Author's note
Well, folks, this is it! The final chapter in 'A Case of Mystery and Love'.
I was determined to finish this story before the end of 2016, and I did. This is one of my best stories that I have written!
I would like to thank all these sources that inspired me to write this FanFiction.
First, I would to thank DisneyFanatic2364's FanFiction and audio drama 'Bride of Discord'.
Second, I like to thank the Disney movie 'Zootopia'.
And finally, I would like to thank my younger brother most of all, who helped me write and edit this story with all its funny moments and ocs!
Enjoy the final chapter!
Ch. 15-Happy Ending
The scene switches back to the present time as Twilight finished telling the story and looked at her friends. Babs Seed just sat there, smiling in awe to what she had just heard.
Finally, she spoke. "So, if Granny Smith hadn't told you about the night howlers, you never would have saved Equestria."
"That's right!" Applejack said with a smile. "Good ol' Granny Smith told us all about them night howlers!"
Wiping the tears from her eyes with a handkerchief, Rarity said, "Oh, telling this story all gets me crying every time."
"ME TOO!" wailed Pinkie Pie as she cried in joy. Her tears came rushing out like a fountain and got all over Spike.
Fluttershy smiled. "And I finally understood what Zecora meant when she gave me that advice. Despite how Discord looks on the outside, it is the goodness of his heart and feelings for me that I love. I'm proud to say that I'm glad to have a wonderful friend like him and someone I would like to spend the rest of my life with."
Starlight Glimmer turned her head to a clock and gasped. "Oh my goodness!" She said. "Look at the time!"
Twilight and the others saw it too and they gasped.
"Sweet Celestia! It's almost time!" Rarity said.
"We better get ready and fast!" Rainbow Dash said.
They all rushed out the door. As Starlight followed her friends, she didn't see where she was going and bumped into someone. When she looked up, she gasped in surprise. It was Sunburst.
"Sunburst?" She said in surprise.
Sunburst looked at her in surprise before he smiled. "We have to stop bumping into each other like this."
Starlight smiled before she replied, "I'm surprised that you are here as well."
"Well, when I heard that my best friend was going to be the best mare, I just had to come."
Starlight Glimmer blushed when he said that. It was true that she was the best mare. Since she was the one who knew that Fluttershy and Discord were falling in love, she offered to be the best mare.
Looking at the unicorn, Starlight said, "Well, I'm glad that you came."
Rubbing his foreleg, Sunburst said, "Hey, I was wondering, after the wedding, if you would like to share a dance with me."
Looking at the stallion, Starlight said, "Of course! I would love to share a dance with you!"
The two of them looked at each other for a moment until Rainbow Dash's voice called out them.
"Hey, you two lovebirds! Hurry up! The best mare has to be ready in fifteen minutes!"
They both looked at each other before they smiled and followed the others.
As they hurried along, Spike and the CMC were the last ones to leave. Spike didn't seem as worried as before.
Scootaloo looked at him as they ran along. "You feeling better, Spike?"
Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. "You were really nervous earlier."
"Yeah," Spike replied happily. "Listening to the whole story all over again made me forget what I was so worried about. I wonder what it was."
"Well, whatever it was, it must not be important." Sweetie Belle added.
In the room, the Mane Six's pets were still sitting at the window, only they all had bowls of popcorn. They sat back and continued watching the 'performance' going on outside.
Outside, once again, the Thief lifted up his pole, which was much longer than any of the other poles he had used. It would have been long enough to knock over 50 ponies all at once.
By now, the Thief was tired, bruised, aching, and frustrated. Despite all this, he wasn't going to give up just yet.
"Alright, folks." The Thief thought to himself. "It all comes down to this."
The Thief stared at the statue to gain his focus. "After 999 failed attempts, he's gonna make another move."
He lifted up his pole and began running. "Will he make it? Alright folks, here he goes!"
With that, the Thief pole-vaulted himself off of the ground. He went up higher and higher. He was only a few inches away from the statue and the emerald. Finally, he was close to the shining emerald.
"Yes! Yes! Yeeesss, yes!" He thought to himself as he desperately reached for the emerald, smiling in joy. Unfortunately, it was out of his reach by only a few inches. With that, he began falling downward.
