Hello Ladies and Germs! I hope everyone is okay with me rewriting the story, I have some ideas with what I want to do concerning the story, and where it was, does not match with where I want it to be. Now, ON WITH THE SHOW! Take this job and shove, I ain't workin here no more. WRONG SHOW!

Demon Speech

Inner thought/writing

Tears rolled down the cheeks of one Naruto Uzumaki. Today was October 10th, the day that the Hidden Leaf was attacked by the nine tailed fox. It also is the day that Naruto was born. "Why? Why do they hate me!?" Naruto asked the heavens. He sat on the fourth Hokage's head as a storm rolled in. There were kunai and Shuriken littered around his body. They had been forced out of him as his body healed from his earlier beating, and near death experience. "Happy birthday to me..." He said with a sob. Suddenly, the boy's eyes rolled up into his head, and he passed out.

"Uh... what happened?" Naruto said as he came about. "Looks like they threw me in a sewer, again." Naruto said. "Come closer..." Bellowed a voice from deep inside the sewer. "Who said that? Where are you?" Naruto demanded. "Follow the pipes." The voice spoke again. Naruto then noticed that there were indeed pipes near the ceiling of the sewer. He wandered for roughly an hour, following the pipes, before he arrived at a large chamber. "Whoa." He said in awe. Inside the chamber stood a giant cage. "Why is this here?" Naruto said aloud. a red slitted eye snapped open. "Took you long enough." The owner of the red eye said. "Who are you? And why are you so big?" Naruto asked.

"I forget that I am talking to a mere boy sometimes." The being sighed. Slowly the eye rose up to the roof of the sewer, and the body of the eye came into the light. "Nine Tails..." Naruto said in disbelief. "In the Flesh." He said. "You're supposed to be dead!" Naruto said. "So are you, but here we are." He said. "How are you here?" Naruto asked. "The Fourth Hokage sealed me into after you were born." Nine tails said. "So that's... why the villagers... hate me." Naruto realized. "They are quite the demons themselves, no?" He said as he laid back down. "Yeah, they are. Hey, why do you not sound angry?" Naruto asked. "You humans. Thinking you know everything. I am not a being of only anger and hatred. I have every emotion in the spectrum, but humans know me best by anger." He said. "Why do we know you as being angry?" Naruto asked. "Cuzz you keep pissing me off." He said with a snort.

"Where are we, by the way?" Naruto asked. "This is your inner mind. Quite a dismal sight, but what do you expect with the way you survived. You don't even hardly look like you should." He said. "My mind? Wait, what do you mean I don't look like I should?" Naruto asked. "Go back in the hallway and turn left at the first intersection. There should be your true body's representation." He said before closing his eyes again. Naruto followed the fox's directions and came to a room that held only a large tank. Inside the tank, was a body. "W-what is this?!" Naruto demanded.

The body was of a sleeping eight year old. Naruto looked closer and realized that the child was actually himself, but with some changes. His hair was shaggy and unruly. It's color was a deep crimson. He was a good three inches taller than Naruto, and his body was healthy and strong. His face was narrower, but not in a sunken kind of way. His arms had were toned and muscular, but not overly so, more like a swimmers. The tank had a seal upon it, stopping Naruto from opening it.

"So you've seen it then." The Fox said once Naruto came back. "Why do I look like this if I am really that?" Naruto asked. "I believe your grandfather figure has more answers. From what I can tell he sealed your true self away. I don't know if there are any more seals on you besides mine." He said. "Why would he do that?" Naruto asked. "Probably because the villagers would have thought that you were me. Although they already do. I would also assume that it has to do with your parents." The fox said. "You know who my parents were?!" Naruto asked.

"I know who your mom was." He said. "You're not going to tell me are you?" Naruto asked. "Nope. You're not strong enough to protect yourself." The fox said. "I'm going to guess you're not going to tell me your name either, are you?" Naruto asked. "Nope." The fox said with a mischievous grin. "Do you do anything at all?" Naruto yelled. "You try living in a sewer that's inside a kid for eight years. But, I'm willing to strike a deal." The fox said. Naruto narrowed his eyes. "What kind of deal?" He asked. The Fox smirked.

"It's nothing much. Just a few years of your time, along with you ripping the corner of the seal off." The Fox said. "What does that do to you, and what do I get from it?" Naruto asked. "You're smarter than you look." He said with a chuckle. "I get to experience your sense of smell, taste and hearing. I can turn it off if I want, but that's what I get. As for you, I will unlock and enhance your bloodline." The fox said. "I have a bloodline!?" Naruto shouted. "Yep. It's the same as your mothers, but your father's blood deluded your bloodline." He said. "But you can make it stronger?" Naruto asked. "Of course, I'm a Demon Lord after all." The Fox said. "But for me to do this you must leave the leaf for a few years, so that you can train and become worthy of being my warden. So what do you say, do we have an accord?"

