant and hormonal?" Draco raises an eyebrow.

"Well, no," he replies, shaking his head a bit. "But you really want...me to carry your heir? Have a child with...me?" He wasn't sure he could understand why exactly.

"Half the wizarding world wants to have your child, Potter." Draco scoffs, but he softens his tone. "I'm certainly one of them. I've been in love with you for how long now?" Draco squeezes his hand affectionately.

Harry tilts his head at that in acknowledgment and sighs a bit. "Right, well...suppose that's something we shall discuss.." He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about being pregnant.

"Right. You've obviously got time. All this means is I don't have to depend on Astoria for an heir. What else did you want to discuss?" Draco turns to Narcissa, and raises an eyebrow.

"Here's the address of our personal realtor. I'm surprised you didn't ask for it before. They're much more discreet. No appointment needed." She lays a paper on the desk, and stands to leave.

"In that case we can still look at houses today." Harry turns his head to look at Draco. "Without having to wonder about our realtors intentions."

"Perfect." Narcissa stands. "I'll be going now. Owl and let me know how it goes." Her smile holds a touch of warmth. She briskly exits through the floo without another word.

Harry sags a bit once she's gone and looks over at Draco. "I suppose that could have been more uncomfortable than it was..."

"You caused most of that discomfort, you know." Draco smirks, but leans over to kiss him anyways.

He kisses him back but then pulls back and makes a face at him. "You brought me here knowing how inept I am...and knowing that I think your mum probably hates me."

"She thinks you're brilliant, for whatever reason. Probably because I never shut up about you." Draco kisses him to distract him from that last part, and blushes.

Harry lets him kiss him for a few moments before he pulls back and raises an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Since 7." Draco whispers. He blushes fiercely and ducks his head to kiss Harry harder.

"Since you were 7?" He mumbles against his mouth, turning a bit into the kiss.

"Mhmm." Draco mumbles against his lips, and slides his fingers back to tangle in Harry's hair. He shouldn't have said anything, but he supposes he would've found out eventually.

Harry isn't sure what it is about Draco's fingers in his hair but it always makes him shiver just a bit. "My apologies to her," he manages out, his mouth opening against the other mans.

Draco slides his tongue past his lips. He has to tighten his fingers in Harry's hair to keep from pulling him into his lap, but he can't contain the low groan. Fuck. This is not why they came here. Draco bites sucks on his bottom lip instead of reminding him of that fact. This is much more fun.

The tightening of fingers in his hair and the low groan against his mouth pulls a slight whine from him (and honestly, when did he start making that sound?) and he leans into Draco a bit more once again. Was kissing Draco always going to make him feel like his very blood was on fire?

The needy whine sets his body on fire, and he quickly presses Harry into the couch. He's straddling his lap in an instant, and kissing him greedily. Being with Harry is so much better than he had imagined. He hopes this feeling never goes away.

Harry knew that this hadn't been in the plan when they'd been summoned here but he found right then that he didn't really care. Once Draco is straddling his lap, he slides his hands up his back as he tilts his head into the kiss more and settled back against the couch happily.

Draco sighs needily. Harry's fingers running over his back really drives him wild. He can't contain the shiver it brings, and he grinds against his lap with a groan. His hands slide to the buttons on Harry's shirt, quickly undoing them.

Harry swallows the groan that escapes Draco and echoes it with one of his own as his own hips come up off of the couch to press back into the other mans movements. His entire body is flushed hot and he feels like he's on fire. Dragging his hands down Draco's back, he pushes them up under his shirt and splays them open on his bare back with another quiet groan.

"Oh, Merlin, Harry." Draco whispers with a groan. He pushes him back so they're laying on the couch, still straddling and grinding into his groin. "I want you." He whispers. His lips trace down Harry's neck with hard bites and kisses. "So bad." His hands are not gentle when unbuttoning their pants, and neither are his hips pressing into Harry's.

Harry goes easily, more than happy to let Draco do as he pleases. They're probably only going to be half-undressed while they do this but again, he could care less. A breathless chuckle escapes him at his words, his hips rising again as their pants are undone. "Glad we're on the same page about all of this, then."