The pets watched as the Thief tried to grab the emerald, only to fail for the thousandth time.
"Ooh! So close." Angel Bunny thought.
The Thief then fell downwards from the statue and down towards the buildings below.
Instead of crashing into the building with a large splat, he slid down the spiral stairway, mentally mumbling and shouting to himself. "Where-Wha-Whoa!" He slid off the end of the stairway and landed straight into a fabric awning and bounced off of it. "Oof!"
He bounced right into another one and went straight into a pole holding the flag of Equestria, only to twirl around it and go flying once again. "Ahhhaa! Whoa!"
He landed against a clothesline and headed straight for an open window that a female earth pony was using to water her plants. When she saw the Thief, she yelled in surprise and slammed the window shut. The Thief landed against it with a thud before falling downward.
"Hello to you too," The Thief thought as he continued falling down. His snout caught on another clothesline and he did a twirl before crashing and twirling into another clothesline.
"So many awnings." He thought after bouncing yet another awning, only to bounce into another one.
"Whoa! Whoo! Whoo!" The Thief thought nervously as he fell downward.
Down below, a royal guard was trying to reason with a delivery pony setting a trampoline that would have made Pinkie Pie all giddy in two seconds.
"Look." The royal guard said, trying not to get annoyed. "For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline for the wedding."
The delivery pony just looked at the guard with an equally annoyed face. "You know, pal, you could have told me that before I set it up."
Neither of them noticed a familiar silent, green earth pony in a brown cloak land in the middle of the trampoline. "OOF!" The Thief then bounced right back up to land up against an awning and to bounce against another one and go flying.
As he went flying, he twirled around a pole holding up a stand and went flying in the other direction. In slow motion, he passed by a window where inside he briefly noticed a baby unicorn, who babbled happily at him before he continued flying by.
The Thief began to crash through a window and go right through a building right out the window.
"OOF! Ow! Hey! Oops! Ah! Whoa!
The Thief sailed through building after building and out through every window. As he did, pony voices could be heard in each building.
"My leg!"
As he did, he was holding a potted plant for every window he went through. The last one he went through, he had a rose in his mouth and a female pony's voice was heard screaming.
"Ooooohh," The Thief thought as he looked back. "Naughty."
He then bounced into an awning and slid down a longer one. Once he was back on solid ground, he stumbled about dizzyingly.
"Well, Marv," The Thief thought to himself in a dizzy, goofy tone. "This concludes our pole-vaulting event."
He continued stumbling about before he thought, "And now let's move on to the floor exercises."
With that, the Thief, tired and worn out, collapsed to the ground with a thud.
As he lay there, a mother duck and her ducklings waddled by, quacking as if it were an ordinary day.
At the altar, everypony was already in position for the wedding. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were lined up beside the bride's vacant space, Starlight Glimmer stood beside Discord, Spike holding the pillows with the rings, and Twilight was standing in the middle, underneath the arch of roses. The Mane Six's pets, who had just finished their popcorn while watching the Thief, were there as well.
The guests had arrived as well. Some of the guests that were there were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Sunburst, most of Applejack's relatives, including Braeburn with Little Strongheart and a light blue earth pony with a dark blue beard and a goofy grin called Sloppy Joe. (But that's another story). Others that were there were Fluttershy's family, Pinkie Pie's family, including Maude Pie, Twilight's and Shining Armor's parents, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance holding Baby Pure Heart, Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents, the Cakes and their toddlers, Zecora, Mayor Mare, Cheese Sandwich, Caramel, Soarin, Spitfire, Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda, Bulk Biceps, Derpy, Cheerilee, Sweetie Drops and Lyra Heartstrings, Doctor Whooves, Mr. Hoof and his marefriend, their two teddy bears, Officer Gruff, Inspector Fantastic, Number Two, Antic and the rest of Discord's family, Mental, Mr. and Mrs. Otterus and their kids, George, Bernice, Juan Rico, Mr. Big Daddy, Fifi, a dozen different-looking pony thugs wearing black suits, the CMC's friends, and many other ponies and draconequuses.