Naruto was silent in thought for a few minutes weighing the pros and cons of this deal. After another five minutes he said, "agreed." And lifted his hand into the cage. The fox lifted one of his tails and brought it to the hand. "This isn't going to hurt a bit. It's gonna hurt a lot." He said before Naruto screamed in agony before passing out. A small piece of the seal fluttered to the floor.

"Naruto... Naruto... NARUTO!" Naruto jumped up before a splitting headache made him lay back down. He looked over and saw that the Hokage was standing above him. "Uhhh, that sucked." Naruto said before looking at his surroundings. "Damn it, in the hospital again." Naruto said as he looked at the Hokage. "Naruto, are you okay?" Hiruzen asked. "Yes. But we need to talk." Naruto said. Hiruzen looked at Naruto strangely. "Why is that?" He asked curiously. "We will talk later. I need my rest." Naruto said coldly before turning over. The Hokage gave a lingering look before exiting the room.

Naruto waited ten minutes for the old man to leave before he burst from his bed, ripping the needles from his body. He quickly changed and left the room. After he got out of the hospital, ignoring glares and insults as he went, he sped to his run down apartment that he's lived in since he was four. He moved to his bedroom and crouched next to his mattress before grabbing a loose board. Underneath the board was all of Naruto's savings and personal possessions. There was roughly twenty-five hundred ryo, a picture of Naruto, the Hokage, and the Ichiraku family, and Naruto's pranking suit, which consisted of dark clothes that he had gathered over the years from trash bins. He grabbed all his stuff, along with his nightcap and wallet, and put everything in a pack he had before leaving his sorry excuse for a home.

"I need to speak with the Hokage." Naruto said to the secretary. "Of course, he shouldn't-, oh, it's you," she started before a sneer formed on her lips. "He doesn't have time to speak to... someone like you." She said before going back to her work. "Yuka, who was, ah, Naruto, please come in." Hiruzen said before glaring at her. "You really need better workers Gramps." Naruto said before sitting down. "Yes, it seems I do. Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Hiruzen said as he lit his pipe. "How secure is your office?" Naruto asked. "It should be fine." The Hokage said letting out a puff of smoke. "Prove it." Naruto said coldly. Hiruzen merely raised his eyebrows before he placed his hand on the desk and released some chakra. "There, all secure." He said as a barrier was erected around the office.

"Good." Naruto said. "I'm leaving the leaf." Naruto said bluntly. Hiruzen's pipe fell out of his mouth. "What!?" He demanded. "I'm leaving the leaf. But I will be back in a few years." Naruto explained. "Explain everything. Now!" The Hokage demanded. For the next twenty minutes Naruto explained how he met the Nine tails, and all he wanted was for Naruto to allow him his senses and a few years to train by himself. "Hm," Hiruzen said as he sucked on his pipe. "Why should I allow you to leave?" He asked.

"Because we both know that I will leave, with or without your approval. Even if you post guards around me." Naruto said. "Fine. But I want a letter from you every few months just to check in to say your alive." Hiruzen said. "Deal. Now, lets move on to topic number two." Naruto said. "Why have you sealed my real appearance? And my mother's name from me?" Naruto asked. "I don't know-" Hiruzen started before Naruto gave him an angry glare. "Huh. Fine. I haven't told you about your mother, because you were not strong enough to know anything about her. Your appearance is more of two birds with one stone kinda thing." The Hokage explained.

Naruto lifted an eyebrow. "I'm assuming that since you know what you should look like, then you will understand this next part. Since you hold the nine-tails at bay, and since the villagers are stupid, they would have thought with the more angular jaw and red hair, that you were the Nine tails itself. It also protects you as your mother had enemies that would have kidnapped you for their own purposes." He explained.

"Thank you for telling me. Is there anything that you can tell me about my parents?" Naruto asked. "I know that the fourth Hokage was your godfather. Not you actual father. Your mother is in fact an Uzumaki, and that makes you one of the last, and also a clan heir to any place that would take you. Since you live here, and with prior instructions from your godfather, the Uzumaki clan is eligible to join the council when you achieve chunin, or become fifteen. I have know idea who your father was, only that he died at the end of the third Shinobi world war. I also have a confession to make Naruto, Your mother, she's still alive."

I hope you like the new and improved version. The bloodline will no longer be ash, I'm sorry to say, but I plan on incorporating elements to the new bloodline. I kinda stayed with the old version here, but for the most part the story will be different, with the exception to a few things. The Akatsuki will not be in this story to the same extent as it is in the cannon. Please review. I bid you all adieu.