More than a year had gone by. Anton had already taken his first steps and spoken his first word. Julie recalled the joy when he gave voice to "mama" for the first time; despite Gunnar's sour attitude that she was identified by their son first.

His first birthday was a party to remember. It was the first time in several years that the whole Stahl family was together under the same roof. It took a very long time, with several letters and phone calls, but it seemed Karl Stahl wanted to be a part of his grandson's life. Things were still tense between father and son, but they put it aside for the most part for little Anton's sake. Julie thought back to the night she finally convinced Gunnar to read the first letter his dad sent to him, they were unpacking some of their luggage and she found the enveloped tucked away in Anton's things. At first he insisted that it was something he didn't want, to read whatever message his father sent him. Eventually she wore him down, and he read it on the condition that she be right next to him. After all, she was more his family than his father had been since he was a young boy.

Karl's letter was very long, it spoke of regrets of the past and hopes for the future. He wanted to get to know his son again. Gunnar shook his head at the idea, telling Julie that if he really wanted to know him he had years of opportunities to visit, or to bring him to Sweden for a holiday. But the offer never came, he was shut completely out of his father's life when he made the decision as a young child to remain with his mom. The two talked for several weeks before he finally agreed to send a return letter and see what happens. Her final convincing argument was that people could change. He saw the reminder in her eyes of how they had changed since their own teenage years.

Gunnar's relationship with his father was still a little broken, in fact he didn't think things would ever be truly okay between them. But he wanted Anton to know his grandfather, at least a little bit.

"Are you okay sweetie?"

Gunnar raised his eyes and took in the image of his beautiful girlfriend with a satisfied smile, "We're going on a date."

Julie laughed at him and took a seat on his lap and wound her arms around his neck, "Is that right? And just where are we going?"

A smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth, "You'll find out."

"Fine, be all mysterious then. Do I need to call a babysitter?"

He shook his head no, "Already taken care of, in fact, she should be here soon."

With a confused frown Julie jumped a little when their doorbell rang. She sent him another confused look as he encouraged her to answer the door. She opened it and saw her grinning mother on the other side, her arms already outstretched to accept her hug. "Mom!?"

Sophie pulled her lovely daughter into her arms and squeezed her tight. She pulled back and looked at Julie as she held her by the shoulders, "You have a tan!"

Julie laughed and glanced back to her boyfriend with surprised eyes, "I can't believe you managed to keep this from me! No wonder you've been so distracted lately." It was one of the many things she'd learned about her Icelandic boyfriend, he was really terrible at keeping secrets from her. She hugged her mom again and let her into their home. They hadn't seen her since Anton's birthday party. "Oh, it's so good to see you! Anton's sleeping right now but I know he'll be excited to see his gram-gram."

Sophie couldn't keep the smile from her face as Gunnar took his turn to give his second mother-figure a hug and kiss on the cheek. The three took a seat on a white leather couch in the living room, "And how is my cute little grandson?"

"He's walking a lot lately," Gunnar shared, "and he doesn't cry when he falls on his bottom anymore."

Julie held his hand, "Did you get the pictures I sent in the mail?"

"I sure did," Sophie enthused and they continued to talk for another hour before the little man woke up from his nap. He was not a shy little boy at all and he took to his grandmother easily much to her pleasure.

When it came time to start preparing for dinner, Gunnar took Anton with him into another room while mother and daughter fell into their old routine. Julie and Sophie thoroughly enjoyed working together in the kitchen as they used to not so long ago. Everything was made from scratch and the meal turned out splendid as it usually did.

When the clock struck 6 PM, Gunnar and Sophie eyed each other conspiratorially. The time had come for his surprise. "Julie, I'll take Anton now. You need to get ready."

She eyed her mother closely, "Ready for what?"

Gunnar put an arm around her shoulder, "I told you we were going on a date."

"Oh," she bit her bottom lip in embarrassment as she'd honestly forgotten all about that when her mother was on the other side of their front door, "where are we going anyway?"

He smirked down at her and gave her temple a kiss, "You'll see."

