Next few days, Wyatt was trying to describe how Elak attacked. Preparing best he could without giving out too much information from the future which wasn't that easy.

"OK. Question" said Paige. "How did she manage to send Barbas back? We vanquished him"

"Repeatedly" added Phoebe.

"It's a dark potion she does to bring them back"

"How can she do that?" asked Wyatt.

"Using her own flesh into the mix" answered future Wyatt. Faces dropped at the seriousness of these new potions used against them.

"Those dark vapors are also done like that? We hadn't encountered them till she came along" asked Chris.

"Not exactly. She knew where the Pyxis box was, she just made use of its magic"

"Which is…?" inquired Paige.

"Demons life essence" added future Wyatt to another face dropping moment. Things were getting awfully serious. "What u really need to worry about is how much she knows about our family. She knows how much we care for each other, she knows our weaknesses and she will make use of them to get to us and get her way"

"And what way would that be?" asked an afraid Phoebe.

"She came back to defeat people who presented a problem for her war in the future"

"War? Against who?" asked Wyatt.

"Everyone, everywhere"

"Go on" said Piper gulping.

"People who posse a particular threat in her plans. She'll try to eliminate them before they get a chance to oppose her"

"Edward?" asked Sam hesitantly. Future Wyatt nodded disappointedly. Wyatt held her close.

"What about Henry?" asked Paige defiantly.

"Him too"

"Which means she'll try again" said Chris. "What about me?"

"She already sent Barbas after him" explained Piper. Future Wyatt didn't say anything but they knew the answer was yes.

Over the next few days, future Wyatt listed things they could add to potions or add to rituals to enhance their effect in case Elak decided to attack more directly any of them.

"If you bake this root before storing it, it'll concentrate and work better in vanquishing potions" he was telling Piper and Chris.

"I'll text Sam and Wyatt so they bring some more for baking" Chris started texting.

""Some of these we haven't used, but they sound so familiar" Piper held the list up to her face.

"Some are just the same roots but cut younger or prepared differently: said Wyatt taking the note from her hands and putting it in his pocket. Piper and Chris stared at each other for a moment agreeing that had been an odd move.

To their amazement, future Wyatt's potion enhancers worked beautifully. Tackled a few of the recent demons, trying to find Elak's hideout. They had decided a hunt for information before even begin to think of fighting Elak herself was the right way to go. Leo spend all time he could at Witch School trying to find more about meddling with the future. Both his son had done it now and knowing more about them was the only thing keeping him from panicking about it. He took his grandchildren and daughter with him most of the time, since the consensus had been that there of all places would be the safest.

The sisters were interrogating as many demons as they could find surfacing the city. Henry kept tipping them off of disturbances before reporting them in, buying them some time to handle it.

Meanwhile in the underworld. The Halliwell's sudden interest in Elak hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Maybe you should consider not targeting the Halliwell clan for a while… letting the dust settle a bit…" a demon addressed Elak sitting on a chair opposite her. Elak was sitting sideways on a living room chair, her legs up the edge, feet dangling up and down in thought. The demon feared she might blow him to pieces, but to her relief Elak addressed her.

"Mmmm, I traveled almost 20 years to kill them. Do you honestly believe I don't already know what they're doing?"

"There's been a lot of s dying out there" reprimanded the first one to a filthy stare from Elak. He could feel a chill down his evil spine. To his relief, however, she smiled. That sick smile she always did when being overly confident.

"Poor little demons are defenseless against some cheap tricks from the future?" she suddenly stood up making the rest jump to their feet as well. "If he wants to play dirty. We can play dirty" she laughed to herself. She seemed to remember she wasn't alone in the room and addressed them. "I got more tricks up my sleeve than they can imagine. I got something they won't be able to destroy. Trust me. They won't dare stop me"

After a couple weeks of vanquishing left and right, a few of the demons were getting harder and harder to destroy.

"I could swear I vanquished his ass two days ago!" said an angry Phoebe to a beat up Paige, helping her up the ground.

"I think we did" she added dusting her clothes, before orbing back.

They orbed back to the manor where Piper was still stirring the same bubbling pot she was when they left.

"Déjà vu?" said Paige.

"No, lunch" said Piper. "Thought we might have a nice meal in between all the demon-killing-magic-brewing action" she said facing the pot. "How did it go?" she sighed.

"Well, he's dead, but…" started Paige making painful noises as she sat slowly on a kitchen chair.

"But what?" Piper finally looked up.

"I think we might have vanquished him already this week"

"Like for a second time?"

"Yes" exhaled Phoebe. "Gotta talk to future Wyatt about that. Where is he?"

"He's at home brewing stuff of their own. He insisted he did some of the potions himself" Phoebe dialed Wyatt's number.

"Hey Wyatt, is the future you around? I need to ask him something"

"Sure, Aunt Phoebe. Hold on" there was a pause and the same voice came through. "Hello?"

"Which Wyatt am I speaking to?" laughed Phoebe awkwardly. She continued asking him about the incident and he explained some of the things the demons might be using now with Elak's information. Present Wyatt was chopping some things and placing them next to the pot ready to be added.

Future Wyatt was pacing back and forth, still on the phone. He turned back to the kitchen and Sam was adding the herbs while his other self was bottling some cool ones. "Stay away from that!" he yelled dropping the phone. Before they had time to discuss his reaction, Sam had started coughing and sweating like crazy. "Take her away from this stuff, I told you only I…we, could handle this particular potion"

"I didn't think it was that important" said Wyatt staring at himself worried.

"Well, it is" he checked Sam's pupils and took her pulse. "She'll be fine. Just… take her to the bedroom where she can't smell any of this stuff" Wyatt did what he told himself to do. First, he had to make sure she was fine, then…the truth. He took her upstairs and laid her on the bed. He tried healing her but there was nothing apparently wrong with her. She was still sweating, but she was no longer coughing. Her breathing was faster than usual. He sat next to the bed holding her hand until she was back to normal and fell asleep on his advice.