"Shut up." Draco whispers. His next kiss is bruising but he pulls back quickly to take off Harry's pants, then his own. Their boxers are off just as quickly. Draco smirks, and presses a lubed finger against Harry's hole, massaging it gently.

Harry laughs breathlessly again after Draco pulls back, his eyes dark as he watches their pants and boxers come off. The lubed finger against his hole has him groaning softly all over again, dark eyes sliding shut as he rolls his hips down to press against that finger. "Fuck."

"When I'm finished with you, you won't be able to think, let alone speak." Draco whispers darkly. He leans down to press wet, open-mouthed kisses to Harry's hips, dancing around his cock. His finger circles the rim, but doesn't push in yet.

"Draco," he whines, his head tipping back into the couch as his hips lift again, almost desperately this time. He's so hard it almost hurts, his cock leaking profusely against his stomach as he wiggles a bit. "You can tease later and I won't even complain. Just...please?"

Draco smirks evilly, and plunges his finger in at the same time he slides Harry's cock deep down his throat.

Harry arches up off of the couch, his stomach muscles clenching with sudden pleasure as he cries out loudly. He hadn't been expecting that and the sudden onslaught of pleasure was hot and ridiculously heavy.

Smug satisfaction radiates from Draco, and he quickly adds another finger. He takes his time stretching Harry, and slowly sucks his cock, drawing out the sensations even though he's dying to fuck him into the couch.

Harry's toes curl with pleasure and his entire body trembles almost violently as he arches again. "Fuck, Draco," he gasps out, bringing his hands down to tangle in blonde hair.

His reaction is entirely worth the agony of forcing himself to slow down and tease Harry. Draco can barely contain himself. With that last groan he growls around his cock, and slides a third finger inside him. Fuck teasing.

Draco pulls back to watch Harry lose control on his fingers, barely holding back his desire. His cock aches to be inside him, to be fucking him instead of his fingers, and he almost cums at the thought. Fuck. Hold it together, Draco.

Fuck a whine or even a moan, an actual sob escapes him at the introduction of the third finger and his own fingers tighten in Draco's hair. Nothing else matters right then except for the fact that he wants the other man inside of right fucking now. His eyes open and he manages to extract his hands from Draco's hair, pushing himself up onto his elbows so he can look down at the man. "Fuck me," he pants out, his glasses sitting crooked on his nose. "Please. Now." Draco didn't even have to ask him to bloody beg today.

"Good boy." The words are breathy. He squeezes Harry's hip hard to get himself under control, and slowly slides his fingers out.

He mutters the spell for lube under his breath, and carefully lines himself up. He can barely take the waiting, but he has to get himself under control. He's not sure how hard is too hard, but Merlin he wants to find the line, and maybe push past it. How much can Harry take?

The squeeze to his hip sends a jolt of pleasure through him and he immediately brings his legs up to hook over Draco's hips as he lines himself up. When he makes no other movement, however, Harry whines a bit again. "Please."

"Unless you want me to tie you up and fuck you so hard you can't walk right for days, I suggest you shut up." Draco groans at the thought. That so did not help things. Not at all. Harry with his hands bound above him, whimpering and needy. Harry begging him not to stop, begging for more, harder, please sir.

Fuck. He wants it bad

Draco's words pull a whimper from him. "I'm not opposed to the idea," he breathes out, licking his lips as he looks up at the other man.

"Oh, fuck, Potter." With that statement his control is almost obliterated. "You have no idea what you just got yourself in to." Draco breathes.

He quickly pins Harry's hands above his head, and makes them stay with a sticking charm. The sight almost sends him over the edge, but he holds back for a second. He has to do this right.

"Safe word?"

The sticking charm is a bit out of the blue but he's far too worked up to care. "Pineapple," he says immediately, subconsciously curling his hands into fists and tugging against the sticking charm.

Watching Harry tug on the charm is what makes him lose any semblance of restraint. He growls and pushes his cock inside Harry without wasting a second. He doesn't give him time to adjust, but pounds into him, squeezing his hips tight.