With a brow raised at him she shook her head at his mischievousness and gave her son a few kisses to his cheeks before handing him over to his grandma. Gunnar excused himself and Sophie took Anton to play in his room. When Gunnar came back he had two suitcases with him. Apparently he had packed her suitcase for her as she was cooking dinner with her mom.

She tried asking him where in the world they were headed off to but he did a good job at ignoring her questions. At first she thought it was just a small road trip. That was before she realized they were heading towards the airport. Finally he shared that Sophie was going to watch Anton for an entire week while they went away for a vacation.

He checked in their bags, verified their flight tickets, and still managed to keep their destination from her. And when they went through security he finally had to let the secret out of the bag as the two had to confirm their destination…Buffalo, New York!

The waited at the terminal holding hands for nearly half an hour before their flight was called to board. After securing themselves he brought her in for a long drawn-out kiss, "Are you surprised?"

"Of course! You and my mother like to scheme against me, don't you?"

He chuckled and put an arm around her shoulders as they continued to wait for the flight to take off, "Now I have to find someone else to conspire with."

The flight took a few hours as they were headed towards the east coast. They retrieved their luggage and her eyes widened as she realized exactly where they were going to stay for the night. "You booked us at the same hotel as before, didn't you?"

In answer he kissed the back of her hand and pulled the car up to the valet service. They went inside and checked in, at first she was a little confused as to why they had two rooms, then she realized the truth of it, they were the same two rooms they stayed in two years ago.

Her mind continued to soar as he led her by the hand up to the rooms, using the key card to go into the room that she stayed in even though it had actually been his. Gunnar was recreating the night they first saw each other after a 5 year absence. He watched as she walked into the room ahead of him, enjoying as she looked around with a fond smile of remembrance on her lips.

He dropped their bags, "You're in my room."

With brilliant eyes she turned to face him and playfully put a hand to her hip, "Actually you're in my room."

Gunnar took a few steps towards her, "Then I guess we're sharing."

Laughter bubbled out of her as she played along, "Nice try, I don't think that's such a great idea."

He brought his face within inches of her own, grabbing her by the waist and stepping in close to her body, "Now that is a damn shame."

Julie moaned at the hot touch of his mouth on hers. Every touch, every kiss, every moment with him was like a dream. He pulled back and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Are you okay?"

She nodded and caught her breath after such an intense kiss, "I feel like dancing, don't you?"

With a grin he nodded in agreement, "You better go knock on my door again, Julie."

He truly was recreating that night they started this journey of falling in love. She left him alone in the room, remembering they had connecting doors. Out in the hall by herself she closed her eyes and felt as though she was floating as she made her way to the door she knocked on so long ago. Knowing she would find him on the other side, all sexy and ready for her, just as he had been two years ago.

With shaky hands she knocked twice on the door, and just like before it didn't take him long to open up for her. Already she could hear the radio playing soft jazz music as he let her in.

Rose petals were everywhere, along with a huge bouquet of long-stemmed red roses sitting on a nightstand beside the bed. Her heart skipped a beat, she felt so lucky to be in love with a man who was so romantic with her. Her eyes met his and already he was holding out a hand to bring her in for a dance.

He swayed them gently across the floor of the room and Julie lay her head on his chest, "Gunnar, I love you so much."

Gunnar tipped her head up with his hand on her chin, gazing into her eyes with all the passion and love he felt for her, "I love you to," he kissed her softly and then went down to one knee, "Julie."

She gasped and brought her hands to her lips in surprise. "Oh my," Julie breathed out slowly and tried to focus on his eyes. Tears were already starting to gather in her own, "Gunnar…"

"I love you," he pulled both of her hands down to hold in his own, "I need you, I want you. I can't imagine my life without you. Do you like making me happy?"

"Yes," she whispered and tried her best not to cry, "I love to make you happy, because you always make me so happy."

"Then marry me," he smiled and pulled a blue box from his pocket and opened it for her, "do you remember the night we agreed Anton would take my last name? I never told you, but even then I wanted you to be Julie Stahl."

"Oh Gunnar," she smiled with tears in her blue eyes, "yes of course I'll marry you!"

And they spent the rest of the evening just as they had so long ago, falling in love with each other all over again.

The end.