Piper, Phoebe and Paige decided on their half to talk about the so called reunion of theirs.

"You could have backed me up a little more!" said an angry Piper.

"Piper, we have to see their side of this too! Haven't we proven that already?" exclaimed Phoebe. Piper gave an irritated grunt.

"Sometimes I wish… never mind"

"What is it, Piper? It's us" said Paige. Piper sighed before speaking again.

"What if the whole Sam situation was a mistake?"

"How do you mean?" asked Paige.

"What if they never got together in the first place?"

"Oh honey, you don't mean that" said Phoebe.

"Maybe I do" the sisters were silent for a while "I don't know"

"What if we find out?" said Paige. She walked to the Book of Shadows and started perusing through the pages. "Maybe we could get a glimpse of what things would be like without them meeting each other" she ripped the piece of paper with the written spell on it.

"Would that give you some peace of mind?" asked an uncomfortable Phoebe. Piper shrugged. "I guess we'll see"

They gathered around the potion and chanted the spell:

To give our mind some peace

Let us see what must be seen

Through endless possibilities

Let us know what might have been.

They landed on their own bodies away from each other. Unexpectedly, Sam did too.

"What the h…?"


"Morning, W….oah!" Sam jumped out of bed scared to see Danny wearing nothing but a towel. "What are you doing here?! What am I doing here?!" it just dawned on her she was in the trailer she had lived with Danny once.

"What's up with you?"

"I need… coffee. You want one?" she ran past him and took the keys off the hook in the kitchen where they used to be. She left a confused Danny behind and went for the car. "Start, you old piece of junk! No wonder I sold you!" the car roared to life and she pushed the pedal as far as it would go. She went to her house first where there was another family playing in the front yard. She pulled over just the same.

"Excuse me. Hi. Is Wyatt home?"

"I'm sorry. We don't know any Wyatt"

"Really? Wyatt Halliwell"

"Oh, the Halliwell manor is just a block down, but I think they sold it"

"They what?"

"Is everything OK?" Sam nodded and walked back to the car.

Meanwhile, Piper…

"Leo?" asked Piper into the darkness of the room she was in. She pulled back a curtain and saw she was in a biker's crib. There were sleeping bearded leathered covered people all around the furniture and the floor. She noticed she was wearing right about the same clothes. "Oh my God" she said to herself climbing through the bodies and heading for the door.

"This can't be good" she said to herself.

"Where are you going?" said a voice behind her. Apparently, she had left somebody behind the room she just left. Piper opened her mouth a couple times but she got nothing. The man walking toward her now lit a cigarrete before going for a kiss, which Piper avoided with a nervous smile.

"Ran out of cigarretes!" she said a bit too loud.

"Alright, bring me some cold brewskis while you're at it" he spanked her before she left. She would have wanted to burst his head open for it but she had to play along if she was to find her answers. "Aren't you forgetting something?" the biker followed her out.

"Am I?" said Piper. The man grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him.

"Just pull it out" he said softly.

"What's that now?" she said nervously feeling something digging at her hip. He smiled and pulled a single key out of his pocket. "Oh, right!" he kissed her and Piper made her lips as tight as she could before turning to the motorcycle in front of them. With all the effort in the world she remembered the one time she had driven a motorcycle and drove off fast hoping to God she would remember how to use the brakes on time.

Phoebe on the other hand…

She was sitting in front of a mirror half-naked. She gathered some clothes and got dressed.

"Woah" she said as somebody grabbed her waist when she sat on the bed. "Oh, I'm sorry if I woke you, hun-n-n…" it wasn't Cooper. "I need to…"

"I know what you need" said the handsome thing in bed trying to pull her over.

"Oh, God no! I- I-I… must see… my sister, sisters" she left as fast as she could, but the boy finally left the bed to chase after her leaving all trace of fabric behind.

"It can't be that urgent, come on…" he started kissing her neck as she curled up against the wall.

"Oh but it is… could you keep that away please?" she said avoiding looking straight at the naked body trying to rub against her.

"What… this?" he smiled "Oh, I see what you want" he kneeled in front of her where Phoebe stopped his head from getting any further. "Oooh you wanna play it like that" he smiled.