Discord stood there, feeling nervous.
Starlight noticed this and said, "Don't worry, Discord. It's gonna be alright."
"Easy for you to say." Discord said. "You're not the one getting married. I'm worried that I'll mess it all up."
"Just take deep breaths."
Discord did, only he did it faster than he should have. "I'm trying. It's not helping."
Starlight remembered how Discord helped Fluttershy at the press conference and said, "This is a very important day for you and Fluttershy. Fluttershy wouldn't want you to be nervous."
"How would you feel if you were the one standing at the altar, about to make the biggest decision of your-?!"
He was interrupted when the bird chorus began to sing the bridal march, which Angel was directing them. The doors opened as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed hopped down the aisle, scattering flowers petals as everyone watched.
Finally, Fluttershy entered in the altar, looking beautiful in her wedding dress. When he saw her, Discord's nervous face faded away as he looked at her with a smile. Starlight noticed this and smiled. She knew that the draconequus wasn't feeling nervous anymore, now that he has seen his beloved Fluttershy looking more beautiful than ever before.
As Fluttershy walked passed them, Inspector Fantastic and Number Two smiled as if they were about to cry. Just then, Number Two noticed something. Sitting right beside them was Officer Gruff, who looked like he was going to cry.
"Officer Gruff, sir? Are you crying?" Number Two asked.
"Huh? Uh, no no." Officer Gruff said, wiping away the tear with a hoof. "I just got...something in my eye, that's all."
Inspector Fantastic, however, was on the verge of bursting out tears of joy. "I...I promised meself that I wouldn't...that I wouldn't...Oh, lumme, 'oo am I tryin' ter kid?!" With that, Inspector Fantastic burst into tears of happiness while Number Two patted him comfortingly. Officer Gruff rolled his eyes and smiled.
As she walked up the steps, Fluttershy looked at Discord with a smile. After they gave each other loving looks, they turned to Twilight.
"Citizens of Equestria," the alicorn said to the guests as she began to speak. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Fluttershy and Discord. These two have shown us that no matter how one might look on the outside, we can see who they are on the inside if we try to understand one another. The love of these two have proven to us all that no matter how hard things were up ahead, no matter how many trials they faced, the feelings they have for each other was strong to overcome them all."
Turning to Discord, she said, "Do you, Discord, take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?"
Looking at the pegasus, Discord said, "I do."
"And do you, Fluttershy, take this draconequus to be your lawfully husband for as long as you both shall live?"
Fluttershy looked at the draconequus with adoring eyes and smiled. "I do."
Twilight smiled and turned to Spike. "May we have the rings?"
Spike approached the alicorn with the pillow and she used her magic to levitate the two rings. One that was attached to a gold chain was placed around Fluttershy's neck while the other ring slid onto Discord's eagle claw.
"By the power invested in me," the alicorn continued. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Discord lifted Fluttershy into a dip and the two of them kissed. As they kissed, the guests gave out a cheer.
As the cheering continued, Applejack nudged Rainbow Dash.
"Uh, Rainbow Dash?" she said.
The blue pegasus looked at her in confusion for a moment, but then realized what she was trying to tell her.
"Oh, right!"
She zoomed out of her gown and raced outside. Once outside, she took to the skies and launched a sonic rainboom as everyone watched in awe.
"BEST...WEDDING...EVER!" Pinkie Pie shouted.
As she watched the couple, Starlight Glimmer smiled. Fluttershy and Discord were now together, forever. Just then, she felt a hoof touched her shoulder. Turning her head, she saw Sunburst standing right beside her.
As he looked at her, Sunburst said, "Hey, I know it's kind of early, but all I want to say is...I love you."
Starlight looked at him and smiled in return. "And I love you."
Finally, the two unicorns looked at each other romantically and nuzzled their noses.
"And I love big distractions like weddings." The Thief thought to himself as he once again got ready to pole-vault himself to the statue again.
The Thief launched himself into the air and went towards the statue. However, he went right through the legs of the statue and fell downward.
"Eeeeeyoooooooooowwwwwwwww! WWWWHHOOOAA!" The Thief thought as he went flying once again.
