A/N: Hey everybody! So this story was inspired by ImaHPfan and LoonyGleek, who wrote a review a long time ago for another one of my stories, As Time Goes By. But I figured that maybe I could put this together instead. So this one's for you two!

Disclaimer: I own none of HP or the characters, just the plot.


Blaise Zabini was Head Boy.

He was a smart student that was dedicated to his work, and respectful to his teachers. A hard working, competent young man, who could find himself a very high and respected position in the Ministry once he was done at Hogwarts if he wanted to. All of the teachers thought so.

All of the teachers were idiots.

When no one was looking, thinking he was the poster child and role model for all of the Slytherins to follow his example . . . when there weren't any proud or approving eyes watching him, thinking, 'now this is exactly how the rest of you Slytherins should behave' . . . Blaise shed the skin, and he was alive.

He transformed into a sly and deceitful person no one could trust. He was a bold and flirtatious playboy that fathers had nightmares about. He became the insolent and insidious problem kid that all teachers and authority figures wanted thrown out of school.

He was a treacherous, heartbreaking, hell raiser that abused his power.

And he loved every second of it.

He couldn't ever allow himself to get caught with the Head Girl if she had a teacher present, of course. That would've ruined all of his fun.

Hermione Granger: The Golden Girl, The Smartest Witch of Her Age. Of course she was Head Girl.

It hardly mattered. Without a teacher present, there wasn't very much she could do. It was her word against his, and he'd played his cards well throughout the years. Always being a good student, a fantastic role model, a great leader.

Sure, he didn't fight in the war. Sure, he wasn't a "Hero". But that was only because he wouldn't hurt a fly.

That was what the teachers thought anyway. And he didn't want that changed anytime soon.


Blaise rolled his eyes and turned, bored. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, actually." Hermione narrowed her eyes.

A devilish smirk crossed his lips. He stepped towards her, his hands by either side of her head. "Oh yeah? Finally realize how much you want me, Granger?" He asked softly, seductively.

"Please." She scoffed, pushing him away. "You gave detention to a third year for nothing, and took his chess board."

"Confiscated." He corrected. "So?"

She scowled. "So he didn't do anything wrong. Give it back."

Blaise's eyes flashed dangerously. "I don't think I will. He stole it. I was just taking it back for another student, right?" It wasn't a question. He didn't bother concealing the threat. Hermione clenched her jaw and he walked off.

"I'm not afraid of you." He heard her call.

He snickered. "Then you're not as smart as I thought."

Everyone should be afraid of him.