"I'll tell you what…you sit back on the bed and I'll surprise you" said Phoebe trying to get him away from her. The boy obediently sat back on the edge of the bed and stared at her. Phoebe blocked the overly fond welcome with her hands before turning her head around. "OK, now close your eyes" she said slowly walking slightly towards him. "No peeking" she waved her hands a couple times making sure he wasn't looking before she made a quiet and quick escape.

Sam went to Paige's office and tried asking for her. She only managed to get an address out of everyone's weird out faces.

She drove into a cemetery unsure if she had hit the right address, scared she might. She asked the caretaker who reassured her she had the right place. Unsure where to even start looking she asked the man about Paige. Sadly, he did know where she was.

"Henry?" asked Sam almost reaching Paige's resting place.

"Sorry do I know you?" he looked up from where he sat.

"I know… knew Paige" Sam said feeling a big gulp stuck in her throat.

"Friend of hers?"

"You can say that" Sam kneeled close to Henry, unable to really look at Paige's resting place if not from the corner of her eye. "I… hadn't spoken to her in years"

"I see" Henry barely lifted his eyes from her grave. The air was getting thicker and thicker. "Were you friends with her sisters?" he said aggressively.

"Umh… through her" Sam answered quickly.

"Well, you might want to stay clear off them"

"Why's that? Wasn't she close to them?"

"Hah, way too close. I warned her. When that boy started to… I knew they would choose him over anyone else, even her"

"You mean her sisters… ?" Sam couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I know they got off by using their tricks, but I also know they're guilty" Sam's heart sank lower than it ever had been. This was just not possible. "So much for family, huh?"

"The sisters I knew… would have never… hurt one of theirs…"

"I guess it's all about how high you are in the food chain. Our young before our siblings. I guess that would have made sense even for her. Bless her"

"Wait. You mean… umh…" she knew what to ask, but she wasn't sure she wanted to hear what he had to say.

"That boy of Piper's. The eldest… Wyatt" her mouth went dry and her heart seemed to have forgotten how to beat properly. Blood pressure rising, her head felt like it was about to blow. Before she could open her mouth again, Henry was back to aggressive. "Some nerve you got to come here at all!" he was about to reach for his gun. Sam, still unable to say a word, held his hand. He helped her up.

"Sam?" asked Phoebe.

"I think I better leave. Thanks for coming. She always treasured her friends" smiled Henry as faintly as a whisper in a tornado and left at full speed.

"So you know me?"

"Of course, but what are you doing here?" asked Piper.

"I'm in weirdo-land. And since you're about the only ones that recognize me, I'm prepared to bet you had something to do with this"

"Kinda" confessed Phoebe.

"Where's Paige? They sent us here from her job"

"Well, I might as well fill you in" said Sam rudely. "Whatever the hell you guys did, sent me right back to my ex and Paige right where I'm standing"

"What?" asked Phoebe. She broke down and cried as she saw the engraving. Piper wasn't crying. She froze and stared at the letters.

"It seems, somehow you were taking Wyatt's side and had to fight Paige"

"Sides? How…?"

"Don't I want to know, Phoebe!"

"We need to fix this" Piper's words were not more than a whisper.

"Fix what? What did you guys do?" asked Sam enraged. Phoebe looked at Piper who wasn't looking as she was going to talk any time soon.

"We cast a spell to see what would have happened if you and Wyatt hadn't met"

"Why would you do that?"

"We needed to clear things out" answered Piper.

"Are they clear enough now?" Sam said angrily. "You took my entire family out! My father, my brother, my husband, my children!"

"We're so sorry" said Phoebe speaking for the both of them. "We'll get them back. This was just a glimpse. We will get back"

"How exactly? We were supposed to see what needed to be seen, without Paige…" said Piper.

"Where is everybody?"

"I don't know. They're not in our house. We don't even have a house. I never opened Brightest Blessings"

"How are you so sure?"

"Because, Piper, I opened that store because I needed something to hold on to after giving up Wyatt" Sam had never talked about this to anyone.

"You gave him up?"

"I knew he had too much of a destiny and beyond to be stuck with me"

"But he found you" said Phoebe staring at her sister. "Just like Coop said…" At the mention of his name he jumped out of a locket Phoebe hadn't been aware she was wearing. She flung herself to his arms.

"Coop… not that I'm not glad to see you… but huh?"

"I'm with her on this one" said Piper.

"Phoebe, what changed your mind?" he said confused.

"About what?"

