A/N: So, I did use the idea of the robbery from Reservoir Dogs as a basic for this chapter. It was kinda the cheap way to go but I still like the way it went. Maybe you will to.
Hoxton stepped from the van, lowering the sunglasses he had mockingly adorned before leaving. Dallas followed him to the sidewalk, glaring the whole way, "What's up, Mr. White?"
"Please tell me you brought your real mask?" The mastermind was scowling.
Hoxton moved a hand to his side, about to sneer and show it. But no. It was gone. The Englishman smiled sheepishly, "I may have forgotten it."
Dallas put his face in his hands, "Your first heist and you forget your mask."
"Hey, the cops know me already. Not like I can hide anything," Dallas knew he was raising some good points.
"You can do this once. Only once," Hoxton was cheering in his mind, but scowled at the store.
Dallas turned to the rest of the crew, "Okay, now Bain informed me that yesterday this store got a supply of uncut diamonds. They'll only be here for today, as they're getting shipped to the motherbase deeper in D.C. For some reason Bain hid this from us so we'll need the manager to get them for us."
"I didn't hide it, you just didn't ask," Bain crackled through their earpieces.
Chains laughed and Dallas slid his mask on, "Let's do this quickly and with no casualties."
Hoxton corrected his glasses and pulled the dual Berettas from his shoulder holsters. Dallas smashed through the front door and shot the one security guard. Chains grabbed his pager, Dallas motioning for everyone to stay quiet. Hoxton kicked a man in the face as he scrambled to the door.
As Chains finished with the pager, Dallas spoke up, "We'll make this simple, we don't want to kill anyone but if you force us to we will. Where is the manager?"
One of the workers motioned towards a man cowering in the back, and Wolf ran forward and grabbed him, "Lead us to the diamonds and ya live, don't and I'll scramble your brains."
Dallas and Wolf disappeared with the manager and Chains leaned against the wall, "Man, we outta hit this place again sometime. Look at these jewels."
"We could have ass face do it, couldn't we?" Hoxton replied.
Their earpieces crackled again, "These cameras have audio, ya know? We're here for the diamonds only."
Hoxton heard hushed voices and spun around as a clerk pressed the silent alarm. The fugitive raised the gun and shot, bullet splattering gray matter on the display cases.
Houston burs through the door, "Cops moving in! We need to move-" A bullet pierced through the younger heisters stomach, cutting him off.
The Englishman moved forward, grabbing him before he could hit the ground. Hoxton dragged him to the back and yelled for the others, "We need to leave, now!"
Wolf rounded the corner, bag in hand. Dallas yelled for them to get to the van and Hoxton through the ghost on his shoulders, "Sorry if this hurts, mate."
Hoxton was the last one through the door, and a shield quickly cut him off. He backed up and raised a gun, "Stay the fuck out or one of them dies!"
The Englishman made his way to the back, "Drive around to the depot, I can get out there!" He shouted into his earpiece.
The familiar voice of Bain responded, "Leave him, Hoxton. The cops are rushing around to cut you off, you won't make it with him on your back."
Hoxton pondered the words for a second, "Can I get him out?"
"I just told you, you can't get out," Bain stopped, "No. We aren't leaving you again."
Dallas finally connected into the conversation, "Why do you always have to be so fucking self-righteous, Jim? I appreciate the gesture here but you need to stop playing hero among thieves."
Hoxton looked out the door, sure enough the first cops were coming around, "Just get the van back here. Can you take him?"
"We're getting both of you out of there," Wolf answered.
The van skidded to a halt ten feet from the exit, and Hoxton rushed as fast as he could. He carefully passed the injured man to Chains, and started to climb in. A loud crack rang out and a bullet tore threw his shoulder.
Hoxton fell forward onto Wolf, "Fuck!"
Chains quickly pulled the doctor bag from the overhead compartment and looked at the two injured men in front of him, as if trying to decide.
"Treat him first, ya twat!" Hoxton yelled as he sat in the seat closest to the door, putting a hand on his wound.
Dallas looked to him, "Put pressure on the wound," The mastermind paused, "And thanks, Jim. For looking out for my brother."
"Don't get sappy on me, I wasn't even thinking when I did it," He replied.
Dallas slid his mask off, "But I know you, you would've done it even if you knew."
The van driver pulled into the garage, "We're here boys, how we made it out of there I have no clue."
Dallas tipped him and Chains moved the injured heister to the living room, setting him on the couch. Chains opened his shirt and examined the wound, "The bullet passed through, and it didn't seem to hit anything vital. He'll be back on his feet in a week, but it won't be fully healed for at least a month."
Hoxton looked skeptical, "Then why's he not moving?"
"He's just passed out. Better this way, we don't want a full reenactment of that movie do we?" Hoxton highfived the Marine, instantly regretting it as the wound still hurt.
Chains quickly patched up Houston and then moved to Hoxton, "Nothing too serious here. Clean pass through, too. Nothing vital and that'll be healed even quicker than Zach's."
"Zach? That little asshat's name is Zach? Knew he was a twat," Chains chuckled and Dallas was scowling.
"You should be nicer to him," Dallas said, "He used to idolize you, ya know? Then you got pissed at him and now he thinks you're only capable of being a dick."
Hoxton looked away, "It's your fault, Nate. You're the one who gave him my name. If you leave a man in prison and he sees himself on the news, how are you supposed to react? Brush your replacement off and peacefully wait out your three life sentences?" The Englishman paused, "I'm less angry at him, and more at you."
The ghost lived true to his title as he watched the conversation, resting his head back at those final words. Maybe the pills Chains had put down his unconscious throat would take affect soon.
A/N: Well, that's the end of this my dudes.
P.S. If you haven't seen Reservoir Dogs I highly recommend it.