Please leave a review! Well, here it is! The final chapter! Wow! Time flies! Just like before I posted the first chapter of the next story before this one. So, if you enjoyed the first two then check that one out. It's called "Mistake" in case you forgot.

Chapter Thirty: Slow and Steady

It was quiet except for the crashing of the waves down below. Hiccup sat alone on top of a cliff. He wasn't far from Berk, but not to close. He just wanted some time to calm down and move on from the Hell that he just endured.


Hiccup turned to see Astrid standing a few feet away. Stormy was behind her, as was Toothless. "Hey."

"Mind if I sit with you?" Astrid asked cautiously.

"Sure," Hiccup turned back and continued looking out to sea, "Did Eydis and Ailsa get home?"

"Yeah," Astrid walked over, "Eydis' dad was overjoyed."


Astrid sat down next to him. She wanted to talk to him, but she wasn't sure on what to say. She could easily see that Bard and Agrippas little plan had effected him greatly, "You doing okay?"

"To be honest," Hiccup sighed, "Not really. I went through Hell once already so why did I have to go through it again?"

Astrid could only imagine what Hiccup had to go through while being with Agrippa,"Well, that's life."

"Life sucks."

"Life has always sucked," Astrid scooted closer, "If it took the easy way then you'd be bored out your mind!Hiccup, look at me." Hiccup faced her. "I know that you've been through a lot. And that having a normal life looks hard for you. But I want you know that I'm always going to be there to back you up. And...not just me! You've got the whole village to back you up! Both the human side and the dragon side! Everyone knows about your...condition and they're willing to help in anyway that they can." Astrid let out a small chuckle, "I know that your dad is on board. You should of seen him when he attacked Bards village. Fishlegs told me that he's never seen your dad so mad-and that's saying something!"

Hiccup smiled and chuckled, "Right. I do appreciate it. All of it. Astrid, when I was alone in that Pit everything that you've done really helped me stay sane."

Astrid lit up, delighted to hear that, "Well, then maybe you can convince my parents that I'm not spending to much time with you." Hiccup and Astrid laughed at the heart-filled joke. Astrids parents, of course, had apologized for the arranged marriage. They admitted that they too were tricked by the wealth that Snorre had shown off.

Hiccup looked at Astrid. He wasn't sure if it was the setting sun or something else, but he could feel his heart swell and his cheeks burn a small bit. Embarrassed, he looked away, "A-And you know Astrid. If anything is to be taken out of this, it's that I've learned that I really enjoy spending time with you-no matter what we're doing. And...that...I...uh...I-"

Suddenly a large, blazing form whipped by them, making Hiccup and Astrid jump on the spot. The form shot up into the sky, full body on fire. It was Snotlout and Hookfang.

"Hookfang!" Snotlout screamed.

"Oh for the love of Thor," Astrid sighed, "That's the third time this week."

Hiccup watched as Hookfang took his Rider out for a flaming joy ride. He guessed that Snotlout had, once again, feed Hookfang a fish that he hates. Hiccup looked back at Astrid, who was still watching Snotlout. Hiccup knew what he was going to say, but, the moment was gone. "I guess we should go help him," Hiccup stood up.

"Do we have to?" Astrid smiled.

Hiccup smiled down at her, "Yes we do." He called for Toothless and the dragon came without question. Hiccup jumped on then turned to Astrid, "That is...unless you can't keep up."

"Oh it's on!" Astrid jumped to her feet and climbed onto Stormy.

The two then took off to chase after Snotlout.

The End