Angel watched the whole thing and rolled his eyes.
Nighttime came, and everything was dark. Suddenly, bright lights flashed on and a stage appeared. The stage was surrounded by thousands of ponies, draconequuses, buffaloes, griffons, and yaks. On the stage was none other than Singing Diva herself, wearing a beautiful purple dress with stars decorated on it! Around her were four pony dancers.
Then the music began to start playing.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
"Good evening, Equestria!" Singing Diva said to the audience as they were cheering.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
"Come on, everypony! Put your hooves up!" She said as she used her magic to hold up a microphone before she began to sing.
Singing Diva: I messed up tonight
I lost another fight
Lost to myself but I'll just start again
Singing Diva's voice was like an angel with a spunky voice. As she sung, she danced about while the pony dancers danced along with her.
I keep falling down
I keep on hitting the ground
Among the crowd was Snips, Snails, and Bulk Biceps, who wore 'I love Singing Diva' t-shirts and they were overjoyed at seeing their favorite idol up close.
But I always get up now to see what's next
Singing Diva continued singing as Twilight and her friends danced along to the music. The CMC and Babs Seed smiled as they joined in as well.
I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
The gigantic crowd danced along to the upbeat music. Lights of different color flashed around, illuminating the entire area.
No, I won't leave
I want to try everything
I want to try even though I could fail
As Lyra and Sweetie Drops danced, Sloppy Joe came as he did a goofy country dance and his long, bushy beard went out and tickled the two mares. They both yelped in surprise and started laughing hysterically.
I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
Big Mac and Cheerilee danced while Mr. Hoof and his marefriend were doing their own goofy dance. BraeBurn and Little Strong were square dancing.
No, I won't leave
I want to try everything
I want try even though I could fail
Antic was dancing while Zecora did a tribal dance next to her. Nearby, the Mane Six's pets were dancing together with the beat.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
George and Bernice both danced as well, the sloth draconequuses dancing extremely slow.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
The two identical pony thugs just stood there. But they moved their heads to the beat at the same time while Mr. Big Daddy and Fifi, who was still pregnant, moved along to the music. The cat was on Mr. Big Daddy's lap and purred affectionately.
Try everything!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Pinkie Pie's family was dancing very slowly, completely opposite to the way Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were as they danced together.
Look how far you've come
You filled your heart with love
Baby, you done enough
Take a deep breath
Among the enormous crowd, the Thief was there as well. There were so ponies and other creatures dancing about that they didn't seem to notice the wanted pony. He was smiling a wide grin while he did his own strange dance, which was having his hooves up in the air and pulling them back down while he moved his legs back and forth randomly.
Don't beat yourself up
No need to run so fast
Sometimes we come last
But we did our best
Mental was also doing his own strange dance while Granny Smith was tap-dancing like crazy next to him.
I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
Officer Gruff, Inspector Fantastic, and Number Two seen were all dancing along as well. Since all three of them were big fans of Singing Diva, they were at the concert also. Even Officer Gruff seemed happy as ever.
No, I won't leave
I want to try everything
I want to try even though I could fail
The scene shifted to the Manehattan jail where the whole concert was being shown on a small t.v. Beside the t.v. was a security guard on duty. In front of the t.v. were several ponies criminals watching as they were sitting in chairs. Sitting in a chair was Shimmering Beauty frowning angrily while her thugs were sitting nearby. Sniper still had his grim expression while drinking a latte while Walter and Jeff were sitting nearby. Shimmering Beauty watched as her other three thugs were tapping their hooves to the beat. The dim-witted pony seemed to be happier than the others. Shimmering Beauty just glared at him before the scene shifted back to the concert in Canterlot.
I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
Rainbow Dash was smiling as Soarin joined her dance. They both flew around in the air along with many other pegasi.
No, I won't leave
I want to try everything
I want try even though I could fail
Caramel joined Applejack in her dance and they square-danced together. Even Rarity was enjoying her dance with Spike. The baby dragon was also enjoying his dance with his crush.
I'll keep on making those new mistakes
I'll keep on making them every day
Those new mistakes
As she danced with her friends, Starlight Glimmer spotted Sunburst and he did as well. Finally, the two unicorns danced together.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
The audience continued dancing as Singing Diva and her dancers danced together.
