It's been 19 years since Hermione Granger fought in the Battle of Hogwarts and Ron professed his love for her. Since then her and Ron got married and now have two beautiful children, Rose and Hugo. But it was not happily ever after for them, they are now divorced and Ron barely see his children anymore, always making plans to see them, and then cancelling last minute.

Hermione is now a Healer/assistant at one of the top offices in London. Since leaving Hogwarts she went onto do a 3 year Medical course at the University of London, of course graduating top of her class. But even though she is able to work in the muggle world she still has a foot in the wizarding world as well. She helped create an office that offers healing services to both muggle and wizards.

It is early in the afternoon and the office is quite not many patients there that day, but Hermione is there going through an order they just got in, making sure everything is what she had ordered. "What are these?" she asked the delivery man, holding up a clear bag with brown liquid in it.

The delivery man turns around and looks at what she is talking about. He thinks for a second, trying to find the right words (his is still learning to speak English) "...Booby bags, that woman stick in their flatties to make them big." As he tells her this he does the movements with his hands to help get his point across.

Now you might be wondering why Hermione would be ordering "booby bags". Well she works in a plastic surgery office. Now you might think that Hermione would never work in an office like that, but think about it. She knows what it is like to have parts of her self that she doesn't like and she had that part changed (remember she had buck teeth). So she went into this field to help people make them feel better about themselves.

"Yes. But these aren't the 'booby bags' I ordered. You see these..." holds up the implant in front of her " ... feel nothing like these." she indicates to her own breast. The delivery man feels the implant then goes to feel Hermione's breast. She pushes his hand away "Seriously?"

The delivery man backs away looking apologetic "I just trying to learn." he tells her.

"Listen, Dr. Malfoy would never accept sub par 'booby bags'. Take them back. Get me what we ordered and tell Omar I want a discount for the inconvenience." She tells him putting the implant back in the book and handing it back to him.

And yes Hermione is now working for the Draco Malfoy. Since the war they have put there differences aside. She has seen what he has been through, all the pain and disloyalty, and they have actually become very good friends. He has helped her through her divorce with Ron, which is not an easy situation.

"Yes ma'am." The delivery man says packing up the box and leaving the office.

She goes around the corner to where the files are getting the ones out that she needs for the afternoon. "Good afternoon, Hermione." Draco says as he comes up behind her, smiling.

"Good afternoon, Draco. How did your surgeries go this morning?" she smiles back at him.

"I took enough fat out of Mrs. Larson's legs to make another Mr. Larson." he tells he chuckling a bit. "Is my 4 o'clock here?"

"Yes, room 1. Kristen Brant. Don't laugh" She says, handing him the file he needs for this patient, following him into the room. In the room is a dark haired short women with some pretty funny eyebrows. One is normal, while the other one is about in the middle of her forehead, giving her a permanently quizzical look.

Draco looks at her trying not to laugh while she tells him, "I've had some bad plastic surgery. I should have known this doctor was a quack: his office was in a kind of warehouse."

"I see." Draco says writing this down in her file, he looks up "Question?"

"Oh no, just please help me doctor."

"Well, certainly, it is harder to fix these things than to do them right the first time around but..." He goes over to stand in front of her, looking at both eyebrows. "What, you seem dubious?" In behind Draco Hermione is trying not to laugh somewhat hiding behind her clipboard.

"What? No, not at all. I hear your the best Dr. Malfoy." Kristen tells him.

Draco smiles at her "Well i don't know about that, but I think I can do something to help you." He reaches up putting a hand on her check telling her to relax. She does but the eyebrow doesn't come down at all. He pulls lightly with his thumb the corner of her eyebrow, it comes down easily enough, but when he lets it go it springs right back up to where it was. Hermione can't help but let a giggle out in the background, looking away so as not to offend the client.

She turns to look at both the client and Draco. "I'm sorry." She tells Kirsten.

"Sorry about what?" Kirsten does the "Raise and eyebrow" and it goes almost all the way up into her hairline.

"Oh my gosh! That's just really up there." Both Hermione and Draco are now laughing a bit.

"Ya, that was high, that was high. You got to watch that or that sucker's likely to fly right off your head." He tells her amused.

Kristen laughs, breaking the tension in the room. "I don't know, maybe i should keep it like that. It seems to make other people happy." She laughs a bit, shrugging her shoulders and smiling.

"Oh no. But seriously are you available for my kids birthday party?" She jokes, making both Kristen and Draco laugh.

"That's too much" Draco tells Hermione, he turns back to Kristen "Let me give you a hug. That's what you need first. We'll fix this." He leans in and gives her a hug. Kristen looks over Draco's shoulder looking at Hermione and wiggles her eyebrows, indicating that she thinks Draco is hot. Hermione see this and can't look at Kristen's eyebrows or she will start laughing again.

They all walk out into the waiting room, and give Kristen another appointment to fix her eyebrow, they tell her to come back tomorrow. She is a witch so a little bit of magic and a few small cuts and she will be back to normal. Just as Kristen is about to walk out Blaise comes in and sees Kristen. "Whoa, eyebrows gone wild, loving it. We should hang out sometime." He tells her.

She laughs a little and responds " Thanks, but i'm kind of seeing anybody else."

"Oh browouch. Look i don't know who your seeing, but i bet that they aren't carrying around the kind of lethal package i'm packing... down there you know what i mean" He laughs a bit smirking at her.

Draco turns and looks at her " It's true, it's a good one I should know, I'm the one that permanently enlarged it for him."

"Oh you had a penile enlargement?" she asks Blaise laughing . "That's hilarious, hahahaha. See you tomorrow Dr. Malfoy." She leaves the office laughing her head off.

Blaise looks back at Draco "Why do you have to tell everybody about my surgery?" gesturing to Hermione "I'm trying to keep that on the down-low."

"You don't think Hermione knows about his. She was in the room when I did the spell. She held the magnify glass."

Hermione looks at them joining in on making fun of Blaise a bit. "Ya and the tweezers to keep it still."

Draco turns back to Blaise asking him "Have you had a chance to try it out yet?"

"Hell yeah, lots of times, its got a couple of dents" He tells them with a smile on his face. Draco and Hermione just look at him, not really believing him. "Well not from another human but from this doll i made." He looks down slightly ashamed "Anyways you ready to go to that party."

"Ya just let me get changed." Draco answers turning to Hermione "You ok to lock up?"

"Ya go ahead, you guys have fun, and don't forget you have a 9 o'clock appointment."

Draco laughs walking around the desk, "Yes mom." He leans over and gives her a friendly kiss on the forehead before heading office to his office with Blaise behind him and apparating away.