Because of the way he'd stretched him Harry doesn't actually need much time to adjust and in any matter, he likes a bit of pain. Moaning, he arches under Draco, his legs tight around his hips. Pleasure, which is heightened by the bit of pain, is crashing through him almost violently. He tugs at the charm again as his head tips back into the couch once more and he moans again.

Draco likes the way Harry tugs at the charms. He likes everything about Harry, but the amount he wants this is driving him crazy. He can't move hard or fast enough. Hell, he just can't get enough of him. His hands go everywhere, squeezing and rubbing and pulling him closer, but never close enough.

Draco isn't moving fast or hard enough for Harry, either, and he isn't above being vocal about this. "Harder," he gasps out, pressing his heels into Draco's ass to punctuate his request.

Oh, fuck. The request almost sends Draco over the edge, but he's not finished yet. Not by a long shot. "What's the magic word?" He gasps out with a smirk. Oh Merlin, what he wouldn't give to hear 'Master' fall from Harry's lips, but just about anything else would probably work too. He's not in a position to be picky.

"Please," he says immediately, pressing his heels in a bit harder and opening his eyes to look up at Draco. They're more black than green right then. "Harder, please."

"That works this time." Draco manages to say, picking up the pace and changing the angle so he hits Harry's prostate. "Fuck, Potter. Why are you so gorgeous?" He breaths out.

Harry would have loved to answer him but as soon as his cock is brushing over his prostate, Harry loses all ability to do anything other than moan loudly and arch under him. His entire body is singing with pleasure and he didn't think he'd care right then if Narcissa actually walked in on them, as long as Draco doesn't fucking stop.

Draco growls at the sight, and picks up the pace. He can't control himself anymore. His cock is brushing Harry's prostate with every thrust and he loves seeing Harry tied up and coming undone underneath him. Nothing else will ever top this. He can feel the coil of pleasure tightening in his gut, and does his best to hold out, slamming in Harry harder.

The coil of pleasure that has been tightening in Harry's stomach since this all started begins to unravel and he cums almost violently between them. The pleasure steals the air from his lungs, his mouth opening in a silent cry as he lets himself come undone completely underneath Draco.

Fuck. He loses it when Harry's orgasm splatters them both with cum, and his ass tightens around him. He cums hard, like jumping off a cliff. Nothing exists in that moment but Harry underneath him, wrapped around him. All his muscles tighten and contract, and he rocks against him through the high, almost collapsing when its through.

Feeling Draco empty himself inside of him sends another shock of intense pleasure through him and he cries out again, writhing. His brain is completely scrambled and it takes everything in him to remind himself to breathe as he rides out his own high. This is going to require a very long nap.

Draco pulls out, and barely manages to make his body support him for long enough to cast a cleaning spell on them both. Then he curls around Harry, and lays his head on his chest. Thank Merlin this couch is wide enough for them to nap on. He lazily summons a blanket, and drapes it over their naked forms.

It isn't until Draco is curling himself around him that Harry comes back into himself. He's still breathing heavily and has to swallow before he can speak, tugging at the sticking charm that Draco hadn't removed yet. "Uh, Draco," he mumbles, tipping his head down a bit. "Unstick me now?"

"Oops," Draco mumbles, half asleep. "Finite" He reaches up and tangles his fingers in Harry's hair, laying half draped across his naked chest.

"Thanks," he mumbles back, bringing his arms down with a quiet groan. "If we nap in here is your mother going to show up out of the blue and catch us? Id like to avoid that." He stretches under Draco a bit, his arms flopping down onto the bed.

Draco grumbles, but doesn't move. He's not sure he has the energy to move to the bedroom after that. "I don't know or care. The only way you'll get me off this couch is by carrying me, and I don't think either of us are up for that. My muscles are jello."

"Definitely not up for that," he agrees, his eyes sliding shut as he relaxes. "I'm just saying that that ones all you if she does."

Draco's eyes fall closed, and he makes a noncommittal noise in response before falling asleep. Harry grins a bit at the noise and soon follows Draco into sleep.