"Come on, everypony!" Pinkie Pie said in excitement. "Shake those tails like you mean it!"
I'll keep on making those new mistakes
I'll keep on making them every day
Those new mistakes
As Singing Diva continued singing, everypony cheered. Fluttershy hugged Discord, who was surprised for a moment before he smiled and stroked her mane as she nuzzled while Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed gave each other a high-hoof.
Split scenes show Officer Gruff, Inspector Fantastic, Number Two, and Antic still dancing while Shimmering Beauty was still frowning in prison. The dim-witted pony smiled as he began to softly touch her beautiful hair. When she noticed this, she swatted him away and crossed her hooves angrily while he sheepishly smiled and shrugged.
Another split scene show Shining Armor and Princess Cadance as they danced with a happy Pure Heart. Celestia and Luna smiled as they listened to the song while Mental nodded his head in rhythm with the beat with a goofy smile.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
The next split scenes show Mayor Flashhoof, who was still in jail, as he was reading a magazine and smiled. The Otterus family danced happily as Mr. Otterus twirled around with his wife.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
The next split scenes show Mr. Hoof and his marefriend as they continued dancing goofy. The Thief was still smiling as he continued his own dance until he saw a necklace from the corner of his eye and snatched it before he continued dancing. He didn't know that it was his own necklace that he stole. Bootleg was was moonwalking to the dance when he spotted a pony with money in a pocket. He smiled and grabbed it before he continued dancing.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Try everything!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
As the song was coming to an end, Singing Diva's dancers stopped right next to her and striking poses. Singing Diva smiled to the audience before she sang one more time.
Try everything
Fireworks lit up the night sky as everyone cheered.
Voice Cast
Andrea Libman: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
John De Lancio: Discord
Christian Bale: Unicorn Discord
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Cathy Weseluck: Spike
Kelly Sheridan: Starlight Glimmer
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Luna, Granny Smith
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Madeleine Peters: Scootaloo
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia, Cheerilee
Britt Mckillip: Princess Cadance
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor
Bryanna Drummond: Babs Seed
Peter New: Big Macintosh
Michael Dangerfield: Braeburn
Erin Matthews: Little Strongheart
Chuck Huber: Caramel
Scott McNeil: Rover, other Diamond Dogs
Garry Chalk: Fido, other Diamond Dogs
Lee Tockar: Spot, other Diamond Dogs
Brenda Crichlow: Zecora
Ian Hanlin: Sunburst
Jonathan Winters: The Thief
Kaley Cuoco: Antic
Rowan Atkinson: Mr. Hoof
Shakira: Singing Diva
Sam Palladio: Flashhoof
Sandra Bullock: Shimmering Beauty
David Jason: Inspector Fantastic
Martin Freeman: Number Two
Chris Metzen: Officer Gruff, Manehattan police ponies
Alan Tudyk: Bootleg
Melissa Rauch: Fifi
Octavia Spencers: Mrs. Otterus
Tommy Chong: Mental
Gita Reddy: Kayla
Jim Parsons: George
Mayim Blake: Bernice
Corey Burton: Mr. Big Daddy
Jesse Corti: Juan Rico, pony thugs
Jackson Stein: Mean Young Unicorn
Younger Discord: Kath Soucie
Katie Lowes: Unnamed female unicorn doctor
Rich Moore: Sniper
John DiMaggio: Walter, Jeff, pony thugs, Manehattan police ponies, Diamond Dogs
Kevin James: Shimmering Beauty's crony# 1
Fred Tatasciore: Shimmering Beauty's crony# 3, Officer McHoof, pony thugs
Additional voices: Tom Kenny, Frank Welker, Yuri Lowenthal, Patrick Seitz, Grey Delise, Steve Blum, Nolan North
Author's note
And there's the end of my story!
The part where the Thief tries for the emerald while saying 'yes' over and over again is one of my brother's favorite parts in this story. The part with the giant trampoline was one of my brother's favorite parts as well.
Read, post, and review!
Happy Holidays, everypony!