Wookie Life Day:

Chapter 1

The Millennium Falcon hurtled through hyperspace towards Kashyyyk; it was the first time Rey had left the island world of Ach-To since her training began. Chewie was pilot while Rey co-piloted. Master Luke was with them, brooding with R2 in the living quarters of the YT freighter. It was the first time he had set foot on the Falcon without Han.

Despite this, Rey was excited, tomorrow she would celebrate Life Day for the first time and officially join Chewbacca's honor family. Maz was right: the belonging she sought was ahead of her.

Chewie yodeled their approach and they dropped out of hyperspace. Rey ogled at the rich biodiversity of Kashyyyk. Soon the Falcon was slipping through the atmosphere and skimming the trees towards a clearing. Their descent was gentle and Chewbacca touched the Falcon down with a feather-light landing.

A large party was waiting for them at the edge of the forest. Rey bounced across the meadow, crying, "Finn! Finn!" as she saw her friend standing there with the assistance of a cane next to Poe Dameron. Rey gently hugged Finn and he grasped her tightly with his free hand.

"Rey, this is Poe Dameron," Finn gestured to Poe after the embrace. Poe took Rey's outstretched and kissed her knuckles, "Enchanted to finally meet you, Rey." "Poe!" Finn admonished. Rey was blushing, having expected a handshake.

Chewbacca greeted General Organa in a massive hug and C-3PO engaged R2 in conversation as BB-8 orbited around the both of them, chirping madly. Luke spoke softly to the group of Wookies in the greeting party.

Chewie turned to introduce Rey to his Wookie family: his wife, Mallatobuck, and his son, Lumpy. Malla was composed and elegant, while Lumpy was an enthusiastic youth who pumped Rey's hand in his own vigorously.

In the background, Rey could feel the tension of Leia and Luke meeting for the first time in years. The pressure melted with the twins embracing and exchanging softly spoken words. Rey relaxed and let herself be taken up in the wonder of the magnificent treehouses they were heading towards. She had never seen anything like them – some of them were on trees taller than the ruined Star Destroyers on Jakku!

There was a lot of stair climbing, but Rey was used to it, and with each step she could smell the roasting Bantha rump growing richer. Her mouth watered at the prospect of real meat and other delicacies at the feast.

Lt. Mitaka of the First Order Navy had little to fear as he approached Lord Ren for he was bringing good news, "Reports just in, Sir. The Millennium Falcon has been spotted in the Mytaranor sector of the mid rim."

"I requested for General Hux to deliver reports on the Millennium Falcon," Kylo Ren said without turning to look. For fuck's sake, Dopheld thought, why is nothing easy with this man? I have a damn bantha rump soaking in brine and if it is not placed in the oven soon to roast at a slow temperature overnight then this year's Life Day Feast will be ruined, utterly ruined.

"General Hux sends his apologies, Sir," Mitaka uttered with forced calm, "but he is currently…indisposed."

"And by indisposed I suppose you mean unwashed, unshaven, undressed, and spooning a bottle of Corellian Brandy in his bunk?" Kylo thought, Well, who would have thought that between the two of us on the Finalizer I would be the one with my life together?

Lt. Mitaka blinked.

"Give it here," Kylo barked. Mitaka thrust the flimsies at him and was dismissed with a wave of a gloved hand. Saluting smartly, Dopheld fled and the fabric of his jodhpurs made swishing sounds with the speed of his departure.

Kylo Ren eyed the reports, thinking of only one reason for the Millennium Falcon to be in the Mytaranor sector: Life Day on Kashyyyk. He crushed the flimsies in his hands and they caught fire, burning to nothing but ashes in his fist.