"About us… after what happened with Paige you locked your heart away from everyone"

"And I locked you in this?" she asked holding up the locket.

"No, I accepted to be your prisoner until you finally said my name with the same love you used to" she kissed him again.

"This keeps getting better and better" said Sam rubbing her arm in distress.

"OK. Coop, I need… we need you to get us to Wyatt"

"What for? It'll be crawling with demons as usual"

"Where is he?" asked Sam concerned.

"Where he always is, at the Halliwell manor. Who are you?" he added after a minute.

"Long story. Listen, this is gonna sound insane, but it's the best shot we have" said Phoebe.

"He'll kill you. And I'm not sure who you are, but he'll kill you anyway"

"I still need to see him" said Sam. "Please"

"I guess… I could… follow their love trace for you Piper, but after Leo I don't know how successful I'll be"

"What about Leo?" Phoebe nodded and hugged him tighter before he answered Piper.

"Wyatt killed him. Chris had to hurt you to save you from him" Coop took them to Leo's grave which was covered in roots. Here lies Leo Wyatt beloved husband and brother.

Piper fell to her knees and cried.

They decided to give her some space. Seeking the shade of the tree, they walked away.

Sam threw up right behind the tree.

"Are you alright?" asked Phoebe.

"Peachy" Sam wiped her mouth. There was blood on her sleeve. "Great"

"What…?" Phoebe gave her one of her many scarves to wipe on.

"It's OK. I figure if I'm with Danny he might have hit something important by now" she said spitting the remains of her sick.

"We need to get to Wyatt" said Piper coming back, wiping the bitter tears from her eyes. "You alright?"

"As right as I can be" said Sam still wiping her mouth.

"We're gonna fix this" she said with the determination only she could muster. Cooper put his ring on and they all moved through space unseen.

They reappeared by a bed with a woman on top of someone wearing her undergarments.

"Oh my…!"


"Honey, I don't control the…"

"Mom?" said Chris putting his shirt back on. "Who are you?"

"Somebody who can see your fly wide open" said Sam covering her eyes.

"Leave us, Bianca" the girl shimmered away.

"A demon, really?"

"Piper, focus!"

"We need to see Wyatt"

"I still don't know who the hell you are!"

"Watch it young man!"

"I don't, mom! And what are you doing here? I promised Wyatt I'd stay if he left you alone. You're not supposed to come here at all!"

"Coop, you need to take them out of here"

"What are you doing?"

"Piper, this is the best plan we have, right?" Piper was still staring in shock. "But if it doesn't work, I want to know at least you guys will have time to give it another shot"

"Please, Uncle Coop. Get my mom out of here" there was sadness in his voice. Without so much as a second to spare Coop grabbed Piper and Phoebe and disappeared with them.

"Alright. Let's get this over with"

"Why do you want to see my brother? He will surely kill you"

"I.. have my reasons. You wouldn't believe me if I told you" Sam went to pat him on the shoulder. Even in his dark version, Sam was not afraid of him.

"Try me" he said taking her hand off him gently.

"I'm his wife"

"His what?"

"In… another reality, I marry your brother. You have three beautiful nephews and a gorgeous baby sister" her tears were silent on her beaten cheeks. "I just need to see him"

"Are you sure that'll bring your reality back?"

"No. I don't" she wiped her tears. "But if there's any chance of seeing him at least one more time… I'll take my chances"

"You really love him"

"No more than you" she smiled to him.

Finally, Chris led her through the demon infested house as a pledger who wanted to ask a favor of Wyatt himself.

"A human? Chris, I told you I wouldn't receive any more of them"

"Just, listen to her" Wyatt impatiently dismissed all others from the room. "Thank you" bored, he stared at Sam. "If you got something to say… this is the time" but Sam was back home where she could see him laughing and bouncing their babies in his shoulder. She didn't see the king of magic; she saw the love of her life. She walked to him without a word and even to Chris's surprise Wyatt let her kiss him. She was by his side. Nothing else mattered.

"No!" yelled Chris as Wyatt plunged an athame into her gut. "Wait!"

"I love you" she said as she bled in Chris's arms.

"Got yourself a fan there bro" laughed Wyatt.

"She meant you" Wyatt kept on laughing. "For a long time, I've stuck by you because I hoped you were still in there somewhere, but…I was wrong" Sam died in his arms right then.